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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Software Dev wanting a side project

    Software Dev wanting a side project

    Software Dev wanting a side project

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Hi there, sorry if this is a vague question.

    I am a software developer with about 5 years experience and an avid gamer. I've been looking for a project to do in my spare time and thought playing around with some game Dev would nicely mix my job and hobby.

    My question is this, I am a backend Java developer so I don't really know where to start, I know game Dev can be done in Java but it is not ideal. Should I try and use an engine to make something (I'm thinking a 2d pixel game after some initial practice) or are there some libraries I can use to do it in Java, as while I'm not opposed to learning something new, Java is what I know.

    Any suggestions on engines for other languages or libraries I could use for java would be greatly appreciated.

    If any further information is required then please ask.

    Thanks in advance for any help :)

    submitted by /u/xKenkz
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    Create a Complete Main Menu in less than 10Min to use in small projects or in Game Jams. The project is available on my GitHub all you have to do is just import it.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:26 AM PST

    Tweetheart - Pickup fruits feature!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Create quick 3d face model for game

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:11 AM PST

    Anyone else doing the one-game-a-month challenge?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Just released FeedbackBot, a user feedback collection bot for Discord

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Just released FeedbackBot, a user feedback collection bot for Discord

    Hi there! I'm the maker of SpireBot, the user feedback collection bot in the Slay The Spire Discord. Recently I decided to make a public version of the bot for any game developer to use for their game.

    You can get it here: https://public-feedbackbot.herokuapp.com/

    If you don't know SpireBot, it's a bot that lets users quickly file bugs, suggestions and other feedback, and keeps them separate from the normal Discord chat so you can look at them later. I have trouble explaining exactly what it is, but it makes sense when you see it in action:

    Tracks specific keywords

    You can customize the keywords and this help message for your server.

    Tracks feedback when users use those keywords

    You can also customize this message.

    Copies messages to private channels so you can look at them later

    You can combine different keywords into single channels, or keep them separate.

    Copied messages include all the info and a link to the original

    This channel ONLY has the feedback, not all the Discord conversation.

    Bonus: Look up content from your game!

    You can upload data from your game and users can look it up right inside Discord.

    It's still in Beta, so let me know if you run into any problems or get confused. The best place to contact me is on the FeedbackBot Development Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/788XscP

    submitted by /u/sts-ilikeshiny
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    3D game, only 2D experience!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:44 AM PST

    So like the title says I've done some programming with 2D games to build up my skills, mostly in Java. Now I want to tackle the world of 3D by using c++ and making my own engine. I'm pretty good at math and I'm a quick learner. What's the best way to learn graphics and 3D rendering as well as some game related things like collisions. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/delgoodie
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    3DBuzz Closing Doors, All Content Released for Free

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Legal contacts (public info) of 3rd-party resellers (Sometimes called "Gray Keys")

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:30 AM PST


    File >> Make a copy >> Edit your own info in. This took a ton of effort to find all of this, so hopefully you guys can make use of it. Comment mode is enabled, if you wanna add new sites and info.

    PS - I recommend everyone here that has $300 budget to Google how to register your trademark in Hong Kong: Nearly everyone seems to hide there since their copyright laws only go into affect if you are registered there (vs America where you don't need to register): Gives you a much stronger case to demand takedowns. But not NECESSARY.

    Regardless, you should still try to contact them and have it removed. If they sell to someone in your country, they're still bound by those laws, in addition (I'm NOT a lawyer, but from what I can tell).

    All of this info was available publicly found via Google or their own terms of service.

    submitted by /u/xblade724
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    My first game on Itch.io, Dark fantasy dungeon crawler !

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:00 AM PST

    How would I go about managing transparency with deferred rendering and Pixel Sprites in OpenGL

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    I asked the developer of Eastward, who managed to use deferred rendering inside of a 2d pixelart game, how did he achieve it. He said that Pixel sprites are "Solid", therefore deferred shading is doable with transparent pixel sprite.

    How would I go about doing that? What does the fact that pixel sprites are "solid" change?

    I am only interested in 0.0 alpha, not using anything in-between 0 and 1.

    I am currently using OpenGL and want to find a pathway to continue development.

    submitted by /u/dovker
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    Question about using projects found online for portfolio

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:39 AM PST

    Hi. This may be a weird question but I just wanted to ask do employers care about having projects found online in your portfolio? I have a couple games that I have done with the help of tutorials but I'm not entirely sure if an employer would find that to be okay.

    submitted by /u/BlazeInfernos30
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    Scripting System Implementation

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Hey all! So I had a quick question in relation to scripting system implementations. The way I see it there are usually two forms. The first is the way unreal/Godot/unity handle scripting in which any object that derives from an "Object" class can have their functions and etc implemented in a scripting system, and the way Lumberyard/Overwatch does it in which each entity has an optional "ScriptComponent" so all scripting is done on a per entity basis only. It seems that the first approach is a key staple in legacy engines while the latter is being used more and more in engines that go with an entity-component or entity-component-system architecture. I kind of wanted to know what people tend to prefer and the pros and cons of each approach. Thank You!

    submitted by /u/democharge530
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    This is my new ping pong (still under development) I would highly appreciate any suggestions or comments

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:12 AM PST

    Fresh Graduate in Scotland looking for advice.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Hi all!

    I'm a fresh grad (as the title explains) looking for advice on learning and pushing myself. How is it that you all learn more about your personal area? I personally program and 3D model but finding ways to learn feels like plagiarism. E.g. using tutorials. So I was looking for others ways to try and learn or push myself, as well as step into the industry fully.

    Any advice is more than welcome and appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Vapa_Fishman
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    Need help - Board/Card Game Making Software for newbies?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:05 AM PST

    Hello there

    I'm not a developer, but have been messing around with board and card game design for several years now. I have an idea that I think would work wonderfully as a mobile game, and would like to explore that some more.

    I have used Tabletop Simulator in the past to test prototypes and see what other people think, but I was wondering if there was something else? My idea is basically a rectangular grid with monster cards coming from one side and the players fielding units on the opposite end while casting spells to see if they can survive the onslaught. Any relevant software for complete amateurs like me that would allow me to mess around with some of those concepts?

    Any help is appreciated, even if it's directions for a more appropriate subreddit. I'm a fish out of water.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Keeper-of-Balance
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    Starting a project from scratch

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:02 AM PST

    One thing I have never gotten used to is the anxiety that I feel before trying to start a new coding project from scratch.

    I'll spend all my time writing up the mechanics and the story or the art direction, just to avoid actually starting the code. It's not because I don't know how to code. I have no trouble continuing on a project that has already started. Just give me a task and I'll work through it, but there's something about starting from scratch that is cripplingly terrifying.

    I think it has to do with the vast number of ways you could organize such a project, and the large number of base pieces of code that need to be written before you can even get something showing to the screen. There are just so many decisions that have to be made about how the game is going to be built. I just don't feel like I have the knowledge to be able to make those decisions well. It feels like if I accidentally go down the wrong path I'll end up with tons of issues down the line that I can't possibly foresee.

    I know that a lot of this could get easier with experience, but getting that experience is difficult when I have such an aversion to it in the first place. Does anyone have any process they like to use when starting a game project from scratch?

    submitted by /u/Rakatango
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    Which kinds of 2D mini games should one develop in order to learn gamedev?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I am currently working with Unity. Have done a classical side scroller shooter so far and now I am doing a kind of cookie clicker to learn more sbout UI design and backend. Also developing a top down simulator where you can collect, eat and get eaten. kind of games would you recommend me to program in order to learn more stuff? Preferably small games (for feelings of success) and 2D..

    submitted by /u/Indawood_
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    How can I attack system for my mobile game?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:40 AM PST

    Hi, my name is Jairo and I'm studying video game design and I'm having trouble making enemies move in a grid when they see the character. can you please help me with the code? Thanks in advance.

    this is the enemy code :

    using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Enemy : MonoBehaviour { private Animator myAnim; private Transform target; [SerializeField] private float speed; [SerializeField] private float maxRange; [SerializeField] private float minRange; void Start() { myAnim = GetComponent<Animator>(); target = FindObjectOfType<Movement>().transform; } void Update() { if (Vector3.Distance(target.position, transform.position) <= maxRange && Vector3.Distance(target.position, transform.position) >= minRange) { FollowPlayer(); } } public void FollowPlayer() { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, target.transform.position, speed * Time.deltaTime); } } 

    Another problem I have is that my character does not attack when I press the mobile game button, how do I fix it?

    using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput; public enum Direction { up, down, right, left } public class Movement : MonoBehaviour { Animator anim; Vector2 targetPosition; Direction direction; public float speed = 5f; public LayerMask obstacle; private void Start() { anim = GetComponent<Animator>(); targetPosition = transform.position; direction = Direction.down; } void Update() { Vector2 axisDirection = new Vector2(CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal"), CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical")); anim.SetInteger("Direccion", (int)direction); if (axisDirection != Vector2.zero && targetPosition == (Vector2)transform.position) { if (Mathf.Abs(axisDirection.x) > Mathf.Abs(axisDirection.y)) { if (axisDirection.x > 0) { direction = Direction.right; if (!CheckCollision) targetPosition += Vector2.right; } else { direction = Direction.left; if (!CheckCollision) targetPosition -= Vector2.right; } } else { if (axisDirection.y > 0) { direction = Direction.up; if (!CheckCollision) targetPosition += Vector2.up; } else { direction = Direction.down; if (!CheckCollision) targetPosition -= Vector2.up; } } } transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, speed * Time.deltaTime); } bool CheckCollision { get { bool col = true; RaycastHit2D rh; Vector2 dir = Vector2.zero; if (direction == Direction.down) dir = Vector2.down; if (direction == Direction.up) dir = Vector2.up; if (direction == Direction.left) dir = Vector2.left; 

    if (direction == Direction.right)

     dir = Vector2.right; rh = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, dir, 1, obstacle); return rh.collider != null; return col; } } public void attack() { if(Input.GetButtonDown("Attack")) { speed = 0f; anim.SetBool("isAttacking", true); } else { anim.SetBool("isAttacking", false); } } } 
    submitted by /u/jairogv98
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    Unity 2D Arkanoid scripting problem on noobtuts.com

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Hello everyone.

    I have a question on why my script programming is not working following this tutorial I found online.

    I follow the script just the way they show on they do not work. I have been using visual studio for some reason but I want to use notepad. It seem like I use note pad and everything is fine but soon as the script associates with visual studio is has not been working.

    What am I doing wrong and how could I use notepad again?

    submitted by /u/mikebartley98
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    How to approach playtesting for story based games?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:58 AM PST

    Where do you find playtesters?

    Surely just putting the game online for strangers to play would lead to spoilers and ruin the game?

    Should I get my friends to play it even if they aren't my target audience?

    Publish a demo?

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't find any posts for playtesting games with low replay value.

    submitted by /u/pickxel2
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    Mystery of the “unknown Japanese developer M2 shmup solved by a fellow redditor

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST

    What do you guys think about a game based on r/Outside?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Hello! I was thinking of developing a game based on the IRL MMORPG, "Outside". I plan on making it a 3rd-person MMORPG where the player selects a genera and discovers its niches as they play. From there, they can pick any other genera to play if they have finished the initial genera, or if they want to try something else.
    I'm just having trouble finding other individuals who would be interested in this. Besides that, I am very passionate about it and think it would be amazing. What do you guys think?

    P.S. My username is Mr_Cakey#4942 on Discord.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Cakey
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    I've made a character body but feeling confused what to do next

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:19 AM PST

    I'm making a FPP video game and I've made a high poly mesh and did retopologizing , well it seems very high poly too (51k vertices), it doesn't matter for now, now the character is still without clothes on and I want to make him clothes, I don't know how to start with it, should I make a whole new meshes ? Or duplicate some of its body? I don't want to mess up things so I don't suffer when rigging, what is the best strategy ? One last thing, since alot of the naked body won't be visible for anyone in the game , should I delete those parts for performance? And if so when it's the best time to do so , P.S: I'm using Blender 2.8

    submitted by /u/-41ic3
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