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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    Natural Language Processing for Web Developers web developers

    Natural Language Processing for Web Developers web developers

    Natural Language Processing for Web Developers

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Would you expect the lead developer to be the *best* developer?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:37 AM PST

    My senior dev and head of department has unfortunately decided to part ways and work somewhere else. In doing so, my boss has given me the opportunity to head up the department as lead dev, currently a team of two (not including the senior that's leaving) with the aim to gain another two developers within a few months.

    So yeah, lead dev, fuck yeah, I'm down for this, I'm ready! I love to help other people, I've been eager for extra responsibilities for a while now.

    But I also doubt myself, doubt my abilities to do my own work whilst simultaneously getting involved in office politics. I doubt many of my skills, likely through a touch of impostor syndrome. Honestly, my JS skills are wank, yet other language knowledge are excellent and allow me to do my job fantastically.

    But as lead, should my skills excel all others in the team? Should I be the best so that when/if others come to me for help, I can efficiently do so? Do developers look down on their leads if they're better than them?

    Edit: Sorry, to clarify. I don't mean I'm in any way a bad developer, I'm actually pretty decent, in my specific field. It's just other areas I'm not so great, JS, React etc.

    submitted by /u/ConduciveMammal
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    What I learned as a developer from Soviet accidents in Space

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Ionic React

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Those who have used Ionic React, since Ionic rolled out their React support, what has been your experience so far?

    I'm even more interested in those that have used both React Native and Ionic React, as I've only used React Native in the past. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RedditCultureBlows
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    Are there any decent podcast that really dive deep into the technical side of things?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Hey all! I'm looking for some podcast or series that really do a deep dive into the technical process of creating an app or website.

    submitted by /u/Math-Code-Love
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    Horrible experience with IONOS and domains

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:36 AM PST


    if any of you happen to consider using IONOS by 1&1 (I guess it is mostly used in Europe) please read about my experience.

    As a side income I manage small websites for clients (bakery next door kind of stuff) and had two goals: transfer a domain to the a new registrar and purchase a second one there. In the past I used Namecheap but this was a TLD that is appearently not supported by them.

    So then I turned to IONOS, for those of you who don't know, their parent company 1&1 in a European ISP with a pretty bad reputation regarding support and spam calls trying to sell you something.
    Anyway, I decided to go with them and ordered the two domains with them and entered my transfer code.

    Then, nothing. I didn't hear from them for 3 days, the contract showed as "Locked". So I decided to call them. After some discussion and questions, I found out they rejected my two contracts because I was using a ProtonMail address. The real issue for me here is that they didn't tell me but I had to call to get that information.

    I had to reorder on the phone, give them a different mail address and had to pay again, I have not yet received the money back from the first try on my card.

    But it wasn't over. The contracts started to show now but the system said the authorization code for the transfer is wrong. I tried it again, even generating a new one (which I had to wait 24 hours for) but they still rejected it. Support pretty much only had to say "code doesn't work generate a new one" and multiple times I felt like their "domain expert" was lacking basic knowledge about domains.

    A second issue I had was with the new domain. For some reason, features like DNSSEC are not included with IONOS but require an extra contract called "Domain Guard". This includes being unable to make any changes to the domain while it is active.

    So after setting it up I wanted to deactivate Domain Guard to change the DNS records but the verification mail included a broken link. Support did not believe me at first and just told me to click the link. Now they said they will fix it and contact me, I have yet to hear back from them.

    At this point I was fucking done with this and tried to initiate the transfer at a different registrar called Gandi. I couldn't believe it but they completed the transfer without issues in less than 3 minutes using the same authorization code IONOS told me was definitely incorrect and 2FA and DNSSEC are included with the domain.

    submitted by /u/madalgorithm
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    Blurry Website - Mainly Font

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    Blurry Website - Mainly Font


    I am currently in the process of creating a basic HTML website. I have attached a picture for you to see, do you notice that it's all just really blurry? Mainly the font, but the pictures seem to sometimes be affected as well, are just blurred and I have no idea why. As you zoom in the quality increases and it looks perfect at larger scales as soon as I zoom out to 100% it all becomes slightly blurred. I have tested various fonts and when I change them they still blur so I'm positive it's not the font.

    Any ideas what this could be?

    Help would really be appreciated!


    submitted by /u/ldthompson
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    Simplest approach to using Let’s Encrypt certificates on Namecheap shared hosting with automatic updates

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    I feel like it's taking me too long to solve a problem and it makes me question my skills

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:30 PM PST

    I've been in the field for almost a year now and it still takes me around a day to come up with 50 lines of code which come as a product of 400 deleted ones and a some level of stress. My colleagues seem much more efficient and it makes me question my ability to work in the field. What can I do to improve myself and deliver solutions faster?

    submitted by /u/janKhut
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    The CSS Cascade - Or, How browsers resolve competing CSS styles

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:35 AM PST

    PHP in 2020

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:27 AM PST

    Freelancers/consultants, what is your first-client-meeting checklist?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:48 PM PST

    Cross-posted from HN, if that's alright.

    Aside from red tape (negotiating a rate, legal forms, etc.), what things do you make sure to ensure to make sure project planning goes smoothly and requirements have been clearly expressed/understood? How clear a schedule do you commit yourself to by the end of the first meeting? How far out is your first deliverable / follow-up meeting?

    And so on.

    submitted by /u/ryanlue
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    New to sub. Unsure how much to charge?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Hey y'all, I'm new to the sub and I'm unsure if this is within the rules (yes I read them) but I am wondering if someone can answer how much I can charge for my web dev work. I basically set up this persons gsuite and am helping them implement it within their system (this includes setting up the emails, ensuring all the stuff they want is set up, creating tutorials, contacting people) However, upon searching online (I just searched up web consulting), it seems like the price is around $30 per hour.

    If anyone has experience with stuff like this could you please tell me how much I should theoretically charge per hour?

    submitted by /u/kush2610
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    Building a website with a members area?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:51 PM PST

    So I am pretty good with the basics of building a website and now I have a new project. Its basically this.

    I need a website or online database with a members area. I need for members to be able to login and see their basic account information such as address, membership status etc but I only want them to be able to change a few fields. I also want them to be able to request tickets for events, make reservations etc. What would be the easiest route since it doesnt have to be fancy (about 500 members)? I am assuming a CMS, AWS, Powerapps (though this looked like it gets pricey). I understand databases and how they worked but I have only worked with Access and never SQL. WYSIWYG would be best on that front

    submitted by /u/MartyVanB
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    Which technologies to use?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Hi everyone, as part of my Algorithms course I'm supposed to create a project to display what I've learned. I'm thinking about a web presentation in which I'll vizualize various algorithms and compare their efficiency. Which technologies do you reckon I should use? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thalalay
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    Competitive programming website... some advices

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:39 PM PST

    So I want to make a competitive programming website, something like CodeForces, but not the same and not for the whole world.

    I want to make site that you have exercises on and can submit your code. Let's keep it just C/C++ (but assume that Java and Python3 could be added later).

    Exercises could be added dynamically and deleted. You could also make private parties and compete with other people you invited.

    So, any good advice for this ? What should I use for backend ? Spring, Django, Node? I am completely new to webdev so any help is appreciated! :D

    submitted by /u/ZenWoR
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    Workflow states

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:19 PM PST

    We're using Clubhouse where I work to manage projects, and it's been my favourite project management tool so far, but we're still trying to find the best workflow internally. To not have too many story states, or have not enough.

    For example, one state is `In progress` and the next state is `QA`, feels like something is missing in between. We have design, dev, and QA all in the same workflow.

    Anyone have a flow they find is a good balance?

    submitted by /u/Sparkle_Sea
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    In general, should compute or storage be treated as more expensive?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I always have trouble deciding whether to save some value into storage, or just re-calculate it when needed. For example, if a Purchase has values for Price, Tax, and Total, and Total = Price * Tax. If a Purchase's Total is hardly ever asked, then I assume it would usually be a better use of resources to re-calculate it when needed. If the Total is frequently asked, then I assume it would be better to save it into the db. But what if it's asked about half the time a Purchase is retrieved? Or a third of the time? Is there a general trend of compute or storage being more expensive relative to the other? Or is it entirely dependent on your specific hosting strategy?

    submitted by /u/thisisseriousdammit
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    The Best Way to build reactive sub-forms with Angular

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:13 AM PST

    Suggestions on a form solution?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:11 PM PST

    I am currently building out a project using Prismic, React, and Gatsby to create a somewhat simple website for a client. The client has ~10 forms that they need to be moved to a new solution because they are currently built into their Wordpress site.

    Details: 1. They do not want a full-blown CRM 2. They do need some simple logic within the form (show hide fields based off answers) 3. Some forms will need to be submitted to an email and some will need to be recorded in a .csv or similar way for later viewing

    Have you guys worked with any forms solutions that you have enjoyed that would fill those needs?

    submitted by /u/jman0742
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    Are there parts of the USA that need junior devs or is everything as bad as NYC?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Hello All,

    I am in the NYC area and noticed it's pretty rough at the junior level. Are there areas of the country that are in need of full stack devs at entry-level? If so, how open are these companies to out-of-state hires?

    I suppose the real question is are there parts of the country that aren't as fierce at the junior level relative to NYC? If so, would be a better to apply to out-of-state versus NYC ones?

    Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/Sorry_about_that_doo
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    How to design notifications in a Web app?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:57 AM PST

    I'm primarily a backend developer who, along with a friend, started working on a project on our own.

    Now, I'm at the point of handling notifications in portal. For this, I'm using push notifications from backend framework.

    Thr question is how to design notifications well at the front end? What are the list of things to do? How to distinguish between read and not read messages?

    What I want to do in Web app: 1. Receive push notifications 2. Display a number next to bell icon for unread messages. 3. When the user clicks on the bell icon display some notifications. 3. To have a way for distinguishing unread and read messages. 4. A dismiss all button at the end.

    All the above requirements are out of my understanding for now. All articles I've seen show very high level, not how-to-do for the most part. I guess this knowledge comes with experience.

    Edit: I have a Web socket implemented at backend using which clients to can clients can receive notifications data.

    submitted by /u/hitherto_insignia
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    Efficiency of SVG vs Canvas?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:54 AM PST

    So I want to build a function that generates a large amount of dots patterned in a certain way but as the lines go on the dots become smaller. Think Halftone! I'm kind of on the right track in generating this with my own logic from scratch but I'm at the crossroad of what is most efficient? With a possible large array of these would SVG have better load times, or would canvas be the way to go? Once SVG object are generated and css sheet has been made it would be more scalable without needing to be generated on each load I suppose, vs my current setup that uses JavaScript to generate ctx canvas circles. Any ideas? I want to avoid if at all possible using others work as reference for my code. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/BroddoBaggins
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    Vuetify vs. Quasar for Electron Development

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    While I am familiar with the drawbacks of using electron for a Desktop app, and well-aware of the general public opinion towards them on this sub, I am required to do so for my professional engagement. The app to be developed will feature no online functionality, and will run on the client's local machine. Thus I am not looking to develop an accompanying website or mobile app, but simply a VueJS electron app. My question pertains to the trade-offs that come with using Quasar vs Vuetify as a UI framework for this app.

    While their UI guidelines are both based on Material Design, and will thus produce aesthetically similar results, there are some notable differences between the two: Vuetify is the more of a component library and has ready-made templates that will reduce development time. Quasar on the other hand does not have many pre-built templates (though a vast number of components), and is more akin to an opinionated framework, with specific documentation and configuration options for Electron. However, as the USP of Quasar is to build Desktop, Mobile and Web-apps all from the same code-base, such luxury comes with heightened complexities which add little to no value for my personal requirements and could potentially complicate issues in the long run.

    Does anyone have experience using either of these frameworks for building an electron app? If so, could you weigh in on whether the Quasar configuration and optimizations for electron will be able to offset the potentially quicker development time and reduced complexity that I would benefit from with Vuetify? Moreover, are there are specific pitfalls with either frameworks that become more pertinent in the long run but are not obvious at the beginning of a project?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/SteveFrenchThePuma
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