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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread web developers

    Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread web developers

    Monthly Getting Started / Web Dev Career Thread

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Due to a growing influx of questions on this topic, it has been decided to commit a monthly thread dedicated to this topic to reduce the number of repeat posts on this topic. These types of posts will no longer be allowed in the main thread.

    Many of these questions are also addressed in the sub FAQ.

    Subs dedicated to these types of questions include /r/cscareerquestions/ for general and opened ended career questions and /r/learnprogramming/ for early learning questions.

    submitted by /u/KorgRue
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    My WiFi Sign - Our second project out of 52 in the year 2020

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:50 AM PST

    https://mywifisign.com - My WiFi Sign

    With this you can create a printable sign that will let friends / family easily sign into your WiFi just by pointing your cellphone camera at it.

    This is the second project from what we are calling JustShipped, we have a goal to create and release 52 projects by the end of the year.

    We created this using mostly pure JS for the front end programming and it was also my first dive into the NestJS framework which after this I absolutely love and plan to use more extensively on future projects.

    EDIT: Thanks for the reddit hug of death yall, love you <333 Increasing resources as we speak, sorry for the downtime. Really did not expect this much attention!

    EDIT: Made the instance much larger and it is being brought back up, hope it can handle you guys <333

    Edit: We are back, hopefully this will be enough resources! If not I'll just keep spending more money to keep it up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    submitted by /u/Koaty
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    Just a silly/simple little page to put the year into perspective

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    After seeing a random comment a couple of weeks back about how far into the year we were, I thought it would be a fun silly little thing to track.

    Built needlessly with react, and some simple SVG stuff thrown in for good measure.

    Ever wanted a handy years progression reference? https://nysosis.github.io/ (Currently nothing more to it than what you see)

    submitted by /u/Nysosis
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    [Showoff Saturday] I wrote a full web framework for fun and to scratch my own itch. I would love to get some feedback.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    I would love some feedback on my personal website. I have zero attachment to my work. Be as critical as you want.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:19 AM PST

    [Rant] It's depressing how many domains (.com) are taken, but not being used

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I have an idea for a website/blog that, without giving too much away, would be a niche site to help introduce some technical topics to non-techies. I know there are many TLDs, but I think especially for non-techies, .com domains are the best. I've spent my morning searching for different names / iterations, all of which have come up as taken / squatted on. Only one time was the domain actually being used. The original name I came up with is squatted on by HugeDomains for $1700. It's frustrating that these companies can spend a few dollars once, pick up handfuls of domains, and then just squat on them forever. It feels so creatively frustrating. I feel for how many creative developers who are blocked from bringing something useful into the world because of these greedy cybersquatters.

    submitted by /u/cloudscott
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    Using Firebase - a good idea?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:00 AM PST


    I'm currently playing around with the idea of using Firebase for an upcoming project of mine. To shorty summarize the projects, it's a news app with user submitted content, a voting system, and things like that.

    One of my bigger concerns however is cost scalability. Looking at the pricing model which, for example, is only free for 10 GB of traffic per month. My personal blog already generates more than twice than that - and since this app _should_ get more traction than a personal blog this may be a problem already?

    There are stories out there about people who had to pay 30k all of a sudden because their app was poorly implemented (see https://hackernoon.com/how-we-spent-30k-usd-in-firebase-in-less-than-72-hours-307490bd24d). But even without doing such a mistake I'm not really sure about maybe massively exceeding the plan and causing an insane amount of money (and, to be honest at this point, I could simply not afford something like that). Thinking that a project would financially ruin me because it's successful sounds kinda terrifying to me at this point.

    Of course, adding a proper monetization model would help to counter such incidents, but paying a s* load of money at some point just because your past you made a poor choice is nothing I want to experience.

    Being able to nearly instantaneously start with the development of the app sounds amazing to me - but heavily regretting that choice in maybe a few months because I have to sell my car for being able to afford a successful project is just something which doesn't want to leave my head.

    Any opinions or even experiences in this regard?

    P.S. I do know that I'm heavily optimistic about project success and hence exploding Firebase cost. But let's be real here: there'd be no point in creating something without being optimistic about its success.

    submitted by /u/nehalist
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    Updated Portfolio, what can I do better

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Advice on portfolio

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Hey y'all

    I was just wondering if I could get some constructive feedback on my website. Right now I'm trying to get better at JavaScript but I'm also thinking about finally going into a framework like react or angular. My next goal is to try make a project with said frameworks. I've been applying to jobs for a couple months now some success and would like to know what is needed to get better. Thank you guys in advance.


    submitted by /u/dmc2020
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    First (semi) profession Product

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Hi every one, I have recently begun following this community and have received some great insight as a result.

    I am still new to web and programming, currently finishing off my last 2 semester at college, but recently a friend has asked me to design a website for him, very basic stuff, mostly all static content for a business he is starting.

    Now I am fairly confident in my abilities in using web languages, and I have hosted some projects on Heroku, but I know nothing about actually hosting a domain somewhere, i.e buying the actual domain name and where to host it.

    Could anyone recommend a good guide for getting started in this? I imagine it cant be overly complicated as I had hosted shitty html sites in elementary school through a service called zoomshare. But I do not think that will meet my needs.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/d0rf47
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    [Showoff Saturday] Barebones HTML audio button

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I'm not sure if this is actually impressive or not since it's only ~100 lines of code, but I spent a long time looking for something like this and could never find it. Made this a couple years ago and wanted to hear what others thought about it.

    Problem: The <audio> tag has lots of optional features but you can't reliably hide most of them. The UI is non-customizable so it doesn't blend with your site's design. And it looks slightly different in every browser. I have a personal site with lots of audio to showcase, and I just wanted a basic fucking play button that didn't look like a solid black rectangle.

    Solution: Custom javascript! The UI uses tiny image files so it's fully customizable. The only included features are a "file loading" state, the option to click and pause/resume playback, and graceful support for including multiple buttons on one page.

    https://github.com/spacecowgoesmoo/BasicAudioButtonJS (Includes link to my personal site where this has been in production for a few years.)

    submitted by /u/spacecowgoesmoo
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    Alternative APIs

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Hi folks, I creating an application which will use both weather and route APIs for my final year project in college. My question is, what public APIs should I use. I'm aware Google can accommodate both, I'm sure there's others out there. I will be using address names (i.e. 123 main Street) rather than longitude and latitude combinations. Thanks in advance folks.

    submitted by /u/wazzalk
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    Row Height

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:07 PM PST

    I copied and pasted some lorem ipsum text from a website to a web page in code pen. All the rows doubled or tripled in height. What just happened?

    submitted by /u/samacct
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    I've got a Vultr VPS with CentOS and zero Linux experience. Where is a good comprehensive guide on installing NGINX and deploying multiple sites?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:07 PM PST

    For now I'm just looking for static hosting, but I'd like to soon build an online store for a local business.

    submitted by /u/Zarathustra420
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    Market for backend developers?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:03 PM PST

    I have the opportunity to start in a job as a junior backend developer (node js). Currently I am not a backend developer and in my limited experience with recruiters they usually ask for x years of experience with frameworks and programming languages. With that being said, I am curious on how much does the programming language and framework influence in the possibility to get a job?

    For instance, where I live, I see lots of job postings for Django developer, but when looking nationality the demand for developers with Django experience is way below than java or PHP.

    submitted by /u/Squexis
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    Working from a developing country for a first world company.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:10 AM PST

    Hi webdev!

    I live in a developing country and i work as a software engineer here. I make around 1200 $ a month after taxes. In the past, I worked remotely with a decent hourly rate.(30$) But they were all project based contract jobs. So there were a lot of gapes between projects which i didn t earn any money.

    With remote working options increasing lately, i am thinking about getting a full time job working remotely for a decent company.

    I wanted to hear your thoughts on this matter. What are the upsides and downsides? How did you get the job? Whats your salary like?

    submitted by /u/bahadortheconquerer
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    Does a bachelor degree boost your freelance career?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

    Im currently finishing my information systems bachelor degree, but want to go the freelance route afterwards.

    Will the bachelor degree help me finding work? Did your bachelor degree help in finding work or salary/hourly negotiations?

    I've got a small portfolio so im worrying if i'll have enough of a reference to actually find liveable work.

    submitted by /u/fitnessfragen
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    My goal is to become a full stack web dev but I'm a bit confused...

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:18 AM PST

    I'm currently in junior college getting my basic core classes out of the way, before transferring to university to pursue a degree in computer science. My goal is to become a full stack developer right after college so I want to prepare early.

    However, the only problem is that there seems to be so many different languages, and tools full stack developers need to learn to use, and it's a bit overwhelming sorting out what order to learn them in, as well determing which ones will actually give me the best odds finding a decent job.

    If someone could give me some advice or send me a link to a step by step guide for what order I should learn the skills I'll need, it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/CallMeZeta
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    do Devs still build their own Mail Servers on their Domains to do "Sign-up Email Verification"

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:28 PM PST

    I'm a little out of the loop, it's been a while since I did this, so please help me.

    The last time I built a website with "Sign-up / Login" was over a decade ago.

    Back then: on a single Linux Ubuntu VPS (virtual private server) I used Apache to serve my domain. On the same server, I installed a Mail Server to verify email addresses of would-be users signing-up for my website.

    When they signed-up, my Mail Server would send them a verification email (from "@my_domain.com") to verify that their email address really existed and the would-be user had access to it.


    How would you approach solving the requirements today if you were building a website with "Sign-up / Login" and "Email Verification"?

    The requirements are:

    • No "social login" (Facebook/Google).
    • No outsourcing the email verification to some out of the box third party solution for 2 reasons:
    1. You don't want the subscription fees.
    2. You want to "Learn" how to solve this issue because the learning process is valuable, and could potentially be monetized (e.g. you could build this solution for others in future).
    • Emails must be sent from: "@my_domain.com"
    • Extra Nice To Have: if emails can be sent using multiple different domain names (assuming there are multiple domains on a single VPS via Apache Virtual Hosts), that would be extra sweet!

    What would be your solution for the above? E.g. which specific Mail Server software and why?

    submitted by /u/another_lease
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    epoll is no longer cool

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    An easy to contribute datastorage/database for an api. Like json file on github, but easier to add/edit data for humans.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Hello, i will build a website for all available keyboard switches. For that i want to create an public api. So everyone can use it. It should be easy to suggest new data or edit existing entries. Due to non profit/open source, the monthly cost should be minimal or free.

    First solution what i found is a JSON file stored in a github repo. Data can be validated via a JSON Schema. The data can easily access via github pages.

    Problem is that it's not easy to contribute (add/edit data).

    Has someone other ideas?

    submitted by /u/cocnac
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    How can I add confetti around an icon when I hover over it?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    How can I add confetti around an icon when I hover over it? I am trying to make something along the lines of this feature on discord


    I want the confetti to show up over all other elements on the page but not interfere with the user clicking something while the confetti is still falling as well as not causing the page to change at all behind the confetti

    Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit. If that is the case can somebody please let me know which subreddit I should post in?

    submitted by /u/Eeli100
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    [Showoff Saturday] I would really love some feedback on my portfolio! More so my code than the site itself, but all feedback welcome!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:16 AM PST

    Reverse IP Lookup Tool

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:07 PM PST

    Hey guys, I am working on a Reverse IP Lookup Tool (still beta).

    How is it better then the existing tool you can find on the web:

    • It has larger database (currently around 250 million active domains)
    • It is free
    • It is faster (should bring results in under 2 seconds)

    Current issues: database should be updated every 7 days and new domains should added daily, but old domains that has changed a DNS record could be outdated. API is still in progress.

    What you can use it for:

    • Check for bad neighbors if you are on a shared host or DNS record
    • See how many domains are on the same shared server (if you use shared hosting)
    • Pen testing: both red and blue teams can use it for finding vulnerabilities on other sites on the server etc.

    I used the database to check the most crowded IPv4 addresses and there are some that are huge. E.g. GoDaddy has an IP with over 7 million domains resolving to it. Most are domain parking of course. You can see all top 100 of the IPs here.

    Give it a go and let me know what you think.

    Keep in mind that if the domain points to a reverse proxy like Cloudflare, Fastly etc. you will see the domains on this DNS and not the domains on the real server.

    Thanks for reading this far and I hope someone will find it useful.

    submitted by /u/george_sg
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    Need some info about summer 2020 internships

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Hey everyone so i am a junior cs student and i've been learning web dev for a while now and i build some projects in MERN stack.I never had an internship or actual job just doing projects to learn and i was wondering when and where can i start applying for internships this summer and is there a chance i can get an internship abroad with the tech stack i have ?

    submitted by /u/FuryII
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