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    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    Major Lesson Learned: Say no if your gut does not feel right web developers

    Major Lesson Learned: Say no if your gut does not feel right web developers

    Major Lesson Learned: Say no if your gut does not feel right

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:22 AM PST

    I run a web dev agency, I do things very systematically. It's WordPress but I use a dependency manager and keep things really streamlined.

    I was offered a very lucrative amount of money to take over a client's WooCommerce site. I couldn't say no. I looked at the backend and it was A MESS. 70 plugins, Themeforest theme, Plugins not updated, licenses not set. I went against my better judgment and spun it up as a regular WordPress site (without dependency management or anything else), we updated all plugins we bought proper all licenses and updated everything.

    The site ran great at first. Then they turned on their marketing campaigns and the site went into the crapper. I ran the backup from the original site I imported and downgraded all of the plugins, the same issue. Memory issues, 502s. I moved it to a huge server and threw 1G of RAM at the PHP. Next thing I know Paypal is blowing up. Emails not being sent. 500 errors, 502 errors.

    Then, not so much. Long story short, I was on the phone with the client until 3 am and then again this morning, same issue. She told me that maybe I am not a competent developer. I shrugged and said maybe you're right. I've been doing this for 20+ years and never saw such a mess. She said she had to think over the arrangement and would get back to me.

    I just checked DNS 5 minutes ago and the nameservers are switching to their old ones.

    All the money in the world is not worth a site like this. She was sweet until she told me I wasn't a competent developer and I even wrote it off as frustration, she has a business to run too.

    Seeing the DNS switch was a weight lifted off my shoulders.

    submitted by /u/DoesIGetIt
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    I want to go back and learn the basics the right way. What resource do you recommend?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:57 PM PST

    My area is limited to web development and things like HTML, CSS, JS, PHP and MySQL. I mostly work with technologies like Bootstrap and Wordpress.

    I run a small design/advertising firm and when I began I only did web design but now I've also gotten into advertising, design and marketing. You could say I know a little bit of those things but most of my job is building websites.

    This is how my last 4 years have been. From being exclusively into web dev I've progressed to the other stuff. But now I want to change that and try to dwell more into programming.

    This is where my problem is - I've learned by meddling things. If you tell me there is a problem with the code I can fix it using the errors and online resources. All this without understanding the underlying code base.

    I understand the basics in PHP - functions, variables, program flow. Nothing much about with object orientation and frameworks too. Frameworks are really what I what to know, I hear they speed up development time.

    How do I go from here? What resource do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/fbenmart
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    New year, new browser - The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview today

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    Charging for my job

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST


    I starting to do some web freelances, what is the best way to charge for my job?

    $/hour or the complete software?

    What the average hour price should an web fullstack developer charge?

    For instance my job will be angular8 + php


    submitted by /u/cassiofachinelli
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    How to build websites for local small businesses?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:34 AM PST

    Hi! I'm currently a student in uni trying to make some money part time and I thought this could be something I could try. There are many shops around me who could use a simple website to help them out, one tuition centre has already asked me if I could do it.

    I know HTML, CSS and Javascript though I have not learnt about JQuery or frameworks yet. Im currently learning through an online web dev guide (the Odin Project) but I figured that would take a really long time to get even a simple site running at the pace I'm at now. I have built simple projects (Etch A Sketch, Calc..) but nothing like a business website.

    Basically, I wanted to ask how do I get about to building websites and showcasing a portfolio to potential clients with the knowledge that I have. I thought of trying out Wordpress.org but I'm confused about hosting and how I would hand the website over to the client. If I wanted to showcase a demo website, do I have to buy a hosting service? All the tutorials I've gone through were building websites for yourself but not really for others.

    Another option was to download HTML & CSS templates and use this as the barebones of a website. This works but is this a viable option? Seems like I would have to do all the content updating & I have no clue about dealing with forms and PHP.

    Im pretty lost I guess as to what the next step is on how to achieve my aim. Oh yeah, I plan to charge pretty little for my service because most of the work has been done anyways.. Thanks for the help :), sorry if I made you confused as well.

    submitted by /u/TruthSpark
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    How essential is writing tests for frontend CRUD apps (react, vue, react-native, whatever)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I am a react + react-native developer for a small team, and come back around to this question once a year it feels like. I have chugged the kool-aid at this point on styled components, redux/thunk/persist, react-navigation/router, utility classes, hooks, functional components, etc. but can't ever fully wrap my head around the necessity and best way to go about writing tests.

    I don't write much/any complex logic. The apps I make are connected to APIs, and do your typical CRUD functions. View video trainings, view/update/delete contacts/leads, things like that.

    Should I be writing tests for these apps? if so, what should I be testing?

    I have read through the jest docs, looked at react testing library, have a decent understanding of snapshot, integration, and unit testing, but need an ELI5 i think to push me over the edge, or assurance that testing is not useful for the type of work i do. help please!

    submitted by /u/moosestache00
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    How Auto Margins Work in Flexbox

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:11 AM PST

    My web application as native app

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:44 AM PST

    I know there are a lot of frameworks out there. And I could easily google it. But I want to find the best for my needs.

    Maybe you guys could help me out.

    So I have made a web application based on HTML, JS and PHP, which interacts to a MySQL Database.

    I never done that web application to native app thing, so maybe you guys could suggest me a basic one. Which is easy to understand. I want my app to be on the Apple, and Play store.

    submitted by /u/serefsiz
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    Should I update the UI before or after a download is completed in this scenario?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Assume I have 3 different dropdowns:

    One to select a size
    One to select a length
    One to select a color

    Each combination of the 3 selected values is mapped to a model that I have to load on the page if one of the selector changes, this requires more or less 2 seconds of downloads before I can proceed

    I'm not sure what's the best practice for *when* I should update the UI in this case, should I immediately swap to the newly selected value in the UI and then load the model in the background? Or is it better to update the UI after the download is completed?

    Another issue I'm facing is that I'm not sure wether I should block or not futher requests if a model is being downloaded, often users want to quickly change size AND color, in that case is it okay to block the dropdowns after the first value changes and the download for the new model starts?

    submitted by /u/bloaterr
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    Hiring a web dev

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:09 PM PST

    If I wanted to hire a backend dev for a temp gig, where is the best place to do that hiring from? Aka how can i connect my $$$ to their skills? I don't have enough work to hire a full-time position, but know what a fair wage is for devs and willing to offer it. This could turn into a reoccurring gig.

    This is in Canada.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Crushnaut
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    Funky Chickens HTML Help!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:57 PM PST

    New to web development

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Hey I am in a online course, and I feel so overwhelmed by all of this. I am also in college. I know how to code the heading, paragraphs, and so on. What did you do when you felt overwhelmed? Does anyone have any tips?

    submitted by /u/storywriter109
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    Created this landing page using GSAP and I am so excited.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:44 PM PST

    I started learning HTML, CSS in July,2019 and have made a few animations using CSS. I am currently learning Javascript from Colt Steele's Modern JavaScript bootcamp on Udemy and also I am currently on day 37 of #100DaysOfCode. I absolutely love web dev and have been fascinated by greensock websites and always wanted to learn how to make those animations. Now that I have learnt a bit of JavaScript, I decided to try an youtube tutorital and make this website. It took me 3-4 hours to figure out all the stuff, because the tutorial was written in an older version of Tween and I wanted to make it in latest version of GSAP, so it took me a bit of time to figure out the syntax. But here is the final product, please see it and let me know where to get more animation ideas from -

    https://codepen.io/SandipDust/pen/OJPoPmqCriticism is welcome!Thanks for your feedback,Newbie Frontend Web Developer!Also, Have you tried GSAP? and if you did, I don't find a reason to go back to animations using CSS after GSAP.

    submitted by /u/fuckyallmat
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    A good way for clients of a simple website to do CRUD on DB?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Basically I'm making a gallery website for someone I know to display a bunch of items with information etc.

    It's not too big, but I am doing this project for free, because it's very small and mainly intended to build my portfolio. For that reason, I wanted to implement MongoDB as the site's DB where the items are stored, simply because I want to showcase some Mongo.

    The problem I run into is that I can't seem to find a good, free solution for the client (who is technically quite illiterate and certainly doesn't have coding knowledge) to do CRUD operations once the website is up and running. Something like a WYSIWYG UI.

    What is common good practice here that is an easy and free solution for both me and the client, and doesn't require me to build a whole admin section from scratch?

    Second, am I a total idiot for wanting to force MongoDB into this? Maybe there are way better NoSQL solutions that are better fitted and interact better with PHP (the backend of the website)

    submitted by /u/kooshans
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    Should we be discouraged for applying for positions if they specify you have to have a certain GPA?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:26 PM PST

    For example AWS, where I would love to work someday specifies that you must have a 60 GPA. Im in my final year now and I think i'm looking just shy of it.

    I know you have nothing to lose applying, but is there anything else I can do to impress them project / portfolio wise. I will only be fresh out of uni.

    AWS is just an example but I see quite a few companies have a minimum required GPA.


    submitted by /u/Cormac_IRL
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    PWAs in 2020

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Where to start learning HTML & CSS?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    So the other day I was asking advice about how to do a certain thing and when someone told me HTML and CSS I was very ignorant in saying I don't wanna learn it...Very sorry about that I appreciate you trying to help me out.

    Where can I learn the very basics of this stuff? Really I want to have enough understanding that I'm able to Google for a particular block of code and know how to apply it ect... Where can I learn the absolute basics of Html and css?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crick84
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    Job changes / raise inquiry

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    I'm sorry if this post doesn't belong here but I wasn't sure where else to ask. How often on average do you all change jobs to a new company / role and or ask for a salary raise?

    submitted by /u/ageneau
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    [Question] In home IT/website services for my grandfather?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Hi, sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this kinda thing, not sure where to go with this.

    My grandfather has been running a website for the past ~20 years. I now live 3000 miles away from him, and I got a call from my mother that his web server had been hacked/compromised and the website was essentially lost. Web servers are out of my depth, and the rest of the family that lives near him in the DC/Baltimore area is basically computer illiterate.

    Is there some sort of specialist or home service I could send out to his house to try and work out his problems? He sent me the conversation logs between himself and the service rep from the hosting company he uses (Mecca Hosting), but it seems like the rep simply got confused (English is my grandfather's second language).

    If anyone has any ideas, it is absolutely appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/TncsTurtlJAH
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    7-1 scss structure for React apps?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    In a conundrum where I've followed a Udemy course to get into SCSS / SASS. But the course used regular HTML. I still followed the 7-1 structure they used but I'm wondering if its viable in a React environment where everything is "supposed" to be in their own component based folder.

    If not, does having `styles.scss` in each folder the default way still? With a master.scss file with all the `@imports`.

    submitted by /u/bio180
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    How to deal with customers with unrealistic ideas?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:18 AM PST

    I just started freelancing. My first customer, a private person, contacted me about a meeting for a website with simple CMS.

    I met up with her and I asked her if she had any idea on how it should look like. So, there were a few things I had to convince her that this is not a good idea.

    She showed me a picture of a beach, where you could see some footsteps. She wanted it that, if you open the website, there is only the picture visible, and if you hover over the footsteps they should start to glow. She wanted the footsteps to be buttons that redirect you to a new page with some information.

    Now it's obvious that no one that would open the page, especially mobile users who can't really trigger a hover-state, would know what the hell this is and how to navigate through. Most people will just see a picture and leave the page.

    Then she showed me a word document with a text she wants on one of the pages. It was like... a LOT of text.

    The meeting took quite long, i had to show her some sites and explain to her that the design should be esthetic with much less text, and that we have to keep in mind that web traffic is 80%+ through mobile devices, not only desktop.

    It showed me that customers sometimes don't have any idea how a clean website should look like.

    Do you think i made a mistake, should I create the website just as the customer wants it to be?

    Or maybe I am wrong, and the beach photo-thingy can be done with good looks?

    How would you approach this?

    submitted by /u/rochenExklusive
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    Uploading images from FileReader in JS to PHP issue

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I have the following request to send image files to my PHP endpoint:

     const formData = new FormData(); Object.keys(this.state.productData).forEach((key) => { if (key === "files") { formData.append(key, this.state.productData[key]); } }); for (let value of formData.values()) { console.log(value); } fetch(`${process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL}/products/submit`, { method: 'POST', body: formData, }) 

    Now as proof the value i get from the console.log is this:

    [object File]

    In my PHP endpoint I do the following:

    return response([$request->get('files')]);

    This however results in:

    ["[object File]"]

    Also I tried this:

    response([$request->hasFile('files'), $request->get('files')]); But that returns: [true, null]

    Any help to get my image files from my react app to php endpoint would be highly appreciated.

    My Image files are stored into the stated as the "files" values after i upload them using: FileReader() in js:

    handleImageChange = e =>{ e.preventDefault(); let files = Array.from(e.target.files); files.forEach((file, i) => { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => { this.setState(prevState => ({ files: [...prevState.files, file], imagesPreviewUrls: [...prevState.imagesPreviewUrls, reader.result] })); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); }; 
    submitted by /u/LuisSur
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    Google to ‘phase out’ third-party cookies in Chrome, but not for two years

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:42 PM PST

    (update) Only know HTML CSS, still hired today. THANK YOU /webdev Gods

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:34 PM PST


    Entered interview only knowing HTML & CSS thinking I'm screwed.

    Left interview hired as Ruby on Rails Software Developer Intern.

    *Update from my previous post.

    Not at all what I expected the interview would be like.

    Now, remember I only know HTML and CSS, haven't really used javascript to write anything myself. I thought they would look at me like "wtf is this kid doing applying for this position when he only knows HTML and CSS".

    I thought the position would be focused on their website and front end so I took it upon myself to recreate their website a little bit.

    The two partners interviewing me were very chill and laid back. They said they like the fact I took it upon myself to make that site because it showed initiative.


    They then proceeded to ask if I'd be willing to learn their backend language, Ruby on Rails if given the opportunity.


    Would you be willing to learn how to use Git and Github?

    YES! I already use both!

    Would you be willing to get familiar with the Command Line Interface?

    YES! I forced myself to use the terminal on Linux since I wiped Windows OS off my PC to have.


    Then they said they would email me tomorrow with which learning platform I am to use to learn Ruby on Rails and what day I should come to start work there (around 2 weeks he said). Also, they use PostgreSQL for their data.

    It all happened so fast and everything I had memorized to say for the interview was not used haha. I am so happy and grateful to be given this opportunity to break into the industry. Basically I am going to be paid to learn and am excited to be part of a small startup with much potential.

    Couldn't have done it without all you wonderful peoples' guidance.

    Time to start my career!


    If interested in seeing the awesome work environment, here is the LINK

    submitted by /u/12_Rules_For_Life
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