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    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    I'm in an incredible pickle...any advice? Ask Programming

    I'm in an incredible pickle...any advice? Ask Programming

    I'm in an incredible pickle...any advice?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:53 PM PST

    I recently lost my phone and computer in a fire that also cost me a great deal of money. So, because I had everything tied to my gmail, I've also lost access to my github account (hopefully temporarily).

    On the upside I'm a pretty decent programmer and can make nice websites. Does anyone know of any "will code for food" resources for someone who knows what they're doing, but has to start from scratch again? I'm in a sort of "trading places" type scenario.

    Any help would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/hipster_brogrammer
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    If you could educate your past self, what concept or idea do you wish you had have been taught early on?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    People with jobs in web front-end, what browsers do you have to support?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:50 PM PST

    Best way to sync my python program to a form on a webpage?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:46 PM PST

    Looking for a way to sync my program run by a user and my webserver so that the webpage only displays a form with the users login name when the user is running the program and logged in.

    Also Id like someone viewing the webpage to be able to input data into the form and hit OK and that data be sent to and handled by the program running on users windows machine.

    This is my first time trying something like this and Im wondering what the best practice way of accomplishing this task is?

    submitted by /u/OuchLOLcom
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    Modern Desktop UI

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    I work, professionally, on a java UI application, but it's a huge monolith from the 80's being ported into an already dead framework (Eclipse RCP with SWT which have no major commits since 2016, no consistent commits since 2012 - 2014).

    I know that the new trend is electron, but I'll be honest, I'm biased, I despise javascript, I'm not a fan of chrome, and making a desktop ui, application with no networking component in electron with any flavor of javascript is just not my thing.

    I don't expect the next version of photoshop, 3dMax, Maya, to be made in Electron. So what is the new hotness for the new decade?

    I personally really love IntelliJ, I know it's made in swing, but I'm also 99% sure they are using a whole bunch of inhouse developed stuff that probably took a decade in work hours to make.

    What application I'd love to do? A lightweight personalized(to my tastes) file tagging, sorting and filtering app. But I'd want to do it in something brand new and shiny. If possible windows and linux, won't ever own a mac.

    submitted by /u/ZukoBestGirl
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    Professional programmers, how often do you use binary/hex/low-level languages? Do you even know them?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:48 PM PST

    I teach Computer Science at high school level, including AP Computer Science Principles, which has a fairly large section on binary/hex and data representations in binary. This is sort of fun and all, but I struggle to help students connect it to potential careers in programming. Is anyone touching this stuff in this professional practice?

    submitted by /u/never_mind___
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    How do I figure out which structural element of my application needs to have which color of the palette?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:24 AM PST


    I am at the part where I need to pick some colors, and I am having a hard time.

    Thing is, I have no idea of how colors work, and I wish that someone could point me to some tutorial where it says: "in the common palette layout, the first color is background 1, second is background 2, third is text, fourth is buttons, fifth is input... etc.

    There are so many palettes online, so I imagine there is some kind of standard. Otherwise if you used half of them, it would all look weird

    I was thinking of maybe having two colors of everything so I can do contrasts. Like, background 1 is dark, and its text is light, and then background 2 is light, in contrast with dark, and its text is dark in contrast to it.

    I have no idea what I am doing, and I found this to be the hardest part of all.

    Doesn't help that my favourite theme - arc-dark has, like 4 of 5 colours only slight variations of grey.

    Please help!

    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Take Local Wi-Fi video stream and redirect to RTMP

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:57 PM PST

    I have a Sena 10C EVO (motorcycle helmet bluetooth communication device with UHD action camera) and would like to take the preview video feed streamed to my phone, and stream it to twitch, either through RTMP or however it could possibly work.. Any suggestions?

    I would pay a couple hundred max for a homebrew app, but I'm not sure if that would work since I would need wifi and LTE active at the same time. However, I read somewhere that you can code an app to only transfer data over LTE, which would allow me to use the camera's internal local wifi to recieve the stream, and 4GLTE to stream to Twitch..

    Does this sound possible? Should I start looking for a freelancer or?

    submitted by /u/ex_degenerate
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    How do you get in the habit of learning terminology for things like interviews?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:59 PM PST

    I've tried everything from note cards to commenting in my code what certain things are but I can't seem to keep any terms stuck in my brain. I watch something happen or read about a feature and go "oh cool, so it does this and I can do that by doing this."

    Definitions and names never stick, my brain just goes over what it looks like because I now know that I can do this. I'm worried this will hurt me in things like interviews. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Bohbot9000
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    Do you format your code manually or use formattting tools ?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:56 AM PST

    I personally haven't managed to find a formatting tool that fully suits me.

    So I mostly format manually, with some exceptions.

    I use IDEA for java and VS for C#.

    submitted by /u/HappyGoblin
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    Include XCode Library installed with Brew

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:50 PM PST

    How do you keep consistency with personal projects?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    I have a couple projects under my belt. But they have all been out of schedule, taking way too long to get done. How do you keep your consitency up?

    submitted by /u/pi_exe
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    Which language for a very simple game ?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Hello guys ! I've studied programming and it was my first job for one year, but then drifted toward QA.

    Now I want to get back to programming, after 8 years, just as a hobby.

    I figured a good way would be to find a little project. So, I found one, that would be a very very simple multiplayer game, a synchronous one, like two player, A B C are displayed, sometime A is enlighten, then another letter, and the player which tap on the enlighten letter the fastest wins points.
    I think it would be a good start that I could then enhance.

    Now I'm lost, where should I start, I mean which language(s) would be the best for it ? What are my options ?

    Cheers !

    submitted by /u/endolol
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    How do event triggers work on the most fundamental level?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:16 AM PST

    I understand that event listeners are waiting for an event to be fired and then call their assigned function but how are events checked? How are mouse click events checked? I'm assuming the operating system/drivers handle that sort of stuff but how?

    The only way I can imagine it happening is like this (pseudocode):

    while(true) { if(Mouse.leftButton == true) EventEmitter.fire("mouseleftdown"); if(Mouse.rightButton == true) EventEmitter.fire("mouserightdown"); } 

    But that seems kind of banally simple and wrong. Plus what happens if the event lasts for less than whatever clock-cycles the while loop requires?

    What about socket events with an incoming message? Does the network interface save the messages in memory which is then queried by the OS?

    submitted by /u/real_kerim
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    Asp.Net Core + Angular + OAuth 2

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    Ok, so I have this problem for a past week. I need to create a webpage - simple CMS (board for news) with some generic OAuth 2 interface - the idea is to be able to quickly change the domain and client id. And that's really frustrating. I have Auth0 as oauth 2 provider, but it doesn't allow me to test it with embedded login screen. I am trying also to use localhosted Hydra service, but I can't go through simple html/js implementation. Any help or advice?

    submitted by /u/Ch3shireDev
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    To what extent do you believe "What I cannot create, I do not understand"?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Someone once advised me something along the line of when you can say you can create a css framework like Bootstrap from scratch then you truly know bootstrap.

    Then today I found this quote of Richard Feynman. To what extent do you believe "What I cannot create, I do not understand. Know how to solve every problem that has been solved". To what level of your understanding of tool or a module or a framework must you know to truly say you know it.

    Will you be interested in diving deep in the many " single use " network technology you use for web development or will you just stop at learning syntax of a frontend framework? Or will you be interested in dissecting complex data analytics libraries when you do simple data analysis and statistics?

    submitted by /u/anyfactor
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    Which version of C is this book instructing or teaching?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Im just starting out with learning to program so forgive me if this sounds very basic, but im very confused with the versions of C, like K&B, C98, C11 etc, I have no idea whats the difference and which I should be learning.... (I assume C11)

    Just wanted to know if this programming book was structured in C11 or some other variant of C

    Heres the link to the book:


    submitted by /u/ItsLeftMe
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    My phone shows strange now and then and it's getting scary, help...

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Hello, dear redditors! The last two years my phone does something very strange. Every now and then, mostly when I lock my phone accidentally and unlock it right after, a picture pops up. I am literally wierded out by this point, because it has happened like 5 or 6 times. The first time, I was sitting at my friends on a sofa, my phone does the photo sound and on my screen I see like the floor below the phone, but "13s" written sideways in a thick magenta fond. The other times it said "17b3" or something similar. But as I said, other fond, other placement. Today it said 0.06s, with a wooden floor (none I have ever photographed and no texture in any app)... the s is something occurring more often.

    What could it be? I keep my phone pretty clean, rebooting it regularly, don't use any unnecessary apps and I have an huawaii p20 pro.

    What the f is going on, no one except my best friend, who wittnesend my shock on the first pop up believes me. HELP

    Sorry for bad English, not my first language

    submitted by /u/PieFoxx
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    Could somebody please help me with this?, I have looked over, the program loads but the total doesn't display (LblTotal)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:35 AM PST

    rivate Sub Button1_click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    Dim Age As Double

    Dim seatgrading As Double

    Dim Cardaddition As Single

    Dim Memberdiscount As Single

    Dim installments As Double

    Dim totalcost As Double

    Dim eachpayment As Integer

    Dim total As Single

    Dim price As Single

    Dim Subtotal As Single

    'Sport Type

    If RBFootball.Text = True And Age = RBChild.Text Then

    price = 275

    ElseIf RBFootball.Text = True And Age = RBAdult.Text Then

    price = 450

    ElseIf RBFootball.Text = True And Age = RBOAP.Text Then

    price = 295

    End If

    If RBRugby.Text = True And Age = RBChild.Text Then

    price = 85

    ElseIf RBRugby.Text = True And Age = RBAdult.Text Then

    price = 175

    ElseIf RBRugby.Text = True And Age = RBOAP.Text Then

    price = 105

    End If

    'Seat Grades

    If RBG1.Text = True Then

    seatgrading = 150

    ElseIf RBG2.Text = True Then

    seatgrading = 120

    ElseIf RBG3.Text = True Then

    seatgrading = 87.5

    End If

    total = price + seatgrading

    MemberDiscount = installments

    'Member Discount

    If RBBronze.Text = True Then

    Memberdiscount = total * 0.08

    ElseIf RBSilver.Text = True Then

    Memberdiscount = total * 0.09

    ElseIf RBGold.Text = True Then

    Cardaddition = total * 0.025

    End If

    If RBCard.Text = True Then

    Cardaddition = Subtotal = 0.025

    End If

    If installments = True Then

    installments = total * 0.0375

    total = totalcost + installments

    eachpayment = totalcost / 12

    For count = 1 To 12

    installments = installments & "payment" & "is" & Format(eachpayment, "currency") & vbCrLf


    End If

    total = Subtotal - MemberDiscount + Cardaddition

    total = Format(totalcost, "currency")

    End Sub

    'Private Sub btnexit_click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnexit.click


    'End Sub

    'Private Sub helptips_load(sender As sytstem.object, e As EventArgs) Handles Mybase.load

    'Me.Tooltip1.SetToolTip(Me.lbltotal, "Hear it displays the total")

    'Me.ToolTip(me.lblMembership, "Are you a member?)

    'End Sub

    submitted by /u/tr15t4nx11
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    Help With Understanding Wave Function Collapse Algorithm Pattern Propagation?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Hi, so I'm attempting to get a bit more practice in Python and I thought it'd be kinda cool to try and implement my own WFC algorithm, as described here: https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse. And for the most part, I've gotten it figured out, however I'm a bit stuck/confused on propagation with patterns as everything I've read in the original implementation and other papers and sources seem to gloss over this bit. When building the output, for each cell they use a boolean array that corresponds to valid patterns, which makes sense to me if each cell could contain a pattern - however each cell is not a pattern, but a colored pixel. So it seems like you'd need a multiple of Boolean indices for each pattern for each cell due to each potential spot in the pattern that cell could be in. So a single 2x2 would require 4 bools since you could have the cell be the upper left, the upper right, lower right, and lower left. But everything I've read only uses one bool per possible pattern. The only other thought I have is that the cell that's currently being check is always related to the first cell in the pattern, but it seems like that would lead to many more contradictions than solutions. Is there something I'm missing about how valid patterns correlate to each cell?

    Any help on understanding this would be great, and I know I'm not the best at explaining myself so sorry for that and let me know if anything in my question needs to be cleared up

    submitted by /u/GiantDwarf01
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    A job interview task

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST


    I was given a task for a job interview - a web app with a db that can CRUD Cities, Roads and DistributionCenters. The creation of distribution centers is the travelling salesman problem and lastly - data visualization.

    My question is - what are currently the best approaches? Should I make 3 projects for the data layer, service layer and the domain? Or maybe just one project with a repository and service classes for the data context and the business logic?

    Should I write unit tests?

    I'd like to know what would be a good approach to such an easy task.

    edit: ASP .NET!


    submitted by /u/ProtectDiNeck
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    Help connecting GSR sensor to my pc.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST


    I was looking for help and or advice to connect this GSR Sensor to a Windows computer.

    According to the website the device is able to connect to a raspberry pi quite easily through an interface they sell and loading a python script... now, my question: Is it too much harder to achieve the same thing but using a windows computer instead?

    My idea was buying an USB terminal and a 4pin cable, connecting the 4pin cable to the terminal and then a regular usb cable to the pc. Then create a piece of software that can translate the signal.

    My question is mainly hardware related as on coding I think I can reverse eng. the python script or even change it to accommodate it to what I need. Is it possible? If not, any other solution to achieve it?

    Any suggestion I'd really appreciate it!

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/Darkhanis
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    Mysterious Java bug: Main thread going down

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:13 AM PST

    I have a Java software with two threads, a main thread that is in a busy while loop, and a second thread that waits for data from a websocket and pushes it into a synchronized list inside the main thread. The main thread is constantly waiting for this synchronized list to contain data, then it'll pop the first entry and work with it.

    About once a week, the main thread mysteriously dies/crashes/stops and it's just the second thread that's left running, pushing data into this forever growing synchronized list.

    Now the odd thing is, my main thread is surrounded by multiple try-catch blocks that catch any Throwable and any AssertionError. If the catch block is entered, then it'll simultaneously print something to system out and log to disk using slf4j. This catches every single bug except this mysterious one, when the mysterious bug triggers then there is absolutely zero log output. I don't have anything inside the code that will call either System.exit(1) or Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0).

    What can be going on and how can I possibly address this? I've never seen anything like it before. It's not the kind of bug I can replicate, it happens randomly in production.

    submitted by /u/Future-Professional
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    Looking for a multi-process output formatting tool (Procfile runner without the Procfile)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:53 AM PST

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