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    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    If you are wondering, yes, you should learn Linux learn programming

    If you are wondering, yes, you should learn Linux learn programming

    If you are wondering, yes, you should learn Linux

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:27 PM PST

    While its possible to learn to develop and write code for work or personal use on Windows or Mac with relative ease, there are a lot of advantages that you will gain by learning Linux well

    1. On AWS, the biggest cloud provider. Therefore, if you plan to enter the work force, it is very likely that you will be sshing into a Linux server to do something.

    2. Hardware support has come a very long way in Linux. Nvidia and AMD both have Linux drivers for example. Its highly likely that you will have to zero setup to make a popular distribution like Ubuntu to work on your computer. If you have an older laptop, you can give it new life with a free OS.

    3. You will find that Linux has the fewest restrictions or roadblocks in letting you do more "power user" things. While that has a downside of also giving you ability to fuck things up (which is why system backups with TimeVault or similar are important), the upsides of not worrying about something working because you don't have permission or some config change that is not present is very handy. This will matter more and more as you get into more advanced projects.

    4. Because of the above, most of the big open source libraries are written on Linux with Linux in mind, and later ported to Windows or OSX. Its just easier to make things work on Linux when you have direct introspection of what your program is doing and how its interfacing with the operating system, and the ability to change and configure things.

    5. Free and Open Source (FOSS) software alternatives exist for most of the popular software that you use. Generally, they may be lacking features compared to commercial alternatives, but for the majority of use cases, these are not an issue or available through extensions or configuration. If you have experience in setting stuff up and configuring this software, you will be able to have the same functionality except for free.

    6. Linux UI is very configurable, and different distributions come with their own UI, and you can mix and match. Elementary OS, specifically the Pantheon desktop, is very Mac like, for example. There is also i3wm which is a tiling windows manager that makes great use of a keyboard and smaller screens on laptops.

    Some other benefits

    • Gaming on Linux is becoming more and more prominent through Proton, which is a Valve project to provide windows layer emulation, and open source Lutris, and both are getting better. There are a few games that are have native ports to Linux.

    • Dual booting is a thing of the past. Virtual Machine software is very good these days. If you need to run Windows apps that you can't get equivalents for on Linux, VMWare Player can provide very good performance, especially if those apps aren't graphic heavy.

    • If you have a desktop with decent hardware, you can run a Windows or a Mac VM with GPU passthrough, which gives the VM direct access to a graphics card. There are some complexities involved in setting this up (namely, the VM and the host have to have its own set of hardware like monitor mouse and keyboard), but with software solutions or hardware like USB switch, you can make this all work, and then have all 3 dev environments on one computer, with very good performance. Big thing to consider if you are thinking of developing Mac Apps without having to buy a Mac.

    So yea, learn Linux. Plenty of guides out there, my general suggestion is to start with learning the file system layout and what each directory contains, learn terminal commands for various things, and then if you want to get into tweaking

    EDIT: Another one I forgot to add is privacy. You can make a linux system basically be silent and not transmit anything to the internet. Windows and Mac make this impossible, as services integral to OS will send stuff out over the internet.

    submitted by /u/LeanDopeFanta
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    How do they do those "write your code here" boxes on some sites?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:28 AM PST

    We've all seen these sites like Leetcode and this one:


    Where they have a small windows where you write some code in a language and it runs the code.

    Is this some public domain stuff? I'm looking for something that could be put in an app to test code, but it would be for free so I would stay in a budget.

    submitted by /u/KarlJay001
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    No coding experience challenge: Making money in the first year question

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    So this year my productivity goal is to learn a programming language. I've struggled with this in the past because I didn't have a specific goal in mind but for 2020 I have my mind set on the following: $5000-$6000 by the end of the year using what I've learned doing side work or a side hustle.

    Questions: Is this realistic? What language is best for getting me as close to this goal as possible?

    My background is in the biological sciences so Python would probably make the most sense long term, but I'm not exactly looking at making a career of this.

    I'm aiming at 7-10 hours per week on learning/coding.


    submitted by /u/FakeMango47
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    Failed Front End Dev job interview. How would you answer this question?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:11 PM PST

    So I was having a Front-End Dev interview speaking with one of their senior devs and I got confused and then the guy said that unfortunately I'm 'not quite fit' for the job yet. Can you please share how you would answer and what the accurate answer is?

    Here is the dialog:

    SeniorDev:'Why do we need to bind methods in constructor of class components?'

    Me:'Because we need to bind them to this, other than that this will be undefined'.

    SeniorDev:'OK.Give me a high level example of calling a bind() method and what it does.'

    Me:'bind() method allows us to pass an object as an argument, and then it will be used as this when we call the function.'

    SeniorDev:'Is the full name of the method Function.prototype.bind() or Object.prototype.bind()?'


    SeniorDev:'OK, then why if you were to use an arrow function in onClick for example, why would it work? What is this pointing to?'

    Me:'this is pointing to the global context and automatically bound.'

    SeniorDev:'Global context? Are class declarations utilizing strict mode or not?'

    Me:'Yes, they are'

    SeniorDev:'In that case, is global context considered to be undefined?'


    SeniorDev:'So, you're saying, in that case, we are pointing this to undefined? Ha! (smirks)'

    Me:'Uhmm... well it is automatically bound'.

    SeniorDev:'Can you prove at a low level that this passed in bind() method in constructor, and this in the arrow function is the same this?'

    ... Wasn't able to answer. Then he said I'm unfit for the position if I don't know the basics like that. Sad story. What's the right answer though?

    submitted by /u/robinJersey12
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    Taking Notes for Coding [PRO TIP]

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST


    I recently came across a very useful tool that others on here might be interested in.

    I am a fourth year student (out of five - double majored bs math and bs computer science with a minor in electrical engineering). With all of my different subjects I'm studying, I've found it really hard to find a way to take notes. Paper to me is inefficient for many reasons (wasteful, having to carry it around, no search features, limited pen/marker/color options, slow considering I can type much faster than I can write, etc.). I got an iPad and I've used evernote, onenote goodnote, notability, etc. and have yet to find one of those to be what I need.

    Ideally, as a STEM/engineering student, you probably want something you can draw with (math equations, circuit diagrams, pictures, tables, UML diagrams, etc.) but you probably also want text, as a lot of us can type faster than we can handwrite and for mass amounts of reading/information/coding typing is much more efficient. On top of that, you probably specifically want to be able to add blocks of code. Things get messy when you have to have the notes in the folder with the code you wrote on top of handouts, outside materials, etc. Using google drive/dropbox to organize everything is probably fine, but then updating, modifying, adding notes during review/study time, etc. is very difficult. (Though if you haven't tried it, I recommend the app Notion to keep everything school related in).

    So the best solution in my opinion, that will save you years of suffering, is to use OneNote 2016. Specifically, if you have windows 10, this is a separate download from the pre-installed OneNote app. Then, go to this link and download probably my favorite thing from GitHub to date, NoteHighlight2016. The person that made this is a genius. If you have both of these installed, you can write, draw, type, and insert blocks of code that highlight the syntax based on the language you pick AND it syncs in real time so you can have the same notebook open on your iPad/Surface Pro/etc. at the same time and type then switch from typing to drawing easily. While I still find it clunky to carry my laptop and tablet everywhere, this is a huge improvement for me and I highly recommend it for those who are in school formally.

    TLDR; Download NoteHighlight2016 for OneNote 2016 and you can add blocks of code (that are highlighted for syntax) to your notes.

    Again, here's the link to NoteHighlight 2016. Go to releases and download "NoteHighlight2016.msi" and run it. Happy coding!

    submitted by /u/kassablanca
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    How do people find the time to be appropriately efficient at work?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Maybe not necessarily "learn programming," but a meta of software engineering that I can't wrap my head around.

    Recently an exec level person suggested "I should be able to do 16 hours of work in 6." How is this even possible? I'm in a devops role, have been in devops roles for ~4 years, and in that time I haven't managed to reduce my work time to less than 12+ hours a day.

    I barely have time to track anything on tickets that I must create myself because everything gets asked about on slack, have a backlog of 1000+ things, a short deadline in a week where no one helps; when I ask for help from PMs for tracking items to keep me on track, I get barraged with inquisitions about why nothing I have is "well documented" on tickets - during standups I just get "uhhuh. ok." when asked what I'm working on, and just bypassed.

    How am I supposed "do 16 hours of work in 6?" Where am I supposed to find the time to document and manage my time on top of building secure CICD platforms for an entire company? Iteration time I can shave off occasionally, but things like for example testing securely standing up database clusters can take _hours_ just due to boot times. I don't think I'm necessarily a _good_ programmer by any means, but I get the job done in the time I'm capable of, and I'm always fucking exhausted, because I'm sandbagged with work all the time with people expecting even more out of me. What is supposed to change here? Am I supposed to hard and fast cut an 8 hour day and reserve ~2 of that giving jira tickets manicures?

    submitted by /u/demonic-tutor
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    Which design patterns should I teach my students?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    I will be teaching an object-oriented programming lab class to university students (non-CS majors) next semester. We are supposed to provide an introduction to the topic of design patterns, but, unfortunately, there won't be enough time to cover everything. Therefore, the idea is to use a limited number of 5-7 different patterns as examples and encourage the students to explore the rest on their own.

    The main question is: which patterns should I choose? Googling usually gives an answer along the lines of "you should choose the ones you need for your problem". This advice makes perfect sense for actual developers, but in my case I don't have the luxury of solving a pre-existing problem, I just want something to showcase. So, ideally, I would like to find a set of design patterns that fulfill the following conditions:

    • interesting/practical enough to serve as an advertisement for design patterns in general
    • the more commonly used, the better
    • not very large, so that they can be realistically worked on as a lab task and/or a weekly assignment

    I realize that these conditions can be difficult to fulfill all at once, so feel free to prioritize between them according to what you think is the best idea. Our language will be C#, though that's probably not very relevant to patterns themselves.

    submitted by /u/AtraFos
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    Pointers, nodes and linked lists.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:19 AM PST

    I have been looking through YouTube videos and reading online manuals but I don't seem to understand the concept of pointers, nodes and linked lists. Hence, I need anyone's help to explain it to me like I am a 5 year old. Sorry if the posts sounds dumb and I can't wrap my head around the concept and I want to learn. If you have links to resources which simplify about these topics then do let me know. I'll be eternally grateful!! ❤️

    submitted by /u/AuntieLili
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    R Programming Function. Stuck to convert month names from one language to Other

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:56 PM PST

    This is to be done in R. I have a problem statement like this :-

    Write a function named month_convert(x, from_lang, to_lang) that will convert month names from one language to another. The function will accept three arguments: x, which is a factor with month information; the language from which we are translating from_lang; and the language to which we are translating to_lang. For example: x <- factor(c("March","March","February","June")) month_convert(x, "English", "Spanish") will output: [1] marzo marzo febrero junio Levels: febrero junio marzo If the input contains a value that is not a real month, then it will be replaced with NA. x <- factor(c("March","March","February","June","Jaly")) month_convert(x, "English", "Spanish") [1] marzo marzo febrero junio <NA> Levels: febrero junio marzo

    File to read is here- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ci8M7kM9nIuJmgiB2CB8WHfPf_3HOQ6d--fEo7E2_80

    submitted by /u/sjking1880
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    What programming language should I choose?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Hello. I am a Python programmer that just started scripting, and lots of people tell me; bUt (my name) wHy DoNt YoU uSe JaVa??!!1!11!1

    Well, I am new so what programming language should I choose, should use another?

    For me, I think that I'm going to stick with python, Change my mind, please.

    submitted by /u/Thotanhialator
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    Learning to Program C#

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 11:47 PM PST

    So I've started learning C# about 2 months ago and used mainly the Giraffe Academy channel on Youtube and Bob Tabor videos on Channel9 to get the basics down, but even after getting the concepts down and the videos saved for later review, I don't know how to actually start practicing those basics to truly know how to use them and move to the next level, what would you suggest?

    I've tried CodinWars and SoloLearn playground but they were too hard for me at my level...

    submitted by /u/ChevalierRouge
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    What to expect from my first computing class?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:23 PM PST

    Hey everyone I'm a freshman in college and I'm taking computing 1 next semester. It's my first time ever taking a computer science class and I'm pretty interested. What can I expect to learn from this class and what should I try to learn on my own before starting class. Thank you

    submitted by /u/ExpiredCashew69
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    Best YT tutorial for coding a FPS to be made/designed using Unity?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:38 PM PST

    Alright right into the deep end I go. I know next to nothing about coding/programming/making a game apart from a few primary school lessons in scratch/python and one other programme I can't remember. I plan on building a online FPS in 2020 by myself and wish to know the best preferably beginner friendly YT fps coding/programming tutorial out there, any other help is also very very welcome!


    (I do plan on doing a few beginner projects first to familiarize myself with coding and may get help from a few mates along the way if need be)

    submitted by /u/HarshMuffins
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    Just found out about another payment system called “MoneyButton”. For anybody who knows what it is, what are the pros and cons of using this over Stripe?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Here's the website for reference.

    submitted by /u/df_OS
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    Should Microsoft Make Windows 7 Open Source Now, So People Might Be Willing To Modify As They Wish, Like A Linux Distro?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:14 PM PST


    Since Win 7 has reached it's EOL, how would you feel if Microsoft were to make Win 7 Open Sourced now? Since the OS was much loved by many, maybe people - volunteers, can work on it themselves much like an Open Sourced Linux Distro? Obviously, there isn't a Linux kernel in the back, and some restrictions on 'power user' options like 'sudo', but it might still turn out to be somewhat useful.

    Would this be harmful to Microsoft in anyway? Is it plausible that it might reveal some security bugs and issues?

    What are your thoughts on it?

    submitted by /u/Are_We_There_Yet256
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    Could someone explain to me why the Partition Palindrome time complexity algorithm isn't 2^n?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:07 PM PST


    The worst case is a string with all the same characters, like "aaaaaaa". Every time you add another "a" to the input, the number of valid partitions doubles. So in the worst case it should be at least 2n just from the number of values needed to be added to the result.

    submitted by /u/Purple-Recipe
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    Wanted to learn Codec or C++

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST

    As my subject says I want to learn Codec so for that I need to learn language which I have no idea I m totally a beginner in programming need help and ideas from where or for what to start as I tried so many tutorials and they all are very basic which make me bored and then I stop watching them and then again try to find something which can motivate me to go with it something or someone whose lectures or videos you guide feel that would be style to teach ....I m not a noob in computer I know few things just wanted to explore more

    submitted by /u/DaniIPTV
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    Can I see what I have created with a text editor or do I need a text editor?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    This may be a stupid question but would I be able to see the thing, not sure what the syntax is, that I have coded with a text editor or do I need an IDE? What I mean is that if I coded a calculator would a text editor let me then use the calculator in an easy, accessible window or am I woefully ignorant about how IDE's and text editors work? Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/IndStudy
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    Palindrome explanation on reaching half number.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:49 PM PST

    "Now the question is, how do we know that we've reached the half of the number?

    Since we divided the number by 10, and multiplied the reversed number by 10, when the original number is less than the reversed number, it means we've processed half of the number digits."

    What the f does this mean please. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Bobbyl00w
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    Which language would be best for this project?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    I'm mostly a beginner. I can poke a stick at a block of code and sometimes find errors that don't work.

    I thought to learn programming deeper, I'd do a few projects that build on each other to make 1 big project I can use in my everyday life, and might be useful as a product, or as an open source project.

    I'd like to replicate the function of something like [Audiogram]( https://getaudiogram.com/ ).

    There's a few functions that I'd like to turn into projects:

    1st project is taking a piece of audio, generating a waveform animation, and putting the two pieces together in a video.

    2nd project is to take a timed transcript or SRT file, and turn that into a video.

    3rd project is to bring those two together.

    4th project is linking up with Google's Speech API for automated transcription.

    5th project would be an editor to edit a timed transcript and keep it in sync with the audio.

    6th project would be bringing these different pieces together into a single interface.

    What do you think would be a good language to build these projects in?

    submitted by /u/FlyingNarwhal
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    Data Structures + Algorithms Class

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:15 PM PST

    Hello reddit, I am a junior in high school interested in computer science. I am currently taking AP Computer Science at my school right now and think it is really easy, so I signed up for a data structures and algorithms class at a university extension program. The class is taught in Java which I am pretty good at, but wanted to know if anyone has any tips for learning data structures and algorithms.

    submitted by /u/TaylorAllen0913
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    Is it a good idea to go back and study Algebra, Trig, and Calc while studying web development?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 03:08 PM PST

    I don't remember a thing from high school math and I don't recall learning a thing in those math classes.

    Is it a good idea to spend time studying Algebra using Khan Academy if my goal is to get a job in web development? Or should I focus all my time and energy on programming courses?


    submitted by /u/pmoturtle
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    How do websites constantly update their database?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Hi everybody, I'm just making a website just like MyAnimeList and to begin to start I have a question on how the website receives it's data and from where. Does the main developer just input each individual anime title manually or is there some way to get the data from somewhere? Thanks and if there's any other tips in how to make a website such as this please do give some advice!

    submitted by /u/becomingahero777
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    Why is my code not functioning correctly. Its a rock, paper, scissors game.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:01 PM PST

    I know it has something to do with my IF statements. Can you provide hints without giving me the answer?

    Thank you,


    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    Need good example of JSF MVC with DAOs and an Oracle database

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:55 PM PST

    Can someone point me to a good tutorial? I've searched for hours.

    submitted by /u/Flowerchild_1963
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