• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 7, 2020

    ICANN extracts $20m signing fee for $1bn dot-com price increases – and guess who's going to pay for it? web developers

    ICANN extracts $20m signing fee for $1bn dot-com price increases – and guess who's going to pay for it? web developers

    ICANN extracts $20m signing fee for $1bn dot-com price increases – and guess who's going to pay for it?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Half of the websites using WebAssembly use it for malicious purposes

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    Traditional downloadable, applications are becoming less common as cloud services expand. However, these require that services be constantly accessible and that data transfer is secure. An application breach or service inaccessibility is too common and has a significant impact on users

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:46 AM PST

    Learning and building purely from memory. Just discovered Bootstrap...

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Udemy, freeCodeCamp after work warrior here. Spent days buried in learning back in the summer, building something I was quite chuffed with (nothing remotely impressive but I made it so I was happy), then landed a new job (nothing to do with web dev) and studying took the backest of seats for a bit. I'm getting back on the horse again now that I'm settled in my new place and have started playing around again this week. I'm currently watching the Angela Yu course on Udemy and have just started to learn about Bootstrap.

    Up until now I've been beating myself up over learning everything off the top of my head and then trying to recall what I know from memory with varying results. I'm of the mindset that this is probably the better practice when starting out, but just one lesson into Bootstrap and I'm finding that a load of things I achieved by myself could be done simply by using Bootstrap, and in next to no time at all. I'll continue to build from my own knowledge and resources to practice and learn, but it's made me wonder:

    How much of web development and coding and programming as a whole is pure knowledge and memory from the builder's point of view, and how much is knowing what to copy and paste from libraries like this to achieve what you want quickly and without having to learn so much?

    If anything, this light-bulb moment has made everything seem a little bit more achievable than it was yesterday...

    submitted by /u/Strawbsey_
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    Webserver Benchmark: Erlang vs Go vs Java vs NodeJS

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:59 AM PST

    Normal to feel like you haven't "digested" the details of the content you just learned recently?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:19 PM PST

    I've been enrolled in a full-stack bootcamp and I'm primarily a visual learner. I usually understand the "inner workings" of what I've been learning but certain syntaxes and functionality doesn't always stick until I've implemented it multiple times through a project while going back in the curriculum to guide me through it. I've had similar issues while learning react and node/express/postgreSQL. Was just curious if this was normal in the learning process. A lot of people seem to just know their stuff and don't need much research to get the job done.

    submitted by /u/that_saucy
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    Netlify replacement to deploy simple websites with better flexibility, speed and without vendor lock-in

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST

    How to fix the "waiting for reply" in apache? Is it possible to decrease this waiting time to speed up the server?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    I have an annoying problem with my virtual server. When there are lots of different connections the server clogs up and becomes very slow, when I check the Apache server status I see lots of W, which corresponds to "Sending reply". Now when I check the IP's most of the time it's just visitors but sometimes there are numerous IP's from Facebook that just make the server very slow.

    Is it possible for me to decrease this waiting time to just send an error instead of waiting ages for the reply to fire because I think that will dramatically increase the speed of my server...

    Or does someone else have an idea how to fix this?

    Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/MknEr19.png

    submitted by /u/EnchantedToMe
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    After writing the code for a website, how do you host it?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    HS student and teacher didn't explain so I am curious, thanks!

    Edit: thanks for the input I got my answer!

    submitted by /u/Floridian173
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    Chicago Web Developers - Job Prep & Search Advice?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Fellow Chicagoan Redditors,

    Hope you're doing well! It is my goal this year to finally break into a role as a web app developer/engineer (for argument's sake, I'm focused on full stack web development, but open to mobile dev as well). Specifically, I am currently located in Chicago, which is also my target job market/search (surprise, I know!).

    Quick background:

    • graduated early '10s with an Engineering degree (non-EE/non-CE)
    • worked in manufacturing QA (medical devices) for about 5 years post-graduation, more recently moved into a "data analyst" role (better experience including working with T-SQL and some JIRA, but still pretty dead-end; it's an old school company, not even getting exposure to Python, Tableau, etc. in my current role smh)
    • in 2019, I went through the core CS classes (programming through data structures & algorithms, intro to architecture, and discrete math) at my local CC to get a more formal background in programming and refine my programming skills; programming coursework was in C++
    • planning to do a part-time online MS CS via Georgia Tech in the near future (targeting to start the program in 1-2 years), but focusing my efforts on getting job-ready in the nearer term (0-1+ years)

    For my fellow Chicagoan developers, what is your general outlook on the technologies that are most ubiquitous in the developers market, particularly downtown? I've been trying to focus my efforts via job postings, but it has been difficult to "read between the lines" (i.e., the usual/cliche 5+ years of experience required, laundry list of tech requirements, etc.). Trying to discern the signal from the noise has been rather challenging for me as a n00b.

    My current plan is as follows:

    • learn full stack JavaScript (vanilla with some JQuery for front end, and NodeJS/Express on the backend), as well as HTML & CSS + Bootstrap
    • add on a front-end framework (debating merits of React vs. Angular specifically here in Chicago, more on this shortly...)
    • C#/.NET & ASP.NET Core to broaden my back end chops and to get the additional benefit of an ecosystem (.NET) that's well entrenched in enterprise, which may come in handy down the road
    • build a solid portfolio of web apps and projects using aforementioned technologies
    • get more involved with meetups downtown

    Any feedback on this general plan?

    In your experience/perception, is there a strong presence of .NET tech downtown, particularly with the pick up of ASP.NET Core more recently in the past couple years? Or would I be better off looking into something like Java/Spring, or even something else I'm oblivious to that is oddly specific to Chicago?

    Also, without trying to rustle feathers, any general opinions on React vs. Angular for front end work specifically here in Chicago/downtown? I'm torn between the relative merits of React's growing overall popularity in tech vs. Angular's common coupling with C#/.NET.

    Finally, any opinions on the importance of leetcoding/data structures & algorithms with respect to interviewing in the Chicago/downtown tech scene (for non-FAANG type companies, at least)? I'm torn on how much time (if any) to divert from learning the tech skills into these types of exercises...

    In summary, my general motivation here is to figure out where to focus my efforts efficiently and effectively. I want to be reasonably well-prepared candidate going into a (probably daunting) job search this coming Spring, so I'd like to emphasize heavier on depth into a particular marketable framework/technology rather than breadth across many technologies (more of a longer term goal once I'm in!), in a way that will position me for the best success to break into Chicago tech.

    Your insight is very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/awp_throwaway
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    Vue & Firebase. Help on how to best "structure" the database/vue

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    Hi all,

    So, I am somewhat new to vue, but very much so to database/firebase management. The most I had done before is pulling in a database of "products".

    However, now I have a few more features that is just confusing me a little.

    Essentially, my site will allow users to sign up/login (which I have managed to do using Firebase Auth)
    It will also allow users to post projects, edit profiles and comment.

    Now, I currently have the auth collection as well as user collection (to manage profiles) and a project collection (to list projects) but I am having trouble tying together a project to its owner. Am I over complicating it by making the projects separate from the user collection? (bearing in mind a user may post multiple projects over the lfietime).

    Or, what would be the best/simplist way to tie any user to any project they create?

    My current sitation is essentially a case of having an array of "project names" on the user profile, and if it matches the project they own it. but it seems... wrong.

    Sorry it doesnt make much sense, not sure what else to explain so please feel free to ask for any more required info but, yeah. just wanting to check im not over complicating something otherwise easy.

    submitted by /u/CallMeShiibbyy
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    Push notifications "structure" case for clients and server in real life (help)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:28 PM PST

    Hi, I had implemented push notifications for frontend and backend with React and Node.js.

    However I still miss few points how to implement in real life.

    So if I have user 1 who ask for friendship another user 2, he sent request to server. Record is stored in database. This should trigger push backend to send notification to user 2.

    User 2 is obviously already subscribed for push notifications. But where I should fetch "token" or whatever for function to send push message?

    How should be notifications stored in database treated? Should I create function in Node.js, which will periodically (f.e. every 5 minutes) scan table of all notifications, and if it find some which had not been fired, it will push to device?

    What are some real life sollutions for this?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/hepepnyt
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    Web Development on a $200 Chromebook

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Freelance Webdevs...what are your most common projects?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:02 PM PST

    What kind of things have you been hired to do the most in 2019 / 2020?

    submitted by /u/aRLYCoolSalamndr
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    Is there anything like Enki (daily coding quizzes), but web-based as opposed to mobile-only?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:06 AM PST

    Bonus points if it has a daily streak tracker similar to Duolingo.

    submitted by /u/user1240
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    Is it legal to use Netlify's free plan for a business?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Making a website for a company and their boomer hosting service doesn't support what I need. title

    submitted by /u/GoogleBabies
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    Redirecting mail to a different domain

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:47 PM PST

    My former business partner let the domain expire without warning me and it is likely now in the redemption ("suspended") period. I don't care about the domain itself but need access to the email (using Zoho Mail), especially for the suspected bounced emails that have likely occurred for the past 20 days. Would I be able to redirect the mail to another domain? It is pretty embarrassing if I have to email them again asking if they responded.

    I seem to remember I did something like this with Google G Suite when I changed another domain's TLD (.co => .co.uk).

    I still have access to Zoho itself.


    submitted by /u/bobinhumanresources
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    Wanting to succeed with PHP

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:22 AM PST

    So I'm entering the final stages of interviewing with a company that I'm very excited about for a Junior Dev position. They code almost solely in PHP and my background is in Java. They are aware of my inexperience with PHP and are ready and willing to spend the time training me, but I am wondering if anyone has recommendations for online resources/programs that I can work on in my own time to make my transition as smooth as possible.

    For some background information:

    This company is building/maintaining a backend infrastructure that houses a lot of sensitive client information, so security is of the utmost importance.

    I would describe my level of experience as intermediate. I've built out a few apps using Java, SpringBoot, and MySQL. I am familiar with the basic best practice methods as far as security goes, but I would definitely like to gain a deeper understanding.

    Thank you in advance for any responses and for this sub. You guys and gals are awesome!

    submitted by /u/stevent12x
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    [Paypal Rest API] How do you handle checking the user still has a valid subscription?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Good day, everyone.

    I'm putting together an educational video distribution site for my own videos. It's a subscription based service. I'm currently setting up the PayPal Rest API calls for signups to the service reoccurring billing. What I'd like to know is how would you handle the process of checking if the user still has a valid / paid subscription for this month? What I'm thinking is that the bill ID which you receive from paypal when you set up the billing plan, is something that you can check for. What I'm wondering is what exactly in the bill reports on whether or not it's still being paid? Does it contain some sort of a "paid" data or perhaps last paid date, which you can check if the month equates to the current month?

    Also how would you go about performing the check? Upon the login to the account? Upon every query to access the database?

    Thanks everyone.

    submitted by /u/TheConceptBoy
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    Linux devs: What do you use WINE for?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I use it for Balsamiq client app as it's nice not to be on a monthly subscription (I'm a freelancer) and the UX is far superior to Pencil project IMO.

    Also Nimbus Capture (for screenshots and screencasts). I was amazed how well it integrated into Lubuntu despite being made for a completely different OS.

    What tools do you WINE about?

    submitted by /u/embar5
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    Why would someone use CodeIgniter over Laravel in 2020?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:29 AM PST

    Just wanted to know, an honest question, not throwing any shade.

    submitted by /u/maniakh
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    App development cost

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:46 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm a mainly React and web developer. The company I'm currently working for is looking to create their own app, unfortunately they want it done quick and cheap so they're debating if they should give all the development to me or hire an external developer to do it.

    I know I can do it, but of course since I'd be working largely by myself it might take longer.

    These are the requirements that would need to be included in the app (which we would then expand on in-house):

    • Connect with our existing database and system
    • Login (with previously created details, a working web-version of this already exists, so we'd hopefully only need to get a JWT system working)
    • simple Chat functionality (a simple version of this is already built in the backend)
    • pulling information from existing database
    • Built with React Native (or another JS based library so we'd be able to work on it in-house)
    • Compatible with both iOS and Android

    My employer seems to be convinced he'd be able to hire someone to make it for £1000 or really cheap.

    I've never freelanced so I've got absolutely no clue what the cost of something like this would be, but from my initial research the lowest price I'm finding is around 10-20k, and that's for hiring a cheap Indian developer (which I'm unsure would be a good choice if we need a solid product we can expand on).

    Any experts here able to give me a rough cost of hiring an external company to develop this?

    submitted by /u/creativiii
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    Why would decoupling the admin area (dashboard) and a sites "core" be considered a good move?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:47 AM PST

    I've been working on a project using Saleor for a while now. Saleor is an eCommerce CMS built with Django and React with a GraphQL layer in between as the API.

    Recently Saleor dropped it's Django powered admin area and switched entirely to using React powered one. The Django dashboard worked fine, it wasn't the prettiest of things but it was stable and really simple to develop with. The new React dashboard seems (to me at least) to be overly complicated, prone to bugs, duplicates a load of code, increases the amount of development time required and for this we get... a slightly nicer UX?

    I know that Mirumee (the company that makes Saleor) are working on a cloud platform for Saleor, would decoupling the dashboard help here? If so how?

    If not then why would they do it? I've asked on their various support channels but I've never gotten a satisfactory answer

    submitted by /u/petedee
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