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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    How many of you guys don't work with modern tech? And are you okay with that? web developers

    How many of you guys don't work with modern tech? And are you okay with that? web developers

    How many of you guys don't work with modern tech? And are you okay with that?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST

    Or are you afraid it'll hurt your prospects in the future?

    I just got a new job, and I don't work with React, or any modern JS framework for that matter. I basically update an already built CMS, sometimes code out landing pages and design e-news letters.

    Part of me is happy because it's the most I've ever been paid, it's close to home, has great benefits and everyone's been here for 30 years. It's easy. There's never a rush, I can work at my own pace. I have a five month old at home, I'm married and have a house. It's an established company that makes tons of money.

    Part of me worries though, because I wonder what my future holds, since I don't use any modern JS framework here. It's more of a half design, half coding position that focuses on marketing.

    I've never had the opportunity or pleasure to work with React or Vue full time out of seven years doing this. However my portfolio is filled with side react projects and side client react projects, because that's the type of work that helps me be employable, apparently.

    For guys in my position, do you ever wonder the same? Or does it even matter?

    Would love some discussion on this. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/canadian_webdev
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    How do I create a website that has some aspects in common for every page, that just changes a few elements on each page?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:00 AM PST

    Basically, a similar thing to xkcd.com. I want to be able to change one page that changes all of the other pages, and only need to add one element to have a different website.

    submitted by /u/randomtempaccount123
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    How do you design a website with a mobile first approach?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:29 PM PST

    In my web dev career I have not had much experience creating mobile friendly sites. As I'm looking at breaking off on my own, I see the need to be able to develop mobile first sites. But everything I ever build doesn't look quite right on smaller devices. Any tips on how do design navigation elements, sizing and so forth for a mobile site?

    submitted by /u/CreativeUsername5151
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    Please someone give me a final word on storing secrets in Nodejs

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:14 AM PST

    I've legitimately googled this for the past 30 minutes and I'm just more confused than before.

    I'm about to deploy a Rest API that connects to a MYSQL database. On my development machine, the secrets were kept in a .env file, which was loaded on startup and parsed by my code.

    But after googling it seems like this isn't a secure solution for a production environment. Unfortunately the same sources that have told me that have also failed to say how to protect these secrets without .env.

    Here's how my app is structured:

    • Running on an Ubuntu server in Node.js
    • Not in the public web folder
    • Not using Docker
    • Just plain ole Ubuntu

    The confusing part

    Here's some of the solutions I've read:

    • don't add secrets to your .env file, but start the app with your secrets in the command FOO="mySecret" node parent.js which surely is just as bad as writing them in the .env file
    • use Kubernetes, Docker, Azure secrets, which I can't since I'm on a pre-existing Ubuntu server

    What is the actual way to protect my db's user and password? Surely if it's okay to write it in a plain php file for something as widespread as Wordpress then it should be fine to write it in a .env file that's in a folder well hidden from the public web folder.

    I've seen people call this method a hack but I just cannot understand what the better solution would be unless I were to change my environment entirely.

    submitted by /u/creativiii
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    AWS for main Webapp and Squarespace as subdirectory possible?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:02 PM PST

    So I was wondering if this sort of setup is possible.

    So imagine 1 domain name, let's just call it example.com

    Let's say I build a webapp and I want to use example.com to point to it (hosted on AWS). Ok, easy enough.

    Now, let's say I want to use Squarespace as my blogging platform. Is that possible to put it under a subdirectory route under the same domain? (example.com/blog) So when visitors click on "Blog", it'll take them to example.com/blog (powered by Squarespace) and the URL in the address bar will stay example.com/blog (and then example.com/blog/<name\_of\_post>, etc.) and "Home" will take user back to the self-hosted AWS stuff.

    Edit: Not interested in a subdomain approach.

    submitted by /u/ewliang
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    Need to find a fitting CMS

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:34 AM PST

    I am creating a small educational website which should contain interactive language exercises and material. I need to find a CMS for this that is relatively easy to learn (I am an undergrad CS student) and that is free to use. I am not very familiar with any of them and I don't want to waste a lot of time trying different ones as I have limited time right now. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/snadras
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    I learned the basics of HTML/CSS and Javascript now I don't know how to improve my skills

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I have heard that the best way to improve is by making websites. The thing is that my skills are still lacking so I would like additional resources to improve. Is there a resource that gives me a list of requirements for me to try to build the website on my own and then provides the solution (code)?

    Resources for "lower intermediate" learners would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Gintama4ever
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    Rails + React Code Review Request

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    In an attempt to learn React and API development, I built a sample note taking application that leverages Rails and React. Since my day-to-day is WordPress development, I don't know what I don't know, and would appreciate any feedback. Sorry in advanced if this is on violation of rule #5.

    submitted by /u/P013370
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    Making a slack bot. How do you send response back to server when a user click on the button inside the message sent by the bot.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:42 AM PST

    I am using nodejs to create the bot. It can send messages with buttons and stuffs but I don't understand how to send back response to the server when a user clicks on those buttons.

    submitted by /u/Katsuga50
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    How shall I unfold titles in webpages?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:06 PM PST

    I am trying to unfold the titles in the table of contents in the left panel in https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/.

    I followed the advice at https://old.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/en8s45/how_to_unfold_all_folded_bullets_in_a_webpage/fdwnpxq/. I inspect the elements of the webpage in Firefox or Chrome, and find that the elements of interest have class "title". But document.querySelectorAll('.title').forEach( x => x.click()) doesn't unfold the titles.

    I was wondering how I should solve this problem and similar problems of the same kind?


    submitted by /u/timlee126
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    Where can I best build a simple database website to browse?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I want to create a database website, preferably based on sqlite tables, that allows the user to browse the database, filter it by criteria and view the details page of each entry. I do not need logins, user roles or whatsoever. I do not have a lot of coding experience. The idea is very simple and I am looking for an easy way to set this up, maybe a template provider or so... If anyone has a suggestion that would be great. Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/lilbowmeow
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    What does your SMTP set up for client websites look like?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:56 AM PST

    Hoping someone here might have some suggestions for SMTP providers/set ups when dealing with multiple web clients, all small businesses. I don't want to use my email server for contact forms as the sender to avoid it being flagged as spam.

    Right now I'm using Mailgun's free SMTP, but hesitate to continue with them because their sales emails end up in my exchange junk folder.

    Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/digitalacorns
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    I need help transitioning from current website to newly built website

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Hi all, I just want to go over what we have currently and what our plans are and make sure I'm not missing anything crucial.

    Our current website is a basic wordpress site (as in as basic as it can get) with a mapped domain.

    We have built out a new website on a new domain through wordpress/elementor. Through wordpress admin, I've been building up some SEO to help with the launch.

    Our plan/hope is to switch over to this new website/domain efficiently. If I'm going about this wrong, please tell me as now's the time to fix the approach. We plan to get access to the nameserver (CEO is working on this) to forward the current website over to the new one. IE, if anyone searches our company, and clicks on the old website, it'll just bring up the new one.

    This is proving to be a bit tricky as the domain that the old website is on was purchased elsewhere, and thus is just mapped through wordpress. It's an https so I don't believe I can just pay the $13 per year to forward directly through wordpress. Is our only option to get access to the original nameserver and forward from there?

    Is there a better way to go about this? Once we start forwarding the old website to the new one, is there anything I should look out for? Any other steps we should be taking?

    Sorry if this is a bit amateurish, I'm new to launching website and generally stick to an easier path: starting from scratch.

    submitted by /u/shwoople
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    [Question] Two values in one input

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:53 PM PST

    I tried to make radio buttons that had two values. One for 'version' and the other one for 'quantity but it didn't work. Any advice on how I should do this?

    I want to do this because I am making a webshop with PHP. This is for a subscription section.

    code: https://pastebin.com/JDqRhMNk

    <label for="version" for="quantity" class="product\\\_\\\_versie">

    1. <input type="radio" value="12 maanden" name="version" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1"> 12 maanden
    2. <input type="radio" value="24 maanden" name="version" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="2"> 24 maanden
    3. <input type="radio" value="36 maanden" name="version" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="3"> 36 maanden
    4. </label>
    submitted by /u/ivano1990
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    How much information do you actually need to include in an index.html page?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    https://jsbin.com/liqapuj/edit?html,console,output - My index.html:

    <div id="div1">The text above has been created dynamically.</div> <script> //document.body.onload = addElement; addElement() function addElement () { var newDiv = document.createElement("div"); var newContent = document.createTextNode("Hello!"); newDiv.appendChild(newContent); var currentDiv = document.getElementById("div1"); document.body.insertBefore(newDiv, currentDiv); } </script> 

    In this test example, I have omitted doctype, html, body, head, and in the javascript, I have omitted body.onload. And yet, everything runs fine.

    I am curious as to why this is allowed.

    It gets even more interesting when you visit a website like ix.io. When viewing the page source, there is not a single tag. It's all plain text.

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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    Logic of login process?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I'd like to understand the logic behind logging a user into an application. I'm not a web developer so I may oversimplifying it but can you please let me know if I understand the process correctly and if not please fill in the holes.

    As I understand it, this is how it goes: I'm the owner of application A and when a user initially signs up, the program securely stores their username and password in a data structure (username is the key while password is the value?). When said user attempts to log in, they input their username and password, the program searches for that username key and if it finds it, it then checks if the imputed password matches the stored password value for the inputed username, if there is a match then the user is successfully logged in, if the values do not match a error message "incorrect username/password" is returned. On the other hand, if the inputed username is not found as a key then an error message is returned "incorrect username/password".

    How close am I?

    submitted by /u/Tyraniczar
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    Can complex treatments be done with REST API ?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    I've done quite some research, but I either find posts that doesn't answer my question, or massive tutorials.

    I want to know if I can do more through RESTful API's than mere CRUD operations ?

    For example, say I have my endpoint example.com/api/cake

    and my post's body :


    Name : Soup

    Flavour : Grappe


    Would it be possible for me to, for example, make a call to a database and checking the post's content before actually creating this resource ?

    submitted by /u/Endless-Nine
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    Is Create React App that bad for SEO nowadays?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:29 AM PST

    So a while ago I created a site for a client, by that time I was learning react and the only thing I knew was create-react-app, I was not aware of things like Gatsby that would suit better for what the website actually was.

    My client wants his website to be more SEO friendly, however now I've found that Create React App struggles with that because it first gets an empty html and then the javascript is the one generating the content. I'd like to avoid migrating the site to a static site generator framework if possible, so my question is, has anyone gotten decent SEO with Create React App? I am aware of things like Helmet that might help but I have not tried them out yet.

    I've read that googlebot now parses the javascript as well, but I have not found online articles validating that with that create react app became SEO friendly.

    submitted by /u/iwanttobemayor
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    Simulating control-click and keeping focus in current tab

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Is it standard to have a separate store for company merch(shopify) or embed shop into main client website?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Hey webdev,

    I have a new client who wants two main functionalities of their website. First, an advert space to tell everyone what they are about. The advert space would include embedding their latest youtube uploads (which I assume is available via youtube API). The second requirement is an online store where they can begin selling and uploading merchandise related to their youtube channel.

    My question is, would it make sense to provide a link from their main advertisement website I develop to a Shopify store I set up for them? Pretty much all of their online store needs could be rapidly set up in Shopify compared to me developing into their website. What have you done in situations like this?

    submitted by /u/RecklessCube
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    How can I break into freelance web development?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I've spent alot of time in the past few months teaching myself web development and feel like I'm getting pretty good with web development. I'm not ready to start freelancing yet, but I'd like to start soon since I'm looking to make some money. Im 19 and have no idea where to start. My goal isn't to become "filthy rich" but to make a decent amount of money before the next semester starts in August. I have a personal site and projects to showcase my work. Where's a good place to start with finding some work (doesn't matter if it pays very well at first I need to build a portfolio anyways).

    submitted by /u/vgf417
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    Brainstorming an idea (HELP!!!)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Hello. For my job, I need to input information from a website into a template and send it out via email. I was wondering if there is something that I can make that would simplify this. Not sure if this would be web based or if I am in the wrong place. If I am, please point me into the correct direction if possible. :)

    Here is an example of what I want/need... https://www.target.com/p/-/-/A-53449452

    I would need the url, a few of the items in description (item number, dimensions, ect... they will be static on all items needed), item name, and the brand, which is always in the title but not always in the same spot.

    I would ideally like to grab all this information and input it into a email template that has already been created. There are a few different items that I would need to put into the template that are behind the scenes and are not public, so an option to manually input details would be awesome too.

    submitted by /u/SyncingShiip
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    What are the best relational DB naming conventions? Here's what I prefer

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    As I'm ramping up to do a rewrite of a large legacy .NET web app, I'm often thinking about the best way to name things in our SQL schema. Personally, I like to follow logical conventions, but I'm not sure they're always the most practical or 'loved' by other devs. For example:

    • Everything Pascal! I use pascal casing throughout my schema (Tables, SPs, Views, Columns). I find it easier to read in jumbled scripts with a lot of joins
    • Tables, Views, SPs, etc. should be prefixed. This is the big one I wanted to get people's input on. I imagine some people might hate it. Examples:
      • T_Users
      • SP_MyStoredProc
      • V_GetAllRecords
      • L_Users-Roles -> I like having my link tables sorted and grouped by using L_
      • R_States or R_Statuses -> Sometimes I use R_ for "fixed" data reference tables
    • Column names should not reference their data type (Ex: iUserID or vcUserName for int and varchar, respectively)
    • Column names should not reference their parent (Ex: UserID -> just call it "ID" in the Users table)

    Those are the main ones I can think of, other than the obvious general conventions, like avoid using ridiculously long names, or long acronyms.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts for/against, and what other conventions may be good to consider. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Nalopotato
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    Element resize: DOM events and CSS queries

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:51 AM PST

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