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    Monday, January 27, 2020

    How bad is it that I have zero clue how to do most of the exercises in Sedgewick's Algorithms after reading a chapter? Computer Science

    How bad is it that I have zero clue how to do most of the exercises in Sedgewick's Algorithms after reading a chapter? Computer Science

    How bad is it that I have zero clue how to do most of the exercises in Sedgewick's Algorithms after reading a chapter?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:48 AM PST

    I'm on the chapter about graphs right now, I understand the theory more or less and I draw out algorithms on paper to understand them. Sometimes it helps and sometimes I have no clue what something is doing or why it works. (Kosajaru-Sharir algorithm for example, I have absolute zero clue why this works and it's extremely confusing to me. I re-read the explanation 5 times and it just doesn't make any sense.)

    Either way I seem to be clueless on any exercises in the book. The first few for each chapter seem a little doable, but when it comes to stuff like this:

    4.2.10 Given a DAG, does there exist a topological order that cannot result from applyinga DFS-based algorithm, no matter in what order the vertices adjacent to each vertexare chosen? Prove your answer.

    4.2.29 LCA in a DAG. Given a DAG and two vertices v and w, develop an algorithmto find a lowest common ancestor (LCA) of v and w. In a tree, the LCA of v and w is the(unique) vertex farthest from the root that is an ancestor of both v and w. In a DAG, anLCA of v and w is an ancestor of v and w that has no descendants that are also ancestorsof v and w. Computing an LCA is useful in multiple inheritance in programminglanguages, analysis of genealogical data (find degree of inbreeding in a pedigree graph),and other applications. Hint : Define the height of a vertex v in a DAG to be the lengthof the longest direct path from a source (vertex with indegree 0) to v. Among verticesthat are ancestors of both v and w, the one with the greatest height is an LCA of v and w.

    I have absolutely zero clue how to even begin on tackling a problem like that.

    It intimidates me a lot that I can't even think of how to begin tackling it, and that there are people out there who solve things like this somehow.

    Is it normal to be relatively clueless on things like this even though I'm a computer science student who is maybe supposed to solve problems like these?

    Granted, I am not very good at math at all and I'm not used to solving mathematical problems anymore. Do these problems even have anything to do with math? Or is it just that this abstract theory requires a lot of thinking and pondering and experimenting for you to come to a solution?

    In other words: I feel dumb because I'm completely stumped by exercises in this book, and I'm wondering if it's normal or if other people do tackle things like this.

    submitted by /u/redrosereverie
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    Machine Learning for Beginners

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Hi all, long time lurker here. I'm a senior in CS, and I want to level up my technical skills by picking up machine learning and maybe some deep learning as well.

    The problem is, there are SO many resources, and I don't know which to trust! I don't feel any articles I've read thus far actually have a thorough explanation of the various aspects of the algorithms. Most articles just jam out some Keras and tensorflow code and you're done. I need a much deeper, more technical explanation of everything happening.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/jbentleyh
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    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:40 AM PST

    Limit the time you waste - https://tiptaps.app/apps/timecap

    submitted by /u/laqudee
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    Scraping Pricing Info on Collectibles

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:37 PM PST

    Hey -

    I'm a big comic book collector and have a background in IT (not really on the dev side although I did a good bit of Perl / MySQL before) .

    I've never worked with scraping websites before - but I was thinking about scraping data from various auction sites and eBay on comic book pricing and create a site that lets you search for the current "going price" of different collectible comics.

    There's roughly a total population of 150K comic books published between Marvel & DC from 1930's to present -

    How much of an effort would it be to scrape and update and keep some trending data on this from a few different web sources? The site would have to be updated about monthly to be useful.

    What sort of scraping tools and backend software would you advise for this? From what I've been reading online it looks like Python & Beautiful soup with a MySQL backend would do that job.

    Any thoughts or recommendations on how to approach this?

    Also - is this something that would be very expensive to get built?

    submitted by /u/Felix72
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    Multi Matrix Deep Learning with GPUs

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:10 PM PST

    Graduate thesis ideas in networking or operating systems field

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:45 AM PST

    Hey guys, I'm really struggling to pick the topic of my graduate paper. It's really tough as I would like to do something with networking or OS administration however I feel like my options are pretty limited - it is mandatory that I compare something and this is the part that I struggle with. Can't really compare IDS/IPS solutions as they are all pretty similar and use the same methods to find vulnerabilities. I thought about network automation - again, can't do anything here because I need to compare stuff...

    I would love to do something that will actually help my career as a network engineer/sysadmin - what I mean by that is learning something that is used in real-life scenarios.

    There are two topics in my head right now and I would love to hear your opinion and of course I'm open to suggestions. Anything related to networking, systems administration (so Linux, virtualization, Docker, etc). Also, this doesn't have to be ground-breaking, the paper just needs to compare stuff regardless if it is something new or not.

    Wireless Mesh Networks - my aim would be to compare routing protocols used in wireless mesh networks (HWMP and something else, my options are pretty limited as I would need to do this simulation in NS3). I would measure stuff like throughput, power emission, latency, convergence etc. Sounds cool however this is not a topic that I'm super passionate about and NS3 limitations could really bite me in the ass, but at least it's something. Can't find it useful when it comes to job hunt as well.

    Software-Defined Networking - here I would simply compare traditional network to the same one but built with SDN conecpts. That sounds better however I am not exactly sure that software-defined networking is here to stay, actually it was marked as "dead" by Gartner report. Can't find to many job offers related to SDNs as well so I'm not sold on that.

    Comparing networks with and without QoS - pretty straightforward, I hope that this is achievable in GNS3, nothing ground-breaking of course, but I guess I would get some fancy charts and easily compare network performance.

    VPNs - comparing VPN encapsulation protocols like IPSec vs OpenVPN could be an option (performance in traditional scenarios, multicast etc), maybe with IPv6 implementations?

    As I said, I'm open to hearing your opinions and suggestions. I know that I've only listed ideas related to networking, however I'm open to trying something with Windows/Linux administration.

    submitted by /u/roberrcik
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    Anyone interview for PagerDuty for their internship recently?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Pretty nervous, any tips?

    submitted by /u/ZenNoah
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