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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    Has anyone ever asked a problem on a forum, just to be answered 5 years later? Ask Programming

    Has anyone ever asked a problem on a forum, just to be answered 5 years later? Ask Programming

    Has anyone ever asked a problem on a forum, just to be answered 5 years later?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:46 AM PST

    I answered someone's question on a forum, but it has been 5 years since they asked it. Still should be helpful to anyone else who looks at it. Also begs the question, why lock forums after a set time?

    submitted by /u/Leifbron
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    Desktop Linux users: what font do you use?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:28 PM PST

    I've noticed a few consistent favorites for programming fonts, but I have a feeling that which platform you're on has a significant influence on that, due to differences in the font rendering.

    I'm curious to know what peoples' favorite font is on the Linux desktop?

    submitted by /u/dead10ck
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    Looking to create some programs to help make Table Top Roleplaying Games more efficent, and was hoping to find a collaborator.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:46 PM PST

    I have no coding skills, beyond some very basic use of Perchance.com

    However I have very detailed lists of everything I want to accomplish. If you are at all interested please reach out!

    submitted by /u/Osellic
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    Having trouble installing Eclipse on Mac

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I'm on a macbook pro 2019 and I've installed the eclipse installer. When I go to launch that, it says failed to create the java virtual machine. Any ideas on how to fix that?

    submitted by /u/Vtaky
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    C++ or C#?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:13 PM PST

    I have been making games in Java for over 1 year now and I've wanted to learn a different programming language for any type of advantages (ex. better game making engines) . So I was thinking about learning C++ or C# to start making games because I found that those two are really popular and that they are OOP.

    So I was wondering which one should I learn to be able to make decent games (I am not trying to go pro, this is only a hobby)? This devlog series seemed to influence me into wanting to learn C++.

    P.S. I am not looking for a bs answer that says "It doesn't matter which programming language you learn" because then I would be coding games in Assembly -_-

    EDIT: I am not trying to make any 3D games (at least for now), I am trying to make 2D pixel art games.

    submitted by /u/_MrPixelr
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    Is there an open api (not google) that I can enter an address and get back a geojson object?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I'm adding an adresss field to my profile page on my app and I want to confirm street address and geojson object with gps coordinates.

    submitted by /u/chovy
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    Rigging a common paper printer to print line-by-line

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Long story short; I was thinking if it was possible to rig your common paper printer to print a paper line-by-line?

    Obviously that is how it works normally as well, but I want it to stop printing after ever line of "pixels" on paper and continue printing the next line when told. To further clarify - I want to print stuff on paper line-by-line in a same general manner I would, for example, debug code by running it line-by-line.

    Could this be achieved with a simple printing program, or do you think it requires driver level trickery?

    Could be a cool new way to produce something out of this.

    submitted by /u/Rumpula
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    Is there any way to access functions as though they were variables in C++?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    For example, I want to be able to have something like

    int variable() { return getValue('x'); } 

    But then when I want to use it in another function I can do something like this

    int multiply(int factor) { return factor * variable //notice it isn't "variable()". I don't want to call it like a function } 

    Is there any way to do this? I know you can in python and C# so I figured there might be a way to do in C++. Thank

    submitted by /u/WiWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
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    Anyone interested in a collaboration - or can offer some advice to an utter newbie non-programmer?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:44 PM PST

    I am sorry if this is not really a programming question, as in "dealing with code itself", or if I'm breaking any sub rules. I honestly can't think of where it would be best to ask, though, so, here's the thing:

    I'm seeking someone who can program, for free, for my idea. And I can't pay.

    I've started in this egotistical way since this would be the best approach to also explain that I'm NOT searching for "victims that will do my work for me". What I'm seeking is someone who'd have one or two days of spare time to invest in a project he would also believe would be worth it. And he'd have control and credit over it. It's not something I intend to sell. I'm not a company. It's just something I'd like to see made, have tried myself to do it, but can't find the time to properly learn how to code it. I know this might sound egotistical as well. We're peeling layer uppon layer here. So, again... here's the thing:

    For over two decades I've been writing about tech. Software reviews, tutorials, stuffs. I've also studied Graphic Arts. I've also designed a bunch of sites (nothing important). But I always considered programming as something too difficult to get into.

    It was my first steps at creating WP themes, almost at the same time I met AutoHotKey, that made me grasp "If-Then-Else" and learn the basics of scripting. Enough to learn how to create simple GUIs and some "program logic behind them" in AutoHotKey.

    Then, I tried my hand at Python. I could understand the tutorials, but I'm at a point in my life, with most of my day taken up working to support my family, where I have to choose what I can do with the little spare time I find: I can either do stuff or learn stuff. Not both. Not at the same time.

    So, for the last time, here's the thing:

    As I said, I want to make a very simple project - someone with basic experience in any programming language could pull it off in a day or two. For me? I'll have to first learn everything almost from scratch, and with the time available, that would translate to years. What's the project?

    A notepad with multiple word counts, a background that changes color and a save function.

    Allow me to clarify the "notepad" part: I'm talking only the functions I just mentioned. Not a full-featured editor. Not a WordPad. No text alignment. No MarkDown. Nothing. A bunch of empty fields, each with a background that can change color, each with a target word count. And a save function to txt.

    Why would I want something like that?


    By splitting what you're writing in smaller chunks, it's easier to work on it bit-by-bit, have a clear focus, and it somehow feels like "you're hitting more goals, quicker", helping psychologically. It's the reason some text editors boast about "support for setting up a target goal".

    The reason for multiple target goals? When I'm writing even a simple blog post, it's split with subheadings. Has notes. And can easily get out of hand if you have a specific word target. One section might have 50-100 words more than expected. So, it would be perfect if there was a singular tool allowing setting up goals for each section in a text. The only program I found that almost fits that bill is Manuskript, but its interface is convoluted and clunky since it's primarily created for writing whole novels.

    The reason for the color-changing background, so as to have a non-intrusive but easily visible way to check how close you are to your goal. The background would start with a pastel blue tone, going to green as you're getting closer to your mark, turning red as you're going way over it. Target word counts for all sections could be visible, but not in an in-your-face way. ALL programs of the kind that I've checked either have their word count semi-hidden in a bar or demand "you call it" through a menu or button.

    As I said, I'm looking for someone to collaborate with to create this, IF they find the idea interesting and useful. The "collaboration" part is not me providing the idea and riding my high horse: I don't really know how to do it in any programming language, but if possible, I can create the GUI with the little I know of HTML and CSS, and any needed graphics.

    Still, I know this might not interest anyone, so I'd also like some pointers on how could I start working towards that goal on my own, if nobody shows up. What would be the simplest-to-get-into programming language with which I could achieve something like this? I've read and tweaked PHP, JavaScript and Python code in the past, but never written anything of my own with them from scratch, bar some ultra-simple scripts. Could one of those do the trick? Would it be better and easier if I tried pulling it off in JavaScript, that would probably also allow me to create the GUI with HTML and CSS (instead of, say, having to also learn something like tkinter)?

    I'm willing to start working on it on my own and post any crappy first code my fingers spit out on GitHub, but that's the reason I decided to ask here: it would be ultra-crappy code, and someone who already knows even the basics in some programming language would be able to create something like that in hyperspeed. My past tech experience and very basic grasp of scripting and programming concepts tell me that we're basically talking about a bunch of user-defined number variables ("the target word count of each section"), the sections themselves, a color variable with a predefined range of values, a "change background color" function and a save function. Am I missing something?

    Anyways... I wouldn't know how to end such a post, so I'd love both suggestions and any helping hand or, even better, anyone interested to work on this.

    Sorry again if this is considered way off-topic. I honestly didn't know where else to ask, and... well... here be programmers!

    submitted by /u/ducklord
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    Looking for advice/direction

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:49 AM PST

    I am currently pursuing a computer science degree in India. I feel like I have a fairly decent grasp of programming concepts and. enjoy most of what I learn. I have also done a few online courses and have recently gotten more interested in data analysis. But I am very uncertain about what steps I should take to further my knowledge and career. What should I be doing to build up my resume?

    I have heard that a healthy GitHub profile must be built and have started to solve questions from LeetCode and the like and adding them to a repo. But should I be working on some project? If so, what kind?

    If you could direct me to some online resources or similar reddit threads that would be great.

    Any advice would be welcome, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Szues
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    How smart is memory management likely to be? C++, Windows/Linux

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:56 PM PST

    My program does a lot of allocating of memory for storage and also needs to allocate large areas of memory for temporary use. I've been trying to find out exactly how smart I can expect the OS to be when it comes to memory management, but facts are proving to be elusive. There's stuff about how Virtual Memory remaps memory in 4k chunks, but nothing about how and when this happens.

    So as a for instance:

    If I allocate three 1mb blocks, I assume they are likely to be allocated sequentially in memory. If I free up the middle block, and from then on I only ever allocate in 2mb blocks, will that freed 1mb be forever unallocated?

    If so, is there a way to force a tidying up of allocations in memory, or for the program to do it itself, so that 1mb doesn't go to waste?

    A less abstract example: my program might allocate two 100mb blocks for processing a number of images. Each image, once processed, would then be copied into three 25mb blocks (one per image channel). Once all the images are processed, there may be, for example, thirty of those 25mb blocks for a total of 750mb. The original two 100mb blocks are now redundant, but they're stuck "behind" all the other blocks. How can I ensure that that memory can be freed up so it can be part of a much larger allocation (e.g. 2+gb)?

    submitted by /u/wonkey_monkey
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    (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false - Samsung fix

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:32 PM PST

    I can't interact with the Google Drive API on my Samsung device and I'm getting this message in the log. My LG phone works fine with the Drive API. Anybody know an actual fix for this?

    submitted by /u/tits_n_booty
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    CMD or Powershell help - replacement file explorer for Windows

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    So I've been thinking for a while about making a replacement file explorer for windows using Electron. I enjoy front end development (I have been building React applications for almost 4 years now), but this is a pretty ambitious challenge for me because I really have no idea about Command Line or Powershell.

    Simple things I'm sure I can google, but things like the "open with" context menu that provides you with a list of applications that are capable of opening the file, along with the option to choose any application. I have no idea if it's even possible to get that list of potential applications. I know you can find out which program is currently associated, but those alternate programs I have no idea, and am really struggling to google this stuff.

    Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is would anyone be interested in helping me build this? Whether it's working out CMD/Powershell commands or just building out the UI, I think it could be a pretty cool side project

    submitted by /u/Cracky6711
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    It's possible to create an app like notion on android / dekstop without using electron?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST

    I have make dekstopp/android apps before, but using the layouts provided by android or GTK, but, I can't get my mind around on how to make an app with the interactions that notion enables.

    I'm talking about the different components they have and how they behave and interact between each other. Is that possible to do on android and desktop development?

    submitted by /u/JudgeBergan
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    How to use image processing to detect direction of motion blur?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST


    I am working on programming a sensor that detects lines within motion blur, but I am struggling to actually get my program to detect any lines with anything but a still image (using OpenCV with Python 3). I am using a Hough Line Transform method to detect lines within an image, as shown in tutorials I've followed, but I haven't had any luck.

    Here is a sample of what I'm working with. Clearly the human eye can see the direction of the motion blur and it looks like OpenCV should be able to pick up these lines, but I've had no luck and my program keeps finding lines with angles of 135 and 45 degrees which is not correct.

    Any suggestions for how I could work with this motion blur and detect lines like OpenCV can so easily with still images? I'm open to using any Python package (doesn't have to be OpenCV), I just want to get this line detection to work because I've been trying to for a decent amount of time.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/coleam00
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    Running client data through 'personal' webapp

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Hey peeps,

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I have a legal question about processing your employer's clients' data through a webapp you develop and host on non-company equipment (and maybe even time). I realize this would be best consulted with a real legal advisor experienced in the exact scenario and with access to all the details, but maybe I can get some general comments here. I'm not actually rushing to develop anything based on the answers found here, but this may provide some general knowledge that I think I'm very lacking in data privacy laws and such.

    The scenario: My position at work involves developing a lot of RPA with UiPath (fine) and VBA (not fine) at a large-ish company in Europe. Corporate is very paranoid about IT security and will only let me use these two technologies, and I would prefer Python over VBA for all the Excel work. I'm a fairly low-level employee, although they are strict with anybody it seems, and they won't allow me to develop or run Python code on company equipment. I was wondering what is the real possibility of me developing on a personal machine and hosting on some of the typical hosting sites so I can run my programs on my webapp.

    The potential problem: The spreadsheets that I typically process contain a lot of the company's clients' or potential clients' data. The company obviously has their butts covered legally as far as their RGDP, cookies, etc. obligations. However, I wonder what the legal implications are of developing and webapp/programs (Flask, Django, etc.) on a personal computer and then, for example, uploading a spreadsheet with a company computer into said webapp, processing the info on some host (Heroku, PythonAnywhere, etc.), and spitting back the processed file to that company computer.

    I'm obviously not looking to do anything sketchy with that data, but it feels sketchy to collect it and send it off to 'who knows where' for processing. Or perhaps the privacy agreements the clients sign when they provide their data to my company extend to whichever tools I decide to use?

    Any thoughts are welcome, thanks

    submitted by /u/jayplusplus
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    Where can I find a list of the default CSS values of HTML Elements?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:22 PM PST


    Have you ever lost an hour or two on trying to make things look right only to find out that an element already has padding or margins or borders or a special display type by default?

    Well me too.

    And I tried to look it up on w3 and mozilla, but didn't find anything useful.

    Like, for instance, body has a margin, and buttons have a padding by default ,and an invisible force that centers all content. These have to be documented somewhere. Like, somewhere on a nice list where people can look it up quickly.

    Can you point me to somewhere where I will find solutions to these mysteries?


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    I want to see if I'm doing this right. C code

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:43 AM PST

    I was given an assignment for one of my classes and it's about Memory Fragmentation in C.

    I have to make a C program that allocated a sequence of 3 * m arrays (choosing m to exhaust almost all the memory given for the program) with 800,000 elements each. Then I have to deallocate the even-numbered arrays. After that, I have to make an array of m elements with 1,000,000 elements each.
    I have to time how long both of these allocations take. I have the code and everything, but I am a bit unsure if I'm using malloc() correctly to get the result I want.


    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AwesomenessThatKills
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    New to programming and looking to make a desktop purchase.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:27 AM PST

    I have been considering the purchase of a desktop computer for home use and wanted to jump on here for some direction on which ones would be ideal for programming and development pursuits.

    My day job is as an "analyst/process improvement consultant" finds me spending most of my time in Windows and the Microsoft Office Suite, but over the last year I started to take courses in object oriented (Python) and functional (R) programming languages—as I have an Interest in moving towards the direction of data science/machine learning.

    I want to make a purchase that grows with my skillset and am open to moving away from Windows, but in full disclosure, do not know how realistic the idea of Linux as the OS on a desktop is, or the benefits of going the Apple route.

    I just started a new job last week and do not know how receptive the company will be in granting permissions for Python/R as the Windows 10 installation that I attempted yesterday was blocked; my impression so far is that most fixes to processes in the foreseeable future are preferred to be a VBA solution—which nixes side projects at work and vice versa: job-related tasks will not be performed on this machine; and as such, portability (needing laptop other than my company-issued one) is not a concern. Because I am not needing an additional computer for work, I figured it could be a good time to switch it up and learn how to work with a new operating system as well.

    Ultimately this purchase is going to be for my self-directed, professional and personal betterment (and eventually for me to try to teach my children coding)

    Any setup suggestions/ opinions on system requirements/ speculations on price ranges/ thoughts on staying with Windows versus Linux or Mac OS (benefits of open source vs. prohibitive) would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheRedditer904
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    Are there any waveform visualization best practices for audio editing applications?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:11 PM PST

    For my app, I visualize audio files using the Canvas API.

    I have a few questions in mind, but I am curious in general about all the things related to visualizing audio for editing - as I don't know much about audio programming.

    How detailed does a waveform need to be to be useful?

    How do I select measurement points?

    Do I necessarily have to visualize all audio channels?

    Or can/should I visualize all channels using a single waveform?

    submitted by /u/AfamlaGero
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    How to program keyboard keystrokes onto USB drive?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:11 AM PST

    I want to be able to plug in a usb drive to a computer, and then it run my specified keystrokes with possibly long delays in between. This is similar to those prank USB devices that type in funny messages every couple of minutes, except I want to customize the text and the delay.

    submitted by /u/Tobster15
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    Connecting a new asp.net core application to an existing PostgreSQL database

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    I want to create an ASPNET Core application that draws data from an existing PostgreSQL database.

    Looking online most videos only talk about connecting to a new database and using

    dotnet ef migrations Add InitalMigration

    To add an entity in the code to the database but none tell you how to draw pre-existing data in from a database.

    Could anyone suggest any videos/ websites or code that could help me?

    submitted by /u/Swannyj95
    [link] [comments]

    Reviving a program called Raidcall

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Hello guys! I am not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this but I'll try anyway. There used to be a VOIP program called Raidcall, mostly for mmo players. I used to use it with my friends everyday, but then they ended the support for it. We moved to discord and ended up not liking it at all (probably just nostalgia). Anyway we had the idea of hosting Raidcall on our own private server just for us to use. However, we can't find the source code anywhere, even though Raidcall was open source. Can anyone help us with that? Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jimmy_The_Goat
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    Beginner in programming, please help

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    Hi, I have a few questions. I would like to learn a C language, I have tried CodeBlocks but I don't like the UI. I have to save the code to compile and run it. Is there any software that compiles my code without saving it? And the other one... Do you know any sites which could me with learning a C language? Thank you guys for any help... Have a nice day :).

    submitted by /u/Gonex10
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    Are there manuals that go in depth of use for electronics such as mobiles?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:50 AM PST

    My best example, Just from memory, I recall in movies like hackers, a yellow manual book, and maybe red, which contained very helpful, detailed information.

    Are there manuals, books, that are similar in idea? there are many text books that i'm sure i can find about general subject. Looking for configuring settings in and around the systems tab. Thanks

    submitted by /u/mightk3ep531
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