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    Monday, January 13, 2020

    GIF-Tutorial on SmokePoofs- Movement! Hope it helps you (:

    GIF-Tutorial on SmokePoofs- Movement! Hope it helps you (:

    GIF-Tutorial on SmokePoofs- Movement! Hope it helps you (:

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:04 PM PST

    SMILE GAME BUILDER is a new 3D game engine to make RPG Games. here it is a Speed Map

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:34 AM PST

    Dev says game started selling 400% better on Steam after releasing torrent

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Spritesheet generator update: Shadows and Children added!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    How to finish your first game (and NOT take 10 years to do it)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST

    How to finish your first game (and NOT take 10 years to do it)

    10 years ago when I started my game dev journey, if you told me that I wouldn't release a game for over a decade, and that it would look like this...

    (Not quite the open world RPG sim I hoped for.)

    I'd probably have given up right on the spot.

    This is nothing like I'd imagined or wanted to make at the time, but I can't tell you how much releasing this little game has given me... and how much closer I am ability-wise to my dream projects.

    I've been working with Unity for over a decade... creating endless prototypes and systems that all never saw the light of day. It wasn't until last year when I finally decided to enter a game jam that this cycle finally ended by publishing my first mobile game.

    Here's what I learned NOT to do, and how I'd do it all differently:

    1. DON'T Immediately Work on Your Dream Project. This is an obvious one, but crucially important. You will become insanely frustrated, overwhelmed, and abandon the project... only to start it up over and over again. You will learn a lot, but your confidence and love for game design will suffer. You will be so tired and broken in spirit you will give up making games for long periods of time. Save the dream project. If you must work on it, do it on the side. Do it all strictly on paper or a text doc. It's your dream project and so it deserves the best version of you possible. You aren't that yet, but you will know when you are ready. I attribute this, above all, as to why it took me 10 years to release a game.
    2. DON'T Skip the Game Jams. For those who don't know, game jams are challenges where you are given a theme and a set period of time to complete a playable game. These are usually hosted online and can act as perfect excuses to create a vertical slice that can be expanded into a full-on game for publishing. My first game's prototype, Chimp Copter, was created during a game jam held by Extra Credits.
    3. DON'T Be a Perfectionist. BE OKAY WITH SUCKING. Be okay with your ideas not being great. Just make them anyway. The main reason I never entered or finished game jams is because I could never think of the "perfect" idea to expand on. The entire weekend was wasted waiting to come up with only the best idea, which never came. So I said next time, and next time never came. Your greatest strength can easily become your greatest weakness.
    4. DON'T Stop Watching Tutorials. NO! BAD DEV! NEVER STOP. Even if you are actively working on a project. If you are mainly a solo dev you need as much information and talent as humanly possible. You'll need to know how to make your own art assets, write your own code, and market your own game. Nothing halts or stops a project faster than realizing "Um, I don't know how to do that." Learning as you go is fine, but know enough that it doesn't take months to build a needed skill. Momentum is everything. There are some fantastic tutorial creators out there, let them help you, and help them back. I've recently been hooked on Dapper Dino's channel.
    5. DON'T Pass the Time with More Exciting Projects - STICK WITH WHAT YOU CAN FINISH FIRST. It's so easy to hop between projects behind the scenes when you're a solo dev, because nobody expects anything from you. I can't emphasize enough the subtle difference the mental milestone of having finished a single game will have on you. It may not become the blockbuster hit you had hoped for, but (holy crap) you can say you made a game. That belief in yourself will go insanely far on your next project, and then the next, and the next. You will learn things videos and posts like this just cannot teach or give you. You need the experience to gain the belief in yourself. The knowingness that you CAN make games.

    Some of these I'm sure have been drilled into you by now, but please heed this as another annoying yet crucial reminder to do that game jam, put that big project down, and hop on your YouTube watch later playlist. If anyone else has a success story or tips on how they released their first game, please share! I hope this helps other aspiring solo devs out there get to their first game, because we all want to play your dream games damnit! :)

    submitted by /u/dominickjohn
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    People who's gamedev is their dirty little bit on the side....how do you make sure you fit it in around the rest of your life?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:58 AM PST

    It's always motivational to hear how others fit in their passion around work and family! So what is your schedule like? How many hours of gamedev (or other projects) do you attempt to tackle during your day or week? Do you set weekly tasks or time goals?

    My working day with commute is around 12 hours, out the door at 7am and back around 7.30pm. So I get and hour or 2 in the evening if I can face staring at a PC any longer (work on computers in day job). Weekends are spent with my little boy so a couple hours here and there is about it.

    I love doing it so not complaining! Just curious how others get on and want to hear some tips on how to feel like you are still smashing it in the limited time you have :)

    submitted by /u/Jarbi-James
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    Making an Indie Educational Game: Forgetful Dictator Post-Mortem

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:10 AM PST

    TLDR: Making educational games is a lot of work but very fulfilling. Please consider it!

    Hey folks! I'm Eben, the developer who made Forgetful Dictator - an educational game about conquering the world. It plays like a simple strategy game but the primary mechanics are based around naming countries, capitals, flags, and other geography trivia. In this post I'd like to detail what the development was like and try to convince others to join me in making them!

    My background

    Although I work in the games industry I'm technically not a developer. During my day job I make trailers and other videos for Path of Exile, so this has been a hobby project that I've been doing on evenings and weekends. I have no formal training in programming or art. With this in mind I kept the scope small and made good use of the Unity asset store. I also hired contractors for art and sound.

    Why on earth did you make an educational game?

    The prospect of teaching through a game is enticing, it feels like you're doing some good for the world. I'd tried making various games before and always burnt out after a few months. Forgetful Dictator was the first game I was motivated to finish because it felt like I was doing something positive. For that reason I decided to make it free for educators (which on PC is simple enough to do by giving out keys on Itch.io).

    Another enticing reason is the "extra-curricular" learning. You're not just getting better at game development, you're also learning a lot about your chosen topic of education. After researching and writing hundreds of trivia questions my geography knowledge is so much better than it was before!

    Designing Forgetful Dictator

    I knew if I wanted to turn any heads with an educational game it'd need to be a bit ridiculous, so I began with a ridiculous theme: a clueless dictator trying to conquer the world. I built it up from there.

    I have a design philosophy that can be summed up with this Picasso quote: "Art is the elimination of the unnecessary." I think this can be applied to educational game design. I wanted to design mechanics that serve the sole purpose of teaching geography in a fun way. Any mechanical fluff that doesn't tie into that would have to go. I'm not convinced this is the best way to make an educational game, but ideally it does create a "pure" result.

    I also knew that kids would be playing the game, so I did my best to keep it intuitive and simple. Mechanical complexity would just get in the way of the geography. I made the game so that someone watching over your could instantly pick up what's happening and help you with the trivia questions.

    I don't think I was successful in creating a groundbreaking game, but I'm happy with what I ended up with.

    Developing it

    I knew from the start that my success in finishing the game would depend on time management; whether or not I could get it done fast enough while maintaining my interest in development. I cut a lot of corners using Unity assets.

    World Map Strategy Kit was the base for my game. Thanks to that asset, even though I'm not a good programmer I found that adding new features didn't take too long. The biggest single time sink in an educational game like this is the research - I spend months writing trivia questions and even then (as explained below) I didn't have enough on release.

    Was it successful?

    In terms of cash returns, it did okay for my first game I developed in my spare time. As of now I've sold around 800 copies on Steam and I have yet to release on mobile where I suspect the game will do better. With better marketing I perhaps could've got more out of it, and I think my launch price of $15 USD was a bit steep.

    Beyond cash, I'm very happy to have created this. Here's a message I received from one teacher who tried it with their class:

    "Lastly I would like to congratulate you on making an engaging and fun educational game. Honestly I haven't seen children so engaged with an educational game since I was in elementary school and we played the Oregon Trail on our Apple IIs."

    What I did wrong

    From various reviews I've discovered is that the game really needed more trivia questions on launch. It can take a long time to write them - they ate up months of development and still I did not have nearly enough. A good question can take over an hour to write and 5 seconds to read and answer. I think perhaps this is the stuff that scares off developers from educational games, so I'd recommend keeping everything else simple so you have time for the research.

    Artistically the UI of Forgetful Dictator wasn't great either. It might've been worth hiring a professional UI artist. And mechanically speaking, the score system in the game is a bit boring and I haven't yet figured out what to do with it.

    I used an old version of Unity (5.6). Although nice and stable, I there was a lot I couldn't do because newer assets weren't compatible with it.

    Looking ahead

    I'm not completely burnt out from making games which is a good sign. I'd like to release the mobile version, and look into other significant features such as multiplayer (although this is super daunting).

    Thanks for reading! If you're like me and struggling to finish a game project because nothing feels worthwhile, do consider making an educational game. Those extra elements, although challenging, might just be motivating enough to get you through.

    submitted by /u/eben_pkm
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    How a Blizzard Artist Approaches Stylized Character Creation - Some super useful tips in here

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    Our friendly tool for writing game dialogue, Yarn Spinner, just hit 1.0 (MIT license)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 06:21 PM PST

    How to replicate this in a fragment shader?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:10 AM PST

    How to replicate this in a fragment shader?

    I am wanting to recreate this kind of effect in a fragment shader. I figure I could probably use the normals of a face to help with the color variation? Any suggestions/tips are welcome.


    submitted by /u/orfist
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    Accessibility - What is the minimum time I should give the player to press a button "quickly"?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    I've noticed that some games nowadays will bind two actions to a single button in order to provide more functionality without over-complicating the control scheme with UI menus or mode selection. The best example I can think of is Death Stranding, where you hit RB quickly to scan but hold it to hold breath. The first action is therefore determined by the release time since the button was last pressed down, which means there is some threshold value at which you can perform it before the hold action kicks in.

    I have a similar control scheme in my game where pressing a button does one action and holding it does another. I've tweaked the aforementioned threshold value until it felt right to me, while still giving as much time as possible for the first action to be performed. Currently I use .34 seconds as a threshold for this logic. However, it led to a question of accessibility--what feels right and easy for me may not be easy for players with disabilities or other impairments. I can make a toggle option for the "held" event so that if you release after the threshold it will perform the action until you press the button again, which will help people that can't hold buttons down. But that won't solve the fact that I won't know how long they need to release their finger from the button in order to perform the "quick" event. I've never heard of a standard time for letting people press a button quickly so maybe it's nothing to worry about, and I may add an option to increase this time for people with poor motor skills at the cost of response time. But it would be nice to get an idea of what values I might expect for either setting. Perhaps I can save some time and just rely on .34 seconds being enough for everyone?

    I suppose it's a somewhat minor issue since I don't think it'll affect many people, but I just thought it would be good to consider anyways and I couldn't find anything online about this. For context, the quick action is bound to one of the core mechanics of movement in my game, so that's why I thought it would be good to make sure it's easily accessible to everyone. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this if you have any suggestions or research I can look into. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SomeGuy322
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    Giveaway: 2 Vouchers for 275 realisic and wide-ranging human vocal sounds. Includes Male and Female vocalization for fear, screams, laughs, sighs, breathing, grunts, and much more!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    Steam's year in graphs: An in-depth 2019 breakdown

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:46 PM PST

    How to make an inventory system?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Hello, i am making a game in C++ and i am wondering how to make a good inventory system.

    What i was doing before is having an inventory full of ItemStacks and an ItemStack contains an item id and amount of this item. This worked well at first but then i realized that this isn't going to work for the following reason: I also plan on adding "customizable items". For example players will be able to change accessories of their gun this means that i have to store that information somewhere. How can i do this?
    I was also wondering how can i detect if the item the player is holding is weapon or food?
    Should i make an abstract class Item and use an abstract function onUse(player* p) or are there other elegant solutions?

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/IvanMPC
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    Looking for a story writer!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Hey! I am making a small text-based game. I'm wanting it to be kinda spooky and play similar to the way you read a goosebumps book or play DND. I am looking for someone who writes stories to create a storyline/dialogue for me. I'm not sure if I'm going to release it for profit it's mainly just a project for fun, but obviously you would get credit for the story. If you're interested comment here or message me!

    submitted by /u/imtherealtinkerbell
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    Is the name of our game offensive?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    Our studio is currently working on a 4 players cooperative game where you play cute witches working together in a hurry.

    We wanted to name it " Witch Craz' ". Because we like how it sounds, and we think that it gives an idea of what the game is.

    2 Questions :

    - Do you find it offensive, regarding history (the witchcraze period was when witches where persecuted )

    - Does it inspire you the idea of a fun coop game ?

    Here's a preview of the game:


    Any advice is appreciated!

    Bonus points if you have any cool idea for a name ;)

    submitted by /u/MijuGames
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    Mondays be like...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Looking for feedback on my combat system (crosspost from r/GameDesign)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:53 AM PST

    I've prototyped a multiplayer spellcasting game in an effort to explore projectile based gameplay, player engagement, and autonomy. I'm looking for feedback on a few key areas: spell overload, melee ranged combat, and spell morphing. Forgive the lack of screenshots I am away from my pc and only have a a few debugging screenshots available, but could provide a few rough pics/gifs if needed.

    First the combat system as it currently exist, using a fireball as an example:

    The goal is to provide player mastery/skill expression while maintaining accessibility. This is done by placing the spellcast on one button and adding gameplay to the spellcast by sectioning it off into states.

    Charging - the player is building up this spell. Release - the player is casting this spell Impact - the moment the spell impacts another object

    All spells have these three states. The Level of engagement provided to each state varies on the different spell. For example:

    Fireball states:


    The fireball has a lengthy cast time(4secs), during this time it spawns immediately as a physical object that is gaining size and power, Can be morphed into a firebolt, and held for a short duration at max charge. The fireball has most of its gameplay dumped into this stage.


    Fireball acts as a standard projectile and is shot out at a distance scaled by overall charge. Not effected by gravity.


    Does single target damage, soft aoe damage, and puts a fire dot on players hit.

    Lightning Bolt States that has a different profile of these three states.


    The player can charge the spell and release it, it doesn't behave as a physical object during this time, but can be held at max charge for a short duration.


    On button release the lighting bolt performs a hit scan, if it hits the player then it immediately arcs to them dealing damage. If it's a miss then it simply arcs forward for its set distance. In both cases the bolt lingers for about half a second, pulsing a few times before it dies.


    Struck players are marked as a conduit for a duration, in which time if they are hit again the spell will arc out to nearby enemies.


    Standard WASD movement, at very grounded speeds(think mediocre high school athlete). I went this route to create emphasis on using spells as an avenue of success. Player is slowed while casting.


    Players have infinite sprint as it's honestly a jog. They cannot cast while sprinting, this helps me to avoid the need of stamina.


    Replaces sprint while the player is casting. The player trades spell charge for distance, can be done in any direction, and leaves an after trail appropriate to the spell being casted(fireball leaves a fire path)

    I think that is everything for the base combat system.

    TL;DR: Onto the questions:

    1.) Right now I'm not exactly sure how to handle melee distance combat. Currently the player doesn't have a weapon. And I would prefer to find a solution that is more elegant than just allowing them to punch/kick that fits into the games mental model of channeling and using power.

    2.) Spell morphing- right now players can press a button during the charging phase of the spell to change their spell into another spell that is similar in type but different in area of use(so fireball can morph into a flamethrower for short range or firebolt for long). I'm open to implementation feedback or even different concepts of what spell morphing should do or be.

    3.) Spell overloading - I like the idea of being able to overload a spell to enhance its the thematic effect(fire burns more, explosion radius is larger, etc). Currently, once the fireball is at max charge the player has a small amount of time to cast it before it starts overloading. While overloading the radius of the fireballs impact point is increased, but if held too long it implodes and hurts the players. I'd really like to be able to incorporate that playing with fire(pun intended) feeling but give the player actual control over when to do it or to what degree.

    Thanks to the few of you that probably got through this! As a reminder this isn't "an idea" I have, it's a functional prototype. I know I missed some details so apologies in advance and I'm looking forward to your input!

    submitted by /u/AWildHerb
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    Is there a list of popular games and what programming languages were used to make them?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:18 AM PST

    It would be cool to see what languages are most often used in each type of game. Are there trends if you compare genres, indie vs AAA, 2D vs 3D etc.? I tried to search for a list but I didn't find anything so I came here to see if any of you happen to know one already.

    submitted by /u/Vylez
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    A weird tutorial that shows you how to make jumping look cool in Unity!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:09 AM PST

    Struggling with pathfinding

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:21 AM PST

    Hello there!

    I'm programing a 2D top down game (in Clickteam Fusion). NPCs have to find their way to a specific point on a random generated map. All the obstacles in the world are Actives. How can I make them avoid the Actives, but go in the desired Direction (and have them go out of dead ends).

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I know this is a complicated topic.

    submitted by /u/Reysn
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    i wanted to make a game but...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:55 AM PST

    How can I begin making games? Where do I start. Got a dream game I want to make and I want to learn how to make it a reality. Programs and such. To make a game that works like stardew Valley but a whole different story.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:30 AM PST


    Good channels to watch on YouTube?

    Never done this before but I wanted to try my hand on it

    submitted by /u/Electric_unicorn
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    What are some great indie game dev channels?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I really want to find some more indie game dev YouTube channels where independent developers show off their work, as well as anyone that makes open world RPGs and procedural generation? I'd really like to find some channels to watch in my spare time and I really like home made stories about average people just working on their dreams. I already watch Blackthornprod and Brackeys. Can anyone recommend some really cool indie channels?

    submitted by /u/Xen7121
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