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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Freelancing - What's required & How do I set it up? Ask Programming

    Freelancing - What's required & How do I set it up? Ask Programming

    Freelancing - What's required & How do I set it up?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:50 PM PST

    So far, I've completed multiple HTML & CSS projects, and now I'm learning JavaScript. I already know "Design" skills from before I started coding.

    Would knowing just HTML, CSS & JavaScript + Design skills be enough to create websites for others? What else does a freelancer have in their arsenal?

    Knowing Git? (version control) ... buying domains? Does a freelancer need to host something on servers too?

    Like, in general to any freelancer reading this - how does one start to freelance, and what skills do they need?

    The plan isn't to freelance long-term, just to supplement enough income for groceries, gym, etc while learning with each project as well, so I'm looking at ~1k a month (not full time, like 3 hours a day max).

    So what do I need to know and how to setup myself in a way so that I can earn that 1k? Is building websites enough? If not, what else?


    submitted by /u/moltenw
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    Linear Programming Excel

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:21 AM PST

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with a college assignment relating to some Linear Programming using Excel. I have made a bit of progress, but I am having issues in defining the constraints. Here is the data and question: https://imgur.com/a/5StwM0s

    I have already defined the objective function (maximising profit) as

    (84 * AmyQty) + (88 * ChloeQty) + (100*AnnaQty)

    and the decision variables as

    Decision variables:
    AnnaQty = number of Anna Styles produced given the materials avilable
    ChloeQty = number of Chloe Styles produced given the materials avilable
    AmyQty = number of Amy Styles produced given the materials avilable

    but I am stuck as to how to concisely define the constraints.

    I am limited, as far as I can tell, by the fact that there is only so much materials available. And each handbag uses different ratios of materials. But how do I actually define these?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Gumbi1012
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    Help with multidimensional arrays

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I'm a bit new to multidimensional arrays and I'm supposed to print all elements in tabular form. it's an easy task but my professor wanted to do it in a function like this void displayMatrix(int M[][c]) how do I do it like this what does the blank row mean? Thank you for helping me

    submitted by /u/destroyerofworlds23
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    Is there a future in Web Development?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    I'm 17 years old, I know a fair bit about HTML and CSS and a little bit about javascript. Is there any point in studying this for a future job? Just wondering because of the websites like Wix and Weebly that have templates so you can drag and drop and edit your website without knowing how to code.

    submitted by /u/DKipppp
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    Javascript noob

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:06 PM PST

    Hey guys. I am a college student and I want to find some tutorials and information about javascript because I want to use it in the web development.


    submitted by /u/Gerdava2602
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    Difference between cname and alias??

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:44 PM PST

    I bought a domain name on namecheap and I'm trying to connect it to aws s3 hosting. Namecheap does not accept the aws endpoint (which works when going there directly) for the cname record. It tells me to enter a "fully qualified domain name". The current cname record is a parking page for namecheap. Can someone please eli5 what the difference is between a cname and alias or help me with why this isn't working?

    submitted by /u/ipreferhotdog_z
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    What is the best path to choose to become self-employed?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:56 AM PST

    Hi all!

    Quick and dirty: I need to be self-employed due to my condition of being an international student living in Australia (I'm sick of looking for jobs and not finding any). I'm thinking on going deep through the path of Web Development (I have some experience, gained many years ago, with HTML, CSS and PHP, but I haven't being coding in these languages from ages) because it will allow me to get clients by my own, maybe teach development in the future, create digital assets, and build web apps that everyone can use.

    So, here is my question: Is this the best path to choose to become self-employed (as in freelance, digital nomad, etc.)? Any recommendations?


    The reason why I'm sick of looking for jobs and not finding any is because for the past 10 years I have worked in the IT industry as a jack of all trades, being a practitioner of many disciplines but a master of none. Now I feel lost and is difficult to find a job because I feel I'm under qualified for them.

    I'm thinking in specializing myself in web development (I have some background here), but I could go for Swift or Java, or even R and Python. The thing is... which path would allow me to fly solo in the near future?

    submitted by /u/Darthcolo
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    Drive API, Java - Files.update doesn't work for folders?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    How to Execute a new for-loop for each element in the argument?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:51 AM PST

    I want pretty much this, not hardcoded extendable to as many for-loops as cards.size() is.

     void blabla(std::vector<std::string> cards) { if(cards.size() == 1) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) { //DO Stuff with variable $c } } if(cards.size() == 2) { for (size_t b = 0; b < 4; b++) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) { //Do Stuff with variable $c and $b } } } if(cards.size() == 3 ) { for (size_t a = 0; a < 4; a++) { for (size_t b = 0; b < 4; b++) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) { //Do stuff with variable $c and $b and $a } } } } } 

    Anybody knows how to achieve this?

    submitted by /u/Menosa
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    Learning path for .NET dev

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST


    I've found a part-time job (student) as a .NET dev and I would also like to educate myself in my free time. I've seen a lot of stuff which a .NET dev should know f.e. WCF, REST, SOAP, ASP .NET, MVC 5, WPF, SQL, JS, Angular etc. and it's quite a lot of stuff so I don't know what to start with so any tip is appreciated

    I know people say just google them and do some small project, but I am looking for help such as:
    "Take some time to learn JS with Angular/React and then create Web App in .NET Core which will be connected to some SQL DB and then create nice front-end in JS"

    Also would like to hear opinions on the technologies I mentioned, if some of them is obsolete or maybe I am missing some which are used nowadays.


    submitted by /u/sliziky
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    Backend - is it necessary for business?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    I'm fully focused on learning Front-End right now, since I'll need to know how to manage my website & it's services, design, advertisements and so on.

    But, I'm wondering how Backend can help me as well.

    Would appreciate advice from any programmer entrepreneurs out there.

    submitted by /u/moltenw
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    What language feature(s) in your favorite language(s) do you consider harmful?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:46 PM PST

    Other than the obvious goto of course.

    submitted by /u/visvis
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    Protecting users' passwords

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Hello, a few months ago I was tasked to create an inhouse "agenta" service for the team members of a lab in my university. The service asks the users to login using their university credentials (email and password), which goes through a NodeJS server that I build, and then gets forwarded to my university's LDAP authentication system.

    The passwords are protected when they travel from the client to my Node server, and they are also protected when they travel from my server to the LDAP server (using TLS and bcrypt). However, during the brief moment they pass from my server, they are in plain text format. This means that if anyone (future student/professor) gets access to the code, they could just put a "console.log" in the right place and view every password that gets used to login to the system. While I am certain about my own purely academic intentions, I can never be sure about those that handle the service after I am gone.

    Is there anything I can do to protect the users' passwords while they pass from NodeJS server? Keep in mind that the same server handles all the requests made by the service itself, so changing the architecture entirely may require a lot of work.

    submitted by /u/doctorfluffy
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    Penalties from salary

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:45 PM PST

    I want to hear your opinion about penalties which were applied to a programmer for bugs and some mistakes. For example, there's some feature which programmer should implement. He has to done: implement code, write tests, to test it manually and to pass code review after successful CI. But he made some mistake because of inattention or lack of knowledge of some aspects of the system. Whole responsibility lies to hands on programmer and therefore sanctions(penalties in money from salary) have been applied to him.

    There's no any tester. Code after approve of pull request is sent straight to the production.

    It all is depressing me and pushes me to program less in order to not be under sanctions.

    submitted by /u/Barboska_
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    How come info breaches occur for giant websites and companies? Aren't those types of databases encoded?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:05 AM PST

    How to programatically do user interface actions on a propietary app ( Philips Hue ) ?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:25 AM PST

    I want to start Philip Hue syncing to music without using the UI to do the action. Philips Hue doesnt have a command line interface to do this, so I'm not sure how to approach it. Maybe if i start hue as a child process of a program I have control over I can - with some reverse engineering - do the correct function calls to start the wanted action?

    submitted by /u/52-hz-whaleh
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    [JS] How do I use Try - Catch, without putting my whole program in try?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Hey again, I have a problem.

    try { var banana = returnsError(); literallyMyWholeProgram(banana); } catch (err) { errorMessageAndExit(err); } 

    In order to satisfy the error message that one little function might throw, I have to put my whole program inside the "try" part. I don't like that because some random error 25 layers down the line in the main program might cascade into an error on this part, which I don't want. I want to check whether a function gives me an error, and if not, I want to go to my program. Otherwise, I want to run my error and exit function.

    If I use the following:

    try { var banana = returnsError(); } catch (err) { errorMessageAndExit(err); } literallyMyWholeProgram(banana); 

    Then my whole program will basically run simultaneously with my error message, because it has a button and has to wait for input. So I would have to use some weird while loops or something to make a stop to the execution, or have to use the "alert" function, which stops everything until you press OK

    But then again, if I used a trigger, then you will tell me that pro haxxers shouldn't do this ,and if you have to do it, you did something wrong.

    try { var banana = returnsError(); } catch (err) { errorMessageAndExit(err); } if (banana) { literallyMyWholeProgram(banana); } 

    Because banana will get stuff loaded into it if it succeeds.

    So please tell me which is the lesser evil ?


    I just had an idea to put the whole try catch into a function that tries to return a value, and if it has an error, then it doesn't return anything and it branches off in the catch part and ends there.

    There is also the option to not catch errors and c'est la vie.

    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Trying to create a KDTree in Java

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:38 AM PST

    The instructions say "Datum (the datapoint) is in low if value in splitDim <= splitValue, and high if value in splitDim > splitValue." But wouldn't splitDim and splitValue be the same for each of the KDNodes? If so, how would I split the values then?

    Please tell me if you need any more info. I'll provide it upon request :)

    submitted by /u/shmarbleblarble
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    What’s the best app for coding in Mac?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:14 AM PST

    2 controllers 1 input?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:23 PM PST

    I was wondering if there was some way that I could take two 360 controllers and have them act as if they were the same controller. Whether that be existing software or to be assigned to them.

    submitted by /u/Dubcfrito
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    [JS] Should I reference non-existant array indexes inside an object, or should I use filler values?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:49 AM PST


    I have:

    var obj = {key1: [ ] } if (obj.key1[0]) { something();} 

    Ok, I know that javascript object keys that don't have values return "undefined". That will probably serve just as well as 0, NULL, none, or whatever else we have.

    But, this is an array, so it's technically an object inside a key of an object. And I feel like it would generally be unwise to try to fetch stuff that doesn't exist. What if I tried to fetch the 99999th index? How would that look inside the memory?

    Anyway, I want to ask you whether I should just use 0 in these arrays that will otherwise hold strings?

    Is "" the same as 0 or NULL? I suspect not.

    Please advise!

    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Hello help me?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Hello, I want to start programming for real my only experience is Unity C# I want to learn Java because I know it's just easy to work with and also supported widely. Some people say to learn Java it's easier to learn C++ and Java afterwards. I just wanted to know what you think of this should I start with C++ or just go straight into Java. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Mavarx
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    How to move CSS shapes in React Native?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:27 AM PST

    I'm really confused on how I can move the Circle I created in ReactNative, I want to try and make a guage that goes up and down depending on dB picked up from the microphone, and I'm guessing I need to move the circle up and down somehow using y-axis or something, but I'm confused on how, can someone help? Here's the code

    export default class HumHero extends Component { constructor(){ super() this.setState = {} } render() { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <View style={styles.playContainer}> <View style={styles.button}> <Button title="Play Game" /> </View> </View> <View style={styles.otherContainer}><View style={styles.bar}><View style={styles.circle}></View></View></View> </View> ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ playContainer: { backgroundColor: '#fff', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', }, container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, otherContainer: { backgroundColor: 'lightgray', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, bar: { height: 200, width: 20, backgroundColor: 'lightgray', justifyContent: 'center', borderRadius: 5, zIndex: -1, }, circle: { width: 20, height: 20, backgroundColor: '#009900', borderRadius: 10, zIndex: 1, }, button: { marginBottom: 30, }, }); 
    submitted by /u/suuuuuhduuuuude
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    How to find super-string in a set of strings

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:52 AM PST

    I have asked this in Stackoverflow and I'm asking here in the hopes people will be a bit less judgemental. :) So, here goes:

    I have a list of strings, like:

    cargo cargo pants cargo pants men buy cargo pants men cargo pants men melbourne buy 

    In this, the string that contains all remaining strings is cargo pants men melbourne buy
    . I'd like to remove all the shorter strings and preserve only the longest "super string".

    So far, I've been doing this the brute force way - pick a string from set and walk through the same set deleting all other strings that are "substrings" of the current string. Roughly,

    for (String p: big_set) { for (String q: big_set) { if (!p.equals(q)) { if (has_all_words(p, q)) { /* If all words in 'p' is also in 'q' */ big_set.remove(p); break; } } } } 

    Is there an intelligent algorithm to do this in less than O(n^2) time?

    Please note, this Java-ish code is only to demo the algorithm I'm using right now and not to scale. The original code is written in C with kyotocabinet as the backing set.

    For the curious, I have a massive list of a few billion search queries (like the ones send to Google/Yahoo/Bing) and I'm trying to find hypernyms for these queries. There's a server that parses this string and produces various interesting categories. I am trying to compress the queries list in the hopes of minimizing compute cost and bandwidth. This method surely reduces bandwidth significantly (because humans can't just think of buy cargo pants melbourne
    in one go), but the pre-computation cost is prohibitive. And so I've been hunting for algorithms that can do this, but I haven't come across anything that does this yet.

    P.S: At the moment, I'm trying out trie trees to store words in the hopes of reducing the O(n^2) to lot less. Any solutiuon is welcome. Much thanks.

    submitted by /u/x_interloper
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