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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    A list of coding bootcamp scams web developers

    A list of coding bootcamp scams web developers

    A list of coding bootcamp scams

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Six Web Performance Technologies to Watch in 2020

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:44 AM PST

    A great little app for making timelines. This was great for clients and I use it every time I get a new job.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Using easing for more than just CSS transitions

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:44 AM PST

    GDPR Fines and Lessons for Startups - Total GDPR fines in 2019 reached a mind-boggling €417.5 million, almost 1,000 times higher than 2018

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Anyone else suddenly getting a never-ending stream of Google Analytics emails today?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Google seems to have suddenly decided to email me Analytics updates for every single website I've ever been involved with (either via Google Site Console or Google Analytics). My inbox is going crazy!? Just me?!

    Looks like you can only subscribe from them individually?

    submitted by /u/sjclark
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    Is Linux required to learn on The Odin Project?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:19 AM PST

    Read the introduction of this resource briefly and I skimmed that a OS with a terminal of Mac or Linux is being instructed to use before the start of actually coding.

    My main goal is to self teach my way into a entry level job. I've dabbled into web developing for a bit and haven't had the purpose yet of looking into Linux.

    Is linux required to work as a web dev/ learn on The Odin project?

    submitted by /u/yamayeeter
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    Why change the nameservers?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Not necessarily a rant, I'm honestly trying to understand...why are web developers seemingly taught to change nameservers when there are website changes?

    I work for an MSP supporting many small businesses. This happens almost every time a client gets a new website, the web developers get a login to the registrar from the client (who generally won't know anything about DNS or nameservers) & move the nameservers to wherever the website is being hosted. The good ones at least remember to move the MX records, none remember to move all the other records. Honestly, what's the point of this? Your work should only involve a handful of A records & maybe a TXT or SRV record or two. IT support uses literally every entry that's not website related.

    People screw up, of course I have, but I don't understand how this isn't an error that every web developer makes exactly once & never makes again.

    Sorry for the mini-rant, I'm just picking up the pieces from a web developer who has literally done this 3 times in the past month causing issues each time. The first time we chocked up to "web devs did it again", the second time I sent an email trying to educate the developer in question on the number of things dependent upon this. We finally just changed the logins for the domain registrar to prevent it from happening again.

    Also, pro tip: The most recent time was because the client didn't see the new website internally. This is because many companies will have static DNS zone entries on their internal DNS servers so the public DNS records and/or nameservers aren't ever involved. Those records must be updated manually on the internal servers.

    Because these are small businesses, maybe their only getting shitty web developers?

    submitted by /u/thatmitchkid
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    Wordpress Dev - What should I learn next to ensure employment/freedom?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    So I am a wordpress dev. I have been been building custom themes, utilizing PHP, Javascript & libraries for several years now. I think I'm decent, but suppose I do have symptoms of imposter syndrome... but have yet to encounter a problem I couldn't solve with the help of Google and other resources.

    I love working within Wordpress because, well, it is so damn popular with clients (due to the CMS) and business always flows in due to this. I have been fortunate enough to work remotely with flex time doing this for awhile now. This allows me to travel and I have found a place on the map I always return and now view to be more of my home than my hometown.

    Recently I have felt a little unsure with my current job - not because of my shortcomings, but because gossip is occurring about the future of the company and how the owner may be jumping into a new endeavor outside of development and shutting things down.

    This got me to thinking - wordpress devs usually get paid a bit less, and I don't want to be pigeonholed in my job searches - but this is the only CMS I know. I code, but have never worked with React or any other framework either. Despite knowing HTML, CSS, PHP & JavaScript I feel that a lot of remote employers are looking for more.

    Any recommendations as to what I should begin training myself in to ensure my employment & freedom? Money is not a driving factor... just enough to eat, sleep and perhaps put a tiny bit away for a rainy day.

    submitted by /u/imaworkaholic
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    Choosing the right path forward after burnout and sabbatical as a developer

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:55 PM PST

    I'm seeking professional advice from any developers who went through burnout and emerged on the other side.

    First, a little backstory:

    I have had a fairly successful career in development so far. The bulk of my professional life I spent running a small Drupal development company remotely - good clients, good hours, great pay. I did that for around 10 years, but eventually I reached the typical burnout phase and a couple of years ago I decided it was time for a change. I had a good amount of money in the bank so I stepped away from the office and went on a year long road trip around the continent, just unwinding and exploring, purging a decade worth of client calls, change requests, and meetings from my soul.

    Now, for the past year or so I have been alternating between a few different personal projects including a game developed in C#, and a couple websites/web apps built on modern js stacks. These have been for-fun projects rather than for profit. Working with new technologies and languages has been fun and doing the work that I want to rather than what a client wants is great, though perhaps not sustainable.

    At this point it is time to re-enter the workforce - while I have enjoyed my time away from the professional world I find myself craving a bit more structure and some more human interaction. Also while my savings would probably last me a couple more years if needed at some point I will need to consider a sustainable source of income. This brings me to my current dilemma - Where do I go from here?

    I have a few different options, none of which really seem like the right one. First, I could go back to Drupal development. This is where the bulk of my professional experience lies and where I know I can make the most money in the short term. I know that I can easily step into $150k/yr working for someone else, contracting, or even rebooting another Drupal company. The problem with this is that I know where this path leads. Drupal is agency work. It is neither new or exciting, it doesn't fulful me, and I don't think it has a particularly strong future. That said, it is easy money and I enjoy the freedom that comes with it.

    The next option would be to seek out employment in a more modern stack - I have a solid understanding of full stack dev. I am quite proficient at frontend work and I can also find my way around backend and dev ops. I know a number of languages and frameworks and what I don't know I can pretty easily pick up. I feel like I've been around the block a bit in development and am at the stage where moving to a new language or framework isn't too big of an obstacle. Modern dev does have a different business dynamic than the agency work I'm used to, the jobs seem to be in-house often, and longer lived. This might be a nice change from constantly flipping through new projects like I did in the past. The downside is that I would probably have less freedom than I'm used to, and I don't really think it is viable to run a small shop offering modern full stack dev in the same way that you do small business / client work, which means I would need to have a boss.

    A third option is to start a new SaaS company. Build some tool that people need and market it. The plus side to this approach is that I could use a more modern stack, build how I want, and set my own schedule. The downside is that there is an unfortunate negative correlation between what I want to build and what makes money, which means I would be stuck building some boring time tracking/event management/crm/business tool that doesn't excite me at all. I would also need to deal with more staffing and logistics and inevitably end up managing the business more than writing code.

    Frankly, none of these options seem particularly appealing. I want something that actually excites me, yet I can't get past the idea of leaving money on the table that could be easily obtained otherwise. I wish there were a way to get the best of both worlds - work on a fun project in a modern stack that actually means something to me, but make money doing so without having to spend all day managing the business. What is the option I'm not seeing? What is the path to a good work/life balance that won't leave me burnt out in another 10 years? Where are the people who love their jobs working, and what do you do?

    Are there any other options I haven't considered?

    submitted by /u/eljimado
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    What is best practice for deploying apps?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:03 AM PST

    Hi. I've currently built a web service which consists of two codebases.

    • One is for scraping data on a website and saving it to a mongodb database

    • The other is an express web server that reads data from the database every few minutes and notifies users when a certain event is triggered.

    EDIT: Server also reads database each time a request is made from the client. Expected to have abt 10-20k at max concurrent requests.

    This is the plan I thought out.

    1. Deploy both codebases to a digital ocean vps server and setup a cron task.

    2. Use mongodb atlas and connect the vps server to the cloud db

    But I have a couple of questions here.

    1. Since the database is in the cloud, doesn't querying the database take longer than say, when its on a local machine?

    2. If the answer to the first question is true, then should i setup a new vps server and put the db there? (because i heard keeping webservers and database servers seperate is better practice) But if I do so, isn't this not much different than using mongo atlas since they're both in the cloud?

    What do you guys think?

    I appreciate all kinds of answers.


    submitted by /u/shuuuumama
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    Looking for advice on how to further my WebDev education

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Hello, I have been doing web development for about 6 months now at my work. I have done a few side projects as well. To sum up my experience, I am currently using Angular as my framework, and I have taken not only a 40 hour udemy course on Angular, but also a course on CSS (basics, and using flexbox and grid), and also a course on the MEAN stack. I can build applications with ease even using Python as the backend language and I am comfortable using MongoDB and Oracle databases.

    I am currently attempting to learn Docker and I am wondering where I go next? I find it dreadfully boring to continue refining my CSS skills or continuing to make side project after side project just developing skills I already have. I am looking for advice to ramp up some advanced concepts in web development so I can learn something new.


    submitted by /u/Tangodelta004
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    My website doesn't work on Safari. How do I fix it?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 04:43 PM PST

    This is my website: Kevin Nguyen Videography

    I'm hosting it through GitHub.

    I've discovered that it does not load on the latest or past editions of Safari on mobile and desktop.

    How do I go about fixing this and developing it towards Safari?

    submitted by /u/kvngyn
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    Self Taught Front End Web Dev (HTML, CSS, Basic JS) Looking for Entry Level Work. Any Advice?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:52 PM PST

    Hello Reddit!

    I live in Florida and i'm ready to jump into a position that can continue expanding my knowledge and push my career forward. My main concern is whether or not i'm ready to jump in. I've primarily worked in the customer service field and decided to start learn via online/books in 2017, I'm very comfortable with HTML and CSS with enough javascript knowledge to implement it in my projects. I lost my temp position (of 2 years) last week and am torn between playing it safe or trying for Junior/entry level positions.

    Is there an expectation for me to know more than I already know? Are companies generally willing to hire devs with limited skill-sets and eager to learn? Any advice on the best approach?

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/In5ight
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    If I plan on having a users area, when should I hook up logging in and registering?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:47 PM PST

    I've done two tutorials where both of them did registration and login up front, and from here on out in order to test anything you gotta log in with Postman, which can be a pain, if you keep having to do it for whatever reason. I've also followed one where they only hooked up login and registration after the minimum CRUD functionality was set up (Everything needed to get the site doing things, no bells or whistles). So which way should I do it for my own stuff, or which way is it done in the real world?

    submitted by /u/mymar101
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    Best CMS solution for super basic static site?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I've been reached out to by a friend to build a small static site for his band. Single page, links to socials, shows, tickets, etc. Relatively straightforward.

    The ask is to be able to update performance information as they add new shows (date/time/location), no hyperlinks-- just text information. I've tried researching CMS solutions that would allow me to hit an API and inject the text to a designated target in the markup. I've tried making sense of some of the more popular SSGs like Gatsby/Hugo, as well as CMS solutions like Netlify CMS.

    Part of me feels like this is overkill-- lots of overhead just to accommodate relatively small changes. Although I'm open to having my mind changed. Are these things necessary? Is there a more simple solution that I'm missing? Is there a best path given my requirements?

    Any suggestions/feedback are GREATLY appreciated, thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/ccalzone
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    Facebook's ?fbclid=x is breaking links to my site. How can I work around this?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:58 PM PST

    When someone shares a site on facebook, facebook adds ?fbclid=xyz123 to the URL. This leads to 522 and 500 errors for many peoples' sites (522 in my case). I've looked everywhere online and can't find a solution. Can anyone help?

    My stack: python/django, postgresql, js/jquery Hosted at: heroku

    example url: https://datafix.io/?fbclid=IwAR03o_sYuKPGcY6lBIAG9oyzdsN3yjTA-_IoslKdB61yVGp9L9HTWsCBJ78

    (https://datafix.io alone works fine -- also, adding the query string to my local development server works fine as well)

    submitted by /u/Mjjjokes
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    Resources to help with learning animations/transitions

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    So I've been doing web development for awhile, but one aspect of it that's always evaded me is animations. I'm interesting in doing some learning, but I don't really even know what to search for in terms of finding good resources. Does anyone have any good resources to start out?

    submitted by /u/Th3HoopMan
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    Frontend Performance/Optimizations from Smashingmag (Updated for 2020)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Where should I see the impact of Redis?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    I've set up a WP site on a VM at Upcloud with 1 CPU and 1 GB of Ram.

    I've enabled Redis at the server and enabled object caching via a Redis plugin.

    According to the debugging screen on the plugin, it's working correctly.

    And, according to Query Monitor, it's cut the number of database calls by 50%.

    All of this is great in theory, but I don't understand the benefit to the end users.

    Namely, I tested the page load speed (with GT Metrix) and the response time (with 10,000 visitors per minute from Loader) and both are the same as before I enabled Redis.

    In short, I was expecting to see some benefit to the end users--either in load times or in performance at scale--from halving the database calls. But, I don't see impact.

    Is 10,000 visitors a minute insufficient to show the effects?

    Am I looking in the wrong place for improvements?

    Or am I overlooking something else entirely?

    submitted by /u/chriscasemart
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    Django or Laravel?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:52 AM PST

    I'd been learning Django through a Udemy course (I'd previously learned the basics in college), and was planning to use it in a project. However, I found out that the server the project will be hosted on did not support Django but did support Laravel, so I started on that (first with Laracasts, then with LinkedIn Learning).

    My question is: should I go back to Django after finishing the project I'm working on, or should I stick with Laravel and improve my skills in that? One thing I really like about Django is the built-in admin feature that requires no coding to implement. However, the use of 'apps' in Django is a bit confusing, whereas Laravel's design is closer to Ruby on Rails (the first real MVC framework I really explored in-depth).

    submitted by /u/KiwiNFLFan
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    What OS do you use at work?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Just a question for you guys and gals. If this isn't allowed, sorry, new to this sub.

    I work as the sole developer at my job and we use Windows, it's just what they use and I'm fine with it. I have used mac and PC throughout my career but it seems that usually at work they provide PC's to work on. I guess it's easier for IT for deal with everyone's system being on the same OS and what not.

    I'm currently looking for a new job and a new laptop and was curious as to which system you use at work.

    So at work what does your employer provide as far as the operating system? Windows, Mac, or Linux?

    I know everyone loves macs and some love Linux and most hate windows, but I'm just curious as to what your employer provides.

    submitted by /u/life-is-a-hobby
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    If I were to invest my time into development of a dev tool in JavaScript, what would be the most lucrative option?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Let me be more clear: I'm going through a bootcamp right now and I'm expecting myself to build some solid development tools for other developers. I wanted to know what kind of challenges exsists right now that somebody at a company would pay big money for somebody to solve?

    I've got 3 months of anticipated intense schooling so I'm wanting to see what the community might like somebody to think about.

    Disclaimer: Ill be taking a deep dive into learning full stack JavaScript.

    Y'all the best thanks for reading this. I'm a newbie trying to change his life around so much appreciated for any and all advice.

    submitted by /u/SmilingFuckYou
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    What is the core differences with .net , .net Core and java spring for backend development ?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 01:48 PM PST

    I'm currently a react/firebase developer And I know just a little about node. And now I want to get into backend. What do you suggest me to learn ? Why and if you have good resources please share them. And I have to mention that I'm self taught but I still target enterprise jobs and that's why I mentioned .net and .netCore and java. And btw do you think I will could get such job without a degree ? ... Thanks and sorry for having many questions

    submitted by /u/ka-reem
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