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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    Screenshot Saturday #457 - Beautiful Symmetry

    Screenshot Saturday #457 - Beautiful Symmetry

    Screenshot Saturday #457 - Beautiful Symmetry

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: What is one of your favorite boss fights?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    100% procedural custom coded animation and Inverse kinematics.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Computer Science Degree or 4 years of Game Development

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    Considering the wealth of educational resources online these days and the quality tools that we have access to, I was wondering:

    Is it worth it, if you're just starting out, to get a computer science degree? Or would you learn more from just developing video games with Unity for 4 years?

    In other words, is it a better use of one's time to get straight into video game development and put out small games for 4 years(build a portfolio, game catalog, etc.), or is a computer science degree still worth it to get into the industry/begin working in the industry?

    I would like to eventually be able to make creative decisions wherever I work(for myself or others), but I realize my ideas are too big for one person to feasibly do. I've tried to successively reduce the scope of my ideas, but eventually I reach a point where they seem so basic I lose interest.

    submitted by /u/Bountifulharvest
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    Procedural City Generation Tips (Unity3D C# Tutorial)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys, so I made this yesterday to show how you can make high performance glass for in UE4 though it might help some people out.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:58 AM PDT

    2D games with lock-on feature

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I'm working on a 2D sidescrolling game and I've been thinking about how best to implement gun combat.

    Most of the games with this type of combat I've played either have fixed directions you can aim in like in Metroid or allow you full 360 degree aiming, and I'm not very fond of either option. I was thinking of making a combat system that allows for aiming in the standard 8 directions but also lets you lock onto enemies to be able to shoot at a more precise angle.

    I've been searching for any sidescrollers that implement something like this, but I can't seem to find any. Do you know any games like this, and do you think it would even make sense to implement?

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/Haruzter
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    How do I keep myself motivated to learn all these skills?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    Hi everybody, I've been trying to get into gamedev and I'd really appreciate any help I could get because I've been struggling a lot. I've been trying to learn both blender and unity for the past few months but have so far only been able to make some progress in Blender and no actual progress in Unity. A few years ago, I spent a few hundred hours in RPG Maker so I know the basics of how to work with a game engine but even so, just opening up Unity and seeing all the different stuff is so very daunting. Also, even though I've probably made some progress in Blender over all these months, I don't really feel like I'm progressing and my skills are still horribly basic. I've got a pretty vague idea of how I want to create a specific concept for a game that I've dreamt up in my mind (weird way to put a weird sentence, I know) but I feel like I won't be able to achieve anything. Now my main question is, how do I keep on track to learn these skills and if I ever do, how should I implement them? Should I make small games that relate to bigger gameplay mechanics in the game that I actually want to make? Should I just start working on different parts of the game I want to make piece by piece depending on what I've learned thus far? Should I just make completely different games and learn from those? I need any more tangible goals than "make this game that I've got in my head" which would probably not be finished in less than half a decade...

    submitted by /u/toastguydude
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    Aeldun's pathfinding has become much more realistic! - Homing Fireballs & Better AI!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    Think like a dwarf, or Improving procedurally generated content

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    There is no denying that procedurally generated content has taken a large role in game development. Whether we talk about Minecraft, one of the most popular games of all time, technical achievements like No man's sky, or godfathers of genres in Nethack and Rogue, procedurally generated content plays a large role in creating experiences within games. Using a computer to create random levels, landscapes or worlds for us has been done a million times over, because it works and creates results that nobody has ever seen before.

    There is, however, a large subject that sets these random, unknown worlds apart from hand-crafted experiences that make up the other side of the scale: Depth. The content that is generated is often contained in what you can see, whether that is the way hills look in Minecraft or the way a level comes out in Rogue. What makes worlds such as those found in Dark Souls or Divinity so enthralling is not just their visual appeal, but the reasoning behind the world. Fictional people within the world built the cathedrals and castles, religious folk built the effigies to their gods and rats dug their tunnels in the sewers.

    Even if many games place objects of similar interest in their games, these are often limited to an outcome. This makes sense in many games, as it might not be very interesting to know who dug what tunnel in a game like rogue. However, there is no denying that the explanation behind worlds is a large draw for many people. Which brings me to the core of this article:

    How can we imitate the depth and diversity that hand-crafted worlds posses in procedurally generated content?

    We are first going to delve into the subject of dwarf fortress, a game which almost uniquely simulates its world's history before starting a game, before discussing what parts might go into a system like this, and the work I did in an attempt to mirror this.

    Dwarf fortress

    Dwarf fortress is an ongoing project that is being developed by Bay12 games. one of the draws of the game is the immense depth, but also the fact that its world generation is second to none as far as I could find. Hence why it served as the inspiration for this article and this project.

    The start of a game of dwarf fortress is different to many other colony management games. As opposed to starting with "just" a random world, you are first asked to put in the parameters to generate a world. This includes an uncommon step which involves generating world history. Some games simulate some erosion and other natural phenomena, but dwarf fortress goes a step beyond in simulating societies, historical figures and other such things. The finer details of this aren't known, but the interplay between many of the generated objects, suggests a reasonably deep and exhaustive simulation. For example, civilizations might attack each other or try to hunt down legendary beasts. These tasks might be pronounced by certain historical figures who can later be referenced in things such as statues or carvings.

    Making history

    Let me start of by saying that when I went into this to get somewhere near the result that dwarf fortress did, I severely underestimated the scope. Many of the simplified approaches I attempted resulted in either uncontrollable behaviour, unconvincing results or extremely poor performance. I will go over some of the steps I took in building this world, How I went about it and what would be needed to get a better results.

    In order to simulate some history, you at least need a world, so this was the first step. I decided to start from the very bottom, by making an approximation of tectonic plates. I did this by building a Voronoi diagram, which results in the following. https://imgur.com/a/kBzjyZj

    This is used as a base for the elevation calculations. This uses the plates as a base, and introduces some noisiness. The whiter a tile is, the closer it is to the maximum elevation for the world. https://imgur.com/a/xB6BXGK

    I could show you more of these steps, but I'll leave it at these two for brevity. After many more of these steps we end up with a world that we can manipulate.


    It turns out that writing a believable world generation is already a pretty large task, which took up the majority of the limited time I had for this project. This is why the final history simulations I was able to work on were very limited in scope. Tiles can erode, influence each other and show some "natural" behaviour based on simplified geographical concepts, but the actual historical simulation that I set out to work on for this project has sadly not been achieved. I have worked on the structures that would be used for this, but as it turns out this is really, really hard to get right.

    In order to get to an acceptable result, I would need a lot more time and a lot more effort to actually get the societies and cities to where simulating them for a while would actually yield interesting results. I'm not striving to reach the standards of Dwarf fortress per say, but I am shooting for something comparable

    Tentative conclusion

    The "conclusion" if you can call it that, is pretty shallow, in the sense that it is a lot of work to get procedurally generated content to have the same depth as hand-crafted world, and it is perhaps impossible to ever reach the standards set by the modern games industries' finest. However, I do believe it is possible to reach something closer to it than many might assume, if given enough time to do some anthropology and read a lot of history books.


    General information on Dwarf fortress:


    Information on the making of dwarf fortress:



    Information on the world of dwarf fortress



    submitted by /u/Cradess
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    What to do when picking a name for your game

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I recently had to name my own game (in fact I still haven't chosen). So I wanted to save you time and share what I found by scouring this subreddit's history for advice. Most of the threads were "Is my name good?" instead of "Here is how to name your game", but I did discover some important things.

    • Don't put '&' in the title, messes up a lot of stuff with websites linking to Steam and such.
      • I don't know if this applies for all special characters. It's possible that it's just a byproduct of sites using URL parameters and not escaping them ("google.com&gameName=Custom&Wizard").
    • Make sure it is available on all of the platforms that you might want to be on someday (steam, itch, switch, xbox, ios, android, etc) and the socials (twitter, IG, facebook, etc)
      • The socials are less important because you can do thinks like @CustomWizardPC, @CustomWizardGame, or @PlayCustomWizard instead of @CustomWizard if it's already taken.
      • One person had a problem with somebody registering their game name in Chinese on one of the app stores and the other company had the original app pulled for a little bit. So try to squat on those also if you intend to have a Chinese audience.
    • Before you announce the name change and before you buy a domain, squat on each of those services with the new name.
      • I read multiple instances of people registering a domain with GoDaddy, to find that the Twitter handle for their game was registered immediately afterwards by a bot. Buy your domain last! (Also you might be safer searching for domain availability on NameCheap rather than GoDaddy).
    • Shorter is better for streamers and youtubers: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/37453j/why_i_hate_your_games_name_a_lets_players/

    There was very little consensus on what actually makes a good name. One commonality is that people tend to think that alliteration is beneficial. And using uncommon words or made-up words helps with SEO. But in general I think this one remains a mystery. Happy naming!

    submitted by /u/kryzodoze
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    Staying productive while lacking inspiration

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    from what I've heard, a lot of indie developers struggle with this, and I am one of them. I was wondering what tricks, if any, you've found to continue working at a good pace when lacking motivation or creativity.

    Thanks to anyone willing to share :)

    Personally, I do the "pick one small thing a day and make sure you do at least that" strategy, and while it helps, it's not perfect.

    submitted by /u/eyeesus
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    How old games were developed?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    I'm thinking to start studying how the old games were developed. Anyone knows how old games like Diablo 1 and Warcraft were developed? How was developed the game engine architecture of this kind of games?

    submitted by /u/Acruzarc
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    Indieboost definitely seems like the most dodgy key distribution platform I've encountered. Would not recommend.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    This is kinda-sorta an update to a post I made a month ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/dchmj4/whats_the_situation_with_indieboost_these_days/

    I'm a content creator. I'm part of a lot of awesome key distribution sites and have gotten review keys from tons of cool devs at this point. I make it a point to review every key I receive for review, because that's just the responsible thing to do! (Sadly, not every reviewer does this, I've learned.)

    Indieboost, however, has not been an awesome key distribution site. I heavily question the responsibility of the staff there, as I have encountered some issues.

    I received a couple bad Steam keys for review there. This happens sometimes; a key that's already been used, misplaced into the wrong pile. No big deal. I contact the staff to fix it. They tell me to use the report button. I don't have a report button on site - it's not showing up for me. They say I have to use it, and can't help me directly. I (admittedly) get a little rude, losing patience and wanting them to do well, do what their job is?

    They say they don't handle key issues directly. Weird. More importantly, I get threatened for account suspension, probably to get me to back off. Why? Well, I have some games received through their platform I haven't reviewed yet. Admittedly I had sat on them for more than a couple weeks at that point, but it's also because I'd been busy actively reviewing other games, including other Indieboost-received games.

    I ask them to clarify how long is too long to them, and they guesstimate 10 days or so. But there are no policies anywhere about this. No stated deadlines. If there were, I would have respected them. As it stands, there is an amorphous timer on key reviews that isn't stated but I can get my account suspended over, it seems.

    This was pretty much the whole conversation from a month ago.

    I've been mulling over whether to leave the site since then. See, I have also had $44.00 USD in earnings through their gig system as well, sitting in my Indieboost account. (Gigs are paid reviews, where I was directly paid by developers to review a game, usually alongside certain conditions.) Payouts are normally done after $100 is earned, but you can request a manual payout when it's less as well.

    Part of the reason I was so unnerved by the vague suspension conditions was - I wasn't sure what would happen to the money I had earned if that account got suspended. Would I simply lose access to money I should be being paid with? That is...well, that sounded rather illegal.

    I didn't want to really speak to Indieboost staff but I eventually, recently, decided to request that manual payout. I kept my message very neutral and brief. But I was then asked why I wanted the payout, and was asked for feedback.

    Hoo boy. So I gave it.

    I told them about how I felt about all their actions, how I publicized the whole matter here on Reddit as well as with my audience. I was totally neutral and non-threatening, but totally honest.

    So this gave them the opportunity to address...a lot of things. To save face, to show me they cared about these issues. I would listen to it, consider it. But their response to it all?

    "Thanks for your feedback." Nothing more. They then moved on, not answering to anything I explained. I think that, in itself, says a lot.

    ...Here's the full logs of both the previous-month conversation, as well as the recent one.


    Scroll down midway and look for 'NEW CONVERSATION STARTS BELOW THIS IMAGE' to just read the latest conversation, if you want. As I admitted in my last post here, I was not perfect in behavior in the logs and I acknowledged that to both you guys and to the Indieboost staff. Still, I was at worst a little rude, while they responded with threats and apathy.

    My thoughts, and why I'm posting here? Well, I wanted to follow up things. But also, I wanted to warn both content creators and developers. I don't think Indieboost really respects its users. I would advise avoiding use of the platform.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts too, if you have had any experiences or have any critique on the situation yourself!

    Also, if people are looking for such a platform, I'd recommend Keymailer and Woovit. I've never spoken to Keymailer staff myself but they legitimately seem professional and on the ball, fixing key issues easily and having a very smart public ranking for reviewers, so one can quickly see how reliable a person is for reviews. Woovit is a good site where devs can set clear-cut conditions and reviewers can just acquire a key instantly if they meet those conditions, very efficient; also I've spoken to the staff there and they were very alert and friendly about issues I've had. :3

    submitted by /u/Charem
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    Animating a fantasy character (without a MoCap suit!) :)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Including Easter Eggs

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    If I want to add some Easter eggs into my game, do I have to get permission to use them? They're just little things like a monsters inc canister as a prop or a disk as a secret weapon for the player to find on a ship.

    submitted by /u/lt_Matthew
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    I already know C++, Unity vs Unreal. I am thinking of Unreal, should I start with blueprints or directy code in C++.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    Hello there, I already know C, a little bit of python, C++ except OOP. Should I choose Unity or Unreal, I am currently thinking about using Unreal. Last year I used a little bit of Unreal, I did not like blueprints because they weren't behaving as I wanted them to, or I might be using them wrong. So, should I use C++ instead of blueprints, but I still have to learn OOP and graphic libraries, etc.

    In the next paragraph, I am writing a bit about myself so that you can answer me better.

    I am currently a 3rd-year undergraduate in Electrical Engineering and wanted to get into programming so I started learning those languages but I had no motivation to learn. I have played a lot of games and watched all of "Game Makers Toolkit"(GMTK) videos. Watching GMTK made me realize that I want to make games, a goal in life that I never had before, just aimlessly moving with the crowd. Last year I spent 2-3 weeks learning very basics of material, foliage and blindly followed a tutorial of using collision boxes to change color of material using blueprints. I could not continue because I was spending too much time on it where I had to do other things. This is one of my bad habits, if I get interested in something I keep doing it overlooking my other responsibilities including skipping classes and submitting assignments.

    submitted by /u/deep7raja
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    What's your favourite game engine to work with, and why?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Pretty straight forward question. Just curious as to what people like working with.

    submitted by /u/Privateaccount84
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    Which are the languages you use for games?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Im a CS student in a game-programming oriented uni. Mostly we code in C#, C++, and we work a little bit in Unity and Unreal Engine (but mostly we create our own framework and editors with ImGui and C++). I want to study other languages that are popular to the gamedev job industry in order to make it easier to start in the furmture. Which would be your recomendations?

    submitted by /u/Vleystation
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    Learning Unity

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:17 AM PDT


    I am a 3D Animator. I got interested in developing games in Unity after coming across a few videos on YT. I had C++ as a subject in school and although it didn't teach me a lot, it got me interested in programming.

    I would like to know what could be some good resources to learn developing 2d games in Unity.

    I have come across the book by Brian Moakley and Mike Berg but I guess the problem with such books (I had a little experience with a book on Blender) is that they might get outdated pretty quickly. The courses on raywenderleich.com seem nice.
    I don't really want to go into a paid course just right now. I want to learn at my own pace, because I already have a lot of work pressure at my studio! :P

    I would be pleased if you all could help me out with any other resources however small that might come in handy for me!

    submitted by /u/Bearded_Hawk
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    Need name suggestions for the game I'm working on...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm working on my first game, a small visual novel/adventure, It's about 3 friends who live together in an apartment in a big city, the game is all about conversations and life and the relationship that these people have.

    I can't come up with a name :( I have some ideas but I don't think they're good enough, so I was hoping someone could suggest something! If I do end up using the name you suggest, I will be sure to list you in the credits.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    submitted by /u/R3tr0_Dead_Fox
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    Photogrammetry Equipment by Grzegorz Baran

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,
    last week have relased a new video where I present my photogrammetry equipment and a few capture tricks
    Here it is: https://youtu.be/fapgOO39Dh8
    Hope someone is going to find it useful
    Have a good weekend

    submitted by /u/gbar76
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    About destrictible terrain for the pro's out there...

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PDT


    I have a missile in unity 2d that explodes after 4s of coming into contact with ground.

    When this explodes. i would like an area of the ground it's hit to break apart into multiple bits with those bits still being live objects that can also be broken again by explosions. the part of the ground that is far away shouldn't be broken, i hope to use a voronoi type breakup... does anyone know how i might go about this?



    submitted by /u/Oddsocks_Studios
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    Pixel Art 101: Rocks

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    What plugins do you use when developing games? (Unreal Engine, Unity)

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I wanted to know which plugins do you find very useful when working with Unreal Engine or Unity? Maybe it concerns the organization of the workflow or some important things that are in each of your projects. I found a similar question, but that discussion is three years old... Perhaps a lot has changed during this time.

    P.S.: I want to collect a list of useful plugins for novice developers, so your advice will help me a lot.

    submitted by /u/Key_Presser
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    Frustrated for an year over multithreading in Android

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    If I broke any rules or forgot any flairs, forgive me. I have self learner android a bit, only a bit, and I know how to make simple games if complex objects,.. but that was my only positive, if it even means anything to you. But there was a lot of stuff going on in some of my games, which means it wasn't as fast as it should be. Say even for an an image moving from point a to b..

    So I tried learning multithreading. But over the course of this year.. I have read and tried so many articles and books that my brain is now ketchup. Everywhere I look, suggests a different way of doing things. Some people implement Runnables and some implement SurfaceHolder.callback for the same thing.. some people don't even use a runnable class instead they create a thread in the middle of the code out of nowhere and pass a runnable argument to it.. Before I started looking up all those examples and tutorials, I was fine even when my game was slow but atleast it ran. Sometimess I feel someone just spoon feed me and lead me step by step, maybe it sounds odd but hey I am a noob and I am learning!

    Recently someone posted something on how indie developers have to keep on going little by little even with not much motivation. I have done that for over an year.. and I am nowhere now

    submitted by /u/BurnyAsn
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