Ocarina of Time had some neat UV mapping tricks |
- Ocarina of Time had some neat UV mapping tricks
- I coded a 3D game engine from scratch, built a level editor into that engine, and started making a sneaking game with a recognizable classic style.
- I wrote a step-by-step guide to creating a website for your indie game!
- Serializing Game State for netcode
- Free 3D Models – I've made a curated list of free game ready 3D models of decent quality. Enjoy this selection of free and useful 3D assets
- Noob-ish Tutorial On Drawing Geometric Shapes With HLSL Shaders - Source Included
- Video Game Funding on Kickstarter, Monthly Report October 2019
- Using state machines for fighting game inputs, but redundancy is making it annoying. Looking to make it slightly cleaner
- PhysX SDK Tutorials?
- Worried my game stretches beyond homage and inspiration into cloning
- Asking for a place to learn about game physics
- Tycoon/simulation game... best engine/framework?
- 2D - A program to make drawn sprites?
- Outsourcing your game vs doing it on your own
- Job System: Excessive Multithreading May Hurt Your Performance
- PSA: YoYo Games to permanently delete the legacy GMC (GameMaker Community) archive
- Embracing the Co-Op Studio Model in Indie Games
- Steam EA release: current features vs store page description
- 2d fighting game and palette swaps
- How not to let the game be boring?
- Please help me pick a C game networking library
- Free Demo or paid Early access
- I've made a free Epic track for your non-commercial project. No personal information collection, just a gift ❤️
- POST-IT NOTES for the Unity Editor
Ocarina of Time had some neat UV mapping tricks Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST |
Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:46 AM PST |
I wrote a step-by-step guide to creating a website for your indie game! Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:10 AM PST Hey everyone! :) I've put together a sort-of decent-ish guide to creating a website for your indie game, you can check it out here: https://blog.enjin.io/how-to-create-a-website-for-your-indie-game-a-step-by-step-guide/ I also turned it into a neat, clean PDF and combined it with a couple of nifty, useful goodies, and made "The Essential Indie Game Website Kit" which can be downloaded for free here: https://enjin.io/landing/essential-indie-game-website-creation-kit I've spent a considerable amount of time & effort and an insane amount of coffee writing this, so I'd really appreciate any feedback, thoughts and suggestions; it would also literally mean the world to me if you shared this with your peers, but only if you really like it and find it helpful. Cheers everybody, have a great day! About me: I've been in the game industry since mid-teens, so like, hell, decade and a half already; currently I'm the Chief Marketing Officer at Enjin, a game industry company. Feel free to connect on Twitter or Linkedin! [link] [comments] |
Serializing Game State for netcode Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST Hey all, I am reading through this article about rollback-based fighting game netcode. One of the corner stones of rollback netcode is that game state has to be deterministic and serializable since by definition, the netcode will rollback the game state and rebuild it using correct inputs. Per the article, the game state would need to be serialized per frame, and it would need to be done quickly and efficiently. I'm curious if anyone has a good article or decent insight on how this would be best accomplished? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST |
Noob-ish Tutorial On Drawing Geometric Shapes With HLSL Shaders - Source Included Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:53 AM PST |
Video Game Funding on Kickstarter, Monthly Report October 2019 Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:34 AM PST Hi everyone! I maintain a monthly report on successfully funded video games on Kickstarter using web scraped data, and wanted to start sharing with the community here in case anyone finds the market insights helpful! Below is the link to where the files (pdf) can be found, which I update monthly beginning September 2019. The latest report I've just completed this morning is for the period ended October 31, 2019, and below are some highlights for the period. I want to maintain this for the benefit of the indie community, so if you have any suggestions, questions, or feedback please don't hesitate to shoot them my way! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pbqqXvCsT4LFmy6yWX9GnO7KxmphtpRE?usp=sharing ___ Video Game Funding on Kickstarter Monthly Report for the period ended October 31, 2019 SUMMARY HIGHLIGHTS Live projects:
Funded projects:
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:18 AM PST I'm working on a fighting game (a la Street Fighter), largely for my own technical edification. I have a working solution for detecting move inputs like qcf+p for fireball, complete with priority & leniency. However, there's some redundancy in how I have to define the move inputs, and I'm trying to see if there's a better way to do this. I'll begin by explaining my current solution, and point out where it falls flat. What I'm looking for is a cleaner way to define what constitutes a move input, so that maintaining these definitions is easier. How it worksEach frame, I push to a ring buffer the set of inputs for that frame. Then, I iterate over a prioritised list of state machines, each of which implements a pattern matcher for a single move. (I skip those moves that are not valid for the player's current state, e.g. you cannot shoryuken when airborne.) Each state machine steps through the input buffer (in reverse, starting at the latest frame), looking for a valid series of inputs representing its encoded move. The first state machine that successfully matches will return, breaking the iteration loop & allowing that move to begin playing. It also clears the buffer to prevent inputs from being reused for future moves (otherwise you can spam punch after a qcf to get a million fireballs). There are three important points to understand about the state machine pattern matching. Firstly, it only actually considers frames where the inputs change; that is to say, if the player holds light punch down for five successive frames and does nothing else, that will be treated as a single "light punch" input. Secondly, the state machine is actually defined in reverse: a fireball "starts" with a punch input, then a forward, then a down-forward, and then a down. And finally, if a frame's input matches part of the pattern, we continue the search for the next element of the pattern from the next (i.e. earlier) input change onwards (i.e. towards the past); that is, if the next part of the pattern happens to fall on the same frame, that doesn't count — it needs to be on an earlier frame. The problemI want both of the following patterns to be valid for, say, a fireball:
But because of the third point above, my state machine has to have a branching path: one branch for the 3-frame input, and one branch for the 4-frame input. This redundancy annoys me; it makes moves hard to define correctly (because each individual state transition in the pattern matcher comes with its own edge cases), and it makes it hard to read the state transitions too. To make it easier to understand, here's an abbreviated version of the state machine for a fireball. So here, finally, is my question. Is there a nicer way to define an arbitrary move input, without having to manually account for branches like this? One idea I have is to define the move as a sequence of inputs, and then for each input, defining which inputs it must or must not overlap with. Then we write the matcher to allow inputs to share a frame unless indicated as non-overlapping. Something like this: But I'm not sure if this is clear enough, or what kinds of edge cases I haven't considered (I suspect the logic around when to check the same frame vs when to move on to the next frame might get quite clunky). I'm also not sure that it allows for the same kinds of leniency that I get with my current system, which allows for SFV-style shortcuts. Is there some kind of simple enhancement I could do to a simple state machine to make this work? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:27 AM PST Hello! Is anyone aware of any helpful PhysX tutorials? I want to use this to make a game using OpenGL but I'm unsure of where to start. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Worried my game stretches beyond homage and inspiration into cloning Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:19 AM PST Hey, I've been working on a passion project game for a little while that I hope to release sometime in the next five years. I've grown really attached to it and I love what I'm learning. I've been thinking about the finished project though, and I'm worried it copies too much from its inspiration. It started off being a Chrono Trigger meets Avatar: TLA meets BotW/Morrowind game. It still is, but I'm not sure how distinct it is anymore. The game has a painterly/cel shaded/"Scooby Doo" visual aesthetic (as Woodbound's Christian Sparks might describe it). It has an open fantastical world wherein people have the capability of harnessing change (in the form of mathematical transformations; translate, reflect, rotate, dilate) and exerting that change through (martial arts) on the environment - think ATLA bending but with common sources to draw from. The game has a chemistry system very similar to BotW, which I figured would be very fun combined with the ability to tear the ground up - pull a tree trunk, throw it in a fire, then throw it at an enemy, for example. I'm worried this might feel too similar to the magnesis rune (specifically). It's a lot more restricted - it looks like a martial art, like ATLA, and your movement is a lot more inhibited while using these powers - but I feel it still seems similar. It's also got an "identity" system and "rebirth" system which integrate into these, but in more original ways. My worry is that people will see the game and think "cel shader, four (styles of ) magic abilities, weather and chemistry, open world? Clone, pass." I've been shifting towards a more Dragon Prince art style, but I can't really get much more detailed than that without losing a lot of time, and it doesn't really deviate much from BotW anyway. There's more to my game than just this, but it's a vital, core part and one of the most defining mechanisms. Is it too cloney? [link] [comments] |
Asking for a place to learn about game physics Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:44 AM PST Hi all, For mostly academic reasons (but also personal interest) I am looking for resources where I can learn about 3D Game Physics, how to implement collision detection, applying forces to rigid objects and how they interact with each other. I am not really looking for guides how to achieve this in engine X or framework Y, but rather how I would go about doing the math and implementation myself. [link] [comments] |
Tycoon/simulation game... best engine/framework? Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:16 AM PST Im looking to develop a simulation/tycoon type game for mainly mobile & desktop and would prefer to code over drag drop all day. Any experienced devs got a recommendation? Currently java/kotlin/python/swift developer if makes any difference.. have played with Libgdx [link] [comments] |
2D - A program to make drawn sprites? Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:04 AM PST Hey guys! I'm a pixel artist and I want to start to make drawn sprites too. Like Don't starve, for example. Do you guys have any recommendation about how to start, what programs to use and etc? I have a good base animating on pixel art, but sometimes the process is different (?) I don't know hehe Thanks a lot :) [link] [comments] |
Outsourcing your game vs doing it on your own Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST I was wanting other opinions on how they feel about outsourcing your game. Is making a game on your own the end all be all in the game world? [link] [comments] |
Job System: Excessive Multithreading May Hurt Your Performance Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:53 AM PST |
PSA: YoYo Games to permanently delete the legacy GMC (GameMaker Community) archive Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:23 PM PST |
Embracing the Co-Op Studio Model in Indie Games Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST |
Steam EA release: current features vs store page description Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST I'm working on a game currently slated to have an Early Access release in February. A Steam store page has been up for around 4 months so far. Of course, the store description of the game is a description of a finished game. It summarizes the game and lists various features (core features and minor features). Assuming I keep to my schedule, I think the game will be fun and playable upon EA release, but a fair amount of the minor features will not be in the game yet, and the amount of content is somewhat small so far. My question is, how should I deal with the reality that the current description doesn't match the version that will initially be released? My tentative plan is to post a 'State of the game: initial EA release' update to the games update section, and add a disclaimer at the very top of the game description mentioning that the EA release contains some but not all features, and linking to the more in-depth update post, so players can read about what is currently in and game and what is not in yet. I would leave most the description as is, so it would be an 'aspirational' description of what the game will turn into as it approaches a final release. Does this seem like a bad approach? Is there something better I might do? In theory I could remove any references to features that aren't in the game yet in the game description, but that seems kind of crazy and would probably piss off some buyers who wishlisted the game based on the earlier description of the 'final release' version of the game. One drastic option is to cancel my plans for an EA release, and wait (potential an entire year or more) until I have every listed feature implemented in the game, such that an EA release at that point is basically releasing the game in Beta version, with just bug fixes, polish, and some additional content to be added later. That seems kind of bad though....as if players basically all hate EA releases and no one wants to buy a game until it's finished. Also, it seems like this would just be me panicking about the state of the project. [link] [comments] |
2d fighting game and palette swaps Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST Hi i am trying to make a 2d fighting game in c++ but are having a little trouble with getting palette swaps/alternate colors for the characters to work properly, i am not exactly sure what is the most optimal way of doing it, but what i am trying right now is to save the images as 8 bit indexed pngs, and editing the palette of the image when it is loaded into memory. The only problem with this method however is that i will need to make every sprite of an animation use the same palette with the colors in the exact same order which i don't know how i would do. Are there any programs that can help me with that? Or are there maybe a better way i could be doing this? [link] [comments] |
How not to let the game be boring? Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST Hi! I make the game for GitHub Game Off. It is arcade with symbol recognition. But I feel my game is boring. I think I need to add additional game mechanics, which will be "main" and use symbol recognition as "secondary". But I completely don't know which one and exactly how (in a game design sense). Can you give me a piece of advice in this case? [link] [comments] |
Please help me pick a C game networking library Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST Hi r/gamedev. I need your help picking a networking library / framework for my game.
Thank you very much! [link] [comments] |
Free Demo or paid Early access Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST What would be better in Terms of Marketing on Steam. A free Demo which only contains 1 Training mode and two levels. Or a Early access in Steam with the same things+ 3 more levels. The full game will have 2 kinds of a training Mode, 10 levels and a Multiplayer [link] [comments] |
Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST |
POST-IT NOTES for the Unity Editor Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST |
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