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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    As an engineering lead, how do I instill good coding practices in Junior developers? web developers

    As an engineering lead, how do I instill good coding practices in Junior developers? web developers

    As an engineering lead, how do I instill good coding practices in Junior developers?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:41 PM PST

    About Me:

    I am an engineering lead and I've been doing this for quite some time. I've worked everything from by myself and in large shops. I am a college educated (CS) full-stack developer who has worked in a variety of backend languages, frameworks, and databases. I have done every type of frontend imaginable, Backbone, Knockout, Vue, Razor, Blazor, Thymleaf, Wicket, Mako, CF, etc. and see myself more as a JS Engineer.

    My Project:

    I am currently leading a large React project that is coming near the end. But, I'm increasingly meeting resistance from the other developers on my team by pushing good coding practices. Not just coding syntax, but things like reusable components and generic logic where necessary.

    These practices have got us to a point in the app where it performs extremely well and is a code base that makes sense, where a new Junior developer can ramp up to be a full contributor in just a couple days. It's not a bad project, because I've been around and I've been on bad projects. Hell, I've made plenty of bad projects myself. This is definitely not one of them. (and I don't think anyone believes that it is)

    My dilemma:

    They don't have the experience I do and I am unable to articulate my experience and concerns in some way other than shallow reasoning and bad examples, which inevitably ends up as "just trust me" after a short argument. Because to me it's just simply common sense, but I understand that it was common sense that I learned over time. They think when I make them go back and rewrite 30 lines of code into a core component that they are trying to copy and paste in different views is unnecessary and a waste of time and setting them back. I definitely understand the where the line is between making everything generic vs making things generic where necessary and believe I do a good job of not over genericizing everything.

    Part of the problem is most likely my fault, because they haven't had to create many of the reusable components themselves or have not had to fix the random performance issues we have created. I have just quietly fixed the issues and had already setup the large majority of components that are used within the app. So that thought process of "I should make a component out of this" or "I should make a helper function" just simply isn't there.

    My Question:

    How can I help teach others my experience without people being angry at me or the product falling into dangerous traps that will inevitably leave it a buggy, poor performing, unsupportable mess?

    submitted by /u/notThaLochNessMonsta
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    Can someone tell me why I am not landing an entry level job?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:57 AM PST

    I graduated back with a BS back in 2018. I have a nice portfolio, a linkedin and an okay GitHub. I dont think im some sort of amazing developer but I think that I demonstrate at least a junior level ability. I will link my portfolio. I just want to know if there is something that I am missing? What turns off all of the companies I apply too. I have applied for hubdreds of junior / associate / entry level web developer positions over the course of a year. I have got some interviews but nothing has landed. I am kind of desperate for a job at this point and am just wondering why I get passed over so often.


    submitted by /u/LAN_scape
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    Print To CSS

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:09 AM PST

    AnimeJS why doesn't this work (and the path)?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST

    I want to make the circles go along the paths, simple right? It's not (or I made one stupid mistake that lead me down a rabbit hole). This isn't my whole code, the rest just generates the HTML (semi randomly). I pasted the end result in the HTML section, so it shouldn't be a problem. Details in the css file. Will add edits if need be.

    code: https://codepen.io/technikfe/pen/NWWmajR

    EDIT 1: anime.get(el, "translateX"), anime.get(el, "translateY"), and anime.get(el, "rotate") all return 0, added console logs so you can see for yourself, why is this happening?

    submitted by /u/technikfe
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    Netlify multilingual website with different html files

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:39 PM PST

    I'm a beginner to web development, and I've recently created a site I'm happy with, that has two languages, that you can switch between.

    The only "problem" I have, is that I don't like that the URL shows the separator I used (-en) next to the name (about-en.html) for each site. Is there a way with Netlify where I can shorten the URL, but still have the multilingual switching part work?

    So it presents in the URL bar just .com/about on both languages, even though the html files are named about-en.html/about-es.html?

    submitted by /u/quirkyerror
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    Is there an expectation that we will be able to use wasm like this? Where can I follow the progress?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:34 PM PST

    New to web development

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:27 AM PST

    I am pretty new to web development. Just starting learning bootstrap. After getting it setup by watching some tutorials, I am now wondering how to use it again? Do I copy paste my node_modules file to every new project folder? Or reference it within html? What about the gulpfile.js? I think copying it's code for every project might be the right way but am not sure. Any help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/Pro_Gamer_Ahsan
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    Client Request From Database (Express server, Postgres DB)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I am pretty new to... web dev, but also more specifically databases and backends. I just set up an app on Heroku with Node, Express, Node-postgres and Postgres. Now I am confused though how—essentially—to make a <button> query and return the parts of the query. I have a one page e-reader app for erotica and I need to query a database to get the title, description, and content for each story and use the response to update my page.

    My guess is to:

    1. Make a fetch request

    var storyreserve = " "
    var titlereserve = " "
    document.getElementById("A0bttn").addEventListener('click', getStory('A0'))
    function getStory(id) {
    ... [rest in step 3]

    1. Receive request and query DB

    const express = require('express')
    const path = require('path')
    const app = express()
    const { Client } = require ('pg')
    const { Pool } = require ('pg')
    const pool = new Pool({
    connectionString: "[my URI from Heroku]",
    ssl: true
    const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080
    var sqlquery = "SELECT title, description, content FROM content WHERE story_id=${req.query.id}"
    app.get('/getStory', (req, res) => {
    pool.connect(client => {
    .then(result => result.row[0])
    .then(result => res.status(200).send(result))
    .catch(() => res.send(console.error('oopsy we made a poopsy!', error.stack)))

    1. Then parse the response on the client side

    [cont. from step 1]...

    .then(response => response.JSON.parse())
    .then(thing => document.getElementById('descbody').innerHTML = thing.description)
    .then(thing => document.getElementById('desctitle').innerHTML = thing.title)
    .then(thing => storyreserve = thing.story)
    .then(thing => titlereserve = thing.title)
    .catch(error => console.error(error.stack))

    //Display description and title
    var desc = document.getElementById('desc')
    var shadebox = document.getElementById('shadebox')
    document.getElementById('desctitle').innerHTML = titlereserve
    desc.style.display = 'block'
    shadebox.style.display = 'block'

    I assume there is all sorts of stuff wrong with my code: my Promises, error handling, and maybe even with how I used the query string. Which to me means my app never sent query or there was no response when it did. The last things I am seeing in my 'heroku logs' is that I called pool.end more than once (which makes sense since it calls end on its own), another unhandled promise rejection warning (error is not defined), and then a request timeout (code=H12 desc="Request timeout" method=GET path="/getStory?id=A0").

    I used the pg.pool documentation to shape my code. I really don't understand how to make a successful query of my DB; I am confused about the pool method and how that works for client queries, and just using node-postgres to query the DB. I also don't get why in dev tools on my app I get a warning that JSON.parse can't work on 'undefined' before I even press the button to run the function. Can anybody help?

    submitted by /u/SierraTargon
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    Push Notifications: What is the best real-world use case?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    What is the most popular, useful, non-spammy, welcomed-by-the-user, application of push notifications currently being used by any website?

    submitted by /u/Mike_Walker
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    Today is my last day as a web designer/developer

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:13 PM PST

    When I started my company in 1994, I was one of less than 100 web designers working in the UK, and one of less than 500 worldwide. I've built sites for major international brands, governments, military units and Royal families from all over the world. I am good at what I do.

    That was then.

    Nowadays, everyone's a web designer. If you're not one yourself, you know one. Every fecking day I get 600+ emails from Indian developers asking if I want them to build me a site. Every youtube I watch is sponsored by Squarespace (seriously, if I could be bothered to spend 2 minutes to find out where they're based, their offices would have been firebombed by now). Adverts everywhere for godaddy and 1&1 web builder.

    I have a huge contact list of former clients, but one-by-one they've all moved to other, cheaper, developers overseas. The last customer I had decided he didnt have to pay his bills because he's a douchebag cunt, despite coming to my house and threatening my wife a few weeks before I dropped him. He even had the gall to reply to my "you're no longer a client of mine" email saying he would let me know his decision within a couple of weeks. No, you moron, I dropped you - you don't have a say in the matter.

    The last quote I sent out was low, but still fair, and was for a reasonably large ecommerce build. I got a rejection email within minutes stating my price was more than 10 times higher than any other he'd received, no doubt from the India devs who email me every day.

    I can't do this any more. I have to find a "real" job or I'll starve to death.

    submitted by /u/Pluribus7158
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    What's the most productive set of frameworks for freelancing?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:20 AM PST

    I have plans to do freelance jobs in the future and I've been wondering: considering that the scope of freelance projects is usually reduced and you've to work alone, what do you consider to be the most productive set of tools for this purpose? I've been learning Node.js/Express.js, but its minimalist approach does not seen to be very productive, although it's indeed performatic (or so I heard). Some of the options I'm contemplating are Django and Ruby on Rails.

    submitted by /u/gitmonk
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    TypeScript: What is the default return value of a function? Is it void or any?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    what is the default return value of a function in TS? thanks!

    submitted by /u/taylor-reddit
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    Academic Survey on Mobile Cross-Platform Development

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Hello wonderful people, I'm doing a quali-quantitative research on cross-platform frameworks and I'd love to take a deeper look on your thoughts on them!

    Here's the link: https://forms.gle/YCnfddQNvzN38pLU7

    submitted by /u/K1NGC0D
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    Take-Home Assesment: How much is too much?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:59 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently applying for internships and junior position as a Front End Dev. A relatively small agency just send me an assessment with the following requirements:

    Requirements: - Application is built with the VueJS framework + TypeScript. - Application is properly structured according to the VueJS framework - Application is written according to the TypeScript standards, HTML(W3C) and CSS(W3C) coding standards. - Code is properly documented, indented and readable. - Application is visually appealing regarding the chosen topic (pubic API). - Application needs to contain the following: 1. Menu 1. The menu contains a Home button, categories button and a random button. 2. Menu is fixed while scrolling. 2. Homepage 1. The homepage shows 10 records from a public API of choice. 2. All items should be clickable to link to their detailpage. 3. There must be a sorting option. 3. Detailpage 1. Shows all the details retrieved from the public API regarding the selected record. 2. Detail page shows 3 relevant other items on this page based on provided data from the chosen public API. 4. Footer 1. Footer contains at least a generated sitemap. 5. Randomizer page 1. Randomizer page shows a random item. 2. Randomizer page contains a button to show another random item. - All pages within the application must be fully responsive.

    I only applied for a trainee position and I feel like this is a lot to ask for, especially since this agency is not super reputable. Are they asking too much or is this normal? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/peterpetersen
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    how to prevent blogger to increase thumbnail image size?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:43 PM PST

    Just learned HTML/CSS/Boostrap. Where to go from here?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:16 PM PST

    I finished the CSS/HTML sections of Colt Steele's web dev bootcamp and started the javascript section. Should i wait and make a few good projects with HTML/CSS before i continue learning Javascript?

    I've made a couple of web pages with them already but i feel like i should really hone in on my HTML/CSS skills by creating more projects before i move onto to Javascript.

    submitted by /u/cudder17
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    Why is there so much hate towards PHP?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    I feel like a lot of people hate it, but why? I used to code in php, before switching to python (django), and in my opinion Django is far better. But I wanna hear you guys out.

    submitted by /u/walkq
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    Is Udemby worth the money?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    Is Udemy actually worth it when there are plenty of free courses online and YouTube to my disposal???

    I'm willing to invest the money but Whats the difference between people who learnt without really investing money and those who actually spent money on the courses?

    BTW I'm just 17. Is it wise to spend money or not?

    submitted by /u/IDKK_U
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    GitHub Archive Program

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:04 AM PST

    I’ve been feeling burnt out in my current line of work and I would like to teach myself web design and coding. Hopefully make a new living. I feel overwhelmed with all the vocabulary and different languages. What path would you recommend to be relevant in 2019 for a newbie? Thank you in advance!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:02 PM PST

    Php rest api

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PST

    so I am recently learning about api and everywhere I go see that I have to authenticate with token sending to header.But I don't understand how to do it and why I need to do this?cant I just send the user id and filter and validate with mysql what belong to that user?why I need that and how to use that please explain Like do I need to send a token by header on every refresh or each user has to be a token?

    submitted by /u/S44F4Y4T
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    Resume writing service recommendations

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:51 AM PST

    I am considering hiring a resume/job search consultant professional experienced with web developers to word-smith my resume since I can probably better spend my time elsewhere (like beefing up my skills after the parental leave I just took).

    I am wondering if any of you have had any experience with these kind of services, what your thoughts are, and if you can recommend any companies or particular people that do this.


    More background: I just had a quick cheapy consultation with a generic tech resume expert who gave me a bunch of homework, and some really good advice. In starting to actually do her homework, I have already created a verbose word salad and I know it will take me days to get my new resume to where I want it. Someone else can probably do the actual writing of the resume better and faster, and a second opinion wouldn't hurt.

    submitted by /u/pencil_and_paper
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    Is there a way to decouple added by JS classes used for styling?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:47 AM PST

    I have .active class which is added by JS and styled by CSS. But I want to be able to make changes in class names and appearance without going and edit references in js each time.

    I use "js-" prefix to select elements

    submitted by /u/redditrabbit222
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    Should I consider getting a Bachelors or not.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

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