• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 12, 2019

    Showoff Saturday | My vision of start page for Google Chrome web developers

    Showoff Saturday | My vision of start page for Google Chrome web developers

    Showoff Saturday | My vision of start page for Google Chrome

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:33 AM PDT

    uBlock Origin Update Rejected from the Chrome Web Store

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 08:08 AM PDT

    Showoff Saturday - A Scrum or Kanban board style job search tool

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    TIL — The power of JSON.stringify replacer parameter

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:09 PM PDT

    I created a new CMS: KikCMS

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    Showoff Saturday | I made a thing to make access control easier (Objection.js plugin)!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Showoff Saturday - A simple website with a simple purpose

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    Career change, is it possible for me?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    I'm sure my story isn't unique but would love some input—I'm 26F, about to be 27 in a line of work I don't care for. Graduated in 2015 with a math degree with no idea how I wanted to use it, took a few C++ courses in community college and liked them and started learning python fundamentals about two months ago.

    It's been a hard few months realizing Ive just been working with no direction (depression hard) but I thought about giving myself a goal—try to self teach and get a job in web dev/software by age 30. While back end seems like something my background is suited for, I like the design aspect of front end work. My question is my 3 year goal feasible? I can't afford to not be working while studying, although a backup plan is to just save like crazy for a year, quit work and self study/find a boot camp. The plan is to study 15+ hours a week.


    submitted by /u/a_kari
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    Showoff Saturday | I finally built my portfolio - what do you think?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:21 AM PDT

    Trouble moving navbar elements in HTML

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    I am new to HTML and am taking a course on Udemy about HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

    Currently, I am trying to re-format a template I acquired on the Bootstrap website. My project can be found here: https://github.com/nsethupathi/FirstSite

    Specifically, I want to move the "Home" and "Link" items in the Navbar over to the right side. I thought the way to do this was to modify line 29 of index.html by replacing 'mr-auto' with 'navbar-right'. However, this changes nothing.

    I am using the latest Sublime text editor, and when I begin typing in 'navbar-right', it does not even show up on the autofill. Am I supposed to use something else?

    submitted by /u/logo_positive
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    [Showoff Saturday] New web design/development community platform

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    I want to create a WEBSITE like LINGUALEO, please help...

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    So, i'm really new on coding, etc and i'm from Belgium

    What i want to do is to create a website like Lingualeo with another language, but the main thing i want to understand how to do is

    • They have a library, when you read a book, when you put the cursor on it, it translate it automatically
    • By thus, you can add the words in your word collection, here, you have exercises where you need to tell the correct definition of the word
    • Finally it gives points on your account and upgrade level (if you have 7 questions right on 10, it gives you 7 points for example)

    So my question is... what code languages, or what background do you need for this ?

    submitted by /u/ShuttingOP
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    Showoff Saturday | My latest Craft CMS build, teague.com

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Launching an app, would love feedback on my signup page.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    I'm launching a dating app called Momentum in the about 2 months.

    It's a slow cook alternative to hookup apps where I use a lot of psychology to drive users to be more engages with a few matches rather than spam a few hot people.

    The signup page is http://aboutmomentum.com and id love to know if the value prop is clear. If sign up makes sense, if it's basically ready to do initial marketing.

    The sign up is by city. Basically every region needs a minimum amount of people (based on population and density which I got a db of) to unlock it that way I avoid people signing up and being alone.

    Is there anything I'm missing ?

    Thanks Reddit love you folk

    submitted by /u/IAmRules
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    Has anybody ever integrated a web app with a restaurant/bar EPOS system?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    On working with a client of mine who runs a chain of bars, I'm looking at possibilities with the more traditional EPOS systems, as opposed to the more modern iPad and bluetooth card machine setups.

    Does anyone have any experience with this? If so, what can/cannot be done?

    submitted by /u/Mr-Bloke
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    Want A FOSS Academic Search Engine That Does Not Track You

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    CSS Filter Playground

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Rebuilt blog in GatsbyJS

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    is this messaging service completely private?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:39 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Fadedwaif
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    [Showoff Saturday] 260+ curated tools & resources for web developers/designers ��

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Major update to my personal website, what do you think?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I just made a major 2.0 update to my personal website and was hoping you guys could leave some feedback:



    The purpose of the website is:

    • To be memorable
    • To be share-worthy on team slack channels.
    • To skip the queue, so to speak, in the hiring process


    The resume hasn't been uploaded and the WhatsApp feature is disabled for now.


    You could leave any feedback you want but here's a guide to help you out:


    1. Of all the activities and articles on the site, which of them did you engage and what are your thoughts?
    2. What are your thoughts on the website as a whole?
    3. What do you think of the WhatsApp feature? Would you use it to directly contact a candidate?
    4. Did you encounter any performance issues or bugs? If so, what device, network and browser are you using?
    5. Do you have any questions for me?


    Any suggestions for new awesomeness (features, processes etc) that can be added for V3.0? These are some stuff I've planned for V3.0 (to start July 2020 and release Q4):

    • Automated cross browser testing (Selenium?)
    • Automated image minification using TinyPNG CLI
    • 2 new themes
    • Kanban board for task organization
    • Phase 2 of the Pieretta project



    • Its okay to just write how you feel.
    • Don't worry if someone else has already posted what you think, your response can help give more weight to certain viewpoints.
    • If you engaged the website over multiple browsing sessions, feel free to describe each session.

    Edit: I'm not sure if this was clear, but this is not for freelance work but for applying to positions in companies.

    submitted by /u/LOL50015
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    DB design for trending posts mysql/node

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    I am reading over this article I found about how reddit calculates trending posts. I have been thinking about this and I'm not sure the best way to actually code this in the backend. I am currently using mysql and node.

    f(n, t) = 45000 \log_{10}(n) + t

    So in the equation the two variables I need are the number of likes (n = likes), and how recent the post is by seeing the time difference from when it was posted to some set arbitrary date in the past (t = time). Should I just add another column to the posts table that stores the value for this formula, and have some script that runs on a timer(forget the name for this) to update that value in the table. I would index timedate column and trending value column.

    Or should I calculate the trending values each time a call is made for trending posts( would need to grab newer posts and loop through each one to calculate its trending value and insert into a new sorted array based off the trending value).

    I have only made really simple DB calls so far, so I'm not really sure how to go about doing this. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/outhereinamish
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    [Showoff Saturday] Quorum - a game exploring your self-perception and public image

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:26 AM PDT


    This game is to be played with a group of 4 or more friends who are familiar with each other. The goal is to match a question/statement to a friend and then estimate how many of your friends think the statement applies to you.

    I've learned a lot through working on this game, the most recent being Vue. I've decided to rewrite the frontend using Vue, replacing the previous version which was based on Knockout without any proper build process. Just one Javascript file per page, no modules, developed in Eclipse out of all IDEs (I like Eclipse, just not for frontend). Working with Vue, vue-cli and VSCode has been a blast!

    One thing I want to work on next is to make the whole game look like more of a game. However, I'm not sure how to approach this as I've found design is not my strength.

    I'm very curious about your feedback, as this is the first time for me to share this website outside of my circle of friends.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/nooby_pls
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    How can webdevs end up building a business?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    How can one be a good webdev and than transition into an entrepreneur at the right time?

    submitted by /u/FahadUddin92
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