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    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Shipping API's Ask Programming

    Shipping API's Ask Programming

    Shipping API's

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Has anyone worked with DHL/UPS/Japan Post API's before? I am struggling to find how to get their API's, documentations and how to register for the API. Plus does any of those have development environment?

    submitted by /u/Ryukote91
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    Stateful vs Stateless (Web applications)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:34 PM PDT

    I have been spending a day Googling and reading into this but I am not 100% clear. I have read posts that contrast http with ftp and I've read other posts that talk about how RESTful apis handle token based authentication and shopping carts (where what does the name "Representational State Transfer" itself mean was the original question I was trying to answer for myself)

    What I've come to understand in the shortest terms possible is that a stateless web application defers remembering anything about the client to long term storage, a backend database. That's it. In the grand scope, there is still a client "state" it just is not held on to by the server itself in volatile memory.

    Am I spot in or is there something more I'm missing..?

    submitted by /u/b3anz129
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    I am on my second year as an IT major. I'm about to get my associates degree next semester. I wanted to get an internship that can actually let me do programming stuff. Do you guys think it is possible? Or I have to be a service desk bc nobody will hire me?

    submitted by /u/just-ignore-me-pls
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    BASH: Need help with program recieving numeral input and making that amount of files

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    Hey, so I'm just using BASH in linux for my data. I have a plant database that I've made in terminal using various shell scripts. I am trying to make a shell script that would probably read:

    echo "How many cuttings are you taking?"


    and then with the variable quantity of cuttings, make a file for each of the cuttings by adding a ".1" ".2" ".3" at the end of its filename.

    Is there a feature to program sequential use of the Touch command in a while loop and the until is QTY_CUTTINGS variable, but I would not know how to ensure touch creates a file in sequential order until reaching the number of cuttings entered.

    Thanks for reading this sentence. I appreciate the fuck out of you.

    submitted by /u/TheStudentNotYetRedi
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    Need help with home-brew: installing tesseract

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    So, I'm having trouble installing tesseract

    When I run brew install tesseract
    I get the following error:

    \Error: bison: undefined method \uses_from_macos' for #<Class:0x00007f7f191a7c60>```

    Anyone know what I can do?

    submitted by /u/TheNumberOneDuder
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    PPM P3 to P6 conversions issue

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    I am trying to upgrade my ray tracer to convert the generated PPM files to PNG files automatically and I am using Pillow for this, but the problem is that Pillow doesn't recognize P3 format PPM, only P6. When I use P6, though, the picture gets messed up. I think it has to be an ASCII to Binary issue, but I'm not sure. I've included relevant code and a few dozen lines of my PPM file for example, in addition to links to sample photos in this gist. Thanks in advance!

    Also, this is Python if the use of Pillow didn't give it away.

    submitted by /u/TheHopskotchChalupa
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    How do I reason about the time complexity of this algorithm?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm working through CTCI and am having difficulty understanding the time complexity of an algorithm I wrote as a solution to problem 3.5.

    The problem is: "Write a program to sort a stack such that the smallest items are on top. You may use one additional stack but no other data structures."

    The solution I came up with involves comparing the top two nodes of the stack and pushing them to a new temporary stack conditionally. Every time the recursive function is called this condition is reversed. E.g. on pass 1 the greater of the two values is pushed, on pass lesser of the two values.

    An example:

    Pass One Pass Two Pass Three Pass Four
    6 1 9 1
    3 4 6 2
    1 2 3 3
    9 9 4 4
    2 3 2 6
    4 6 1 9

    You can find the code in this gist

    What is the process of reasoning about the time complexity here? I don't know where to begin.

    submitted by /u/guydoingthings
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    Capistrano configuration

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    Going to try to be as descriptive as possible and provide as much information as I can.

    I have recently started as a job where I am the sole developer, taking up the mantle after the company left the role unoccupied for nearly a year.

    The applications we run which are on Rails are being deployed via Capistrano and in the sparse documentation there are some instructions to follow and I was hoping some more experienced eyes can help me navigate them.

    They are as follows:

    Deploy Requirements

    Deploy Keys

    The GitHub deploy keys for each app are stored in two places:

    • On Github.com > App Repository > Settings > Deploy Keys
    • In the home folder for the user name responsible for running a given application. For example, if an application uses runs as xxxx-app, the deploy public and private key should live under: /home/xxxx-app/.ssh/id_rsa[.pub]

    Copies of these keys will need to live in the developer's home folder under the .ssh folder. Finally, the ssh keys for the apps will also need to be added to the developer's keychain via:

    ssh-add /home/developer_name/.ssh/app-key-name.pub Copies of these keys will need to live in the developer's home folder under the .ssh folder. Finally, the ssh keys for the apps will also need to be added to the developer's keychain via: ssh-add /home/developer_name/.ssh/app-key-name.pub 

    Now obviously you don't work here and don't know me or the guy who wrote this so I understand if this is a bit of a stretch.

    I have never used a deploy key for a specific repository and am unsure how to set one up. Also is he saying that I need to add a .ssh folder into the project root?

    I cannot seem to get Capistrano hooked up and I have a feeling the answer is right in front of me.


    submitted by /u/joegigs
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    A C program that prints a menu, asks for an option to be chosen, then repeats and asks for another option and the previous one

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    Howdy, to explain it better:

    The program prints out a menu with numerical and alphabetical options

    Asks you to choose an option

    It then asks you to state your previous option (in the first run it'll be considered 0)

    It then says that you either picked the correct or incorrect option, if it's correct, it repeats, if it's wrong, it closes

    And I have no idea how to do this, I'm very new to programming - this is my first month in college still. I need to use a do ... while loop and I have no idea how to implement it here

    I'm not asking for the program to be made entirely, I just need some help getting the structures done properly, please

    submitted by /u/idk-anything
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    Handling two (or more) held keypresses in a Tetris clone

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm having an issue where only the most recent held keypress is being performed. I am trying to make local multiplayer with WASD as one set of controls and the arrow keys as the other, with CTRL and SHIFT as the "drop faster" button for each, respectively.

    Currently I'm using KeyListener and storing all keypresses into a HashSet, iterating through the HashSet to perform the actions (move left/right, rotate CW, rotate CCW, or drop faster), and then removing them from the HashSet when that key is released.

    Ideally I would like to be able to process both players holding down move, rotate, and drop faster--which makes 6 held keypresses to be actualized in my running app. Nested if statements seem like a simple, yet tedious and inefficient way to get around this issue, so I'm wondering what better ways there would be?

    Note: I've tested this with a keyboard with n-key rollover, so that isn't an issue.

    submitted by /u/3nd34v0r
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    does https mean secure?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:39 PM PDT


    I am a junior software developer,while i have majored in computer science most of the knowledge i use in my work is self taught and there are somethings that i do not completely understand and would like some clarification on.

    I mostly develop my full stack web applications using react with rest api using flask and mongodb(using pymongo). In a couple projects I am working on I host the react site on a AWS S3 bucket and the flask app I host using a heroku with the database stored in mlabs.com .

    I use route53 to connect my domain to the S3 bucket with the front end code. I then use cloud formation to make it https.... this is where i need clarification.

    When i have users sign up and login, i hash their password using forge( a npm module) to 256 then send their info in a json document through a post request to my python app to save the user info and authenticate when the user logs in.

    Is this secure? is the https configuration i have setup though AWS cloud formation protecting my user data when sent to my rest api. Do i need stop hashing their password on client side and only do it on my flask app, or both?

    if not, how can i secure my user information so people can't some how intercept my post request and get the user data?

    what is the standard when using my react->flask->mongodb stack?

    thank you!

    submitted by /u/Trynagetsomehelp
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    my discord bot isn't working . it shows the bot is online, it returns the bots username. but the command doesn't work.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    import discord

    from discord.ext import commands

    client = commands.Bot(command_prefix=".")


    async def on_ready():

    |print('bot is ready')

    |print('logged in as:')


    #where there is '|' there is an indent . but reddit for some reason wont do indents, or its just me.

    #it isn't in the actual code


    async def ping(ctx):

    |embed = discord.Embed(colour=ctx.author.colour, timestamp = ctx.message.created_at)

    |embed.set_author(name=f"Roundtrip took{round(client.latency * 1000)}ms")


    submitted by /u/fluffy_blue_thing
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    Sprite Sheets

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    How could I change the current way to call sprites from random.getSprite(row, column); to something like random.getSprite(frame);? frame being an int between 1 and rows*columns I would assume

    This is java if you couldn't already tell, and I want to change from a coordinate type system to more of an index system, that would fit my needs better.

    package dev.havenselph.tilegame.gfx; //---------------------------- import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; //---------------------------- public class SpriteSheet { private BufferedImage sheet; private int rows, columns; public SpriteSheet(BufferedImage sheet) { this.sheet = sheet; } public void SetParams(int rows, int columns) { // Used to calculate important info on the sheet. this.rows = rows; this.columns = columns; } public int getColumns() { return this.columns; } public int getRows() { return this.rows; } public BufferedImage getSprite(int row, int col) { // Automatic fetching of height and width for each frame int width = (sheet.getWidth()/this.columns); int height = (sheet.getHeight()/this.rows); // Automatic positioning via what frame you want int x = (col*width)-width; int y = (row*height)-height; return sheet.getSubimage(x, y, width, height); } } 
    submitted by /u/TheManlyChicken
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    Looking to make a program that automatically clicks a link as soon as you open a webpage and saves that opened webpage for later.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    I am looking to make a program where I can search the web offline for just a click or two. So for instance, If I am reading an article and want to click a link, it will work even in offline. To do this, I plan on making it so it automatically clicks on these links and saves the resulting webpage as soon as I click on the initial article in the first place. Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I am wondering how difficult it would be to create this.

    submitted by /u/minute14
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    Flow api

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Could somebody explain flow api or point me to a video or documentation that explains it well, I'm completely hopeless when it comes to design patterns

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    Timing events from MusicXML file

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a way to extract timing events from a MusicXML file.
    In short getting events at every note played and how long it is being played.

    I have looked into the structure of a sample MusicXML file and it seems to have tags like "note", which in turn has child tags of "pitch" and "duration", I would believe that it may be possible to reconstruct the timing from these tags?

    Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/HeartyBeat
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    [PHP] School Project

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:36 AM PDT

    I am creating a website for a school project. I am having trouble with my style.css. I cannot get the hover highlight to work for every row in my table. Also I am unsure on how to add a icon with a hyperlink in my table. Would anyone be able to help?

    submitted by /u/JKitner15
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    What are simple real world examples for side effects?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    I need to encurage my management to give the developers more time for quality assurance (= writing unit tests etc.)

    Anyways i struggle finding a short comprehensive example of a side effect. I thought about something like:

    public void(int x) { //some code z = x++; //global var change } 

    but i guess thats way to hard to understand because it is already too complex and to concret.

    Are there any good real world examples which could be used to describe a side effect?

    submitted by /u/sampler1234g
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    Need to pull only one Set of values from a vector ! How do i do this !?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    Basically I have a txt file from which i have a Name,Description,Time ( separated by "," in the format as given.

    my code looks like this :

    ifstream file1;
    if (!file1.is_open()){
    cerr << "Error Opening the file" << file1;
    else {
    cout << "Artefact List Initialized";
    std::string line1;
    std::string templine1;
    int i=0;
    getline(file1, line1);
    stringstream obsub(line1);
    getline(obsub, artefacts[i].ArtefactName, ',');
    getline(obsub, artefacts[i].ArtefactDesc,',');
    // getline(obsub, artefacts[i].Clue, "\n");
    // artefacts[i].Clue = stoi(templine1);
    cout << artefacts[i].ArtefactName << endl << artefacts[i].ArtefactDesc << endl << artefacts[i].Clue << endl;
    // i++;

    for some reason my clue(time) value isnt being pulled and if i comment out the lines that have been already it compiles and runs

    my txt file looks like this

    Vestiges Of Humanity,The last dregs of true existence gifted unto the righteous,1000 ( Name, Description, Time)

    Any suggestions ?

    Ive made a class for the artefacts

    class Artefacts
    std::string ArtefactName;
    std::string ArtefactDesc;
    int Clue;

    and then later made the whole thing into a vector :


    submitted by /u/Struggling_Sturgeon1
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    Beat way to store data for a rubik's cube timer app

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    I'm looking to build a timer application for my computer, because im not really satisfied with the ones that exist online.

    Hit spacebar to start the time, hit spacebar to stop. Store a timestamp (start time) and a value (the solve time). It will have numerous other components but my question is, what's the best way to store this time data? As in how do I save it when the app is closed?

    Only 2 ways I know of are to write it to a text file as comma or tab separated, or write it to an excel file. Is there another more robust way that I'm not aware of?

    I'm specifically looking at using python, but only because I know it and I dont program enough to really worry about language efficiency or anything.

    Any suggestions or insights?

    submitted by /u/muggledave
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    Need help scraping 'The Beats 1 List' playlist.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    I'm trying to get the track list of 'The Beats 1 List' playlist by Apple 'https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/the-beats-1-list/pl.7e484c6b5169487d9d465a4b8bc68d09'. I tried using beautifulsoup lib and selected the id that contained the list but I got 'None' output. Any tips on how to get the data ? I don't wanna pay for apple music API.

    submitted by /u/gnorts_mr_alien7
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