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    Friday, October 4, 2019

    Possibility of using http request for multiplayer game Ask Programming

    Possibility of using http request for multiplayer game Ask Programming

    Possibility of using http request for multiplayer game

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    Im a total newb in networking and just wondering if it's possible to make a multiplayer game using http request, if it's not possible.. what do most web based multiplayer game networking is made of?

    submitted by /u/VrxU
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    Worthwhile Certifications for Non-Programmer

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm not in the computer science field at all really, I'm a finance and accounting guy. I've done a few internships and some basic VBA skills and general computer knowledge has gotten me a long way. Employers at least in my field seem to really like if you know how to code even a little. I know there are courses online for coding but I was wondering if there were any certifications I could get that were better than others that I could put on a resume. If there was something available for Tableau, VBA, or SQL that would be great but I'm open to anything. I wasn't sure if certain certifications carried more weight than others, any input would be great. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/jack497
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    How do online coding playgrounds protect themselves from XSS attacks?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:46 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    So the problem asks to enter two integers and it's suppose to be the length and width of the rectangle. I don't know to center the "a1" and put "a2" on the side of the rectangle. Help would be appreciated, Thanks

    a1= input (" Enter a integer ")

    a2= input (" Enter another integer ")

    print ( a1 )

    print("____________ ")

    print("| | ")

    print("| | ")(a2)

    print("| | ")

    print("------------ ")

    print ("Area:" + str(a1*a2))

    submitted by /u/Rumblebuffin123
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    Why is my math not working [arduino]

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    So I have two variables, dista and distb.

    Then should print distb

    Then I define a third as diff = distb - dista, which to me means subtract the two.

    Then it should print diff, as the difference.

    But that's not what I'm getting at all. Can anyone spot the problem here?


    submitted by /u/Youre_Government
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    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    How do i add a space in between the animals? I am using codeskulptor.com a1= input (" Enter a animal ") a2= input (" Enter another animal ") a3= input (" Enter a third animal ") print ( a3 + a2 + a1)

    submitted by /u/Rumblebuffin123
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    Observation Engine

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    This is a general programming question not specific to any language. I want to build a system that analyzes records and generates observation objects based on those records. These observations objects can be created by one or more base records or from a combination of other observations objects. Observations can go as deep as I need. Some observations will be flagged for me to review, but not all observations will be reviewed as some are just used for building blocks for other observations. For example:

    Base Record A becomes Observation A

    Base Record A + Based Record B becomes Observation B

    Observation A + Observation B becomes Observation C which is flagged for my review with a low score

    Base Record C + Observation C becomes Observation D which is also flagged for my review with a higher score

    Obviously, I can write code to do exactly this, but what is the best programming paradigm/method to build a flexible system allowing me to easily organize these observation building blocks and connect them to which certain conditions match? Each observation will have the conditions for matching, a severity and a bool flag determining if it needs review. A couple of other points. I need to look at the tree of observations and base records which made up an observation flagged for my review and I also want to obviously prevent endless loops.

    This kind of mind map scenario can easily become unwieldy with all the observation conditions and relationships, so I'm wondering if there is an easy way to author, organize and maintain it.

    submitted by /u/TruthMercyRegret
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    Please help me understand this problem, maybe even solve

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    Ajay and Bablu were best friends but they had a severe fight over a contest. You are Charlie, a common friend of Ajay and Bablu and you think that the further they are from each other, the less they would fight. Initially, Ajay is standing at point (A[0],A[1]) and Bablu is standing at point (B[o], BM). You plan to send them as far away from each other through 2 combos of moves, Combo1 and Combo2. Each move has 2 integers (c[I], NW or (E[I],F[I]) and it sends any one person through a distance of (c[I], NW or (E[I],F[I]). For example, if Ajay is at (x, y), after one move, the Ajay will move to (x + C[i], y + D[i]), or (x + E[i], y + F[i]). You can apply each combo once, on any person. Find the maximum possible Manhattan separation between Ajay and Bablu.

    Input Format:

    The first argument given is an integer array A, where (A[0], A[1]) are the co-ordinates of Ajay. The second argument given is an integer array B, where (B[0], B[1]) are the co-ordinates of Bablu. The third argument given is an integer array C representing the X component of all moves in Combo1. The fourth argument given is an integer array 0 representing the Y component of all moves in Combo1. The fifth argument given is an integer array E representing the X component of all moves in Combo2. The sixth argument given is an integer array F representing the Y component of all moves in Combo2.

    Output Format:

    Return the maximum possible Manhattan separation between Ajay and Bablu.

    According to my understanding, there are 2 combos and 2 persons, there are 4 combinations possible. Checking for all 4 and finding maximum manhattan distance among them. Am I correct?

    submitted by /u/angriersaint
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    Advice For An Aspiring Programmer

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    I'll just cut to the chase - I'm going to attempt to learn to program, and I don't really know where to start. I know that I want to learn C first, as I hear it's most universally applicable when branching out, as well as I want to know the "mind body connection" of machines. Does anyone have any advice, resources, or recommendations for me?

    Any INPUT is greatly appreciated (yes, that was my attempt at a shitty joke)

    Thank you all

    submitted by /u/ETWhiteWolf
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    Java: Downcasting an superclass array into subclass

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    Hello! Apologies if this is a stupid question; but I'm not sure how to solve it. Basically, my current compsci assignment involves making a game. As part of the assignment, I had to create two classes of characters, the superclass of Units, and it's subclass MilitaryUnits. I currently have an Unit array with all my current units,(both part of MilitaryUnit and just Unit) , and using a simple for loop and "instanceof" I put all the units in that array of MilitaryType into another Unit array. However, ultimately I would like the method I am writing to return a subclass MilitaryUnit array rather than the superclass Unit array. Is there anyway to downcast my current Unit array into specifically a MilitaryUnit array?

    submitted by /u/OppositeExcuse2
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    How to hide safari url bar iOS mobile app

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    I'm in the process of building a small Angular 8 app for personal use.

    I've enabled the "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" meta tag in the index.html file. Once I've added the app to my home screen and open it looks the way I expect, no safari url/toolbars to be seen. However, when I navigate to another component in the app (using angular's router) safari will show a bar across the top with "Done", the url and then an "aA" for some font size adjustments etc.

    Is there any way I can get rid of this completely? I know it used to be possible because I had an old version of this app that was fine. It now also has this bar at the top on navigation so I'm assuming it's been done in an iOS update at some point.


    submitted by /u/k_shrpe5
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    [Python] Make applications using python

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:27 PM PDT

    Hello, I have been coding for a few months in Python. Recently I made a project using python. I want to upload it as an application/software. Is that similar to packaging? Can anyone help me how to do this. Precisely, I would like to share this project of mine in a format so that people can just type the name of the application in terminal and run it.

    ex : let the application name be abc

    Now in terminal I would like to run the application by typing abc followed by a set of commands instead of explicitly calling python abc.py .

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/DaKeiser
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    Java: Help with large spring multipart file upload

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Hey Reddit!

    So i've set up a spring boot endpoint that looks like this:

    @PutMapping(value = "/user/upload", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE) public ResponseEntity handleUserFileUpload(@RequestHeader("Authorization") String token, @RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) { 

    and i can upload files file when they are under 35MB roughly. When i start to upload larger files i get a heap space issue and the upload fails :/

    Is there a way i can get past this? Like a setting to set max heap size?

    Thanks in advance :D

    submitted by /u/MetalCactuar
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    Cleartext password in confirmation E-Mail

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:45 AM PDT


    today I created a new account on a website and to my surprise they sent me a confirmation e-mail containing my passwort. In clear text.

    Does that mean that they store my passwort in clear-text or in some other non-secure way? I thought the companies were only supposed to store a hash generated from my password and that my password never really leaves my computer.

    They have an option to change the passwort which does not seem to do anything, however the "reset password" option is working and i have changed my password.

    submitted by /u/YanickR
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    [SQL] Granting privileges on a row-level

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    I know this sounds stupid, because I've googled and googled and googled trying to find a solution to this with just using pure SQL.

    I am currently completing an assignment for my University, part of this assignment is to follow some instructions on designing a database using SQL and only SQL, and one of the conditions reads as follows:

    Create at least two views with one of them including a join of two or more tables. Explain your choice and explain the importance of the views. Assign the views to appropriate users

    • Students should only see the grades that belong to themselves (and read only).
    • Academic staff can only see the enrolment of the courses they teach.

    • Academic staff can only modify grades of the course they teach.

    Now the first two instructions are no problem.

    The last one though... It sounds a lot like row-level permissions, and from what I've seen that's not possible, is it?

    Does anyone have a work-around for this, it would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bigboiseano
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    How would I go about creating a simple game that can be played online?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT


    I'm a senior in college learning about web development. I want to create an apples to apples type game that be played over the internet.

    I currently know

    1. html5
    2. CSS
    3. Javascript
    4. Jquery

    I'm just wandering what I need to know/learn to create an environment where users can play in a live session. I have no idea where to get started. Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/pottonic
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    MySQL no longer supports Visual Studio 2010, anything I can do aside from buying a newer version of VS?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    I created a web application using asp.net in MS Visual Studio 2010 Professional and needed to stop using Access as my db since I want to go to market with this. I finally got MySQL to work and it seems like this is the best free option for me to run my app's data on but now that I finally have it working I find out that it no longer support Visual Studio 2010.

    Any help on this issue or should I just buy a newer version and bring my code over to there?

    submitted by /u/TriforceMe
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    How do I make a 3D print quoting app for a website

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Do I create a virtual machine on a website ect. If I have software that can give me the info I need for quoting on my computer is there way I can set up my website to use that program?

    submitted by /u/servuslucis
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    How do you practice with data structures and algorithms?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    In my freshmen year CS courses, when we were practicing with data structures like linked lists, trees, etc. I always just had to use the preconstructed structures that my professor created for us to practice on. Now that I want more practice on my own, how can I practice on data structures? I am fine with building them on my own, but that gives me very little guarantee that they are correct and so I worry that I will be wasting my time by practicing on a structure that is incorrect.

    submitted by /u/itsonlyjbone
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    Need some ideas for helping re-train COBOL Devs to c#

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    More or less what is in the title.

    I am going to be starting a project soon where we will be taking a mainframe application at my company and converting it to C#. That's all good, but my manager told me yesterday that the plan will be for the current support team of that application to come out of the project still able to take on the support role, but now the project will be in C#.

    These are solid developers, but they have spent their entire careers working in the mainframe world, and have very basic c#\OOP\client-server training and experience, and I am going to be quarterbacking the effort to help them transition.

    Does anyone here have any experience in coaching COBOL developers in a transition into c# (or generally any c-like environment) and advice on how I can help smooth it out for their transition?

    submitted by /u/TheTygerWorks
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    Why do some of the interviewees seem "guilty" or "embarrassed" when mentioning javascript as their favorite coding language?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:56 AM PDT

    What online tutorial has saved you loads of money or time?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:56 AM PDT

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