• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 5, 2019

    I made a free pixel art UI icon pack, and wanted to share it with you!

    I made a free pixel art UI icon pack, and wanted to share it with you!

    I made a free pixel art UI icon pack, and wanted to share it with you!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:34 AM PDT

    I'm prototyping a VR cooking game. Recently I've added some seagulls to make it more challenging... does it work?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    “The Mirelurk King” sculpt!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    How my project lacking scope was the best thing to happen to me

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    I see it mentioned here a lot and I agree with it in most cases, but I'd like to come forward and offer you guys a counterpoint to being cautious of scope.

    What is scope

    Scope is the boundary of how complex and depthful your game will be, what it will include and what it's features will do. Having a poor idea of your games scope or none at all can result in development hell, where you end up feature creeping yourself into an infinite dev cycle and things get far too complex for yourself or your team.

    How lacking scope was the best thing that happened to my game

    I fell into game development somewhat accidentally. I always wanted to be a game developer but I never thought it would happen. A small test project I worked on for fun ended up growing and growing and soon this small demo became a semi functional game.

    Over time people began playing it and I began receiving donations on itch, another year passed and it continued growing again miles beyond it's original scope. It ended up on steam and gained a small following. And still it continued to grow not towards completion or full release, but out into all manner of strange and weird directions adding features and avenues of the game that were never planned or envisioned.

    It's been over four years of development and this game so little resembles my original plan for what it would end up as, and I for one couldn't be more thrilled. The feature creep of this game has made it far more enjoyable, I've added the majority of the features suggested by the community and while no nearer completion this game has evolved into something far more depthful and enjoyable than it ever would have been.

    I could work on several smaller in scope games, but they would be far more forgettable, by this game growing out and becoming so wild it's more unique, more fun and interesting, more likely to appeal to those who play it. And I think in the day and age of the so called 'Indiepocalypse' making something that stands out is important.

    This perhaps chaotic method of gamedev isn't for everyone of course, many developers simply can't afford to sit in an unending dev cycle and need a scope and an ending. I've certainly got a finish line in sight nowadays which is more than can be said for me a year ago but I am happy to let the odd feature creep and scope expand on my way.

    Examples of featurecreep in my game

    The game is a kingdom management simulation, originally intended as your troops vs their troops and was fairly basic in all other elements. Some examples of very out there feature creep are:

    • Monster pits, a player from one of the forums that follows the game suggested the idea of having beasts you can raise and train. In a kingdom management game this felt a little out of place, but then I thought, is it that crazy to imagine some mad evil king raising monsters, not at all. In fact that's even the plot of some fantasy B movies and storylines. I ended up adding a massive monster training update with 27'000 proc gen monsters, a combat system, 42 different rival monster trainers, and several sub systems for the game. (the release of this update was received pretty well on steam and reddit too)

    • Drinking system, Another player suggestion. There were taverns in the game but all you could do in them was play board games and speak to local npcs, this player suggested adding the ability to order different drinks with random events and such. What was added was 100s of different random events from tons of different drinks, with bar crawls, drinking contests, and other weird things like the vomit hole in goblin bars. (This was also met with a nice response on steam and reddit)

    • Throne room, this was added after I was inspired by a game I played on itch.io, I thought of that scene with bran in game of thrones when he had to deal with the problems of the common folk in court and thought it would be cool to replicate it in game, the system that came from that has been in on and off development for years now and has over 1000 encounters possible within it, now it's become a core part of game play and has definitely added to player experience.

    • Snail racing, a weirder one added because why not, there's also at least 20 other mini games, including 5 dice games, two cup games, a Simon says like game, and a mini dnd campaign.

    • proc gen bards, This was a really silly one added a while back when experimenting with proc gen music, they sound terrible and never have any rhythm but I still think it adds another wacky layer to my game

    And now with a recent revamp of my storepage a lot of these wacky features have become my games main eyecatchers and selling points, any doubts I had about them at first have long faded and I think that this lack of discipline with my scope will only continue to pay dividends going forward. As of now my game sits with 96% positive from over 150 reviews.

    So in summary, scope is a necessary part of game development for sure, but I can attest that there are still definitely merits to being devoid of scope, at least for a while.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Huw2k8
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    New demo of my infinite procedurally generated action adventure RPG at https://julcreutz.itch.io/mystiqa

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    Every Step to develop a game from scratch and release it on Steam

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:50 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    In the course of 24 livestreams, we development a game from scratch, going from having absolutely nothing to having a game released on Steam!

    In these 24 livestreams (a total of 81 hours of development), there is a LOT of good information for you, so I decided to organize it and list the main topics discussed throughout the development.

    Kind of a step by step of what we did to develop the entire game.

    Hopefully it can help you and point you in the right direction!


    Steps taken to create the game:

    Episode 1:

    Planning what to make

    Making a "Hello World" to test

    Win32 Entry point

    Opening a Window

    First version of the Software Renderer



    Episode 2:

    First gameplay prototype

    Start organizing the code

    Simple AABB collision

    Full sweep collision (ball vs blocks)

    Episode 3:

    Gameplay experimentation

    Structure to add new levels and change rules

    Episode 4:

    Finish the game code refactoring

    Add several game mechanics

    Episode 5:

    Adding the original game design idea

    Designing some levels to start iterating

    Implementing a Random Number Generator algorithm

    Episode 6:

    Created Logging system

    Fixed bugs

    Making the game more robust and solid

    Episode 7:

    Game Feel (animations, ball trails, player feedback)

    Episode 8:

    Full Particle System

    More animations

    Improving the Controls

    Bug fixing

    Episode 9:

    Engine robustness pass

    Drawing rotated rectangles

    Episode 10:

    Drawing bitmaps

    Subpixel accuracy

    Drawing floats

    Unique random seeds

    Visual Effects

    Episode 11:

    Sound System

    Playing a Square Wave

    Reading .Wav files

    Audio mixer (panning, pitch shifting)

    Episode 12:

    Fixed audio bugs

    Multithreaded Programming: Job System

    Started to make things run asynchronously

    Episode 13:

    Implemented a Main Menu

    Implemented a Save System

    Started implementing the Sound Effects

    Fixing more bugs

    Episode 14:

    Added lots of sounds

    Tweak the game's feel

    Improved the existing systems

    Episode 15:

    Major visual and experience improvements

    Game HUD

    Draw Text support

    Episode 16:

    Bug solving

    Created a Profiler

    Analyzed the data and discussed optimization possibilities

    Optimized the game (5x faster!): Hit the 4k at 60fps target

    Episode 17:

    Solidified the player's movement and animations

    More frame-rate independent

    Game sleep (fixed frame-rate)

    General sound and gameplay improvements

    Episode 18:

    Designed and implemented a new Level

    Improved existing systems to support what we wanted to do

    Game design iteration

    Episode 19:

    Redid the entire collision system (Shippable version)

    Camera system


    Episode 20:

    Wrapping up the gameplay

    Fine-tuning the levels

    Implemented animated level transitions

    Episode 21:

    Asset System

    Package File spec

    Cooker/Packager Tool

    Ogg Reader

    Async Asset loading and decompressing

    Episode 22:

    Final polish

    Small tweaks and bug-fixing

    Adding a config file (parsing, reading and changing data)

    Exposed Mouse sensitivity to players

    Exposed Windowed mode to players

    Starter audio refactoring to make it shippable

    Episode 23:

    Finishing the game!

    Some hardcode assembly debugging

    Nice restructuring of the Audio Mixer (robust and thread-safe)

    Final gameplay tweaks, improvements and polish

    Episode 24:

    Releasing the game on Steam!

    Relax, Celebrate

    Plan for what's next (this project and other projects)

    That's it!

    I hope you enjoy it!

    Let me know if you have any questions! :D

    submitted by /u/DanielZaidan
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    Teragard, a nonlinear, open-world retro JRPG that I've been trying to make for more than 10 years, has finally released on Steam!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    I made some major progress on my department store simulator: Retale

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:10 PM PDT

    2+ years were spent on this JS game

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT


    I just finished an incredibly long development of little browser arcade game. I made it with pure JavaScript. Almost no libraries, just pure madskills with canvas browser api. And dirties JS code I have ever written.

    For expample, only today I spotted a bug, which was created by a nice piece of metaprogramming - direct checking the name of class constructor in some game logic-related code. This obviously produced a bug in production build with minified function names. I don't even know, what I was thinking about, when I wrote that line.

    I wanted to vent a little and wrote a story of this game's development, here it is -https://greeny7.com/posts/ego-experiment . Hope it will amuse you a bit.


    submitted by /u/greeny7_
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    Networking the Gameplay of Halo: Reach (Really neat how they reduced lag by hiding it in animations)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:58 AM PDT

    Takoway - A 3D Perspective Puzzle Game

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:06 AM PDT

    Coming up with game mechanics

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    For the past weeks I've been brain dumping a lot of ideas I have for my next game. The problem is.. I have a lot of ideas for the story, narrative, setting, artstyle and almost everything... except gameplay mechanics. I am really desperate. I can't think of a unique and original mechanic that would make people play the game. What is your advice on this?

    submitted by /u/phantomcry
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    How are web-based real-time multiplayer games typically made on the network side?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:35 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    So me and my buddy have been working on a web-based realtime dungeon crawler of sorts. We are going for a top-down agar.io vibe. So far we have been using Phaser as the framework and SocketIO for client-server interaction. However, as my server code gets more complex, the game starts to run noticeably slower. I'm sure that my code isn't very optimized, but I'm wondering if we are just hitting a limit of using SocketIO (which I heard can be very heavy, and my current server architecture involves sending out an update packet containing the server state 60 times a second) or even the limit of Phaser.

    Put simply, how do games like agar.io or surviv.io implement their client-server interactions?

    submitted by /u/dabe_glavins
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    Anyone have an extra articy draft 3 license they want to sell me?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Been a great first week with our API Launch.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Overwhelmed by the amount of developers making the switch to ApolloBCS API. Keep it up! Please feel free to go give our facebook page a 👍 and share it with others that you know will benefit from using ApolloBCS API for payment processing.



    submitted by /u/ApolloBCS
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    Godot or UE4 for a beginner

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    I want to start with gamedev and i have a dilema; UE4 or Godot.

    I started working on a small multiplayer fpp rpg project, I started with UE4 but today i saw a video on youtube about Godot. Seems very promising to me but the main thing that pushes me away from it is lack of tutorials and simplicity. I've done some work with UE4 but i'm still quite unfamilliar with it (i've done about 10 hours of work on a project in ue4). And i'm willing to start from strach with Godot if it would benefit me.Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/R0-che
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    Get transform of tile

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    So, i am using the A* project to get a person (AI) to an emergency exit (tile). The A* project already has a "TargetMover" script that does exactly that, provided i give it the target (transform). As far as i know i can't just get the transform of a tile in the world without a massive hassle and it being janky. The transform of the tilemap itself obviously wouldn't work because i need the exact location of the one tile/collection of tiles.


    I did this in a 3D project with waypoints as child objects but that would not work here either, because tilemaps work differently.

    Using Unity 2019.2.5f1

    What is the best way to go about getting the transform of all the exit tiles?

    Yes, I am a noob.

    submitted by /u/INFINITERIUM
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    is it possible to develop a game in a 32 bit system?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    so i have a 32 bit computer and want to try out game development, is it possible to do development in any program?

    submitted by /u/usernameMirac
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    Should mobile version of game cost less than pc version because of less comfortable controls?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Is it hard to become a game developer if you aren't good at maths and drawing?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    i'm planning to develop my own games, i am doing some online courses

    but i'm very bad at maths and drawing, on the programming course i'm taking at the moment

    i see they are using a lot of math functions and i don't understand them at all. also i would like to develop my own assets in the future

    but i can't draw as well. so i'm wondering if i should keep going or if i should just give up.

    submitted by /u/kazurengan3
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    Crossplatform Turnbased MP, turn notifications?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    I have a turnbased game (think Chess) on Android that used Google's Turnbased Multiplayer API so far. As that has been declared deprecated and gets turned off soon I have to switch to another gaming service.

    So I wrote my own which has a similar API and so far works quite well. This means I will also be possible to support iOS and Steam. Yay. But then a problem arises:

    How do I notify users if it is their turn in a game or when they have been invited to a rematch etc.?

    So far I used the notification system that is included in Google Play Games and it worked quite well. But that one will stop working. I could integrate Firebase and notify the users that way from my custom server if anything changed. But the problem is that this system does only work for iOS and Android users (and again makes me dependant on something from Google). I can't run any software on the server (besides a webserver with PHP support).

    So what is the best way to tackle this problem? I could theoretically open sockets on the devices and tell the server to send them a message if something happens but with NAT that would be a problem. I could regularly poll the server for updates but that might kill it. A quick match requires fast notifications (at least faster than every 30 seconds or such). And it has to be cross platform as the game itself will be crossplatform (play on which device you want, continue running matches from where you want etc.).

    So what are my options? Is there any magical industry standard out there to save me? I am a bit out of the loop regarding the fancy web technologies. And it has to be a free solution...

    submitted by /u/Fellhuhn
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    I made a few free sound effect packs some of you might find useful. Features 8 packs in total ranging from foley to video game sound effects.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Tools for building Skill chains?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    I read this article on Skill chains. And, I was wondering, are there any tools that help you build skill chain diagrams?

    submitted by /u/ahmdyasir
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    Screenshot Saturday #453 - Vivid Imagery

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:00 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Does the studio that made your favorite game of all time still make games that you like?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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