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    Thursday, October 3, 2019

    Design Systems for Developers – free guide for developing UI components & libraries web developers

    Design Systems for Developers – free guide for developing UI components & libraries web developers

    Design Systems for Developers – free guide for developing UI components & libraries

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    PR department doesn’t want to give requirements; wants source access instead. Management capitulates. WTF?!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    TLDR; despite being the official software developers at our company, the PR department hired a "full stack" developer (with no knowledge of our stack) and has demanded we grant him access to our source code instead of giving us change requests like everyone else has to. Something seems fishy.

    I've decided to create an anonymous reddit account and post about this issue here to therapeutically vent and see what the community thinks and if anyone else has had a similar experience.

    I've been working for 15+ years for a (mostly) publicly-funded institution as the lead architect for internal web applications which the business uses to perform day to day operations (we were early adopters of transitioning from client-server Windows apps to web-based applications). The developer team I'm a part of is small (less than 10 of us) within the IT department but since I started there we've built and maintained 30+ systems of varying sizes that help everyone do their jobs. We created a custom framework in ASP.NET (our own MVC-like system tuned to how we build applications) from database access and master/page base classes all the way to the CSS and JS on the client. We understand our environment, we understand our users, and we are the experts. All the other departments in the business work with us to provide us with requirements so we can build solutions to help them do their jobs better. We have an excellent relationship with all of them except one.

    In recent years, the Public Relations (PR) department has started causing us problems. At first we had virtually no relationship with them. Only a few of our projects had public facing resources and we'd defer to their marketing knowledge for branding and styling, while maintaining our own consistent UX and styling for our internal applications.

    The PR department changed when they started hiring staff to manage the business' social media accounts. They gradually started convincing technologically illiterate upper management that since they used websites (big name ones like Facebook and Twitter) they were the de facto experts and owners of any and all web-based products within the business, in-house or 3rd-party.

    Things came to a head when they ordered us to rebrand all 30+ internal corporate applications (each one having its own name and user base) as the same (meaningless) name. Their justification was that since our internal applications weren't "real" software they shouldn't have any distinct branding. 3rd-party products, however, being real, would keep their existing names.

    Ultimately the IT department collectively refused because of the confusion and support nightmare it would cause if there weren't easy ways to distinguish in-house products. Imagine everyone in your department of 30 is named "Bob" and your job is to answer phone calls all day from people asking to "speak to Bob".

    So the PR department took our refusal really hard and they've basically been looking to cause trouble for us and undermine our department since. They've told upper management we don't do anything, they've referred to our work as "JavaScript hacks", they've suddenly made changes to web properties and left it with us to fix, etc. Several times they'd engage one or two of us for months on "critical" (to them) projects that we can't refuse (because we can't be seen as not being helpful to them and reinforce their narrative) and then they'd walk away from the project and all we had for it was wasted time (basically a denial-of-service attack on our department). Nobody really calls them on the hostile environment they've been creating.

    As unpleasant as the situation was, things got worse when they suddenly put out an ad for (and hired) a "full stack" developer. With their own developer in their area they could now start claiming that they could do projects that would take us weeks or months in a fraction of the time in order to make us look bad. Virtually every new request turned into a fight as to whether or not they should do it instead of us (despite the fact that their developer was a term employee and had no access to our source, our dev or prod servers, anything). A few times we threw up our hands and said "Fine. You do it," only for them to come back in a day or two to say they "can't make it work in WordPress" and dump the project back on us. Of course this history of them wasting everyone's time is never allowed to be mentioned the next time they show up saying they can do the project.

    Recently they set their sights on one of the few public-facing applications we've written and maintained since the early 2000's. The site hadn't been updated in about 10 years (due to politics) and was badly in need of it. It wasn't mobile friendly and still used table-based layout in several sections. We had been trying to get it upgraded for years, but weren't allowed to do anything without the collective blessing of the ever-bickering management. The PR department said that it was now urgent (in 2019!) that the site be mobile-friendly and told us to turn over the code to their developer to make the necessary changes, which their developer estimated would take about two days, as it would consist of mostly CSS-tweaks.

    Just a side note about that estimate: Their developer had no access to the backend code, had no idea what level of complexity was involved in this website, and was a PHP developer with no ASP.NET experience. We brought him in and walked him through some basic concepts of how the site was built and why we couldn't just use CSS to make it mobile-friendly; the architecture of the site was old and had become quite a bit of a mess having been worked and reworked without a rewrite in over a decade. He seemed to understand and said that it's probably best if we make the required changes. He went back to his department and within a few hours the head of PR sent an email once again requesting source access for this developer and reiterated the 2-day estimate.

    After several angry meetings it was decided that we would be allowed to make the changes to make the site mobile-friendly. Since the PR's developer could do it in two days we were given a generous two weeks, but the PR department added a requirement that we were not allowed to change the desktop view in any way. Our current development methodology is to build mobile-first responsive sites, so we had to create some weird Frankenstein view at desktop resolutions to make the site look like its clunky, mid-2000's self. Despite the unreasonableness of the restrictions and them dumping a ton of additional change requests during the two-week period we met the timeline. Again, we are the experts at this.

    You think that would shut them about this though? Not a chance.

    A few months ago they said that despite making the site mobile friendly and meeting all their change requests they felt they could do a better job if they built the website themselves. So they demanded direct access to our database. We refused (it didn't make sense anyway. The site was so old and so much had changed in the business that even if we rewrote it we'd start with a new data model from scratch). They told management we weren't being helpful. So our management finally said "Here...take a copy of the database. Get your PHP developer to build your version of the product from scratch". However, having gotten what they wanted, they moved the goalposts and said that it wasn't good enough; their developer needed to be able to make changes to our code.

    We offered compromises. We offered to build them an administrative backend where they could make CSS and simple JS changes, set SEO meta tags, etc. and test/preview them against production data and commit them and it would all be audited but they were adamant; only source code access would be adequate.

    Of course, PR won't put anything into production; that responsibility would fall on our department to do code reviews and support once their changes go live.

    Despite howls of impropriety from our group, our management has done what it does best and gave in. We're now in the process of setting up a developer workstation that the PR "full stack" developer will VPN into (he works in a satellite office) and will have access to a disconnected copy of the source that he can play with and change to his heart's content.

    Now, I don't need a tinfoil hat to know what's coming next; my boss' boss showed me a communication from the PR department outlining their goals for this endeavor; after they get access to this project their plan is to request the same access to one of our most successful (and complex) products: project H, and then eventually, all source for all systems. Apparently it's so they can make sure all internal web applications conform to their branding and UX standards, but they can't actually tell us what those are, because if they could, we could easily meet them.

    Personally, I suspect that the whole reason for this is project H. I don't think they want to make visual tweaks to it to align it more with their branding and their idea of UX. I think they want the source of project H. They have always wanted to get access and take credit for project H and I know this because they provided us with the color scheme when project H went live and then turned around and started telling management that it was their project.

    Historically the PR department, whenever assigned any task requiring actual work, has outsourced it to a consulting company run by friends of the head of PR. I suspect they want to turn our code over to that 3rd party so that the 3rd party can reverse engineer it and make a competing product (and possibly resell it to our clueless management who believe anything purchased is infinitely superior to in-house). Remember, we're kind of publicly-funded so it's not exactly trade secrets here, but it certainly feels unethical to me.

    Management has largely stopped listening to our complaints because the PR department is politically more powerful. We are a union shop, but the only support the union gives us is "if they say you have to give them your source you have to, but you don't have to train this person on how to do your job". I wasn't expecting much support from them, though. I once had a union rep tell me to my face that us IT people were all overpaid.

    Has anyone had this situation happen to them? What do you do? Any advice?

    Thanks for reading. :)

    submitted by /u/disgruntled_coder
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    Deleted Clients site for no payment, what do you do?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    Like the title says, had a client that refused to pay for the site, and even tried to lock me out as well. Went back into the MySQL servers and changed the password back, made backups of the site and took it all down and left a construction page. How have you handled this in the past and or avoided this? I've had clients that I've fired in the past and walked away but never had anything like this before.

    Edit: a lot of people were curious if there was something that stemmed this issue. The original agreement was that I would provide and out of the box WordPress theme installation. They would have a few pages that had already been determined with existing content, and an e-commerce shop with pay portal for the e-commerce. The site went much past that agreement and now contains a blog, about 8 rounds of revisions and the shop is set up on the back end. This app started in august and he was supposed to get me the information for the payment then. I received another request for revisions and mind you most of these if not all are content they requested so I told them that we were well past what was agreed, but I would need payment and I was happy to continue with revisions but they would need to be in change orders. I would also still set up the payment because that was part of our original agreement. His response was to attempt to lock me out of the site.

    Edit two: I did speak to an attorney this morning. He said what I did was fine. The client no longer has access to the work that I performed. He will either request the work be put back up in which case I can demand payment, or simply he is out the work he didn't pay for already.

    Edit three: the client had an old wix website. Based on the suggestion from some about potentially costing him business I pointed his dns back to that. Better than he deserves but now he can't come back and accuse me of that.

    Edit: wow this got a lot of responses while I slept! I will add some more in here throughout the day and try to respond to people throughout.

    submitted by /u/Chitch87
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    Thoughts on increasing barriers to entry for WebDev

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    I noticed, for front-end, that some people are concerned that the industry is moving more and more towards reactive frameworks, ES6, and towards more programmatic approaches generally.

    I have a more technical background (CS degree), so this has never worried me personally; in fact, I've usually advocated for more technical approaches.

    I'm interested in hearing more perspectives of people from the other side, who are concerned about this shift. Do you think the barrier to entry is becoming prohibitive, or has the potential to become prohibitive for some people? How would you prefer things to be like?

    submitted by /u/feartrich
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    What I learned in my first year as a junior developer

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    bio: 23 y/o white male working for an agency as full-stack (front-end focused) dev in Triangle of NC; current salary: 70k

    I began my journey into programming on February 10th of 2018 (yes I remember the day) as a last-ditch effort to figure out what to do with my life. I was about to go into the second semester of my senior year at NC State University, majoring in a non-tech bachelor of arts degree that I knew wasn't going to get me very far.

    In search of my next move after college, I stumbled across various ads for "coding boot camps". These programs are essentially expedited curriculums (with varying efficacy) designed to take you from zero to job-ready in the software development field in 8-12 weeks. I quickly decided that this was to be my next route in life and began preparing to attend a boot camp after graduation in December--I was close enough after all.

    Little did I know, I wouldn't be just a student, but a teaching assistant as well. And soon after that, within less than a year of self-study, I'd have my first job as a professional web developer.

    As a recent exercise, I decided to sit down and write out all of the most valuable lessons I've learned in the school of software hard-knocks and felt as though, at the end of it, they could be of use to other engineers.

    The following will be an itemized list of tips for writing better code and being a more effective developer, in no particular order. Subjectivity alert!

    Readability > concision

    You learn very quickly when working with a team of developers that no matter how slick your one-liner function is, its terseness is a major barrier to its readability. I often centered my approaches to solving problems around writing as little code as possible--the fewer lines the better! However, the majority of our time as developers is spent reading instead of writing code, and readable code is often more approachable and easier to debug.

    Keep in mind that favoring readability isn't just going to help your fellow team members, but also your future self! This is still something that I have to remind myself multiple times a day. When I write code now, I try to frame it from the perspective of one of my team members.

    Cleverness killed the developer(s)

    Or rather, it killed the developers who inherited their code. Being clever is what led many of us to get into software development in the first place and is considered virtuous in an individual. Architecture and systems, however, should not be clever. They should be as transparent and clear-cut as possible.

    You can think of clever, in this case, as a synonym for "abstraction" or perhaps an antonym to "simplicity". Cleverness often correlates with making long-term maintainability of code bases more difficult because the clever developer(s) hold(s) the keys to the castle, so to speak. In other words, they might understand the hidden complexities associated with a system or pattern that are inherently difficult for others to grasp.

    Magic tools come with a price

    It's definitely nice when a tool or library makes our lives as developers easier, but I've learned that the more "magical" these solutions seem, the harder they are to customize. Project needs and requirements are rarely static, so the plug-and-play tools that seem to "just work" without a clear understanding of the underlying mechanics will pose serious hurdles to debugging issues down the road.

    There's a happy medium here, of course. You don't need to roll your own solution to a problem every time, just make sure you have a relatively decent understanding of what's going on under the hood of whatever published tool you decide to use.

    Choose the right tool for the job

    It's not always the case that you have decision-making power when it comes to the tools used to solve a given problem, but when you do, objectivity is key. Your favorite, shiny hammer isn't always going to be the most appropriate or effective solution. Being able to ignore your biases towards technologies you favor can be a difficult lesson to learn, but a valuable one nonetheless.

    I'm fortunate enough to be at a company where this approach is employed for every project we take on. It's a mindset rooted in experience and foresight and one that I'm grateful as a junior developer to be experiencing so early on in my career.

    Apply Occam's razor to all parts of your code

    The simplest solution is almost always the best one. I have to remind myself of this daily when I'm two hours deep into over-engineering a piece of functionality. "Should it really be this complicated?" I ask myself. Then, after taking a step back, the complexity often diminishes. This principle technically overlaps with all others in this list, but I think simplicity-focused code warrants its own discussion.

    I find that it helps to talk through problems out loud to arrive at these types of solutions, whether it be with a colleague or even to yourself (if it's the latter I'd suggest doing it where no one else can hear you!). Don't get too caught up on this minimalist approach though. As developers, we know that writing code is an iterative process and rarely is our final solution achieved on the first try. Make it work, then simplify it as best you can.

    Use your chain-of-command when asking questions

    One of my greatest strengths and flaws as both a developer and a person is that I'm very quick to ask questions--too quick in most cases. Clarity, I need it and I need it now! The unfortunate reality is that there are, in fact, stupid questions (at least among a team of developers).

    My time in the Air Force Reserves (~6 years) has informed me of a chain-of-command protocol when seeking resources--I think there's a lot of parallels with a development shop. Of course, a lot of things are different as well! The goal of this system is to solve your issue as low on the chain as you can, and to be the least disruptive.

    If you're a front-end engineer with questions about an in-house API you're consuming, ideally your back-end team has documentation--read it! If you run into a bug, do everything you can to reproduce it and narrow down its causes because, frankly, time is money. If you jump to shoot a message to a team member asking why x-y-x bug is occurring, not only do you risk breaking their focus for their own tasks, you also risk wasting time altogether if the issue is trivial or could be easily understood if you spent a little more time to understand it.

    On the flip side, I'm a firm believer of there being an "uncle point" when tackling a problem. In other words, a point in which you've spent enough time on the issue at hand and haven't made any progress. Being able to ask for help is a major strength and an integral part of being an effective developer, I would just urge you to be diligent in the questions you ask and ensure they aren't ones you could answer for yourself.


    I've got a shit ton to learn still but, man, how about this career field?!

    submitted by /u/trblackwell1221
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    Interviewee asked me to make a website as part of the interview process

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I'm applying for jobs and I got an interview with this one company. They asked me to answer 5 questions about frontend stuff and then they also gave me an image. This image is basically an image of a mockup of a website and they asked me to replicate it using just HTML and CSS.

    I can do this because its not too hard but it does take time. It just feels like a contract to me because I'm spending my free time trying to make this website.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else has been asked to do this when interviewing with a company? It seems over the top? I assume they would want to expedite the process and me coding a website in my free time will take me about a week to complete it.

    Let me know your experiences,

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/LeBronBron12
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    It happened guys! Finally recieved my first job offer!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT


    My story is this:

    Went to college for two years, did not get a degree (Software Engineering). I had to quit going because I was getting no money from Fasfa, my father is running a failed business but still makes enough money that my Fasfa loans were like $500. So I had to take out personal loads for my schooling. This became too much of a financial burden to I had to drop out. I love technology and I knew that development was something that really interested me. So I started learning more anyway I could about which route I wanted to take next. I settled on web development and went in balls deep.

    Here is a breakdown of my learning ( 3 years btw ) because I had to work 40+ hours a week.

    Started on Udemy ( January 2017 ) Was already familiar with frontend basics and knew Java + Maven at this point from college. Took bootcamps for system design + architecture Node.js, express, PHP, Python ( already knew but not for web development), Angular 2.

    Got really good at all of those Mainly MEAN stack and python for raspberry pi shenanigans. PHP because I needed to start making extra side cash and Wordpress seemed fruitful.

    After the whole Angular 2,4,5 debacle I settled on React. ( January 2018 )

    Because React is a library, I studied more on system design, DDD, and N tier architecture with node MVC.

    In this time, I was making some good money doing WP development ( btw had an LLC very important ) and continued my learning with MIT courses free on youtube for Algorithms, Databases, Hardware Development, Multithreading ect.

    Now is June 2019

    I decided that I was finally ready to start applying. So I setup an account on code wars .com and started busting out a lot of toy problems until I was confident with my skills and could complete a level 5 problem in 10 minutes or so. Then beefed up my resume and such.

    Applied to 7 or 8 different businesses. Got to the final interview on all but one of them but received no offers.

    Finally with my will being broken after 3+ years I had an interview with a really cool company. First interview was a phone screen, second was a technical interview, third was another technical, fourth was a 2 hour long back to back interview with really high up people TL, PM, and Operations Managers. I finally got a call today for 75k a year and I can finally rest lol. Of course I am going to work my butt off at work but I am facing serious problems with my health and I have ( had ) no insurance and my dept was creeping up.

    All I can say is do the best you can. Be smart about your time ( 5+ hours a day after work ) and make sure you understand why, and how things work before getting too in depth with using said technology ( I'm looking at my fellow react users here ;) ... )

    I'm in a really good mood and feel like I'm on cloud 9. If anyone has an questions feel free to ask.

    TL;DR College drop out with 3 years addition hard work finally received a job offer for 75k.

    submitted by /u/zelda_kylo_leia
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    Migrate Big Classic ASP site to what?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    I'm a software developer that has been working on the same project for 18 years. I was brought on as a 6- to 12-month temporary hire to develop a web site that tracks performance for a large sales force. All total, we have close to 100,000 user accounts, and the system features all the stuff you'd expect to see on a big site such as online shopping, sales tracking, customer service, etc.

    The site is written in Classic ASP (VBScript) with a Microsoft SQL Server back end. In addition, we have a number of helper utilities, written in Visual Basic 6.0. These utilities do things like import or export data (we needed features that couldn't be accommodated by SQL Server alone), transmit product orders to fulfillment houses, calculate whether or not sales people are making quotas, etc.

    And yes, I designed, wrote, and maintained every scrap of this code base myself. Our development team consists of a team of three -- me, myself and I. Even after all these years, the site still runs, and it runs well. Classic ASP and Visual Basic 6.0 applications, with minimal cursing, will run on Microsoft Windows/SQL 2016 Servers.

    So, why haven't we migrated to new technologies before now? Well, part of it has been that this gig was supposed to be temporary. The software was planned to be in use for a year or two, and then the job was going to be done. For the past 18 years, I've lived on a year to year contract. Each year, we expected the project would end, the software would be retired, and I'd be out of a job.

    Every year, sometimes at the last possible second, the customer would come back and say, "Let's do this for one more."

    Part of the issue has also been one of time -- we have always had significant demand for new features, and it's kept me very busy. In addition to writing code, I spend probably a third of my time doing day-to-day tasks to keep the site chugging along, like importing data, validating sales production numbers, building one off reports, etc. As the solo tech person, I'm also on call 24/7/365. I usually work far more than 40 hours a week, and there hasn't been time to sit down and redevelop the site and all its goodies in a new language in addition to all the work already on my plate.

    Sure, I probably could have launched a redevelopment effort in my sparse personal time, but there is a limit to how many hours I can spend sitting in front of my computer. My family, my friends, and my spouse have been telling me for years, "Duuuude, you work too much!" (I can't remember, for example, when I've had an uninterrupted vacation.) It was hard for me to consider redeveloping everything, knowing that the site was only planned to be in use for another year.

    We now have a very mature codebase that runs very well; however, there's concern that Microsoft will eventually stop supporting legacy ASP and VB applications. Also, we are starting to get pushback from customers who want to know why we haven't redeveloped our site in something more current.

    After all this time, the company I work for has decided to expand. They are finally going to offer me a permanent job, and they plan to spin the current software off into multiple web sites, all of which will serve user bases of similar size as the original. They have also decided to hire some people to help me, which is of course many, many years overdue.

    We are obviously well past the time of migrating to newer technology. As the technical lead on this project, it's up to me to decide how we move forward. Do we stay with ASP Classic for a few more years? Do we migrate to .NET? If yes, which version? Or, do we say goodbye to Microsoft and move to something else? I know there is considerable debate on this topic, and I'd love to hear from folks who have been down a similar road.

    I realize that no matter which way we go, the learning curve is going to be very steep. Suggestions are needed and welcome!

    submitted by /u/AlexInRV
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    Today I lost a job because I had too much experience...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:37 PM PDT

    Recently I had applied to a couple of companies. The first one very close to my house, they entered a hiring freeze due to the fear of another recession and a lot of business they do is in the US (I'm Canadian), so they're playing it safe to prevent unnecessary layoffs. This was a referral from a friend, so I'm okay with it, and will revisit in the future.

    Onto the real meat and potatoes of the story...

    I have a friend who was recently promoted at a fairly large company to upper management in IT. He was given the ability to put a team together to help with a lot of projects they had coming up. He approached me, I said no, company is a 1.5 hour drive from my house and I already have a bad commute I'm trying to get rid of. He sold his company, the salary was a improvement, and the projects they were working on I'd have carte blanche to do what I needed to get stuff done. They are very supportive of giving their employees the tools and resources they need to get a job done. At my current employer (very large telecom company) I'm stuck in red tape hell to even make the smallest improvement, and the cost for any improvements starts at $50,000, which our department refuses to fund.

    So I buy into to the potential of going to work with a friend, I formally interview, I tour their facilities, meet the rest of the team (who I met casually before) and it was all very exciting. I start doing the numbers on what it looks like to leave my company (who I've been with since I graduated high school), what that means in terms of benefits/pension/etc. Make the tough decision that I'll quit and move over to this new company, leaving behind a 5 week vacation + golden parachute I've established at my current company.

    My friend is putting together the offer, upping salary, giving other perks, extra week vacation, etc. He wants me on his team and understands what I'm leaving behind as well as what he'll be gaining in a new employee. I start taking my mentors out for lunch and looking for (and getting) lots of great advice in regards to the pros/cons of the situation.

    Friend presents it to the president, the president is worried about the city I live in and the commute (I've been commuting for 12 years at this point, pretty much the same distance), he also is worried that since I've been targeted by my friend they have to inherit my tenure at my current company, which I had no idea about...thought I was leaving it behind, and also that my friend knows me and it might be odd. The thing is, the people I work with currently I'd call them friends and I've worked with "friends" at my current job. This was something both of us talked about and had decided it'd be a non-issue, which I agreed with.

    Anyway...I've been struggling trying to improve my situation, feeling like I'm under employed, and under a lot of stress at work due to people off sick, management not hiring replacements for those that left, etc. I finally felt like I was at the finish line, only to get the whole race called on a false start. The major factor in this was because I've been at my company for so long that if they had to get rid of me in the future, they'd have to assume my current tenure plus whatever I earned at the new company. The reason the president knows this is because the CEO was his friend, and targeted him to hire, so it's all very rich in why he's so knowledgeable about my entire situation (he also used to live in my city).

    Normally I'm a dust yourself off and try again type person, but this one really punched me in the gut.

    Anyone have any advice on success in finding work (specifically outside the Toronto area, KW/Guelph preferably) or have any companies they'd recommend? I mostly sling div's on an internal website for our knowledge base, and can't even put together examples of my code because of all the company information associated with it. This latest attempt really took the wind out of my sails.

    TLDR: Lost a job offer because I've been at my company too long, was headhunted by a friend, and new company would have to assume my tenure during the hiring process because I didn't apply and they came to me.

    submitted by /u/FullstopCoding
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    How many of you just purchase and use a template for client websites?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:02 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    When you get a contract for making a website for someone, do you all style it yourself and code it by hand or do you just buy a template for $50 / $100 and then add in the client content and that's that?

    And why/when would you do it yourself vs getting a template, and vice versa?

    submitted by /u/subliminal666
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    Getting images from AWS blocked by CORS if "disable cache" in network tab is unchecked

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    “Injection” CMS?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for a platform or tool that offers functionality similar to Optimizely, where an embedded tag makes it possible to change and add content to static page (or in this case, several in an application) through a separate UI?

    The reason why I'm searching for such a tool is that the content creation would be high frequency iterative and I don't want the content creation bound to the release cycles of the application. Of course, I know that this brings some risks, as the otherwise stable application may be destabilised by our own bad content, but that's a risk we'll accept and handle with process and QA.

    Does such a platform exist or maybe exist in a different way, that solves the need in a different way.


    submitted by /u/Christopoulos
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    Refreshing my website!

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    So I just launched my website, and now I have a very weird problem. After I made any changes in the code, website will not be updated itself after refresh. I need to do hard refresh, and if I want it to be updated on phone, I need to clear cache. Otherwise, the new code will not be displayed. It is very weird and I am not sure how I should deal with it. Any idea? I am using Hostinger.com.

    submitted by /u/fireflies__99
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    Id like to learn SVG grahpic animations

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Do any of you have recommendations for this? I'd like to find how to create some cool SVG graphic animations from scratch.

    submitted by /u/DachshundWarLord
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    What do you charge to write text content?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Hello Web Devs,

    I run a web development business and sometimes we have busy clients that don't have time to write the text content for their sites. We offer to do so, and typically write about 5-6 succinct sentences per page for 8-10 page websites.

    I had no idea what to charge, so I quoted one client $300 (they accepted), and another $400 (also accepted). Now I have a potential client who has an issue with our pricing ($400), and since both times I essentially made up a number on the spot before, I'm wondering if my pricing is ridiculous or not.

    For reference, my partner and I are both excellent writers and do a much better job than the clients did in the past in their old sites, and these people are also way to busy to do this on their own.

    I don't want to blow a deal over a few paragraphs of text, so what should I do here?

    submitted by /u/steveoaustin
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    HELP! Position absolute.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    HELP! Position absolute.

    my header and the section below it are messed up, when I position the header as absolute. Guys take a look at codepen and help me https://codepen.io/ryusufu/full/WNNedBR


    submitted by /u/ryusufu
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    Question about recent trends in mobile app development: [Native app / React Native / Flutter / PWA]

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Just was curious if anybody had any recent experiences with various ways to build an app nowadays, to see if there's a clear winner among these: Native app / React Native / Flutter / PWA.

    Last time I did research was over a year ago and these were some impressions I had of each based on a brief read-through:
    Native app -- steep learning curve
    React Native -- buggy
    Flutter -- too new
    PWA -- lack of features like push notifications, can't open popup for oAuth authentication, etc.

    Would you guys share your thoughts or any recent developments?

    submitted by /u/kombodafoo
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    How do I change my website to be responsive?? How hard is this going to be?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:10 PM PDT

    I've been reading and watching a lot of videos on how to do this but a lot of them are so different from the other! It looks so hard? Any kinda guidance or help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Rnugg
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    Tracking user behavior like clicks on a site

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    This is probably a really basic question, but my knowledge is a bit patchy when it comes to the wide world of webdev.

    I recently worked on a project that involved a lot of user behavior tracking (not what I was working on, but I'd see it in the codebase). I'd like to learn more about how to implement my own code like this in future projects, and was hoping someone could steer me in the right direction. Googling mostly gets me info about SaaS that handles this, but I'd like to learn more about writing my own code to do something akin to this, even something as simple as tracking clicks on certain elements.

    I know it's a pretty broad question, but I'm mostly looking for a starting point, so I can eventually ask better, more precise questions. If you could give me some links, tutorials, or terms to Google to get me started, that would be much appreciated. If you feel like writing out a more detailed explanation, I'd be SUPER appreciative. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/EdselHans
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    Struggling with separating <td> event from <tr> Parent

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    I am trying to stop a <tr>'s event propagation without hindering the <td>'s button toggle menu and can't quite figure it out. I am on the cusp of figuring it out; however, the .dropdown() event will only show the menu after the 2nd click, then it shows fine. (So you click the delete button once, it does nothing. After that it works on the next click on, even on the other row's delete buttons)

    For formatting purposes, here's the stack overflow post:


    submitted by /u/571ff
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    Generally, how do you follow an event of a web page in Developer Tools?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:26 PM PDT

    In the traditional way, an HTML element has an "onclick" attribute that usually calls a Javascript method. Like:

    <button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button> 

    But in the Developer Tools, I could not find any way to jump to the method in the value. I could search the Javascripts textually, find it and then set a breakpoint on it, but if there are lots of large scripts, finding the method is not always easy.

    And then there are modern way, where the element does not have any "onclick" but somewhere in the linked tens of scripts is a line that makes its click event call some method. I could find details about the event in "Event Listeners" panel, but often it lists several event handlers for the same click events, so it is difficult to understand.

    So, what is the real developers way to follow a click event of an element on a web page that someone else has created? In short,

    (1) How to jump to "myFunction()" in case of <button onclick="myFunction()">

    (2) How to jump to the click event handler in case of <button>Do something</button>

    submitted by /u/evolution2015
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    How much effort should be put into making the next developers job easier?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    When you complete a job for a client, do you add anything extra for the next guy that may work on it? Should I make an extensive ReadMe file going over the projects structure, especially since my WordPress sites can be a bit unconventional? Or should I tell my client to give them my email if they have any problems?

    I'm not sure how much energy I'm expected to put into being nice to the next guy, if that makes any sense.

    submitted by /u/Cicero3248
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    Any other personality profile API like IBM's Watson Personality-Insights?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    I can't find any documentation from IBM about how to use ajax to make a call to their Personality-Insights API, so I'm wondering if something else with a similar idea exists? It analyzes text and generates a personality profile. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HorseProportions
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    Slack and Discord community to improve programming skills

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    To help you improve your programming skills, computer science or math knowledge, we've set up a community to guide you! Discord is our main platform, but we've recently added Slack too.

    Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/gcdevelopers/shared_invite/enQtNzc1NjYyOTA1ODkzLTc5NThmZTExMjllNWFmYzUwYjk0MjJmNjczODA4N2JjMDE5YWIxYWFmMzVjMWUxZGVmY2IwZWVlOTJhMWUyZmI


    submitted by /u/programmerjules
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    github-tada: Firefox addon that lets you quickly browse github issues by reaction (�� or ��)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 12:40 PM PDT

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