• Breaking News

    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Clearly Reddit, the front page of the internet, was developed with future computers in mind. web developers

    Clearly Reddit, the front page of the internet, was developed with future computers in mind. web developers

    Clearly Reddit, the front page of the internet, was developed with future computers in mind.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    Good Sites for Practicing Web Development

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Hey so I'm new to coding and I'm taking a Web Development class but I'm having some problems understand some of the material. I'm wondering if there's any good sites for practicing web development and coding?

    submitted by /u/gifbguc134
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    License for interview coding project

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    I'm in the job market and the only two companies to which I've applied so far have each asked for me to complete a coding project. I'm of course not getting paid for this, so I want to protect my rights as I don't want them to steal my code—not that I have reason to believe that they would—but I'm not sure which license I should use. I'm required to use certain open-source libraries/frameworks. Do I even need a license? If so, which should I pick? Preventing commercial use is the highest priority. Looking at ChooseALicense.com's appendix, I don't see such a license. Is GPLv3 the best that I can do or does a more fitting license exist?

    Edit: Maybe the MS-RSL?

    submitted by /u/bacondev
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    Like we don't already wear enough hats...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Looking for work at the moment, combing through the dev jobs I am starting to see an alarming number of postings requiring "Video editing". Having been doing this for a while now, I've learned to be flexible, but where do we draw the line? Is it not enough to know how to code, backend, front end, manage a server, SEO/all things google, and do graphics now? Or are these companies just being cheap? For some reason this has me steamed.

    submitted by /u/jokerpunditz
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    Skadate developer

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    I need some help from someone with good knowledge in skadate / oxwall. Ill pay og course. Please DM or let me know if this is the wrong sub. Estimate a days work.

    submitted by /u/nerdgolfer
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    IT Job Roles, Skills, and Programming Languages Demanded by The German Market

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:48 AM PDT

    Fail early with Husky pre-commit hooks

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Amplify improvements streamline AWS mobile app development

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:06 PM PDT

    What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Hey there everyone! I'm a Junior UI/UX Designer and i'm currently reworking my portfolio to showcase some of my most recent work. I decided to learn some HTML/CSS to get my portfolio up and running. Instead of learning media queries, I decided to use Bootstrap so that I can cut down some time when it comes to responsiveness. I was wondering if there was anyone who would be kind enough to point me to what I am doing wrong on my portfolio here https://moeminm.github.io/new_flex_portfolio/ - resize the window and you will see it's anything but responsive. You can find all the code here: https://github.com/moeminm/new_flex_portfolio

    My questions are:

    1. What's wrong with my Bootstrap structure that's making it unresponsive on smaller screen sizes?
    2. Unrelated to responsiveness, I'd like to push the illustration to the far right which won't work for whatever reason.
    3. If you scroll down to the 'Sky Junxion' section, the navbar loses it's Z-index for whatever reason.

    I appreciate you taking the time to read the post, even more if you can help me get my portfolio up by answering these questions. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Muchkeler
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    How to build an app MVP: PWA, Bubble or React Native?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:51 AM PDT

    Our current web product is built in Wordpress, with a membership plugin.

    We want to build an app based on user requests, and it should be a good way to engage our users more regularly and drive subscription retention.

    However I'm stuck if I should find a dev to build us an MVP using either PWA, Bubble or React Native.

    If we use PWA, should we rebuild our Wordpress product using React and then publish as a PWA?

    My concern is we will probably end up building in React Native later if our MVP is a success, so I'm trying to find the most easiest solution for an MVP web and mobile app without spending five-figures on React from the off.

    submitted by /u/level103
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    Padding Is Off for side-bar in CSS

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    I am working on adding a side-bar to my website, I can't seem to work all the kinks out. On the right of the side-bar I added a solid line and I added them below each element of the list. The issue is that I can't figure out why the right border and bottom border are adding extra lines. I know it is something I am doing wrong, but can't determent what.

    home.html style.css

    sorry my server isn't ready yet :(

    submitted by /u/FOSSilized_D4emon
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    Create Your Own Toon Shader with Babylon.js! Part 1

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:17 PM PDT

    Тarantool Cartridge: Sharding Lua Backend in Three Lines

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:13 PM PDT

    Flexbox Holy Albatross with CSS Grid

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Pre-made frontend for blogging-like CRUD operations?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Hello Community!

    I know headless CMS are popular these days, but it there something like the inverse of that -- a pre-made frontend for creating "posts" in a typical sense, with REST endpoints that one can write the backend to?

    My actual plan is this: I want to set up some sites that only contain different views on the basic concept of a page (text, images, video embeds), but existing CMS always seem to be too inflexible (e.g. missing per-post attributes that one cannot extend manually), or they're written in PHP (do not want) and don't give me freedom to render the published site as I see fit. I always hit some road block in the end, hence my realization that I'll probably need to roll this myself.

    Alas I'm totally overwhelmed with frontend development, both due to the complexity that reactive frameworks bring with them, and the need to bulletproof things against human error (hard!). I need an interface that a person with low computer-literacy cannot screw up; if there's a way, they'll find it. I'd much prefer a static site generator, but those don't come with nice GUIs either or lack aforementioned per-post attributes (I tested Publii, but it's still too WIP).

    So any ideas welcome, even directions I might not have mentioned here. Thanks!

    p.s. I'm technically well versed (on the backend 🙃), so it doesn't need to be "easy" to set up, just flexible and well structured for maintenance.

    submitted by /u/hershin
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    I hope the auto-save/no-save/instant-save trend dies a quick death soon

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    I've lost one too many paragraphs because someone thought it was cool to attach 1000lbs of javascript/ajax to form fields in lieu of a good old submit button. Now Office/Word is following suit.

    It's so bad for usability. Often people like to think and type before committing their changes. And nobody likes the cursor lagging on every keystroke.

    Now bring on the flames.

    submitted by /u/boxcomp
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    FOSS solutions for Website Accessibility/WCAG?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Since the increased press about WCAG and it's effects on businesses large and small, I have seen an increased amount of accessibility widgets available on websites that offer options like changing font spacing/size, contrast options, controlling animations, etc. For example, [Userway](Userway.org).

    I have yet to see a FOSS (Free/Open Source Software) widget-like solution for this and am wondering if it exists, since it is such an easy implementation of the guidelines. Even a non-widget FOSS solution would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/thatpythonguy
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    Use Vim as a JavaScript IDE

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 10:36 PM PDT

    Made a basic bookmarklet to change the background color of sponsored Indeed job postings so they're easier to ignore

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    javascript:const sp=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div[data-ci]'));sp.map(s=>s.style.backgroundColor="rgba(80, 30, 30, 0.20)") 

    Reformatted if anyone wants that.

    const sp=Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div[data-ci]')); sp.map(s=>s.style.backgroundColor="rgba(80, 30, 30, 0.20)"); 
    submitted by /u/Tuckinatuh
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    How is Amazon's AWS page so fast?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:38 AM PDT


    In the Network tab data-centers/ comes in at 44ms and most of the other item times range from 0 to 59ms. The "slowest" item to come in was a sorted list at 100ms.

    submitted by /u/symbiosa
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    MongoDB - Getting all comments for a post, and then getting the user information from objectId in each comment

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    First, I'm stuck with MongoDB for now. I'm going to try to get it changed, but right now it's not an option.

    So a dumbed down version of my problem:

    I have three models: "Report", "Comment", and "User".

    Report just has text and the user who made the report.

    Comments have a report ID and a user ID.

    User has a display name and an avatar.

    I've successfully written a route that gets the 5 latest reports and appends all related comments to it. I need to go one level deeper though and actually fetch the user information for each comment. I only store their ID, since people change their display name and avatar regularly, so I need to go get them each time.

    How can I, when fetching the reports, also fetch the user information for each comment without having to go through one by one at render time?

    Here's my code so far:

    router.route('/').get((req, res) => {
    "$lookup": {
    from: 'comments',
    localField: '_id',
    foreignField: 'reportId',
    as: 'comments'
    { $sort : { _id: -1}},
    { $limit: 5}
    .then(reports => {

    .catch(err => res.status(400).json('Error: ' + err));

    submitted by /u/werdnaegni
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    Blog service workers and the chicken and the egg

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:47 AM PDT

    Got an offer to co-author a book - should I do it?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    I got offered to write a few chapters for a webdev by a somewhat-known publisher of programming books, on a subject that I'm very proficient in and work with daily.

    I never though about writing a book, but it could be a good experience and lead to more opportunities, if this is something I may want to do in the future.

    The pay is ~$27 per page, in addition to a less than 5% royalty from the book's revenue in the future.

    Currently I work as a web developer, and my short-term plans (next few years) is to continue on that route, so I don't plan to move to management anything soon, if that changes anything.

    What do you think I should do?

    submitted by /u/TheBen1
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