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    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    What kind of projects in your portfolio got you a job in web dev? web developers

    What kind of projects in your portfolio got you a job in web dev? web developers

    What kind of projects in your portfolio got you a job in web dev?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Hi, I am looking for inspirations to build something that I must have in my portfolio to find a job in web development (I focus on Front-End, JavaScript and then React). I will appreciate all the answers.

    submitted by /u/user9326
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    Did everyone back in the days, when there was only plain PHP, make their own routers and skeleton frameworks?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    I know I'm going to sound like a kid who doesn't know how to operate a rotary phone, but, as someone who fairly recently got into web development and was "forced" to jump straight into laravel, I was trying to plug the holes in my plain PHP knowledge by starting a project and building everything from scratch and noticed all the tiny details you have to worry about when not building on top of a framework.

    submitted by /u/gav1no0
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    I am stuck on a cranky/stone age small company for a while...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:12 AM PDT

    Hi, I would like a little bit of advice, as I am and will be stuck for a while on a company with the following features:

    -We use procedural PHP, no frameworks, no dependency manager, no modern syntax, no OOP, just 1998's way PHP, not using a single of the new features of PHP released on the last 10 years. HTML on a string, replace the data and echo that string.

    -We don't use any kind of version control system, this guys just like the classic v1.0, v2.0... folders.

    -We dont have local dev environments, nor dev servers, nor dev databases, we all code on THE SAME FILES ON A SHARED DISK and push the files to production, so its common that a coworker asks you to close a file so he can edit it...

    -We don't transpile JS (we can't if a lot of it is inside a string on a PHP file)

    -There is no team leaders, the client talks with all of us directly and aks for features to a random dev.

    -They use their own custom-built CMS, and everything has to be built with it, and it is not documented, or logic.

    -We use SQL databases but without any FK, there are no relations between tables, they say that inner joins are forbidden because the servers will crash.

    The worst part is that here there are not many dev jobs and for personal reasons I can't move to another city at this moment.I feel like I am forgetting everything I learned (A VERY strong knowledge on modern ES6+ javascript and MVC architechtures, also a strong knowledge on CSS3) and learning bad habits.

    I need some advice, what can I do so this work will have the smallest possible impact on my knowledge and habits, and my mental health...

    Thanks in advice

    EDIT: I don't think I can change anything in the company, at this point I would like to know how to endure the situation without too many negative consequences for my knowledge and habits

    submitted by /u/BraisWebDev
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    OT: Trying to find dev's blog of his emails with Facebook trying to get all his data

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    Apologies for being off topic. I posted this question to r/HelpMeFind and got no answers. I'm pretty sure I read about this on the r/webdev sub, and since the blog was written by a dev I thought it might be possible that other devs might be aware of it. I couldn't find it with search, using Google, or Reddit's own search. Probably because it was a side comment in a post. That is, the post wasn't about this guy or his blog.

    The dev lives in Europe, but it's not Max Schrems. He updates his blog whenever a new email exchange takes place, which is usually once a month, the longest amount of time Facebook is legally allowed to go without responding. One of their responses was telling him the data was too complex to be understood by anyone, and he replied back that he was actually a dev and so perfectly suited to understand it.

    The last time I checked, which was quite a few months ago, they were still giving him the runaround. However he is completely committed to getting his data no matter how long it takes. It's a very interesting read.

    Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/inkexit
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    A comprehensive list of new ES features, including ES2015 (ES6), ES2016, ES2017, ES2018, ES2019

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    What data do you use when testing forms?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    I had to fill out a form a bunch of times while implementing something recently so I'm kind of curious what dummy data everyone uses when testing forms

    Do you use your own personal info?

    Or do you just put in nonsensical values like asdf or asdf@example.com

    Or do you maintain an alternate persona who's details remain consistent?

    Does it change based on environment (local/stage/prod)?

    For me I use an alternate persona and always enter the same data

    Name: John Doe

    Phone: 0123456789

    Email: {{workEmail}}

    Address: {{oldWorkAddress}}

    submitted by /u/Narkolleptika
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    Rise, Fall and Rise Again of Static Websites

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    What tools you use for documentation?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    Hi, what tools you use for documenting a web application? Documenting

    1. Logic
    2. Flow
    3. Screens / Wireframes
    4. API Documentation (Swagger)
    5. Project workflow

    Edit: This is what I/we have used.

    1. Trello, Asana, JIRA - Asana is my favorite - subtasks, conversations, etc. But I use Trello for simple stuff. Not a fan of JIRA though.

    2. Draw.io for wireframes

    3. LucidChart for flows (logic, data)

    4. Swagger and Postman for API documentation. I like Postman more but the problem is the lack of OpenAPI support. Not a fan of swagger because there is no GUI/Drag n Drop builder.

    submitted by /u/developerJS
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    Does anyone know how to keep two macs 100% identically in sync?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    The problem that I have is that I travel a lot but at the same time work from a home office... Currently I have a single macbook pro that I use for everything (I'm an SWE mostly working on api and application work) but it's tedious to have to use the macbook pro at home in clamshell mode then have to upend the setup anytime I need to quickly leave for travels.

    The ideal solution would be one where I could have a machine at home that stays 100% of the time at home and also have my MBP for when I'm on the go.

    However, I'd like the machines to be identical in terms of files and settings, packages, runtimes, etc. (saving session state such as opened windows, etc. isn't important) so that I can walk away from one and then quickly resume work on another.

    Is there a solution for this problem that doesn't involve a VM?

    Thanks a lot in advanced. I'll also post this in /r/devops

    submitted by /u/rapdev
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    Low knowledge of Javascript

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    Hi there, my first post on reddit.

    I've been working as a Front-end developer for 6+ years at a company in The Netherlands, but i'm looking for a new opportunity.

    I know my HTML, (S)CSS, some PHP but my Javascript knowledge is not good. At my current job the Back-end developers create all the Javascript that is needed. And I only worked with jQuery and some small simple javascript code. I never used any framework whatsoever.

    The fact is, I have had 4 job interviews in the last few weeks, in which two companies invited me for a second interview. But in the end I get rejected for my low knowledge in javascript. I'm currently taking a Course which has an exam that gets you a certificate.

    But javascript is so damn hard to understand... I just can't wrap my head arround some of the more complicated questions..

    Is it just me that is strugling or are there people having the same issues?

    submitted by /u/AwiNL
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    What is this type navigation called?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    How should I deal with url ressources in a SPA project ?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Hello! Is the beginner thread not a thing anymore ? It's still mentionned in the sub guidelines.

    Anyway, I'm building a react app that features a google map. To change the icon of a marker, the google map API requires an URL. For now I've set one of an icon I found on google, but it bothers me that I have no control over it. So I have two questions:

    • Is there some kind of magical trick I can use so that I can bundle the image in my react app, but provide it to the library api as an URL ? I looked at createObjectURL, but didn't manage to get anything working
    • Is there such thing as a free CDN where I could upload the marker icons and at least have more control on the ressource ?

    rant warning
    What I'm actually trying to do is incredibly basic, I want to highlight a map marker by changing it's color. Well guess what ? The API does not provide any method for this, you basically have to either use one of the hideous built-in Symbols of the API, learn how to draw a SVG path, or provide your own icons with URLs. You cannot simply change the color of the default marker icon. It's so fucking stupid, I've already spent 2 or 3 hours on this. To change a stupid marker color. It's infuriating.

    submitted by /u/scylk2
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    I feel trapped! Please help, advise, guide.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    I have been fired from a company which I joined in June and got fired in July because the Manager was behaving childish and didn't like that I didn't talk to him much and also they said they didn't have any clients to set me up with

    so since July I'm in my apartment just doing random projects with my friend or from tutorials

    can someone please guide me on what should I be focusing on? Since Diwali festival season is coming and I would have to have a job so that i can go home for festival

    I'm getting calls from recruiters here in India and even interviewing with them but either they just ghost out or I feel really weird that they are enforching 4 years experience but still interviewing me as 2years guy. I have really funny incident happening with me

    So at this company interview we were sent to a big villa around 40-50 candidates. I was sitting and I saw another dude and realised oh this is the same guy who took my interview at Company ABC, so I tried approaching him and talking to him but he shrugged me away and later on said you might tell my current company ABC and they might fire me.

    So we both completed the task we both cleared 2 rounds of interviews and we both were rejected he has like 4+ years of experience and I have 1.5 years and later when I looked at him we both just laughed.

    I did mention this issue to recruiters agents kind of who set me up which they later told me yeah they didn't hire anyone. And such experience is not one time thing I have experienced this thing at least 30 times in past 14 months or even more than that.

    I am not hating of what I'm doing technically with react-hooks, next.js server side rendering, learning GraphQL and Gatsby learning how people are saving a lot of money by making a static app with Gatsby. Learning and implementing styled-components for all platforms with React, react-native, react-native-web. But the amount of hustle and sudden rejections without any explanations or things like they had someone friend referred so they approached him kind of things are demotivating.

    So at this point I'm really turning negative towards toxic level of environemnts in companies and boot licking that happens, and also from HR who literally told me that they need to complete the interview quantity target so please interview with us, and I laughed so hard that I cried afterwards on my fate!

    submitted by /u/tapu_buoy
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    Announcing Stack Overflow’s New CEO, Prashanth Chandrasekar

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    The right way to aggregate content?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a novice developer and was hoping someone could give me some advice or learning resources for some backend related tasks.

    One of my first projects was a link aggregator for hackernews and reddit (classic). Then I made a feed of videos from a list of youtube channels. Something about repackaging scraped web content is a lot of fun.

    The hackernews clone made API requests, the youtube agg actually scraped youtube pages with Cheerio. My question has to do with proper channeling of data from other sites. What is best practice? Clients making third party API requests directly? Obviously some amount of server side caching is beneficial, but this introduces synchronization issues and overhead. For my youtube agg, I have a cron job that runs every hour to scrape titles, video urls, thumbs, etc. and stores them in a database. Is this a dumb way to do things? What are some more trade offs to consider?

    Maybe there's a term for this that I could just google if I knew it, but I'd really appreciate any thoughts/resources on the matter of middle-manning content like this. It's a fun backend challenge and I've learned a lot from even my simple projects so far. I find it much more engaging and productive than building CRUD apps with 1 user or a bunch of faker data.

    submitted by /u/jistjoalal
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    Hosting "options"?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone!

    I'm wondering if anyone might have some insight on what my next steps 'should' be here. This might be TMI, but at the same time might help put things in perspective.

    Basically, years back we hired a company to take re-develop our website for a decent sum of money. It was a reasonably involved job (custom backend work for student accounts, some interactive exercises, etc). They took on the whole job, and migrated the site to their own hosting solution. I had a background in IT so could tinker with things myself, and over the years found myself better able to deal with developing upgrades to the website than them, so I've taken over all of that myself.

    The one thing I'm still out of my element on is hosting.

    Over the past year, I've developed a web-app for student use that's much more involved than anything we had ever used before. One of the consequences has been that it's significantly spiked our bandwidth usage. Previously, we seem to have had a soft-cap of 30gb/month bandwidth that we wouldn't even get close to, while now we're pushing over 100gb/month.

    Moreover, this weekend, the website's started glitching for an extended period (about 20-30 minutes) with database access refusal errors. It just happened to be the case that we had a few dozen students actively writing a test using the web-app, so when it starts glitching some minor chaos ensued. I tried contacting the company we're still using, but no one was directly available on the weekend (I got a hold of the owner, lets call him Sam, an hour or two later), but the issue resolved itself within about 20-30 minutes, so we kept going and everything since was fine.

    Once I spoke to Sam, he mentioned that it might be that the processing demand crashed the server. To be honest I'm skeptical, but this is where I'm out of my element -- I have no clue as to how to 'measure' this kind of stuff. I asked him as to whether we can get hard numbers on what was going on over the time period, and he got back to me later that night with [prices are in CAD]:

    Currently, 4 processes are running under user "[company-name]" and each process consumes around 600MB virtual memory and 28000KB physical memory. You might have low usage at the moment, however. And you probably have spikes which consume a lot more Virtual Memory which could be part of the issue.

    Generally, 800MB per site is allocated. Right now it is 4x600MB! Could be efficiency in the app on the crons.

    If you need more, then we need to allow for more.

    We also have a few options:

    Managed Hosting Services:

    [redacted] - $399/month

    Dedictated Server & IP.

    Hardware includes: 4 GB Memory, 2 Core Processor, 80 GB SSD Disk, 4 TB Transfer

    Plesk Panel, Root Server Access and backups.

    This would require migration.

    Billed Monthly


    Existing Plan:

    Stay on current account, and we increase your Storage/bandwidth and add some additional resources.

    Additional CPU Core, 2GB of Ram, 5 GB Storage / 125GB bandwidth. Billed annually, $125/month.

    Priority support.

    So, for one, are these prices 'reasonable'? I poked around a bit, and it seems like, for example, Digital Ocean offers a similar dedicated machine for $60USD/mo -- obviously a fraction of the price quoted above. Am I missing something about what these guys might be offering?

    For two, is it normal that we're using 4x600MB VM, but only seemingly 28MB of physical memory? Isn't VM just overflow from RAM? Is 4x600MB VM 'normal' for a web-app - obviously this will differ based on usage, but basically is this something way out of 'normal' bounds or something that a heavy web-app might reasonably use?

    Is it reasonable to expect to see logs from what might've happened when the website glitched on that Saturday, or are these logs generally not kept? Is it possible to more carefully figure out usage requirements for this particular web app? Arguably, I have database logs of the web-app's usage, so if logs of server load are kept, I could easily cross reference the two -- are these kinds of logs generally kept?

    Apologies if some of this stuff might seem nonsensical -- hosting is pretty much the last frontier I really haven't had much experience with. -_-

    Any insight would be super helpful, obviously! =)

    submitted by /u/hrrep
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    Can a CS student with basic HTML/CSS and Javascript knowledge jump straight into REACT JS?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    I can't find any informative answers on what "intermediate" programmers should know before diving into REACT. Most answers seem to cater to new self-taught webdevs who've only learnt javascript and HTML/CSS.

    According to https://reactjs.org/ , the official react introduction page, it states "We'll assume that you have some familiarity with HTML and JavaScript, but you should be able to follow along even if you're coming from a different programming language.". However, every time I check on Reddit or youtube tutorials, it suggests that you need to know DOM manipulation, Fetch APIs, ES6, JSON, master vanilla javascript, destructuring etc which are all really time-consuming. I have an introductory understanding of all of these tools (watched tutorial videos) but never implemented any of them. I wish I could dive into all of these topics, but seeing as to how I have a full course load and all my school clubs that have webdev and webdev internships require REACTJS, learning reactjs is a top priority after HTML/CSS and basic javascript.

    I've learnt Java (up to SOLID principles etc.), Python(up to dynamic programming, memoization etc) and C so I doubt I will have much trouble with working with Javascript, even though I've played around with it only briefly, and have designed responsive websites using HTML/CSS/flexbox/CSS grid. Do you think I can afford to just jump into React? Any and all feedback would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/RedditorReddited
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    Unsafe Image Detector

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    Can anyone recommend any free/cheap unsafe image detector?

    I've looked into aws rekognition and https://moderatecontent.com/ .

    submitted by /u/thepmyster
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    Comparing database models

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    What to include in a resume for a Junior Front-End Web Dev role?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    I don't have any actual work experience in this field but I do have a SE Degree. I have self-taught myself to develop front end (with some backend). Are there any recruiters here; or anyone with knowledge that can help me?

    submitted by /u/ganjamank
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    Anyone know of tools for helping a wide variety of people with different schedules to find a common meeting day?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    I've been looking around at websites and various tools out there but none of them seem to do what we need.

    • People mark up times/days when they are available
    • Everyone can see other peoples times when they are available
    • Dates and times where the most people overlap and can meet are highlighted

    • nice to be able to upload individuals google calander data, but not critical

    • Can be either an existing platform (website) or a php/javascript/python library that can be integrated

    Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Eric1600
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    Doesn't a server have to send more data to the client with an SPA?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Recently I have been looking into pros/cons of SPA's (Single Page Application) and I have a question about it.

    I keep hearing that they are great because you don't have to send the client the HTML every time that they change the "page" or get some data, therefore removing some of the work from the server. However, it seems to me that this is not actually true. Isn't the server simply sending all of the HTML, JS, CSS and whatever else all at once when the client goes to the site?

    It seems like an SPA is simply sending everything up front rather than in chunks. This would mean that you send everything to the client every time, whether or not they will actually use it. If the user wants to see just the landing page and will not use anything else, they are still getting literally everything for the site from the server.

    I understand that this can make it faster once they have it all and be a bit more seamless for the user, but it seems to me that, in the average case, the server generally has to send far more data to the client since it is not doing it in chunks of just what the user requests.

    Would love some clarification on whether I am right or wrong here and why. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/LMorgan90
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    Teenager looking to go into Web Development.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Hello, as I've stumbled across this field, I've found that it really interests me(as well as UI/UX Design), so I've started to do some tutorials here and there, and work on my design skills. I've gotten really good in terms of following and properly implementing design trends in my personal projects using static image creators(Figma/Adobe XD), and I've even been "animating" a few of them through AE and XD's built in tools. I've done a few tutorials for HTML and Python, and I'm wondering where I should go from here. CSS is an obvious choice, but I already have some basic knowledge of it, and I'm wondering if I can put that step aside for now due to tools like Framer being able to write up the actual code for me. I know that should I want to pursue this field in the future I'd have to work on said skills, but being 14 I think I have enough time to work on that. So my question is really about should I just keep working on HTML and Python, then moving directly to Java if I can use Framer for the CSS component. Or should I master HTML and CSS now before working on other languages. TIA!

    submitted by /u/SoySauceSHA
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    Browser issues

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    I'm developing a site on my local machine using a vagrant box(vccw). Firefox displays it fine, but when I switch to chrome or brave it doesn't seem to want to read my style.css file. I'm making a custom child theme with Divi and Wordpress. Could anyone please offer some insight into this? Is this a certificate issue? If I put my local site to an actual domain I'm guessing these issues will disappear. Am I correct in this assumption? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/eleven8ster
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