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    Saturday, September 21, 2019

    What are the origins of the /me command from e.g. IRC and other systems? Ask Programming

    What are the origins of the /me command from e.g. IRC and other systems? Ask Programming

    What are the origins of the /me command from e.g. IRC and other systems?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    And at least how far back does the /me command go to your personal knowledge otherwise?

    submitted by /u/deadowl
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    script to make excel sheet from buzzsumo?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    so I'm in this research project and it involves analyzing over 200k facebook posts.

    If you don't know what it is, buzzsumo is a platform that searches facebook for all public posts with a certain keyword and makes some statistics for it.

    this is, for example, the facebook post about reddit that has generated the most interactions on facebook, in the last 2 years:https://imgur.com/a/NrZMVvx

    basically what we have to do now is generate a spreadsheet with the links of all the posts for the keyword we've chosen, and it would be best if we could also make the spreadsheet include all the other info buzzsumo shows (likes, shares, comments, interactions, and who posted it).

    my thoughts were to make a script that somehow did this, but the last time I did any programming was in 2014, and it was very basic. I'm a law student and no-one in the project knows how to code. What would be the best way of going about this?

    submitted by /u/crocodilao
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    When I google a phrase in quotes that literally only exists on one post on one obscure forum over the entire internet, how is Google able to find it instantly?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    I saw a screenshot of a forum post I wanted to read. So I googled a phrase that was in that forum post in quotes. Google instantly returned that post. The thing that I googled is literally found only in this one obscure thread on a tiny internet forum. How was google able to do this? I know it has something to do with their spiders, but how does it actually work?

    submitted by /u/natantantan
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    Program in C++ that reads in grades and their corresponding weights

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm having some trouble with my code if someone could help.

    I have to write a program in C++ that reads in grades and their corresponding weights and prints out the following information: 1. Grades entered and their weighting. 2. Average for the student. 3. The letter grade for the student.

    My prof mentioned it's messing up when I have more than one student. I initially did write it for one student and then looped it because logically that plan of action seemed appropriate. However, I am unable to see why it's wrong, if someone could open my eyes thank you


    #include <iostream>

    #include <vector>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    // cout asks for the range

    cout << "How many students?";

    // input goes into the variable, which is stu

    int stu;

    //stu goes into an array

    cin >> stu;

    for ( int i = 0; i <stu; i++)


    //declaring vector of integers called grade

    vector<int> grade;

    vector<float> weight;

    //2nd user input goes into the variable, which is num

    //same as 1st user input

    cout << "Number of Assigments";

    int num;

    cin >> num;

    for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++)


    // Proper way to add elements to a vector


    //3rd user input

    cout << "what is the grade for assigment? "<<i + 1; //adds one

    //float x creates variable to input the grade

    float x;

    //inputs what user inputs into variable float x

    cin >> x;

    //inputs variable into array

    grade[i] = x;


    //4th user input. Same as grade, but for weight

    for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++)



    cout << "what is the weight for assigment?" << i + 1;

    float x;

    cin >> x;

    weight[i] = x;

    weight[i] = weight[i] / 100;

    weight[i] *= grade[i]; //*= multiply and then assign to left

    cout << "weight"<< weight[i] << endl;


    float totalGrade = 0.0;

    for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++)


    totalGrade += weight[i];

    // += add and then assign to left


    cout <<totalGrade << endl;

    //giving out a letter grade

    if ( totalGrade >= 90)


    cout<<"grade = A";


    else if (totalGrade >= 80 && totalGrade < 90)


    cout<<"grade = B";


    else if (totalGrade >= 70 && totalGrade < 80)


    cout <<"grade = C";


    else if (totalGrade >= 60 && totalGrade < 70)


    cout<<"grade = D";


    else if (totalGrade < 60)


    cout<<"grade = F";


    cout<< endl;



    return 0;


    submitted by /u/gud_luk_tny_duk
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    What does well-formed mean in the context of finite state machines?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    Which path/language(s) for best chance to get hired without degree?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    Am I correct to assume that someone without a degree should go for something that is needed by startups / small companies? I guess that would automatically remove C++, Java?

    submitted by /u/hafry
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    Leaderboard for online game - how would you do it?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    I created a quite simple puzzle in JavaScript and I thought the next step could be to implement some kind of leaderboard. Right now it's purely static JavaScript, no backend of any sort!

    I understand a leaderboard will require a lot more. What would be the simplest solution for it?

    I thought about Node.js with one SQLite DB. Players just type their names, free text. I like this because it's simple and I don't need to ask for "sign up".

    submitted by /u/haschdl
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    What is wrong with this if statement? It only outputs zero?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 03:34 PM PDT


    public class Exercise11 { // Start of class

    // This program prompts the user to enter the month and year and displays the number of days in the month:

    public static void main(String[] args) { // Start of method

    // Initializing variables:

    String sInputFromUser = "";

    String sJanuary = "january";

    String sFebuary = "febuary";

    String sMarch = "febuary";

    String sApril = "january";

    String sMay = "febuary";

    String sJune = "febuary";

    String sJuly = "january";

    String sAugust = "febuary";

    String sSeptember = "febuary";

    String sOctober = "january";

    String sNovember = "febuary";

    String sDecember = "febuary";

    String sNiggaember = "nigga";

    final int DAYS_IN_JANUARY = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_FEBUARY = 28;

    final int DAYS_IN_MARCH = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_APRIL = 30;

    final int DAYS_IN_MAY = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_JUNE = 30;

    final int DAYS_IN_JULY = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_AUGUST = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_SEPTEMBER = 30;

    final int DAYS_IN_OCTOBER = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_NOVEMBER = 30;

    final int DAYS_IN_DECEMBER = 31;

    final int DAYS_IN_NIGGAEMBER = 69;

    int nDaysInMonth = 0;

    int nYearEntered = 0;

    // Initializing scanner:

    Scanner shanesScanner = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.println("Please enter a month, and I will tell you how many days are in it: ");

    sInputFromUser = shanesScanner.next();

    System.out.println("Please enter a year: ");

    nYearEntered = shanesScanner.nextInt();

    if (sInputFromUser == "january") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_JANUARY;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "febuary") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_FEBUARY;


    if (sInputFromUser == "march") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_MARCH;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "april") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_APRIL;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "may") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_MAY;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "june") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_JUNE;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "july") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_JULY;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "august") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_AUGUST;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "september") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_SEPTEMBER;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "october") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_OCTOBER;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "november") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_NOVEMBER;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "december") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_DECEMBER;

    } else if (sInputFromUser == "nigga") {

    nDaysInMonth = DAYS_IN_NIGGAEMBER;


    System.out.println(sInputFromUser + " " + nYearEntered + " has " + nDaysInMonth + " days");

    } // End of method

    } // End of class

    submitted by /u/shanebagel
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    How do auto-update applications deal with updates over multiple versions?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    I am currently working on an auto-update application written in C#, which is used for downloading updates and applying those updates to another program as well as updating itself. A question which I've had for some time which is not necessarily a problem right now, but will become one, is how will updates be managed over multiple versions without the size of the update getting overwhelmingly big.

    For example, let's say user A and B are using the auto-update app. User A is currently on version 1.01, although user B is on version 1.09. When version 1.10 is released, user A decides to update his applications and so does user B. Now, so that user A can have the same updates user B has already downloaded, the update needs to include every update which has been released meaning the update needs to include version 1.02, 1.03, 1.04... etc, therefore user B will have to re-download every update he already has installed to update to version 1.10.

    How do auto-update applications handle this? Making a new version text file with each update wouldn't be efficient, so how do popular applications handle updating and releasing those updates without having the update size get very big?

    submitted by /u/RaGeXMe
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    Windows 10 "Save As" application

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    I've got an application I use on Windows 10 that will export configuration data in XLS format. I'm guessing the programmers did this for convenience, but the program can only open the default application registered for xls files on Windows and display the data in it. I've looked, there's no settings in the program to change this behavior. I've set Notepad as the default for xls files to confirm that it's using the Windows default registered app.

    Is there some sort of built in, not exactly designed for end-users application on Windows 10 I can set as the default for these files that will prompt me for a save as location instead?

    submitted by /u/joekovar
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    Finding the average of averages within SQL?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I'm taking a class in SQL as a non-progammer in college, and have been having a rough time with a particular question. The question verbatim is " What is the average of the average rental rate for each movie rating?"

    For a little context, I know how to return the average rental rate for each movie rating, with this code: https://imgur.com/a/8Yi7D7s

    Which returns this: https://imgur.com/a/2UGF9jp

    But I'm completely lost as to how to get the averages of those numbers within the same string of code. I assume it has something to do with a subquery, but my buddy and I have been trying to crack it for a while now and haven't made progress. Not sure if this is the sub for this question or not, but help would be appreciated regardless! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TargaryenTroy
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    What programming language should I learn

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    What programming language should I learn if I've created a database and want someone that doesn't know a thing about programming interact with it ?

    I would like to make that database available both online and offline and accessible through PCs and mobile phones

    What should I learn to do something like that

    submitted by /u/MohamedAmr5069
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    To what extent is do you know about electricity and electrical components of computers?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I guess in a more direct sense my question is

    How much do you know about the electrical components of computers and how much is necessary to be an effective programmer?

    I'm asking this because I want to learn programming but I want to understand the abstractions of it such as how the code is interpreted by the machinery etc. I want to know how much is necessary to effectively do this.

    submitted by /u/AbstractionInThought
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    Why does Scotch Box turn on my microphone when I do vagrant up?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 05:47 AM PDT

    Can you guys test it?

    I am using the latest scotch box via git clone.

    The vagrant up will turn on the microphone.

    In my other boxes this doesn't happen when I vagrant up. Only in Scotch Box.

    I am on Kubuntu 19.04.

    submitted by /u/aeoiuoseia
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    Having issues with Google Maps Javascript SDK

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    I recently tried to create a new Google api key to embed google maps in a website.

    Except the new API key has a quota of 1 daily visit and after that it goes back to the "no apy key" overlay, wanting me to set up billing information.
    Previously created (weeks ago) API keys don't seem to have the same problem, even on the same account.
    Creating a new API key on a whole different account yields the same exact results.

    Were there recently changes to the way the API is billed? Do I have to set up billing?

    submitted by /u/NuttingFerociously
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    What is wrong with my code in excel? I'm so confused as to why it's not working. It's a pretty simple line of code and for some reason it is returning as the "[value_if_false]" in my if-and statement

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:23 PM PDT

    Art Of Exploitation Ed1 vs 2?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 04:44 AM PDT


    I bought Hacking: The Art of Exploitation second hand, and then realized that I'd bought the first edition (2003) rather than the second (2008).

    Is it worth me buying the second edition? What are the main differences between the two?


    submitted by /u/jellywx
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    Given the post-order and in-order traversal of a binary tree, what is the algorithm to construct the binary tree?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    C code will be even more helpful.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/PerryThePlatypus10
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    Need help with Python unit test

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 02:08 AM PDT


    I am a newbie for both Python and AWS Lambda and now I want to write unit test for Zabbix sender aws lambda function to check the code before deployed it to aws. The code as in the link: https://gist.github.com/GedowFather/0f439797373d939235bd

    Can anyone of you guide me how I can write unit test for __pack, __unpack, __request and __check_active, and send function in the code above?
    I know that you may find my question is somewhat stupid :( However, I am newbie, and still have many things that I do not understand. Thank you so much

    submitted by /u/trinhvermouth
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    Is there any open source social media platform ?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 02:02 AM PDT

    What does front end innovation look like?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:11 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title.

    What does bleeding edge, state of the art front end look like? Is there even such a thing? Concepts, concrete examples of web pages. Or is it all just "solve the problem", regardless of what is done?

    submitted by /u/Alarinth
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