• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Steam: Valve is convicted in France for banning the resale of de-materialized games

    Steam: Valve is convicted in France for banning the resale of de-materialized games

    Steam: Valve is convicted in France for banning the resale of de-materialized games

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    Article: https://www.numerama.com/business/549290-steam-valve-est-condamne-en-france-pour-avoir-interdit-la-revente-de-jeux-dematerialises.html

    Translation provided by /u/Shacken-Wan

    The UFC-Que Choisir won a major victory against Valve, the publisher Steam, the largest video game platform on the market. The association has obtained the cancellation of several clauses, including the one prohibiting the possibility of reselling dematerialized games.

    This is the culmination of almost three years of proceedings. And a victory for the UFC-Que Choisir. In a judgment handed down on 17 September by the Paris Regional Court, and relayed by the Next Inpact website, the consumer rights association succeeded in obtaining the annulment of a number of clauses that Valve had imposed on Steam.

    The most significant of these concerns the one that effectively prohibited the resale of dematerialized video games, i.e. products that are not linked to a particular physical medium (a cartridge or a disc for example). In the subscription agreement that Valve drafted for its video game distribution platform, provisions prevent this possibility in principle.

    It is thus declared that the Valve account and the information attached to it "are strictly personal". This applies in particular to subscriptions, which refer to "rights of access and/or use of content and services accessible through Steam". These contents and services include video games, purchased virtual objects, game content, software or updates.

    However, just as it is "not permitted" to sell or invoice or transfer an account's right of use to third parties, neither is it permitted to "sell or invoice the right to use subscriptions or to transfer them". In other words, you cannot resell dematerialized video games, even though you have the possibility to do so when it is a physical product.

    EUROPEAN LAW TO THE RESCUE This is where the High Court comes in.

    The disputed clause (1-C) has been rejected by the French courts, on the basis of European law, via European directives (Directive 2001/29/EC on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society and 2009/24/EC on the legal protection of computer programs), and on the case law of the European Court of Justice.

    These two directives, the court wrote, "prohibit the possible obstacle that copyright protection could constitute by recognizing the principle of exhaustion of the distribution right, which "prohibits", if only by the interplay of contractual provisions [as, here, those set out in the Steam subscription agreement, editor's note], the free movement of goods within the Union. »

    Exhaustion of the right is a principle according to which once a work has been sold with the author's authorization, the author no longer has control over subsequent resales. This allows the second-hand market, as individuals do not need to seek the prior agreement of the author to sell a particular property. However, this provision also applies to legally acquired dematerialized content.

    In 2012, the European Court ruled that a rightful claimant is prohibited from opposing the resale of software. When it is sold, including by downloading, its purchaser is free to resell it: "Such a transaction implies the transfer of the right of ownership of this copy", if, "against payment of a price, a licence agreement[grants] the customer the right to use this copy for an unlimited period".


    However, the court observes that the licence of a game is indeed purchased and not obtained within the framework of a subscription to the subscription of the said game. Indeed, this subscription mentioned by Valve "actually consists of a purchase, the game being made available to the said user for an unlimited period of time. It cannot therefore be a "subscription" - in the usual sense of the term - but the sale of a copy of a video game, made for a price determined in advance and paid in a single instalment by the user. »

    The court went on to explain that the owner of the right in question "may no longer oppose the resale of this copy (or copy) even if the initial purchase is made by downloading". As for the software publisher or his successors in title, it is no longer possible to "object to the resale of this copy or copy, notwithstanding the existence of contractual provisions prohibiting a subsequent transfer. »

    Of course, the court did not ignore the fact that, in the Intellectual Property Code, there is reference to a "material copy" in the case of exhaustion of the right. But for the sake of justice, this wording "must not be assimilated to the sole physical medium of the software, but must be understood as the downloading of the software from the website and its installation on the user's computer. »

    The court thus brandishes another article of the same code, which states that "intangible property is independent of the ownership of the material object", which distinguishes the work from the material object in which the work is incorporated. Moreover, the Court continues, European law "in no way leaves it to the Member States to provide for an exhaustion rule other than that of Community exhaustion. »


    In these circumstances, the disputed clause is "deemed unwritten" because of its unfair and unlawful nature. Valve cannot therefore in principle brandish it to prevent a player from reselling a game, which was then considered "second-hand". Its effects are considered non-existent. The clause will have to be removed and, among the court's decisions, the judgment will have to be posted on Steam for 3 months.

    The entire judgment must therefore be accessible and activatable via the site's home page as well as on those of its tablet and smartphone applications. Valve has one month to comply with this request, from the day of the verdict, otherwise it will be liable to a daily penalty payment of 3,000 euros for each day of delay, up to a maximum of six months. Damages are also planned for the UFC.

    Finally, the Court recalls that all the contractual offers of Valve, although under American law, and its Luxembourg subsidiary Valve SARL, "must be governed by French law when they concern users with a residence on French territory". Which, in theory, should lead Valve to foresee the possibility of being able to resell games on its platform.

    submitted by /u/BornIn95
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    New Report Indicates Top Mobile Games Retain Only 4% Of Players

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    Best place to look for game dev jobs?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:03 AM PDT

    I am final year student of Games Programming and I'm going to graduate in a year (June 2020). I will soon be looking for a job in game dev industry. What are best websites or recruitment agencies to reach out to?

    I am aiming for the North America, favoring Canada. Is indeed and LinkedIn the best place to look at, or are there some specifically dedicated websites to look for a job?

    For example, Poland has a website called skillshot (which i heartily recommend if you want to live and work in Poland), where a lot of studios are posting job offers. Anything like that in Canada, US, or in general in English?

    submitted by /u/kaalins
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    Did someone here worked with Nutaku?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 02:50 AM PDT

    Nutaku is a huge distribution platform for adult (hentai) games. Compared to another similar platforms they are targeting for West, not Japan.

    Have someone published a game on it? What was your impression? Are you a solo indie dev or a company?

    submitted by /u/Grim_Ork
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    Looking for people to casually develop games with

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    Hey my name is Thomas and I'm 21 years old. I started learning Java a year ago as part of my IT apprenticeship and for practice I started programming games. I recently got into game development with Unity and just released my first little game called "Upon the Stars" for free on Windows and Android. It's been a lot of fun, but there's only so much I can do alone in my spare time after work. I'm not that talented in graphic design, and I also cannot produce music. I'd love to work with people as passionate as me on something, even if it were just for fun and not for monetary gain.

    After I finished my last game, I started working on something else. The working title for now is called "SpaceUpgrade", where the gimmick is that you can upgrade everything in the game, starting from the artstyle, to your spaceship, to your cannons and to the enemies. My inspiration is a little flash game I played when I was young where the basic gameplay loop consisted of playing a small spaceship section to earn money to upgrade the game. In the beginning the game looks really bad, has bad sound and there isn't that much happening in game. As the game goes on and you earn coins you start upgrading different parts of the game, like for example your damage, fire rate, but also how the game looks.

    That's just the basic idea, and I have already started programming the core gameplay loop. You can control the spaceship, shoot enemies and collect coins. The problem is, I want the game to start with a retro Atari look, with basic ugly menus, which can be upgraded to 3d models with clean looking models and kick ass music.

    If you are interested in working with me on this game, either with coding, graphics or sound, let me know here and I will add you on Discord. I'm not the best programmer, but I am willing to learn if someone more experienced than me wants to join the team. Like I said I am unable to full time work on this game, because of my full time job, but I usually spent a few hours every day after work on it.

    Thanks for reading :)

    If you're interested in my last game, here's a link to it: https://tomkha.itch.io/upon-the-stars

    submitted by /u/Toamy
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    Free HLSL Shader Tutorial Videos

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    Several years ago I made a series of training videos to teach artists how to write real-time shaders in HLSL. The series starts out with very simple concepts so that someone with no programming experience at all can start right from the beginning and learn to write shaders. Further into the series, I cover more advanced topics such as parallax mapping, global illumination, reflection and refraction, and vertex animation. Everything is explained step by step so it's easy to follow.

    Originally, the videos shipped on 3 DVDs that sold for $60 each. Sales were pretty successful, but the company that sold them went out of business just a short time after the 3rd DVD was released. So I've decided to upload them to YouTube so that everyone can watch them for free! My hope is that they'll help aspiring artists and programmers learn the art of shader creation. Although some of the material is out of date, almost all of the principles taught are still valuable to learn and understand as a foundation to learning to write shaders.

    Here's my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/bcloward

    The series consists of 40 videos. I'll be releasing a new video each weekday starting this week - so if you're interested, be sure to subscribe to the channel and check back often. If I get enough interest, my plan is to start creating new videos that demonstrate more recent shader techniques.

    Let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your feedback!


    submitted by /u/bcloward
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    Isometric TileMap Basics, Godot Tutorial 3.1

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    Stop writing boilerplate! Code faster in Unity with Live Templates (tutorial in comments)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I want to make a simple text based game on a microcontroller and I need help in implementing the game elements.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Hi! I am making a small handheld device for a friend of mine as a present. This device will have all kinds of sensors and peripherals like Display, Touch, WiFi, Bluetooth, Accel+Gyro, etc and the plan is to mix all these things up with a bit of a story and create a sort of a "treasure hunt". It will include puzzles and the user would have to solve them (with interactions in the real world or the internet) to progress through the story and unlock the final reward. The story would be fairly linear without any branching based on choices. The focus is on displaying some text as a "background story" and then waiting for the appropriate solution of the puzzle: like some text input, variation in sensor values, button click sequence, etc.

    Now, I am a student of electronics engineering and I'm fairly experienced in getting the hardware part right. This has to be implemented on the ESP32 microcontroller, and the programming would be in C/C++. What I am confused about is how I should go about implementing the game elements like variables to store the user progress, basic inventory, movement (North, South, East, West) across a small map. All this will be entirely in text. Do I create lots of arrays? Will there be tons of if/else statements?

    I need someone with some understanding of both microcontroller programming and these game elements to sort out my thoughts. Any relevant resource on basic game development would also be helpful!

    submitted by /u/CulturedCandy
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    A Little About Environmental / Level Designer

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 03:25 AM PDT

    Good day! I must immediately warn you, I do not speak English very well. In this post I would like to share with you the experience of working with Envrionment Designer / Level Designer in MMORPG I put the link separately so that you can decide for yourself whether you want to watch or not. If you have questions, I will be happy to answer.



    Environment Design

    submitted by /u/Aerril
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    Gridded pathfinding with objects that take up more than one square? [x-post from Godot, I'll take a solution in any language though!]

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    Both the A* algorithm I've written and the other pathfinding algorithms ive seen assume every moving object only occupies a single grid square. Unfortunately I'm planning on things that could take up 2x2 or even 4x4 or any MxN matrix you could imagine. How could I modify my program to take that into account? Has anyone encountered this before? What would my most pragmatic strategy be?

    submitted by /u/MortimerMcMire
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    Recommendations on which game engine to use

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Hi all, just curious what you guys would suggest which game engine I should use for a 3D action RPG I want to make. I am not super familiar with game development so I know I'll probably need to build myself up to something like that but I was wondering if any engine was better than another for something along these lines so I can focus on learning that software. I've been looking at Godot, unreal, and unity for the time being but would appreciate any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/Dementent
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    Valve (Steam) tags broken?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    Is it me, or the steam tags are broken again? I know they did some upgrades lately.

    submitted by /u/AutoRotate180
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    Starting first job in AAA. Any advice?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so in a few weeks I'll be starting my first full time job in the AAA industry. I'll be doing level design. I have about 4 years experience working with indie teams as well as owning my own indie company. Those with experience in AAA are there any suggestions, warnings, or tips I should know? How different is it from working on a smaller indie team for example.

    submitted by /u/christianled59
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    Play Games Services is ending real-time & turn-based multiplayer APIs

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    Anyone here use Quintus (HTML5 Engine)?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    How would I go about making a first-person dungeon crawler a la TES 1 & 2 or Ultima Underworld?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    I've always thought a first-person dungeon crawler would be a cool game to make, and I've had ideas of how to make it interesting. The idea resurfaced after playing a lot of Ultima Underworld and wondering why, with all the retro throwbacks, there aren't any ones that use this style of graphics, with low-poly dungeons and sprite-art enemies and textures (aside from Ion Maiden, and that was on the BUILD Engine).

    So, I'd like to know, what is a way I could go about making a game like Ultima Underworld or Elder Scrolls 1? It'd have to have free 360 degree movement, have the mouse movable on screen while you walk around, have low-quality sprite-art textures, use 2D Sprites for enemies and items, and I'd love to use FM Synthesis to make music and sound effects.

    My big question is "What engine would I use?" that's the biggest one, but also, what resolution would I need to make the textures to give it that 90's FPS feel? What tools should I use to make the textures and music? Stuff like that. I'd really love an answer. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/0m4r_Dewd
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    How much creative freedom exists in Game Design among the AAA game industry?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    I am a freshman in college majoring in game design and minoring in game programming at Champlain College, I got my tuition down to an extremely cheap price and I want to pursue some degree, but I'm not sure how I will like designing games in the AAA industry. I have two years of rudimentary experience in game development and I definitely enjoy game design much more than the art and programming counterparts. My goal is to create my own games as an indie developer after working among the industry to gain connections and experience. The only issue is that I'm afraid working on large teams among large game companies won't give me any creative freedom for design. Many companies like Sony produce massive amounts of very unique games that I would love to work on, but would I really be in charge of my own creativity or have to follow their idea and make that small piece fun.

    I want to have a little freedom to innovate. I would enjoy designing a system to achieve the companies desired experience, but what I don't want is to feel creatively restricted. I know I will always have a fair amount of restriction, I just don't want to feel locked into finding one exact solution on the project.

    If I have some freedom I think I would really enjoy working among the industry to gain experience, but if not, is it a good idea to maybe switch to another major like Comp Sci and find a more standard job? I could work and create games on the side with the programming knowledge I would accumulate, eventually going full time indie.

    I have previous programming experience and I don't love it, but its not bad. Just unsure about this because I would definitely enjoy design more, but Comp Science jobs are more abundant, higher paying, and I think overall easier to obtain.

    I just wanted some input from those of you working in the game industry, what your experience was, and what advice you could give.

    submitted by /u/juja101
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    What sites do you use for your game's pages?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Should I have a page for my game on Twitter, Reddit, Discord and ItchIo? Is just one of them enough? Or a mix of some of them? What are your experiences.

    submitted by /u/RainyGlow
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    What do you need to know if you want to make it possible for your players to earn money from playing your game?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    There are so many different ways to go about it, and I would suspect that they all are different when it comes to the law.

    Some games for example make their ingame currency a real money currency.. So you buy the ingam currency at some exchange rate, then use that ingame currency as normal for buynig and selling, then you can exchange this ingame currency back to real money and withdraw.

    I think the above system requires very strict and difficult laws to bypass.

    What about games where they simply pay for example $5 to enter a tournament? And then they get money back if they win or rank high.

    I imagine that would be easier to bypass the laws. But there's the thing about gambling.. your game would have to pass some kind of check to not be seen as gambling aka too much luck involved.

    I just think it's so sad that there are so few games that have made it possible to win money. Some games like Dota 2 have only big tournaments a few times per year, but is there even one single game out there that has made it possible so you can just start the game up, join the queue for a real money waged matched (similar to a tournament but its just a few players, one match).

    Like imagine if there was a mode in dota 2 which was similar to ranked mode, except it required you to pay $x to enter the queue. That's it, quick and simple match based matches where you can win some money.

    I really want to see games do that, but why is there not a single game out there like that?

    Which laws is it that is prohibiting it? And how do you get around those laws? What do you need to make this kinda game possible?

    submitted by /u/Menzoberranyr
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    First steps to exploring game design?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:09 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently a sophomore in college and have been thinking I might want to study game design. The thing is I don't know exactly where to start. At the moment I can't take any classes for it this semester, but I want to get a head start at it.

    I don't have any coding experience (but eager to learn if need be). What are some programs/software I should start learning for game design? Any recommendations for videos to watch or any other practices to start to learn game design?

    submitted by /u/AuBirdMan
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    How I learned to make games with no prior coding or gamedev experience. Going from zero coding knowledge, to releasing a game for Android and iOS in two and a half years.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    I recently posted over in r/playmygame about my new game release (check my post history for details). A user in that sub asked me how I learned/what resources I used. I thought I'd share my answer. Hope some of my fellow beginners find this information helpful!

    My learning process started out a bit messy, but I stumbled onto a pretty good process.

    At the beginning, I just downloaded Unity and started following a coding tutorial. This was pretty tough; the tutorial assumed lots of syntactic knowledge or general understanding of C#, and I wasn't getting it - since I'd never coded before, my brain fundamentally disconnected on the basic building blocks of code.

    So from there, I took a step back and began reading about the C# language. I downloaded the C# Programming Yellow Book by Rob Miles (free in PDF form on his website) and started reading in my downtime at work. This really did the trick, Miles has an amazing way of explaining things and the book has an almost comedic beat to it. I'd say within two weeks, I had a pretty good understanding of C# syntax.

    At this point, I returned to the tutorials. I used Catlike Coding, which is Unity specific C# tutorials. I can't stress enough how amazing this website is. My process was to read the tutorials in downtime (again, at work), and allow my brain to passively soak the knowledge. The only "rule" is, I am not allowed to move onto the next section until I fully understand what's going on in the current one. Sometimes, this leads me to dwell on a single paragraph of text in a tutorial for days or weeks. I'm OK with this; each and every time I've gotten past one of these knowledge-bumps, I've come out the other end with a powerful new understanding and tool.

    The final piece of the puzzle was our game. Around the same time I started the Catlike Coding tutorials, I began Space Unknown. It was a very daunting idea at first, but I figured, why not start chipping away at it? At first, I spent days - weeks, sometimes - accomplishing basic things, like movemenet or instantiating bullets. Mostly, I found parts of tutorials which I could copy and modify (only those that gave explicit permission to do so!). This became educational in and of itself. It required me to understand all of the code, since no existing script perfectly suited our needs; modifications required understanding.

    However, it still felt... hackey. I wanted to move away from unoriginal code as quickly as possible, and so I set an explicit goal to rewrite anything I had borrowed. To my surprise, this came pretty easily. Within 6 months of the start of the project, I was writing self-sustained code. I never stopped reading tutorials/educating myself, and much of that information frequently lodges itself in my subconscious and emerges later, but overall, it didn't take as long as you'd think to get to this place.

    TL;DR: Some combination of 3 concurrent tiers- reading about C#, following Unity/C# tutorials, and creating our own project - gave me a pretty good foundational understanding. From there, it's just solving problems as they come up.

    submitted by /u/SpaceCoder87
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    Unity with genymotion?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    I've built my android game but when I run it on genymotion devices the game crashes. It only worked in one virtual device. Can anyone tell me how can I debug this properly?

    submitted by /u/MysteriousPlantain
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    Job Interview advice

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I have a second interview with a company that I love so much. It's pretty much my dream job and they loved me in the first "casual" interview so I'm feeling a little hopeful. However, I've read online that their technical interviews can be incredibly hard and I'm pretty worried about embarrassing myself or just not knowing anything. I emailed to ask if I could get an idea on what topics would be relevant to prepare for and I was told:

    • algorithms

    • vector maths

    • data structures

    • C++ concepts and best practices

    I also saw mentioned online that they often ask about optimisation and the like.

    So my question is: can anyone suggest how to best prepare for this interview knowing these are the areas in which I will be tested? I am a 1st class graduate in computer games programming but don't have much of a background in maths as a stand-alone subject.

    Any advice would be amazing as I really want to do well, this is a job I've wanted since I was little!! ^.^

    Thanks everyone! <3

    submitted by /u/PastelCurlies
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