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    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    [Kotlin] My company have started pushing us to take 1 day "off" work per month, to spend on learning. Need advice on how to spend that day. learn programming

    [Kotlin] My company have started pushing us to take 1 day "off" work per month, to spend on learning. Need advice on how to spend that day. learn programming

    [Kotlin] My company have started pushing us to take 1 day "off" work per month, to spend on learning. Need advice on how to spend that day.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 12:49 PM PDT


    the company I work for recently started a focus on continuous education / learning for us developers. Once a month, we'll get to take the day off provided we spend it on learning (and are prepared to give a brief summary/talk about what we spent that given day learning).

    Personally I am a junior dev, in kotlin / java / sql / spring boot. I mostly use libraries for stuff, and work with integration to a large bss application that already has a very rich api, all we have to do is tie it together to provide a service to fulfill a business usecase for users. Given that, most stuff I do is rather high level, with little to no focus on performance optimizing beyond "eh, that'll suffice". Due to this I never really focus on data structures or algorithms in the work I do, and concurrency is not really something I do either. I may throw in the odd Future.of {} for two tasks that might take a bit of time and can be done in parallell, but it ends there. I'd like this to change, and have more confidence that stuff I build are performance-wise decent.

    Any tips on how to get good use out of these days? Here's a short list of things I know that I don't know much about.

    • Coroutines
    • Generics
      • The whole variance / covariance stuff, in/out.
    • Abstract classes / sealed classes, and inheritance from these.
      • Such as one abstract class with several inner classes, that should have access to both the abstract class and the top level class which the abstract class is contained in.
    • Data structures
      • I'd love to at least know a few things I should strive to do, and not just always default to listOf(), mapOf().
    • Higher order functions, and some concrete problems they can solve (even though they as a concept are abstract by nature).

    Given one day, which one of these topics do you think I should dive into? When it comes to benefit, I think what I'd benefit the most from would be this order:

    Abstract classes -> generics -> data structures -> higher order functions -> coroutines

    Any advice would be great.

    submitted by /u/Alarinth
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    How often is code used where it's just passed down from programmer to programmer where it gets to the point where the people using it don't even know how it works?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    I'm relatively new to programming (took a couple courses in college, nothing much). I was trying to develop some Excel/VBA tools that (among other things) would convert local time to UTC. I was given code by a guy that knows WAY more than me. It worked in one sheet, but when I tried to move it to another sheet, it didn't work. When I asked him about it, he basically said "I don't know how it works, just that it does."

    Is this a common thing?

    submitted by /u/stefonio
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    Learning without internet access and for free

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    Hello together,

    I am a beginner programmer and want to learn more in general. I'm mostly interested in the programming with languages like c, c++ or java not so much in webdevelopment. I have completed a couple of online courses and would say I know the basic concepts, but not more.

    Can you recommend me some resources or things to learn for which I don't need internet and that are free. So it would be nice if I could download something and then do everything without internet.


    submitted by /u/Jan1212L
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    Best way to learn how to program?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Treehouse? YouTube? Books?

    submitted by /u/ezioirl
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    I’ve seen tons of people say “write out your code before actually coding”, as in pseudo code etc. I’ve always wanted to try this approach as I’ve seen people say it has really helped them become way better programmers.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:56 PM PDT

    Can someone please specify how this is usually done? For example if I wanted to make a script that asks a user for their name, and if the user has a B in their name, I want the script to say "you have a B in your name".

    How would the pseudocode or logic writing process look? Also do you always have to write it down on paper or does anybody do in an editor?

    submitted by /u/live_for_the_hunt
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    Should I go through all of freecodecamp?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    So, I want to try a few different types of programming over the next year or 2 before I commit to just one area of it. Just starting out, I've decided to try web development first.

    Now, I'm taking freecodecamp's html lessons, and I plan to learn CSS and Javascript after. But I'm not sure if I should finish freecodecamp and then start making my own stuff, or try making stuff while doing freecodecamp? At what point should I start making my own stuff?

    submitted by /u/ArcticVyper
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    How to buy a domain name instead of renting

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:14 PM PDT

    Apologies for a post that's barely about programming, happy to post somewhere else if there's a better place.

    I'd like to buy a domain name and set up a server with an old computer. Totally understand that there are easier and probably cheaper options.

    One of the things I| haven't found an answer to is how to buy a domain name. Multiple posts reference GoDaddy as a place to buy them but the only option I see in their domain name lookup tool is a yearly rate and includes basic hosting services.

    Would appreciate being pointed to a guide on actually buying and using a domain name.


    submitted by /u/HughKelley
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    Understanding OOP is one thing, How do you think in OOP?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:47 PM PDT

    Let's say a client comes up to me and has a platform that needs to be built.

    It will have users, which will be able to fill in questions, and the system can output those answers in graphs.
    How do you begin to define what classes will this system have? What will go into which class. Is there a way to mentally tackle such projects?

    submitted by /u/pilfton
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    Passing path params in Kong API

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    Hi all, I have an issue with Kong I'm hoping this group could look over. I'm try to take a param out of a URL and put it into the upstream URL. Example:

    Client sends: https://mykongservice/api/{productId}/status

    I want the upstream service to get: /api/items/another_part/{productId}/status

    Right now the rules I have set up are:

    Service: curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8101/services/ --data 'name=itemStatusPage' --data 'url=https://yyy//items/another_part/'

    Route: curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8101/services/itemStatusPage/routes --data-urlencode 'paths=/api/$(uri_captures['item_identification'])'/status

    plugin: curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8101/services/itemStatusPage/plugins --data "name=request-transformer-advanced" --data "config.replace.uri=/api/(?<item\_identification>\d+)/status"

    After I set up all of this and try to hit the end point with a sample ID I get told "no Route matched with those values"

    Can anyone see anything I'm doing wrong or any insight as to how to do this another way?

    submitted by /u/andru183
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    I'm going to be doing a group project using GitHub. Any tips?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    This is my choice. As the person with the most experience programming they are pretty much looking to me for a good portion of the guidance and decision making I guess. I suggested GitHub because I wanted to try some collaboration out. I don't really expect them to touch my code and I won't be touching theirs unless it's absolutely necessary so it's very unlikely I'd have a merge conflict or anything too complex to work around. I want to give this project my best shot and do well. So I'm looking for some git tips for newbies.

    submitted by /u/C0wseed
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    Question about partial function evaluation in OCaml

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    Lets say you have the following function:

    let plusSq x y = x * x + y

    You can pass a single argument to partially evaluate the function:

    let plus3squared = plusSq 3

    So now calling plus3squared(7) will return 16, but how would I write the partially evaluated function if I wanted to only pass the second argument. I.e. how would I have to write to obtain the function plus7 which squares its only argument and adds 7 to it?


    submitted by /u/Unown397
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    How to Scrape Tables (data and hyperlinks) using Python 3 with XPath

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 11:29 PM PDT

    XPath can make scraping very easy -- much better alternative to finding divs/tags/ids/etc.

    Checkout this 6 minute tutorial


    submitted by /u/freeprogclasses
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    Help with code.. can't figure out this error

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    Need a little help with this code. I'm trying to write a program that will give the monthly payment to the user when given the rate (in percentage, so need to convert it to a decimal), Loan amount (LoanAmount) and time in years(n).

    the monthly payment is given by : Payment = (r* LoanAmount)/(1-(1+r)^-n)

    This is the code I wrote for it. When I try to run it however, I'm getting an error: template argument deduction/substitution failed.

    Could someone help me out with this please. It's in c++


    #include <iostream>

    #include <cmath>

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    double payment, LoanAmount, r, n;

    cout<<"enter the Loan amount, rate and time"<< endl;


    r=(r/100.0)/12; // I'm trying to convert the given rate in% to decimal first. Then dividing by 12 to get the monthly rate

    n=n/12.0 // n is initially in years trying to get it for each month;

    payment=(r*LoanAmount)/(1- pow((1+r),-n));


    return 0;


    submitted by /u/CovetousDuke
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    How to do well in programming(coding) assignments given out in Universities?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    Hi, I am taking 2 200 level courses at my university. One is called Systems Programming, which is taught in the C lanaguage, and the other one is called Data Structures, which is taught in Scala Programming Language. I have trouble with the programming assignments that are given. i usually have no idea where to start or how to solve it. Even if I figure out what the problem is asking, I cant even think into translating it into code. It sucks tho because it counts as big part of my grade and I did poorly in two of my assignments given in each class. i was wondering if there are any tips in being successful in these programming assignments because I struggle heavily on them.
    Here's my background in CS. I never had any previous programming experience once I got into the university. When I took one of my 100 level courses, which was taught in python and javascript, it was easy because it taught the basics of programming. Once i got into my 2 200 level classes this semester., i am struggling to understand how to answer these programming assignments. We have teacher assistants in both class, but they are not really good for explaining for beginners and since there's a lot of students coming at them and only few of them, its hard for a very good answer given by them, since they have to get to the students. Please, dont say youre lazy or you're not trying hard enough. i really need advice in doing well in those courses and the future of my CS classes. I am interested in this stuff and want to go into web development or game design, so having a CS degree is a must for me. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/datguy30
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    What are the hurdles to becoming a programmer?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:58 AM PDT

    Most people who program for a living probably think "this isn't too hard, anyone can learn this". To me, this doesn't seem quite right, even though I feel some stuff is easy (and some stuff not so easy).

    So here are some hurdles I see that make learning difficult.

    Teaching yourself

    Most people that post in this subreddit are opting to teach themselves. Why not take a class? Many say they can't afford to take a class, that they already have a job, and they have to support themselves or their family.

    I've met people who found the classroom environment stifling, and can't stand that the course is typically too fast and too boring (and not boring because it's easy, but boring because the teacher isn't making the material exciting).

    But, the big problem you run into teaching yourself is motivation as well as direction. Not only do you have to spend the hours needed to learn the material, but you need to be doing it in a reasonable way. For example, some people prefer to read and watch videos but never code at all, as if they're afraid to fail. They just want to listen, but this is like trying to learn to play the piano or play basketball by watching a video.


    We think we're all equally motivated, but we're not. Motivation is hard. Some people have the energy to come home from a long day of work, and still study. Others don't. Even those that don't work at all might find it difficult to study when playing video games, say, or hanging out with friends, is more entertaining. Or some people are depressed, and motivation is always a challenge, even to do basic things.


    I'm basically repeating what I said earlier, but even if you do have motivation, if you're teaching yourself, then you have to decide what to learn. One reason people go to school or college is because other people set the direction (and pace) for them. Grades serve as motivation (as does money spent).

    Mastering the details

    When you learn about programming, you need to have a mental model of what is happening. What does an assignment statement do? What happens in a function call? How are function call arguments evaluated? What is pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference?

    And that's just the details of how the language works (which books tend to cover). This is like learning grammar to a foreign language. It doesn't tell you how to write a program. Imagine you were in a foreign language writing class, but it spent the whole time teaching grammar, and not much time teaching character development, plot development, story arc, and so forth. This is often how programming courses are taught. You cover syntax, but not how to program, how to think about programming.


    Most programming beginners find it hard to debug. Part of this is learning a mental model of how computation works, and being able to inspect values as the program proceeds. The old-fashioned way is to print values out. Debuggers are the preferred way. Books don't seem to cover the topic much, and yet, early on, debugging is that skill you need to find what's going on with your program.

    As you encounter bugs and fix them, possibly the same kinds of bugs over and over, you begin to check for common problems, and resolve them before they really become an issue again.

    Some opt to learn about how to test their code (preferably via unit tests) early on, which allows bugs to be found much sooner. Others prefer to debug after they write.

    Lack of mentorship/resources

    While this subreddit can answer questions, quite often, beginners ask pretty vague questions, and posts are usually more about being frustrated and not being cut out to program. It's tough when you're stuck, and there isn't someone to help you.

    If you're in college taking CS courses, you can ask the professor, TAs, friends, etc. for help, and maybe all those sources of explanations would help. But when you're teaching yourself, then you need the capability of solving these problems yourself. Sometimes, having a particular background helps. If you were a STEM major, but somehow avoided programming, or in a PhD program, your ability to problem solve might make it easier.


    While we see inspiring stories of those that taught themselves programming in a year and have a job, it does seem to be rare. People give themselves a few months to learn what college students take four years to learn, and without the same resources. I've met people I felt could learn programming, who seemed methodical and bright, but have decided they don't want to learn programming, and they're not cut out for it (also, they're uninterested). This can be frustrating to someone that understands programming and thinks everyone should learn it.

    In any case, if you do find programming difficult, partly, it's because it is. There's not a single a-ha moment that lets you learn things instantly. It's a bit like picking up a foreign language. You need practice, but beyond that, you need to have a reasonably accurate idea of what the programming language is doing (although you'd be surprised that some people can program that don't have a strong idea of what the language is doing--they are just following patterns they've seen work before).

    submitted by /u/CodeTinkerer
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    How to create new URL using javascript?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    Hello. I was wondering how to create brand new urls using javascript. For example. everytime I would have someone go to game.example.com, it would auto redirect to game.example.com/id=897918. (The id of course being random) Thanks.

    submitted by /u/TheGameGuy55
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    How to write a chrome extension that uses a Python class?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:32 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have never used Python, JS, or written a chrome extension before, so this is all fairly new to me.

    My goal is to have a chrome extension that pulls data from one website, then displays that data on another website. I found a class on GitHub that does exactly what I need, but it's written in Python.

    Should I write the extension in JS or Python? Should I write a wrapper for the class in JS? How do I go about doing whatever it is I should do?

    submitted by /u/CoarseCriminal
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    Self Learning Computer Science using available class materials online

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:28 PM PDT

    A few years ago around 2012 I came around a guy named Scott Young who did a challenge of completing the MIT EECS curriculum in 12 months using free materials available on MIT OCW. He followed up really good during the challenge. But after the challenge was over I do not know what he did with the knowledge. Although it is a different context altogether my assumption is it is possible if you want to do it.

    Now my question is whether anybody else here has tried something like that or something similar to that using contents from a wide variety of materials available now from a lot of universities like CMU, Berkeley, Stanford etc to learn computer science solely through self study. If so, can you kindly share your plan and study habits you followed?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/dsengupta16
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    Which of these certificates would you recommend?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:36 PM PDT


    Here's a link to the 3 different certificates offered by my school. I don't have any prior experience and I'm in my 20's so I thought I'd catch up as much as I could while also being able to prove it to potential employers/customers. I'll enroll in other courses online after completion, so if you have any recommendations please leave them below as well.

    submitted by /u/Cyka_me_ur_Blyat
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    What Language should I learn for Desktop Application?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I'm completely new to programming but i'm willing to learn programming for desktop application. as year 2019 right now, what language should I learn for desktop application at the same time this for my career.
    Thank you so much if you can help me on this and help me to pick the right language should I learn.

    My laptop is Window 10

    submitted by /u/Abe020791
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    Is Polymorphism basically dynamic binding in java? If not, then what is it? (Java)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 10:17 PM PDT

    I see some sites define polymorphism as dynamic binding, and some sites say how there is compile time and run time polymorphism. What is polymorphism exactly then?

    Also if I do car x = new BMW();

    is x a car type or BMW type? Let's say BMW class extends car class, and why?

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    [Java] How come the compiler doesn't want me to compare strings with == yet it still lets me?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Why are you supposed to use .equals instead of ==?

    submitted by /u/BulkTill230
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    Hourly Rate for my first contract (UK)??

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    I 'm a year into my career change journey, teaching myself data analysis from scratch and I've been asked to do some work for my 'part time job' company after creating some basic tools to help automate some of their processes. These initial tools were made off my own back, just me just looking for practice projects and helping my manger out.

    I code in python and after meeting with the head office we have a list of projects they would like me to work on and have gone away to work out what to prioritise first. Can anyone offer any advice on how I should go about negotiating my compensation? Should I charge hourly or daily - and how many hours should i include in a day for example?

    Company has revenue of over 4m and is young and growing with HO in London. I actually live else where in the UK and will be working remotely.

    Having been working at one of their sites for a few months I have good domain knowledge and a real understanding of their business and their needs.

    Work involves querying the APIs of their booking and rota platforms, doing some calculations, setting up a web dashboard for each of their sites and some data visualisation. I feel confident i can provide this for them, albeit a little slower than a seasoned pro. Any advice would be much appreciated.

    I don't have a lot of experience and this would be my first client so I'm kind of winging it and they know that - to a point.

    submitted by /u/jungle_is_massive
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    What is the benefit of containerization? What is Kubernetes?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    We went over Docker in class and I understand how it works, but I don't understand why it is useful. Do people deploy applications in containers? Why is that beneficial?

    How does Kubernetes fit into this? Everything I read about it is filled to the brim with buzzwords and jargon. I can't seem to find a clear answer. My best understanding is that it helps to manage a large amount of containerized applications. Is that correct at all?


    submitted by /u/akxdev
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