• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 26, 2019

    JetBrains Academy has several interesting projects for people who want to learn programming. learn programming

    JetBrains Academy has several interesting projects for people who want to learn programming. learn programming

    JetBrains Academy has several interesting projects for people who want to learn programming.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    The JetBrains Academy has a projects based approach to learning how to program(which is often the most recommended way to learn-programming by people on this sub). And the projects are tiered to meet your skill level from easy, medium, hard to nightmare, people who learned Java through Mooc.fi may feel right at home, as the projects are entirely text based. I cannot speak to the quality for the content though as I have just started, but so far so good.

    edit: grammar

    submitted by /u/qna1
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    Struggling at uni

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:55 PM PDT

    tl;dr: Confident when it comes to theoretical aspects of computer science, maths, algorithms+data structs etc, but feeling absolutely hopeless when it comes to having to build something with real-world technologies.

    So I'm halfway through my undergrad degree, I've been doing well so far, getting top grades in all the subjects listed above. However I really struggled in my web-dev course last semester, and now again this semester in my mobile-dev course I am having similar problems.

    Taking this mobile-dev subject as an example, we've been taught the basic concepts of building an app in android, and we are now tasked with building a small app that could reasonably be useful for students on campus. I'm finding I just hit brick wall after brick wall trying to read documentation for libraries, or figuring out how to piece building blocks together. Every step of the way I seem to have to dig through countless blog posts, tutorials, youtube videos to have the faintest idea how to make my app do X Y or Z. And then after reading them, I still have no idea what to do. I feel like I'm spending hours trying to decipher documentation and 5% of my time tentatively writing some code based on what I've read, only to find it doesn't work. I have barely gotten anywhere while my classmates seem to effortlessly put together functional code. I am having to skip classes for my other subjects so I can put time into this assignment.

    This experience is really making me doubt the viability of pursuing this career path, because I suspect being good at writing command-line programs and having a handle on nifty recursion tricks and sorting algorithms will mean nothing if I do not have the ability to quickly learn third-party technologies and apply them, which seems to be the most important thing. Obviously this is something that I can get better at over time, however I have talked to my lecturers, and they say the scope of the assignments they set for us are set under the assumption that we are complete beginners. If this is true, then is the fact that I am struggling so much a sign that I'm just not cut out for this?

    submitted by /u/strgls
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    Anyone know where I can find fake social media databases for a project?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:56 PM PDT

    I'd like to make a social media clone but can't because I'm unable to find any databases that match my requirements.

    submitted by /u/riddickuser
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    How do you deal with feeling dumb or being demotivated?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    That feeling when you realise someone had a better solution than you or when you realise your forgot to assign a value to the var.....how do you get over it?

    submitted by /u/JustAMozzarellaStick
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    C++ Tutorials for someone who already knows C

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    Hey so in my data structures class we had this dialogue with our teacher

    Teacher - you guys already know Python and C right?

    Class - everyone mumbles yes

    Teacher - So ive got good news and bad news. Good news is you guys will be learning C++ to apply what we learn here. Bad news is you'll be learning it by yourself.

    I plan on getting the class book our teacher recommend tomorrow but I would like to also find other resources as well to complement it. Just about all tutorials that I could find are either for people who have just figured that Python is snake as well as a language OR for people who were born with the knowledge of constructs and classes. Oh, or good resources are way to outdated.

    Does anyone have any recommendations? Maybe a certain book, video chanel, or project that helped you.

    submitted by /u/AslanSutu
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    Makefiles and Dynamic Library

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:06 PM PDT

    Hi, I learnt about static and dynamic libraries from the following link: http://cs-fundamentals.com/c-programming/static-and-dynamic-linking-in-c.php

    Now, I tried to learn about Makefiles and using the procedure given above for making a static library, I could successfully build a static library using a Makefile.

    However, I failed when it came to Dynamic Library. This is what I did:

    1) cubefunc.h contains a single line declaring a cube function.

    2) cube.c contains the defintion of the above function.

    3) arith.c is the driver program which hash includes cubefunc.h with angular brackets and prints cube of 5.

    4) In the Makefile, this is what I typed:

    cube.o: cube.c

     gcc -Wall -fPIC -c cube.c 

    libcubefunc.so: cube.o

     gcc -shared -o libcubefunc.so cube.o sudo cp libcubefunc.so /usr/lib sudo cp cubefunc.h /usr/include cd /usr/lib; sudo ldconfig cd /pathtoworkingdirectory 

    arith.o: arith.c

     gcc -c arith.c 

    arith: arith.o libcubefunc.so

     gcc -o arith arith.o libcubefunc.so 

    However, this just gives an error that arith.c can't find the header file. I am guessing the problem is I can't copy or move directories in make? If that is the case, how can I implement the dynamic libraries the way the website does using Makefiles?

    submitted by /u/gravenberchre-vision
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    Dynamic Array of Objects in a class

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:01 PM PDT

    I would like to create a temporary Book object and make a copy into a dynamically allocated array of Book Objects in Inventory. I cannot use strings or vectors.

    Essentially every Book object I create will need to find it's way into the Inventory class object. Below is my code that currently works, but I feel it could be better. My concerns and questions are:

    1) Lines 9, 40, 41,42: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings

    2) Is there a better way to set information than what I have in line 45? This was the only way I could get it to work but I'm not exactly sure why it works.

    3) When working with multiple classes - is it better to define the lowest class first and work up or try to set things using the highest class. My thinking is the highest class or level (not really sure what it is, I'm new clearly) as I think starting from the lowest will cause a greater potential for memory leaks.

    Thank you in advance!

    1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 class Book{ 5 char *book = new char[10]; 6 int units; 7 public: 8 Book(){ 9 book = {"Wrong"}; 10 units = 0; 11 } 12 Book(char *a, int b){ 13 book = a; 14 units = b; 15 } 16 void printall(){ 17 cout << book << "\t" << units; 18 } 19 }; 20 21 class Inventory{ 22 Book *all; 23 public: 24 Inventory(int a){ 25 all = new Book[a]; 26 } 27 void setElement(int a, Book b){ 28 all[a] = b; 29 } 30 void print(int b){ 31 all[b].printall(); 32 } 33 }; 34 35 int main() { 36 37 Inventory list(3); 38 list.print(1); 39 40 char *n1 = {"Test1"}; 41 char *n2 = {"Test2"}; 42 char *n3 = {"Test3"}; 43 44 Book Temp(n1, 5); 45 list.setElement(1, Temp); 46 list.print(1); 47 return 0; 48 } 
    submitted by /u/chalala87
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    Serious Question.... How often does your answer occur to you while you are explaining your issue???

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    It literally just happened to me again while typing a new post in this sub.

    Now as a self-taught SWE, before I came here (or Reddit in general for CS things) or went to another co-worker SWE (in another country) with my issues. I'd start explaining the problem with example code and halfway to end of my explanation the answer hits me smack in the face and I can't delete my email quick enough.

    Just now.... I was about to ask a question regarding C++ and RAII surrounding an issue I was having with my own project and towards the end of me reworking my problem into a more generic one it dawned on me what I was doing wrong.

    Question: How often does that happen to you, either self-learning, in school, or in your career? Is it as common as I hope it is? Part of me is happy that I talked it out in my mind and figured out what I was missing. The other half is glad I stopped because I worry what the other person/community would think of my lack of knowledge.

    submitted by /u/antistaticCharge
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    Learning Python via Dataquest, and the exercise is telling me that my variables are undefined. I thought I defined them in lines 1 and 2, so how did I mess up?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:23 PM PDT


    • Assign the integer 10 to a variable named variable_1.
    • Assign the float 2.5 to a variable named variable_2.
    • Update the value of variable_1 by adding the float 6.5 to its current value. You can use the += operator.
    • Update the value of variable_2 by multiplying its current value by the integer 2. You can use the *= operator.
    • Display variable_1 and variable_2 using print().

    Here's the code I used:

    variable_1 = 10 variable_2 = 2.5 variable_1 = variable_1 += 6.5 variable_2 = variable_2 *= 2 print(variable_1) print(variable_2) 
    • Running your code caused an error.
    • variable_1 isn't defined in your code, but we expected it to be float type
    • variable_2 isn't defined in your code, but we expected it to be float type
    submitted by /u/SweetBearCub
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    Issues saving to file on Python

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    I made a post earlier having where I had an issue saving some data into a .NPY file, however, unfortunately, no one was able to answer it. A TLDR for that post is: I'm collecting twitter data to train a model (using python). I can extract to CSV no problem however I need it to be .npy format (for what I'm trying to do that's the only way). When I save the data as .npy, it only stores the last tweet as opposed to all of them - leading me to believe it's an issue with the way I'm saving. I've tried many alternatives but was unable to figure it out. If anyone is able to answer that first post that would be ideal.

    Having no luck with that thus far, I'm trying my second option, convert the CSV file which I can make into an NPY file however I'm not sure how to do so. Any help is appreciated, or ideas on how I can get my data to be saved in this .npy format. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MrMegaGamerz
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    C++: When I try to print out an array, the terminal spits out some combination of "0x7ffeeb4beae0"... Why?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    I use CLion and I make an array and fill it with different words - But when I try to compile and run it, the terminal doesn't print out what I stored in the array but some version of "0x7ffeeb4beae0" - Anyone know why?

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    How can I spend less time solving problems caused by "simple" syntax and naming bugs?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    I do most of my programming at work in python on a VM so I don't have access to an IDE. I'm learning vim.

    A lot of the times I have problems in my code like missing parenthesis, mispellings, or I copied some code but didn't delete the missing lines with extra assignments, or otherwise missed a name. I spend a lot of time rerunning code and I bet my productivity could be close to doubled if I didn't make any of these errors.

    At home I use Pycharm and it is able to detect a lot of my errors.

    Any thoughts on what I could do to avoid or fix these? When programming I spend a lot of time trying to get the big picture correct, writing lots of psuedocode and design documents, but I find it pretty aversive to do the detail oriented nitpicking. Is going over the code with a fine toothed comb before running or after typing every line what I need to do?

    submitted by /u/my_coding_account
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    C++ Issues my with constructor?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    Im using Tectia g++ to write my program and everything I try to link and compile my functions file with my main.cpp file I get this error code:

    In constructor âTemperature::Temperature(double, char)â:

    I am not sure what I am missing and what is causing this compiling error. This is probably effecting my other line of codes because of this compiler error (hopefully because of this). I am not sure what to do to fix it. Any tips will be appreciated. I will provide three different files of code. One for my classes, one for my functions definitions and one for the sample main. I also use the command "g++ -o test sample.cpp temperature.cpp" to link and compile my files.

    TEMPERATURE.H (Class file):

    class Temperature
    double degree;
    char scale;
    char format;
    Temperature(double deg, char sc);
    void Input();
    void Show() const;
    bool Set(double deg, char s);
    double GetDegrees() const;
    char GetScale() const;
    bool SetFormat(char f) ;
    bool Convert(char sc) ;
    int Compare(const Temperature& d) const;

    TEMPERATURE.CPP (Functions definitions file) :


    using namespace std;

    degree = 0;
    scale = 'C';
    format = 'D';
    Temperature::Temperature(double deg, char s)
    format = 'D';
    // check for valid scale input
    if (!(s == 'F' || s == 'K' || s == 'C' || s == 'f' || s == 'k' || s == 'c'))
    cout << "\nInvalid scale" ;
    degree = 0.0;
    scale = 'C';
    // check if scale is fehrenheit
    if (s == 'F' || s=='f')
    // conversion of fehrenheit to celsius then celsius to kelvin
    double in_kalvin = ((deg - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
    // if input is not valid degree value
    if (in_kalvin < 0.0)
    cout << "\nThis is below 0 Kelvin" ;
    degree = 0;
    scale = 'C';
    degree = deg;
    //comversion to capital letter
    if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
    scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
    else scale = s;
    // check if scale is kelvin and degree is invalid
    // or scale is celsius and degree is less than -273.155 which is less than 0 in kelvin
    if (((s == 'K' || s=='k') && deg < 0) || ((s == 'C'|| s=='c') && deg < -273.15))
    cout << "\nThis is below 0 Kelvin";
    degree = 0;
    scale = 'C';
    degree = deg;
    //comversion to capital letter
    if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
    scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
    else scale = s;
    void Temperature::Input()
    double deg;
    char s;
    bool flag = 1; // check for not valid input
    while (flag)
    cout << "\nPlease provide temperature: ";
    cin >> deg >> s;
    // check for valid scale input
    if (!(s == 'F' || s == 'K' || s == 'C' || s == 'f' || s == 'k' || s == 'c'))
    cout << "Invalid scale in Temprature, please try again ";
    // check if scale is fehrenheit
    if (s == 'F' || s == 'f')
    // conversion of fehrenheit to celsius then celsius to kelvin
    double in_kalvin = ((deg - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
    // if input is not valid degree value
    if (in_kalvin < 0.0)
    cout << "Invalid degree in Temprature, please try again";
    degree = deg;
    //comversion to capital letter
    if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
    scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
    else scale = s;
    flag = 0;
    // check if scale is kelvin and degree is invalid
    // or scale is celsius and degree is less than -273.155 which is less than 0 in kelvin
    if (((s == 'K' || s == 'k') && deg < 0) || ((s == 'C' || s == 'c') && deg < -273.15))
    cout << "Invalid degree in Temprature, please try again";
    degree = deg;
    //comversion to capital letter
    if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
    scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
    else scale = s;
    flag = 0;

    // print temprature also tested getter member function
    void Temperature::Show() const
    if (format == 'D')
    cout << GetDegrees() << " " << GetScale() ;
    else if (format == 'L')
    string sc; // creating full name string
    if (GetScale() == 'C') sc = "Celsius";
    else if (GetScale() == 'F') sc = "Fahrenheit";
    else sc = "Kelvin";
    cout << GetDegrees() << " " << sc ;
    cout << fixed<<setprecision(1) << GetDegrees() << " " << GetScale() ; } } // set degree and scale if valid bool Temperature::Set(double deg, char s) { // check for valid scale input if (!(s == 'F' || s == 'K' || s == 'C' || s == 'f' || s == 'k' || s == 'c')) { return false; } else { // check if scale is fehrenheit if (s == 'F' || s == 'f') { // conversion of fehrenheit to celsius then celsius to kelvin double in\_kalvin = ((deg - 32) \* 5) / 9.0 + 273.15; // if input is not valid degree value if (in\_kalvin < 0.0) { return false; } else { degree = deg; //comversion to capital letter if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
    scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
    else scale = s;
    return true;
    // check if scale is kelvin and degree is invalid
    // or scale is celsius and degree is less than -273.155 which is less than 0 in kelvin
    else if (((s == 'K' || s == 'k') && deg < 0) || ((s == 'C' || s == 'c') && deg < -273.15))
    return false;
    degree = deg;
    //comversion to capital letter
    if (s >= 'a' && s <= 'z')
    scale = s - 'a' + 'A';
    else scale = s;
    return true;
    // return degree of tempreture
    double Temperature::GetDegrees() const
    return degree;
    // return scale of tempreture
    char Temperature::GetScale() const
    return scale;
    // update format if input is valid format
    bool Temperature::SetFormat(char f)
    //check if valid formate is input
    if (f == 'D' || f == 'P' || f == 'L')
    format = f;
    return true;
    //check if valid formate is input in small letter if allowed
    if (f == 'd' || f == 'p' || f == 'l')
    format = f -'a' + 'A';
    return false;
    // not valid input
    return false;
    bool Temperature::Convert(char sc)
    char c_sc = sc; // convert to capital scale
    if (sc >= 'a' && sc <= 'z') c_sc = sc - 'a' + 'A';

    // check for valid scale input ( capital or small letter)
    if (!(c_sc == 'F' || c_sc == 'K' || c_sc == 'C' ))
    return false;
    // convert degree accordint to present scale and required scale
    if (c_sc == 'F' && scale == 'C')
    degree = ((degree * 9) / 5.0) + 32;
    else if (c_sc == 'F' && scale == 'K')
    // first conversion to celsius then converted to fehrenheit
    degree = (((degree-273.15) * 9) / 5.0) + 32;
    else if (c_sc == 'C' && scale == 'F')
    degree = ((degree - 32) * 5) / 9.0;
    else if (c_sc == 'C' && scale == 'K')
    degree = degree - 273.15;
    else if (c_sc == 'K' && scale == 'F')
    // first converted to celsius than converted to kelvin
    degree = ((degree - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
    else if (c_sc == 'K' && scale == 'C')
    degree = degree + 273.15;
    //update scale and return true;
    scale = c_sc;
    return true;
    // compare degree to calling object and input object
    int Temperature::Compare(const Temperature& d) const
    double degr_d = d.GetDegrees();
    char scale_d = d.GetScale();
    // if scale of d is not matching with calling object
    // convert degree to same scale locally;
    if (scale == 'C' && scale_d == 'F')
    degr_d = ((degr_d - 32) * 5) / 9.0;
    else if (scale == 'C' && scale_d == 'K')
    degr_d = degr_d - 273.15;
    else if (scale == 'F' && scale_d == 'C')
    degr_d = ((degr_d *9)/5.0) + 32;
    else if (scale == 'F' && scale_d == 'K')
    // first convert to celsius then to fehrenhit
    degr_d = (((degr_d - 273.15) * 9) / 5.0) + 32;
    else if (scale == 'K' && scale_d == 'F')
    // first convert to celsius then to kelvin
    degr_d = ((degr_d - 32) * 5) / 9.0 + 273.15;
    else if (scale == 'K' && scale_d == 'C')
    degr_d = degr_d + 273.15;

    // if calling object is having higher degree
    if (degree > degr_d) return 1;
    // if calling object is having less degree
    if (degree < degr_d) return -1;
    // both are having same tempraturee
    return 0;

    SAMPLE FILE (Main to test our functions):

    #include <iostream>
    #include "temperature.h"

    using namespace std;

    int main()
    Temperature t1; // should default to 0 Celsius
    Temperature t2(34.5, 'F'); // should init to 34.5 Fahrenheit
    Temperature t3(-5, 'K'); // invalid degree in kalvin
    Temperature t4(-274, 'C'); // invalid degree in calsius
    Temperature t5(10, 'T'); // invalid scale;

    // display temprature to the screen
    cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";
    cout << "\nTemperature t2 is: ";
    cout << "\nTemperature t3 is: ";
    cout << "\nTemperature t4 is: ";
    cout << "\nTemperature t5 is: ";

    t1.Input(); // Allow user to enter a temperature for t1
    cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";

    t1.SetFormat('L'); // change format of t1 to "Long" format
    cout << "\nTemperature t1 is: ";

    t2.SetFormat('P'); // change format of t2 to "presicion-1" format
    cout << "\nTemperature t2 is: ";

    bool t3_set = t3.Set(45, 'c'); // set temperatur of t3
    if (t3_set)cout << "\nSuccessfully set temperature of t3";
    else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to set temperature of t3";
    cout << "\nTemperature t4 is: ";

    bool t4_set = t4.Set(45, 't'); // failed to set temperature
    if (t4_set)cout << "\nSuccessfully set temperature of t4";
    else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to set temperature of t4";
    cout << "\nTemperature t5 is: ";

    bool t5_convert = t5.Convert('K'); // convert t5 to kelvin
    if (t5_convert)cout << "\nSuccessfully convert temperature of t5";
    else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to convert temperature of t5";
    cout << "\nTemperature t5 is: ";

    bool t4_convert = t4.Convert('p'); // failed convert of t4
    if (t4_convert)cout << "\nSuccessfully convert temperature of t4";
    else cout << "\nUnsuccessfully to convert temperature of t4";
    cout << "\nTemperature t4 is: ";

    int t1_t2 = t1.Compare(t2);
    if (t1_t2 == 1) cout << "\nTemperature t1 is greater than temperature t2";
    else if (t1_t2 == -1 )cout << "\nTemperature t2 is greater than temperature t1";
    else cout << "\nBoth temperature t1 and t2 are equal";

    // and so on. Add your own tests to fully test the class'
    // functionality.
    cout << "\n";
    return 0;

    submitted by /u/toro228
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    [c#] So I created a video where I squeeze a chunk of knowledge into 15 minutes...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    I think it may be useful for anybody who wants to start their journey into world of programming in c#.

    It will act as a introduction to a course I will be publishing soon on my channel.

    Any feedback is appreciated!

    Here is the link:


    submitted by /u/ian_j_burr
    [link] [comments]

    Which text editor should I get for my mac?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    I just started a coding class and we are using the c language. I have a mac and I downloaded x code as my c compiler. Which text editor should I get?

    submitted by /u/weeeeeeeiiiieee
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    How do I read an imported xsd file from my xsd file in my application?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Hello, I have a main xsd file called 'AFRDeclaration' which imports two other xsd files called 'common' and 'common_declaration' which looks like this:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="[http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema](http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema)" xmlns:cm="urn:cl:schema:common" xmlns:cd="urn:cl:schema:common\_dec" >

    <xs:import namespace="urn:cl:schema:common" schemaLocation="common.xsd"/>

    <xs:import namespace="urn:cl:schema:common\_dec" schemaLocation="common\_declaration.xsd"/>

    <xs:element name="AFRDeclaration" >


    Since I am using VB .net I am loading this XSD file using


    Dim xmlStream as StreamReader = New StreamReader(Application.StartupPath.ToString() + "\XSD\AFRDeclaration.xsd")



    But its unable to read the 'common' and 'common_dec' xsd files and gives me the following error

    System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: 'Type'urn:cl:schema:common_dec:ContainerNumber' is not declared'

    ContainerNumber is a field in the common_dec xsd file. Since the the main 'AFRDeclaration' file links to the 'common_dec' and 'common' xsd files. How do I read those files through the 'AFRDeclaration' file?

    submitted by /u/sawatdeeman
    [link] [comments]

    How hard is it to deploy a MERN application to gcloud? and other questions about deploying.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    Hi I'm a newbie here who's currently creating a MERN application that utilises mongoDB and a few cloud technologies like google big query.

    If I want to deploy my MERN application on gcloud how difficult will it be? Is it possible that my application works when I run it locally but not when deployed? How isolated is deployment process (are there things that could get in the way of deploying?)

    What's the usual approach people take when writing an application with intention to deploy it? Do they deploy it often (like say everytime a functionality is added) or do they deploy once when the application is completed?

    submitted by /u/baboon322
    [link] [comments]

    [C++] What's the difference between a linked list representation of a disjoint set and a regular linked list?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    Is a linked list representation of a disjoint set just a regular linked list where none of the values are identical? Can they be though of as different ways to implement a linked list or are they completely separate and its a disjoint set using a linked list? How can I go about implementing it?

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
    [link] [comments]

    How can I convert CSV to Numpy?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:49 PM PDT

    I made a post earlier having where I had an issue saving some data into a .NPY file, however, unfortunately, no one was able to answer it. A TLDR for that post is: I'm collecting twitter data to train a model (using python). I can extract to CSV no problem however I need it to be .npy format (for what I'm trying to do that's the only way). When I save the data as .npy, it only stores the last tweet as opposed to all of them - leading me to believe it's an issue with the way I'm saving. I've tried many alternatives but was unable to figure it out. If anyone is able to answer that first post that would be ideal.

    Having no luck with that thus far, I'm trying my second option, convert the CSV file which I can make into an NPY file however I'm not sure how to do so. Any help is appreciated, or ideas on how I can get my data to be saved in this .npy format. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/MrMegaGamerz
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    Is there a point in learning C++ at which you don’t have libraries problems ?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    So, I'm quite young, I'm pretty familiar with programming and I code in different languages. I like python, for it's simplicity, but I really like the idea of the C++, being low-level and many other reasons, but each time I want to make a program in C++ that requires a library, I start linking the library to my compiler etc. And I always get some kind of linker/compiler error, and I get tired of it.

    So, I wanted to know if even after years of experience, it is still a big problem or not, and if not, what advice would you give me ?

    I hope that's clear

    Info : I use windows/msvc/visual studio code

    Thank you !

    submitted by /u/Alexandre1213
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    How are the class's setter methods able to modify the datafields of a class if Java is pass by value

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    I come from a C++ background, so I might be mixing things up. I learned how mutator/setter methods in the class definition edit the value of the data fields. I always have been doing this, but I had this thought of how is this even possible in Java if it is passed by value. Will the changes inside the mutators not die after their scope end. How do they actually end up editing the object?

    submitted by /u/wildguy57
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    Turn R Project Into Stand-alone App?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to the programming world. I've known some basic html/JavaScript and could hack my way through some code to fix things or add a basic features.

    I'm starting to get more proficient in R and have actually made some great progress on a specific script in the past few weeks. I'm to the point of having a functional project, and nearly ready to share through our 3rd party app.

    My main question is, can R code be integrated into a standalone program/app? Keep in mind I have very little knowledge of how to build apps with a GUI. I'm thinking something super basic with a few input boxes. I guess I want an executable that anyone could run, regardless of programming knowledge or having the correct R packages installed. How difficult would this be? After some googling and stack Overflow, I'm not finding much on the topic.


    submitted by /u/mtmtb
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    From end versus back end.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    TL;DR: trying to pick between learning python or front end web development (HTML, CSS, java script)

    Hey everyone! Feel free to pile on here. I work full time at an accounting and audit firm. I've been trying on and off to learn coding for years. I'm trying to use eventually working in tech as a motivator to really get after it this time. Every website and friend I ask mentions python as great for beginners. You can do lots with it. I studied economics in college so I have some experience with R and Stata so the data application of python seems like a natural transition. I started Tim Buchalka's class on udemy and found it a little slow (I know learning basics of anything can be tedious) I jumped on FreeCodeCamp and have been plugging away at the HTML and CSS stuff (I did a little of that on code academy a few years back) and find I'm more engaged with those lessons. I also like being able to see the more obvious changes from the code like fonts and colors. All this to ask, are there any advantages or reasons to study back end versus front end or vice versa? Is one more sought after than the other? Any advice would be largely appreciated! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/KyloBen414
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    Ways to learn other than self-teaching?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 03:36 AM PDT

    I am sure I am not the only person in this boat here, but I struggle with learning with things without some strict, ordered regiment.

    Before you say that programming may not be for me, I hope you understand that people learn differently.

    I'd prefer to sit in a class with a teacher showing and explaining everything. That's not possible for me because I am living abroad and I wouldn't have the money.

    What are the top resources to become efficient in programming (any language) that has a strict, ordered regiment that you can complete from start to finish?

    For me, it's always the uncertainty. Like, "okay, I know this now, but what do I do next?"

    It's just difficult to get started and stay on a strict path.

    As an example of something that has a well-defined regiment is something like Duolingo. Now, it may not be the best tool to become proficient in speaking a foreign language, but they provide a fantastic system.

    submitted by /u/Ohuma
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