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    Friday, September 20, 2019

    Is this is a good route to becoming a software developer? Ask Programming

    Is this is a good route to becoming a software developer? Ask Programming

    Is this is a good route to becoming a software developer?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    My brother would like to become a software developer but for various reasons cannot go to uni right now for a CS degree. I did some searching around and decided to recommend him the following pathway to become a reasonably well rounded programmer that will be qualified for any junior dev role. However, I would still like some further feedback and extra advice/ recommendations as well:

    1: He did the A+ Certificate (to get a general understanding of how computers, and some networks work)

    2: Two programming courses in Java (the second one teaching OO software engineering concepts and a very brief dive into design patterns, I might also get him to try and solve the basic and some intermediate algorithms from freecodeCamp in whatever language he likes just to further increase his problem solving)

    3: A programming course in C (to get some understanding about low lvl concepts that other languages abstract away like pointers, and memory allocation, etc.)

    4: "Intro to Computer Science with Android" book by Hamzeh Roumani (to get familiar with android programming and build some projects to show off to employers)

    5: "The Complete 2019 Web Dev Bootcamp" by Angela Yu (goes really deep into front and backend web dev and teaches him html, css, javascript, node, sql, git & using terminal, etc.)

    6: Coursera - Princeton's two Algorithms & data structures courses or an equivalent

    7: Solve at least 100 questions in LeetCode

    Bonus: Perhaps Harvards CS50, the SICP book, discrete maths, and a linux sys admin course later on if he's interested in further knowledge

    My question is would this pathway prepare him well as a developer, and give him enough solid fundamentals to compete with the other applicants that are CS/ bootcamp, etc. grads? Or would you recommend some other resources as well?

    I realize this pathway could take around 2-3 years to follow and my brother is willing to spend the time

    submitted by /u/throw_a_way_2019_
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    What's my next step?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    I'm a CS student and have just finished my first year. We've had courses in Python, Java, C and C++. I've taken a look at tutorials online and I get the impression that the material in said university courses covers much more material, so I don't think I have anything to look for there.

    My question is, what do I do now? Is there a different place to learn from? Do I think up a project? I'd love to learn more about Python and C++ but I wouldn't know where to look.

    submitted by /u/CrumblingAway
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    Language for learning ML

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    I am really interested in learning about Machine Learning. I was wondering if there's a specific language that is used for Machine Learning? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/dwight12345
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    How do you get more involved into the world of computer science?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    A little bit of info about me.. I'm going into my third year on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. As my module I chose computer science.This year I had to choose a mentor for some undergraduate projects. The guy I chose works in cryptology and evolutionary programming.

    I'm kinda lazy, often studying in full panic mode 5 days before an exam, but there was one semester when I stuck with a routine and got 2 perfect grades (in fields of algorithms and data structures and computer architecture). I often fall into the instant gratification trap, of playing video games and generally slacking off. The most important thing is that I never did any individual projects, everything I worked on was closely related to the courses which I took.

    I'm looking for suggestions on how to expand my knowledge in areas not necessarily related to my college. Basically I'd like to know what I need to know as an upcoming computer scientist. What area of mathematics should I explore, how to get started with Linux (I'm mostly on Windows), git and everything of the sorts. Your stories might also prove to be helpful.

    I'm not sure if the information provided is sufficient, so any suggestions about the post are also welcome. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ludibog
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    How are apps able to give phone numbers without a SIM card?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 06:35 PM PDT

    So apps that give you a second phone number, like "2nd Line" or "Line2" or whatever; how are they able to give you phone numbers without a SIM card? How did they program those apps to run like that and give you a number that anyone can call you at? These apps use wifi for talk and text but can receive calls and send calls to people regardless if they have wifi or not. How does that work? Would it be difficult for someone with no experience to develop a similar app to this?

    submitted by /u/mrjammy
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    How does string.Compare() work in C#?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    I have a very basic school assignment where the user enters a capital letter and we want to output the ASCII value of said letter, but I'm running into a problem for the cases when a capital letter isn't put in, specifically when checking if a lowercase letter is entered. I'm using string.Compare() to check the values, but it's returning unexpected values, and I'm not sure if I'm using it wrong or if I'm going about this the wrong way.

    My full code is at the bottom, but I used if (string.Compare(txtValue, "A") >= 0 && string.Compare(txtValue, "Z") <= 0) to detect a capital letter, where txtValue is the contents of the text box. This works fine for capital letters, and anything between "A" and "Z" returns true, as it should. When I check for lowercase letters and enter "b", I get string.Compare("b", "A") = 1 as expected. but then string.Compare("b", "Z") = -1, so the if statement returns true and the code puts "90" into the answer label. This happens for any lowercase letter except "a". When I enter "a", I get string.Compare("a", "A") = -1 and string.Compare("a", "Z") = -1, both of which are also unexpected.

    The way I interpreted string.Compare(string1, string2) was that it takes the ASCII value of string1 minus the ASCII value of string 2 and returns -1/0/1, so ("b", "Z") would be 98-90 which should return 1, and ("a", "A") would be 97-65, also returning 1, but both of these return -1. Am I interpreting this the wrong way, or is there something wrong with my code?

    A couple notes: the teacher only wants us to use stuff that's been covered in the book so far, so string.Compare() is all we have for something like this, and since we haven't gotten to arrays or anything more complex yet, we only have if-else-if statements for each letter, so that part of the code is pretty inefficient.

    (Please let me know if this isn't the right subreddit for a question like this. I wasn't really sure, but couldn't find anything else)

    if (string.Compare(txtValue, "A") >= 0 && string.Compare(txtValue, "Z") <= 0)
    // txtConvert letter is within the acceptable range
    // Convert the letter into its corresponding ASCII value
    if (txtValue == "A")
    lblAnswerBox.Text = "65";
    else if (txtValue == "B")
    lblAnswerBox.Text = "66";
    lblAnswerBox.Text = "90";
    if (string.Compare(txtValue, "a") >= 0 && string.Compare(txtValue, "z") <= 0)
    // txtConvert doesn't hold a capital letter
    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a capital letter in the text box.");
    txtConvert.Text = "";
    lblAnswerBox.Text = "";
    // txtConvert doesn't hold a letter
    MessageBox.Show("A letter was not entered into the text box. Please enter a capital letter into the text box.");
    txtConvert.Text = "";
    lblAnswerBox.Text = "";

    submitted by /u/spybloom
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    How to get the result in gray rectangle programmatically

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    Hey, so while googling i noticed something, that sometimes a "definitive" answer may show up in a grey rectangle, like this i was wondering if im able to programmatically fetch it (and also what it is called). Thanks.

    submitted by /u/xMont4hdaRx
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    Not sure if this is the right subreddit, but I need to make a script that connects to a VPN and then connects to a printer at the host so that an assistant can print from different locations. We use Cisco Meraki VPN's.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    If you need more info please ask. Not sure where to start thank you

    submitted by /u/greent714
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    Spotify API with OAuth2 and Electron JS

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to create a simple web app using Electron JS and integrate Spotify's API to show the track that is being played by an account. I have followed the guide/documentation from both Spotify and the developer of Spotify Web API JS to a T. I am able to authorize the account and get my access token using Node, but I don't know how to do this using Electron, and what's more, I have no idea how to integrate that authorization into my app to pull the info using the API.

    Does anyone have any sort of exposure that could be relevant to this?

    submitted by /u/ipooaftercoffee
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    What’s a good self-hosted blogging and website platform?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    I've been blogging for years in medium, but there are a couple of things that I don't love about it. Primarily that I am not the host of my own articles and they could do what they want (and code formatting on medium leaves a lot to be desired).

    I'm looking for a self-hosted blogging and website platform. Something that I can put my blog posts on, but also have other sections too (maybe an about me, etc).

    What's an easy to use solution that looks good? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/chillysurfer
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    Could someone point me in the right direction on how to approach this

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    I have this compare.py file which takes 2 files as input and produces an output file which has the file content differences.

    I call it with

    Python compare.py f1_baseline.csv f1_regression.csv f1_output.csv

    Python compare.py f2_baseline.csv f2_regression.csv f2_output.csv

    Sometimes I need to compare hundreds of files so I don't want to manually call that command 1 by 1 by changing the input parameters each time.

    I'm wondering how I can automate this. I was thinking of grabbing all the file names in the current directory and storing them, but I'm not sure how to substitute them in a way that the f1's will be in a command, the f2's in the next...and so on. Thanks

    submitted by /u/jason4776892
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    How was Plankalkül made?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Title says it all

    submitted by /u/TheRealTengri
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    Functional analysts, did you ever encounter a small technical issue that made you do you research again, from scratch?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    I'm wondering if functional analysts need a firm grasp of ALL underlying technologies or not.

    submitted by /u/AlsoInteresting
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    Confused about how to structure an API

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    Say I have this database collection "Products", and I want to expose an API that lets people get stuff from the database. Suppose I can't change the actual structure of the database (as in what columns exist, and their types)

    SAMPLE TABLE: Products

    productId(int) name(string) supplierId(int)
    1 Laptop 3
    3 Couch 3
    5 Car 2

    Now I need to be able to do the following:

    1. List all the products
    2. List a single product, given productId
    3. List all products by a given supplier with supplierId

    So I thought I might start with having /api/products being the base route, with a GET to /api/products giving me all the products, and a GET to /api/products/:productId giving a single product. I have no idea how I'd implement 3) though.

    There's basically two ways I would consider this. The first would be to use query strings along with logic in the endpoint to return different things based on what I provided in the query string. This seems like it would be hard for others to understand because the behaviour can drastically change depending on what the query string is.

    The second would be to add in /api/suppliers/:supplierId/products. Now the id that I use in the API request relates to some primary key of a database table (assuming I have a suppliers table). The problem is, this to me implies that a supplier "owns" a product, when that's not necessarily true.

    What's the best way to approach this?

    submitted by /u/Synthetically
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    Do I need math?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    So I just started studying Applied informatics, but I can't do maths...

    Ive been told I didnt need them and I really struggle at python currently. I am in future going to have aswell Java, .NET, C# and co. Will this be a major issue? Do I really need math for all others aswell?

    Hope someone can help me out. Best regards

    submitted by /u/EverythingTakenM8
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    HTML needs math?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    So I'm wondering as I'm on the early stages of studying HTML

    Does it require any maths?

    submitted by /u/EverythingTakenM8
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    I'm starting a C++ module at University on Monday. Do you have any good resources for me to binge over the weekend?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    I completed a C module last year with good grades, so I'm not starting from nothing, but I'd like to give myself a bit of a bump start. I prefer video content but anything is good. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Mustard_Dimension
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    Best language to work with excel data - still VBA?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 12:32 AM PDT


    i am looking for a way to work with a daily growing excel-file where the user interactively compares cells. The normal vlookup isn't enough considering the complexity of the table and options.

    So i am asking wether VBA is the best option to work with excel data. Maybe there are other languages/tools that are better suited or have more benefits in the long term.


    submitted by /u/haj0
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    Can every programming language be converted into any other programming language?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:22 PM PDT

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