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    Sunday, September 22, 2019

    I would like to work as a freelancer on sites like fiverr and upwork: but how can I do it if everyone is looking for the top sellers? web developers

    I would like to work as a freelancer on sites like fiverr and upwork: but how can I do it if everyone is looking for the top sellers? web developers

    I would like to work as a freelancer on sites like fiverr and upwork: but how can I do it if everyone is looking for the top sellers?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:35 PM PDT

    The beginning is always the hardest, I know it!

    I would like to work as a freelancer on sites like Fiverr and Upwork for example or even some remote job.

    But the problem is: I confess I don't know where to start, the clients of these sites are only looking for better reputable professionals.

    Where and how do beginners get into this game, where only veterans seem to reign absolute?

    I wonder: how can I start if everyone is looking for the top sellers?

    I know when they started they had no reputation. But the mystery remains: how to start from scratch?

    submitted by /u/robson_muniz
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    [OC] Most common HTML elements on the front pages of top 500 websites

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    If a company wants to hire me to make a website, and I do not own a company, and do not have the money to hire a lawyer, what can I do to cover myself legally?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    My girlfriend's sister has someone inquiring about me making a website for them.

    This would be my first time developing for a client and my first time being paid to code. I'm not currently making enough money to cover living expenses and I've been going into debt as a result. I've also been searching for about a year for my first web development job, but I have not been successful.

    I want to take this job so that I can pay off some of the debt I've accrued as well as get real world experience developing for a client that I can add to my resume. I'm not sure what all I can/need to do to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

    I'm not expecting specific legal advice because I know it varies by location (I'm in Maryland, USA). I'm more-so looking for what steps I should take to get this figured out given my financial situation. Can anyone offer some advice?

    submitted by /u/Searingarrow
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    Super simple kids game I created last weekend. It's inspired by Stardew Valley and Monty Python. Don't forget to turn on the sound! Source code in the top right corner of the app.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    Random Meal Generator

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    I wrote a new article in which I explained how I created a Random Meal Generator for the #100Days100Projects challenge using a public API.

    You'll learn how to access the data from the API and how to populate the HTML with it.

    Check it out here.

    I hope you enjoy it! 😇

    submitted by /u/FlorinPop17
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    Logistics of a personal, self hosted e-mail server?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm an aspiring web developer. I got myself a domain and a VPS for learning purposes. I figured it would be cool and practical to host an e-mail server on my VPS. I turned to Google and it was a bit overwhelming. I'm looking for a solution where i can send and receive (from [example@mydomain.com](mailto:example@mydomain.com)) and store e-mails, then use something like Outlook or Thunderbird to manage my e-mails. So i guess i need a SMTP, pop3 and an imap server.

    Server is running Ubuntu 18 LTS. I got Nginx working with https, and plan to eventually use that nginx server as a https proxy that can redirect to different projects that will be dockerized. Or something like that.

    Anyone know where i should start? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/sebbosh
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    Migrating 2 custom e-commerce sites to 1 SHOPIFY site. Best redirect practices?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    Hey so I'm combining 2 sites into 1 and I'm wondering if it's a better idea to use 1 primary domain and redirect the 2nd to the primary OR if I should just add the 2 separate domains to the single Shopify store.

    The old sites were so disorganized so I'm not going to worry too much about redirecting individual URLs, especially because the old pages don't exactly match up to any of the new pages. I guess I'm ok with old links hitting a 404 on the new site, but I want to preserve as much link juice as possible.

    submitted by /u/pastor-raised
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    [HELP] Help me find some open source software - Need to implement live stream

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Quick background:

    I've recently implemented 1:1 video chat using SimplePeer on client to relieve me of all the webrtc stuff and on the serve I'm using coturn.

    This works great, both of them were almost plug-and-play, just some minimal config necessary. Now I want to make another page in the website where you can broadcast / watch a live stream. Initially I thought I could achieve this with SimplePeer/coturn but after some reading I found out it was not scalable at all.

    I've began searching and found Kurento and Mediasoup to install as a media server.

    My problem with Mediasoup is that the docs are terrible. Kurento does have a thorough documentation but I find it very hard to read and understand. Also, the big problem (imho) with both of them is that they both come with js clients. I really want a server that runs on a port where I can connect via normal webrtc js setup (as a broadcaster and as a viewer) - basically just like I would connect 1:1, essentially is the same thing -> broadcaster 1:1 with the server, viewer 1:1 with the server.

    Can you guys help me and give me some other open source media servers with good clear docs and without any js client of their own?

    submitted by /u/capraruioan
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    Structuring HTML for a sticky footer with a call to action?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm on my phone, sorry for copy pasted links. On mobile, sites like udemy (https://www.udemy.com/course/real-estate-investment-analysis/) and airbnb (https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/362873?pdpReferrer=30&source=p2) have Calls To Action in sticky footers.

    If I wanted to replicate this design in a manner that is keyboard accessible, where do y'all think that element should live in the HTML? My instinct is to place it near the title as opposed to near the footer. I'd imagine we want the user to land on this prior to, for example, accordions or other buttons lower on the page. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/MR_Weiner
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    [Showoff Saturday] Made an IMDb Chrome extension for Netflix.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    Hamburger menu or nav bar

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    I'm creating a portfolio website. Right now I have a hamburger menu but am veering more towards either a side or top nav bar and only showing the hamburger on mobile. I have been reading about a lot of hate for the hamburger!

    Any thoughts either way?

    submitted by /u/pixel8dmess
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    mobile problem

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:35 PM PDT


    on the home page, the right margin is to far off. solution?

    submitted by /u/mitch1618
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    How do you learn what you need to learn to make development easier?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    For example, in order to test the backend REST APIs I built, I was literally writing the front end and testing it manually through there. Which made developing my first web app unnecessarily long, until I just recently discovered Postman for testing endpoints. Which cut the time for developing a backend API from weeks to just days. How to discover more tools or techniques that a beginner might be ignorant in?

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Are Inkscape & GIMP viable alternatives for web developers/designers to Adobe photoshop and illustrator?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    Just want to know everyone's opinion on this, i want to know if its worth the time investment or not and want to get some opinions first hand. Its the only thing stopping me from using dedicated linux on my workstation.

    submitted by /u/superpanzer93
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    Help with resources for learning a webdev stack.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Hello there!

    This is probably going to be a wall of text so if you're not interested in my rambling you can find a TLDR further down.

    So I'm about to make a website that after thinking and planning it for a little bit I just know is going to be a massive project for someone of my skill level (read kinda know html, css and js). I somewhat understand the requirements for the project and through that came up with a stack I want to learn and then implement to the best of my ability. That said it's not like I know any of these technologies besides superficial research on what would work best for my projects (looking at pros/cons with different things and my own preference).

    So the plan is to use docker and build a MongodB, Node.js, NGINX, React and Less stack for the website. I haven't really ironed out all the details yet but basically what I want is some resources/tutorials, maybe random smaller projects I could do to get more familliar with the technologies before I try to take on my own project. The reason I'm turning to reddit is that a lot of the tutorials I have found so far only encompasses a single part or two (ex, mongodb and nodejs) of this and I'm not great at understanding documentation..

    Well understanding is so-so but I don't retain any of the information ( or very little) since it uses a lot of technical language that is a bit over my head right now.


    TL;DR: I'd like help with finding smaller projects to do where I can utilize Docker, MongoDB, Node.js, Nginx, React and Less since I have problems retaining information from documentation and would like to use this for my project.

    submitted by /u/Gatreh
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    Should i build a modal type of image gallery from scratch or use something like lightbox or a framework like bootstrap?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    I'm building a website for a small business with an image gallery of their projects. Is it hard to build it with just vanilla css and javascript? Something like a modal light box gallery. I noticed all the tutorials on YouTube use light box or bootstrap. And can't really find anything on building it with vanilla. Is it because it takes a lot?

    Would I save myself more time if I just used bootstrap or lighthouse? Although I want to improve my js skills to show employers. Thanks

    submitted by /u/kobejordan1
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    Logistics of submitting a form to another site from my server

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    I am toying around with a side project that deals with booking flights and other travel accommodations. One question I have is how can I submit a form to another airlines website, i.e. American Airlines, from my server? The reason for this question is that I would like to bring the ticketing portion into my website and not have to link customers out to the airline's website similar to how http://skiplagged.com does it.

    One question I do have is why do the airline websites let skiplagged send data directly to their forms/servers? Seems like it would be really easy to block requests coming from skiplagged's IP addresses.

    My desired flow is such: user finds flight on my site -> they enter passenger information on my site-> my site sends passenger data to my server -> my server makes a request back to the airline's specific website with passenger data to book the ticket. This is purely a prototype type of thing so for now I don't need to worry about doing this at scale.

    I've poked around airline websites and it looks like for the most part the ticketing process is just a form url encoded submission. It seems like my server will just have to make the REST request back to the airline's URL containing the ticketing data.

    Anything I'm overlooking here? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/THE_Bleeding_Frog
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    Working method struggles; accepting advice.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    My classes just started and there's a couple things on my mind.

    1- Whether you're working or studying aswell, what's the best way of managing the hassle of moving projects between school computers and my desktop at home so I can keep working on them? I feel like that's going to affect productivity and just be annoying overall.

    I'm aware of the usefulness of a laptop but money is tight, sadly it really isn't an option right now.

    2- Like everyone else, I started with HTML and CSS, then I got around to learn Bootstrap and Sass. In my opinion, it was a somewhat fast and enjoyable learning process but since those are the basics, how different/harder will the process be in comparison when I now move into JavaScript, C#, php, etc.

    I guess that's all, I had a couple more things that I was stressing about but I can't remember them now, I'd appreciate any advice, thank you. Sorry for the wall of text.

    submitted by /u/LockerPT
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    What exactly does an independent web hoster do?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    I am a web developer in training and I wait tables to pay the bills right now. The other night I had guest who told me they worked remotely and were able to travel the world at will. I asked what he did and he said "web hosting". Unfortunately we were busy and I was not able to talk with him in detail about what he does, but he did mention he works mostly with C as a language. This kind of confused me. I thought he would say something like Node, Python or JAVA; which made me realize maybe I don't understand exactly what it means to web host. Also why would someone pay an independent person like this to host their website when there are plenty of safe solutions like GoDaddy and others?

    submitted by /u/billy-g-pops
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    E-Shop website

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 11:50 AM PDT

    Hello, what are some free resources in creating a professional web store? And how to host it?

    submitted by /u/Apoellaka
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    Animate navbar-brand logo using bootstrap

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Hey r/webdev,

    I´m very new to bootstrap and I encountered an issue I simply cannot solve after few hours:
    My goal: Get a border-animation of the navbar-brand logo of my project working.
    The animation can be found here: https://codepen.io/Rplus/pen/lEDBj
    HTML code: https://paste.ofcode.org/jY6258ubitVSAcqVfh7xvu

    I first tried to wrap the navbar-brand part in a simple <div class="bb"></div> which (obviously after trying this) did not work.
    However I tried to replace the .bb in the examples css code with .navbar-brand to add those properties but this also didn´t work.

    However, I noticed that when I tried to remove the position:absolute property or change it to lets say relative, the animation stops working, altough I was able to set the image to the right position.

    Can someone enlight me and say WHY this is the case and how to fix this?
    Or are there other ways to animate the navbar-brand?

    I´m thankful for every hint/idea/solution.

    Many thanks in advance ;)

    submitted by /u/IntelliJent404
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    What is wp-sanitize.min.js and XSS vulnerability mean for URL ending in /wp-sanitize.min.js ??

    Posted: 22 Sep 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    A friend received an email about this, asked me for help.

    Does anyone know what it is and what is necessary to fix it?

    submitted by /u/anonym00xx
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