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    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Finding a job after learning programming - My story learn programming

    Finding a job after learning programming - My story learn programming

    Finding a job after learning programming - My story

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit!

    I've been a long time lurker of this post and thought that I'd share my story of how I landed my first co-op job as a software developer after struggling for a few months. I'm in university which is probably different from a lot of you guys but you might still find my post somewhat useful.

    When I was applying for jobs, I was applying using University of Toronto's PEY system as a CS major. PEY is a program where you work at one company for 12-16 months either after your second year or third year. It's supposed to build strong relations with your employer if you go this route instead of the traditional 4 month co-op and is better but tbh I'm not sure how true that is. Feel free to comment below if you agree or disagree with it and if you have any comments about it.

    I had a terrible GPA (~2.5ish) so I wasn't aiming too high in terms of companies to work at already (I blank out on tests which count for like 60% of your grade in a course). I honestly thought I wouldn't get hired at all or get a job I hated. I was conscious about my GPA and chose not to include my transcript if it wasn't specifically asked for it. Luckily for me I knew that would be the case and made a few small side projects (A small chrome extension, a program to keep track of my grades, etc). By the time I got a job position, I had submitted ~70 resumes, got 4 interviews and 1 offer which I accepted. It took me around 3-4 months to get a job offer while being a full time student.

    If this post gets enough traction, I'll talk about each interview I got in detail but for now I'll give a few things you guys might find helpful.

    1) Every interview I had asked me to talk more about my side projects. (What did you learn, what was the hardest part, etc). Didn't get a single question about my GPA. The most interesting project to them was my chrome extension (which didn't do anything super useful lol)

    2) 3 out of the 4 interviews asked me very basic questions and had very little coding involved. I could answer them using only what I learned from my side projects

    3) Every interview wanted to know how experienced I was using some version control software (I had used git so it wasn't a problem for me)

    4) A lot of advice I see given is to tailor your resume to each job position. Although I agree generally quality > quantity, everyone I know who got a job early with good pay and who currently like it all "carpet bombed" their resumes. This one girl I knew submitted 100+ resumes in the first week and had an offer ready by the third week with a terrible GPA (but also some really cool side projects and a great resume)

    5) Take a deep breath before the interview. Don't freak out. Pretend the interviewers are people who would love you on their team and you're proving them why they're right. On my first interview I started shaking so much the interviewers probably noticed and I couldn't stop it no matter what.

    In the end, I ended with a job paying $25/hour for 37.5 hours a week. Commute is hell (~1.5 hour/way) but its for 11 more months and my first job so I'm still happy with it.

    My experience isn't the same as a lot of you guys who aren't majoring in CS but I think based off my experience, you'll learn a lot and have something to show on a resume if you create a project and learn more "advanced" programming using it (It might be better to learn basic programming another way but that's just my $0.02). Following along with some free university courses online might also help you learn the things that will help you land a job.

    Overall, it's challenging but not impossible and once you get a job, you'll look back on your time interviewing and learn your own tips for creating a resume and interviewing.

    Good luck :)

    submitted by /u/appleeye56
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    Quick question about scanf and fgets

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    printf("Search for Artist: "); char artist[100]; scanf("%s", artist); //scanf("%[^\n]s", artist); //fgets(artist, 100, stdin); 

    //when I run this only the first scanf works, the other two never prompts the user to enter anything. What am I doing wrong? I don't care whether I use scanf or fgets, I just need to be able to get a string with spaces.

    Edit: figured it out, thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/arepotatoesreal
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    Should I go to college?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:23 PM PDT

    Hello, my name is Diego and I'm from Brazil, I'm actually already in college, I'm currently enrolled in a course that it's pretty similar to Computer Science, it's Bachelor in Information Systems, translating directly from Portuguese. My college is the best of my country for computer science related areas, it's free, and I'm still not sure if I'm doing the right choice by spending 4.5 years in it. I'm currently working as a web developer (3 years already, started with 16), and I've just started college (not even 2 months ago), but I feel like I'm learning a lot of useless stuff and wasting time, what is your opinion about this?

    submitted by /u/diegoviniciusit
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    Problems with switch

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:37 AM PDT

    Hi, i recently started learning C through a course in my university. I have a problem where everytime i enter a case the default case gets printed even though i enter another case first. Also i am trying to implement so that if i enter 'q' in case e it exits that specific case and runs the whole "switch" again, but when i tried doing that it exits the whole while and switch. Help:))


    submitted by /u/Bj4rn3n
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    How to make a structural change in a big spaghetti project?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    Hello, I have started my first job about a month ago and things are alright. However, the project I was given (The guy that wrote the program left, so I do everything related to that project) is written poorly and it takes forever to understand the flow of the program. Maybe it feels like that because I am inexperienced but I ask "Why??" so many times... (slight rant)

    It uses sockets and they are naturally harder to understand and thing are all over the place but this is another level.

    How should I start to make this code base better? I feel like whenever I do want to make a slight change, everything falls apart or I need to change million other things.

    So far I renamed some methods to represent what they do better and created some functions for repeated logic.

    How does one make a structural change in a project that is this entagled and big?


    submitted by /u/TELL_ME_A_COMPLIMENT
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    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:12 AM PDT


    i need some help with some coding, this is a school assignment where i have to design a score board using html.

    i have the scoreboard working with goals and points, but i am stuck on trying to figure out how to get a total of the 2 and get it to show up next to them. on line 58-61 is where i have tried to do this but nothing happened

    1 goal = 6 points

    so say if i had 2 goals 5 points it would need to do a sum of 12 + 5

    submitted by /u/alianperception
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    NodeJS on an Apache host?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    I have a shared host with the LAMP stack where a Wordpress back end will be hosted. I was curious if I could also configue Env variables on that host for a static React.js script, which I believe requires a Node.js environment.

    I suspect this isn't possible and if so I can put the React.js script on Netlify but am open to any interesting alternatives, thanks.

    submitted by /u/javascript_dev
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    Connecting a desktop app to a mobile app/website and vice versa ?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:02 PM PDT

    So I'm planning on creating a mobile app which will allow multiple users to create their own personal accounts and message each other one to one.

    Now this mobile app will have a desktop version and I'd like them to share the same data(user data, message data, etc) and UI, like how you can use Discord on PC and be presented with the exact same thing on mobile? In the most basic form, how is this done?

    I'm a beginner so I'm guessing something to do with API's?

    submitted by /u/JotakuTM
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    android challenges for learning.

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:38 AM PDT

    can anyone recommend a challenge/book that would be a good undertaking for beginner android studio learner? as someone who is a few months into android app dev learning how download and using google maps and media players. what possible app can be built as a challenge to solidify foundation?

    submitted by /u/ShadowFang_32
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    [Javascript][Firebase] What occurs when I use document.write to write data from Firestore to my html page?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    I've been learning Firebase for about 3 months now but I've mainly used it with Android. I've recently tried creating a website that simply displays data from a collection in a (hopefully nice looking) table.

    I am able to write the data to the table with the code below but it does not seem to follow any of the CSS rules I have set up for how tables should be displayed.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", event => { const app = firebase.app(); const db = firebase.firestore(); const myPost = db.collection('payments') myPost.get().then((snapshot) => { document.write('<table style="width:100%">') document.write('<tr>') document.write('<th> Date </th>') document.write('<th> Overtime Amount </th>') document.write('<th> Timestamp </th>') document.write('<th> Total Overtime </th>') document.write('</tr>') snapshot.docs.forEach(doc => { console.log(doc) var data = doc.data() document.write('<tr align="center">') document.write('<td>' + data.date + '</td>') document.write('<td>' + data.overtime_amount + '</td>') document.write('<td>' + data.timestamp + '</td>') document.write('<td>' + data.total_overtime + '</td>') document.write('</tr>') }) document.write('</table>') }) }) 
    submitted by /u/Fhy40
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    Read a binary file and print its values in hex in C?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    How do I do it? I do know that you have to use fopen and fread. I don't know what kind of "buffer" to make and how to print out the values in hex. When I do hexdump file on the terminal I do get to see the content though.

    submitted by /u/imhotok
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    Need advice about making a simple application for my work

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:52 PM PDT

    Hi! Not sure if I am in the right forum for this kind of question but I will give it a shot.

    I work in a warehouse where we drive trucks and I am in charge of managing them. I need to make an application of some sort to a desktop PC where an employee can enter their id, do a couple of checklists about the truck and be able to write an optional comment about it.

    Lets I have 40 trucks and an employee wants to have truck number 27. I want to be able to view that data with a timestamp in a list on another page. So I can see how many trucks are in use and send to my boss.

    Right now we have an app that another employee whom has left the company was in charge of and I have no way of administrering it since we've added quite a few new trucks.

    So I want to make something new basically. My question is what plattform should I use?


    submitted by /u/stenbroder
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    Very new to VBS and having issues with multiple if statements

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    At work, my company uses a vbs script as a login script. Said script already uses a users domain groups to determine which additional scripts to run.

    We are trying to group memberships to make it so that if a user is a member of any of these groups, a specific script will run but if a member is a user of more than one of the groups, we don't want the script to attempt to run multiple times.

    Based on what I have read, there is an an option for OR statements, so I tried to utilize that with IF statements but received the error "Expected then" at the first portion of the OR statement.

    Example of the segment of the code I tried:

    If InGroup("Group1")

    OR InGroup("Group2")

    OR InGroup("Group3")

    OR InGroup("Group4")

    OR InGroup("Group5")

    OR InGroup("Group6")

    OR InGroup("Group7")

    OR InGroup("Group8")


    Shell.Run(strNetLogon & "ActionScript.vbs")

    Is there any way to accomplish this cleanly?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/perfectcell770
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    ELI5: State Machines

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    Anyone able to ELI5. Is it an actual type of server, or programmed representation of a "machine"?

    I've done some reading and have gathered that upon having arrived at a state, other specified/allowed states can be reached, and upon certain states certain actions can be triggered as desired.

    submitted by /u/babbagack
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    What is the best course to learn Android App Development for Java Programmer ?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:29 PM PDT

    is there a good course to learn Android App Development for Java programmer ?

    submitted by /u/Bashar_Alhato
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    Question About Software Licensing of a Program

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    Awhile ago, maybe a month or so, I started a fork of a program called DVTM as I liked the concept, however there were things I needed to change as well as add. I have since made massive changes to the code and even received contributions and help from others. The code for the the fork, VTM is very different than it's origins. Aside from the whitepsace (style) changes functions have been added, removed and some exsiting functions have been rewritten however have the original name. Now, not all of the code base has been modified, about maybe 85% has been majorly changed. I have co-founded a software project known as the Core Project and would like to put VTM under our licence as well as officially make it our program instead of a fork. My question is how much do I need to change to do this? I know it needs to be a lot, but do I need to rename/change every line? For perspective the changes made (that I documented, many more have been made, but I am trying to find what they were) are as follows:

    • push functionality added

    • run_command() added

    • attachaside() added

    • toggleminimize code reworked and massivly changed

    • grid() rewritten

    • deck() added

    • fullscreen rewroked into monocle

    • config.h rework (still in progress)

    • getcwd_by_pid (100% redone, still working on making it better though)

    • removed uneeded code

    • working on rewritting cmdfifo

    • hide vacant tags

    • quit() removed

    • redraw bugs fixed

    • copy mode uses $EDITOR then $PAGES (working on remvoing editor array)

    • runtime cmd options being removed

    • mouse support being removed

    • pertag added

    • removed BAR_TOP

    • removed togglebarpos()

    • removed view windows and tags on other tags

    • removed all existing layouts (reworking fullscreen to monocle was a name change as the api is the same)

    • removed incnmaster()

    • removed toggleview()

    • added a ninth (or tenth if count from one) tag

    • many other changes I didn't document

    How much do I need to do to relisence it and drop the old stuff? I did a lot of work on this and even contacted the original developer, but has not responded and hasn't even audited since 2016. I am working extremely hard on this and want to make this the multiplexor of the core project.

    submitted by /u/FOSSilized_D4emon
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    Ackermann's function

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:10 PM PDT

    So I recently watched the numberphile video about Ackermann's function and got curious and decided to mess around with writing it out, I have a bit of experience in C from taking Harvard's cs50 course but am more familiar with Python. Now this is where I get a bit confused, I tried writing basically the example code from the video, just with different formatting and compiled it with gcc and ran it. However the program always crashed before being able to calculate A(4, 1). I tried doing research about how to handle runtime errors but only found that stack overflow in C is considered undefined behavior and can't really be handled in any way other than setting my own maximum depth and exiting if that depth is reached during recursion. Here is my C code. Since I'm more comfortable with Python I wrote Ackermann's in Python using caching to avoid repetitive recursion for values which have been calculated but ran into the same problem with stack overflow as Python gives me a RecursionError for hitting max recursion depth at (4, 1) after going some 996 stack frames deep. Here is my Python code.

    So I guess my question is just why other people seem to have no issue running Ackermann's function up to A(4, 1) but I can't seem to calculate it without stack overflow. Also in case it's important to the question I'm using a desktop with an intel i7-8700 CPU with 16gb ram. My compiler for my C code is the minGWx64 compiler and I'm using Python version 3.7.2.

    submitted by /u/Bipolarprobe
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    Connecting Angular to a Remote Database Server Securely...

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    I've been doing some research the past couple of days on connecting my ASP.Net Core Angular application to a remotely located database server, and how to do so securely. I have tried NodeJS with the "tedious" module and the "mssql" module, and both leave the connection information to the database open to end users to see in Chrome Dev Tools. (that is once browserify bundled the javascript files). Clearly, this is undesirable. I would basically be passing out my database for people to play with and destroy. Is it possible to include the javascript files to be ran without injecting them directly into the index.html page? Perhaps the bundle.js could be included as an asset or script?

    Now, I need to learn how to accomplish my task. I can certainly create a separate application in C# to do the job, but the project is small and really isn't worth the time it may take to do that. So, I'm leaning towards hosting the data locally inside a JSON file but I'm not sure if this is standard or absolute nonsense. Note, this data will not ever change. There is no need for full CRUD api calls. The data only needs to be read.

    What I am looking for is someone to talk this out with me. I want to make sure I'm making the best decision and not missing something completely obvious. Any views, thoughts, and opinions are welcome. I am new to Angular but I really like it so far!

    submitted by /u/aladd2010
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    C initialize array size

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:56 PM PDT

     //create a buffer int buffer[]; //need size //place all into an array while(fgets(&buffer, 512, 1, inptr) != NULL) { fread(&buffer, 512, 1, inptr); } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The other solution I've come up with. int x = 0; while(true) { buffer[x] = fread(&buffer, 512, 1, inptr); if(fgets(&buffer, 512, 1, inptr) != NULL) { break; } x++; } 

    The upper codes can't initialize because of no size. How can i fix it and is my other solution correct?

    submitted by /u/Infinismegalis
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    Beginner help

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:57 PM PDT

    I'm making a rock paper scissors game and i'm having trouble having it output "Your choice: x" https://pastebin.com/RFn28UQ6 like the "computer Guess: x" just not sure where to put or how to put "Your choice: x" hope that makes sense

    submitted by /u/xTeeGolden
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    Struggling to understand pointers

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    When I was learning pointers, the concept seemed pretty simple. It is like a variable that has the memory address of a certain variable. However, the practical application of it is very difficult to me to grasp. I'm worried that if I don't understand this, I won't be able to understand further computing concepts. Should I be concerned at this point?

    submitted by /u/beyblade1999
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    Doing very basic beginning c++ program that is supposed to create an employee pay report. however, after i enter the employee name it immediately skips all cin and only lets me end the program. code in text. please help.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:32 PM PDT

    #include <iostream>

    #include <ios>

    #include <iomanip>

    #include <string>

    #include <cmath>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    int employeeName; int hoursWorked; int hourlyRate; double grossPay; const double fedWitholdingrate = .18; const double stateWitholdingrate = .45; const double hospitalization = 25.65; const double unionduesrate = .02; 

    cout << "What are the first, middle, and last initials of your name? "; cin >> employeeName; cout << endl << "How many hours did you work? "; cin >> hoursWorked; cout << endl << "What is your hourly rate of pay? " << endl; cin >> hourlyRate; grossPay = hoursWorked \* hourlyRate; 

    const double fedWitholdings = fedWitholdingrate \* grossPay; const double stateWitholdings = stateWitholdingrate \* grossPay; const double unionDues = unionduesrate \* grossPay; double totalDeductions; double netPay; 

    totalDeductions = fedWitholdings + stateWitholdings; netPay = grossPay - totalDeductions; 

    cout << "Natural Oak and Pine Furniture Employee Pay Report" << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Employee"; cout << setw(7) << right << employeeName << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Hours Worked"; cout << setw(7) << right << hoursWorked << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Hourly Rate"; cout << setw(7) << right << hourlyRate << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Total Wages"; cout << setw(7) << right << grossPay << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Deductions:" << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Federal Witholding"; cout << setw(7) << right << fedWitholdingrate << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "State Witholding"; cout << setw(7) << right << stateWitholdingrate << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Hospitilization"; cout << setw(7) << right << hospitalization << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Union Dues"; cout << setw(7) << right << unionDues << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Total Deductions"; cout << setw(7) << right << totalDeductions << endl; cout << setw(5) << left << "Net Pay"; cout << setw(7) << right << netPay << endl; system("pause"); return 0; 


    Edit: changed int employeeName to string employeeName. Solved.

    submitted by /u/thejourneytoeuphoria
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    Free Code Camp (Familiar?, Proficient?, Expert?)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    On many job-seeking websites, there are options to put a skill level for each programming language. It usually goes: familiar, proficient, and then expert.

    Let's say someone has completed the entire curriculum of freeCodeCamp. What skill level would they be for each language (js, html, css, etc.)?

    I haven't done freeCodeCamp so I don't know how in-depth they go. But I would assume that it would get them to familiar, almost proficient... perhaps? What are your opinions?

    submitted by /u/colleague01
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    What are the big roadblocks to start learning to code and be successful developer?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I'm just starting to coach people into code in order to help then to get jobs as a software developer. I'm trying to access what are the roadblocks or stick points that people found during this journey of learning how to do code, things like where I do start, which language do a choose, motivation and so on.

    So, let's share what are the problems that you had when you started!

    Thank you !

    submitted by /u/l3dsTiago
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