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    Saturday, September 28, 2019

    Celebration! learn programming

    Celebration! learn programming


    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I dont have much but just wanted to share my success. I am a self taught Web Developer who after 1 year of heavy studying and learning, got my first job offer as Director of Operations for a local web design agency! Ive been a lurker but thank you to the entire community for the knowledge and support! And to everyone else still chasing thay dream, dont give up!!!!!!! It will happen!!!!!!

    Edit: this was my 49th job I applied for, 48 non-responses and NOs before that. So it was a tough road as it was, not like I just hit the first one!

    submitted by /u/Arcotechbeats
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    First hackathon ever coming up. What should I do to prepare.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    So I have my first hackathon in a couple of days and its a 24 hour event. What should I do to prepare? I have no idea how hackathons work so any tips would be appreciated. btw it is a highschoolers only hackathon if that makes a difference.

    submitted by /u/DarkStealther
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    What math subjects are required for game programming ?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    I'm a total beginner and I want to start dabbing with game development and trying stuff out.

    Here's the issue my math skills are pretty poor atm due to me not focusing on them much during my HS days(I'm 18 now). So I want to study important math subjects that are needed to progress in game development.

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Hiorian
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    I give up learning code from Codecademy Pro! There must be a better way.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    I have been trying to understand simple coding by following Codecademy Pro's direction. I have tried over and over and over again. Its not going to happen! I don't know if it's me or them. It's probably both.

    Can anyone suggest an alternative way? I'm not going to renew my membership for codecademy again.

    Edit: I find the practice exercises too confusing. I am trying freecodecamp and it seems much clearer.

    submitted by /u/StartingOverMan
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    For those who had a lot of trouble learning programming and stumbled a lot along the way, how did you finally make it click?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    I've tried to get into programming a lot of times over the years. I've never actually found that one way to learn that clicks with me, that really suits me.

    I know that learning is all about discipline and putting in effort, but unfortunately my brain doesn't work like that, I need to enjoy it, or to at least find a way to learn that "clicks" with me.

    So, have you found such a way of learning, that "clicks"?

    submitted by /u/ano1418
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    Seeking Competitive Programming Mentor for Java

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    I am a CS Student with no experience in competitive programming. I'm currently in my first year of CS related material, but have done a lot of personal projects. I want to get a head start on a lot of the data structure and algorithm based materials that I'll be learning in the coming years. I think having someone with a bit of experience help me out may be the way to go.

    Is there anyone out there who would be willing to just chill for a couple hours a week and just work on competitive programming? I have no idea where to even start.

    submitted by /u/losebow2
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    What cheatsheet do you have stuck to your desk/wall?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    I've got one for Linux and the vscode command sheet one

    submitted by /u/dirtyring
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    Becoming a Programming Tutor

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a new user to Reddit so if I'm not posting in the right subreddit let me know.

    I have two questions for programmers out there:

    1. when you learned to program, what made it fun and interesting? What interested you and kept you learning?
    2. Was there a particular beginning project or teaching style that you found engaging?

    I have been asked by a few people to start tutoring children and adults in programming, and in particular to do a family project to help teach the kids and parents concepts and design together. My first programming experience was Ruby on Rails and I had a wonderful time learning with Ruby because the projects were simple and easy to start up, so it felt as if I had accomplished something early on. After learning concepts through Ruby I thought it was easy to transition to a more practical language like Java which I use in my job today.

    When I taught myself programming through online courses and books some years ago I remember that the courses I took tended to be quite dull and not interesting. Would love any insight anyone has because I really want to encourage more people to see how wonderful programming can be!

    submitted by /u/neurolinux
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    Stuck in implement dialog manager for chatbot

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    Hi, I am trying to develop a chat-bot .So far I am able to extract intents and entities from text like this:


    But I am completely stuck in implementing dialog workflow for multiple entities and context.

    I want my dialog workflow to be like this :

    IF #WELCOME: IF #locations: IF @locations:(First Street) SAY "The first street location is at 123,first street" IF @locations:(Main Street) SAY "The main street location is at 123,first street" IF true SAY "Which STORE are u looking for ?The one on main or first?" IF @locations:(First Street) SAY "The first street location is at 123,first street" IF @locations:(Main Street) SAY "The main street location is at 123,first street" IF #book_table: IF @locations STORE_AS $locations IF_MISSING SAY"Which STORE u want to go to?first or main?" IF @date STORE_AS $date IF_MISSING SAY "what date do you want to come in?" IF @time STORE_AS $time IF_MISSING SAY "what time you will arrive?" IF @number STORE_AS $number IF_MISSING SAY "How many people are coming?" IF ALL_SLOTS_EMPTY SAY"i need more info to continue.i will need location, date, time and number of people." IF ALL_SLOTS_FILLED SAY"I have table for $number people, on $date at $time at our $location STORE." IF IRRELEVANT: SAY "Sorry can you rephrase your statement." //example of using conditional AND/OR operators and setting context IF #flight_request: SET $previous_node TO "destination request" SAY "Where do you want to go?" if @city AND $previous_node =="destination request" SET $destination TO @city SET $previous_node TO "origin request" SAY "Where are you leaving from?" IF @city AND $previous_node == "origin request": SET $origin TO @city SAY "These are the flights from $origin to $destination" # is Intent @ is Entity : is Value $ is Context 

    As u can see in the template above I want to implement slot filling, storing single contexts , multiple conditional dialog based on conditional statements(Using operators like AND/OR etc.).I want the above template to be in JSON format and the conversation design that will create this template will be done from front end UI.

    But I am clueless what to do . I don't know if to build a parser, DSL or FSM for that(I have tries using json-logic and pyparsing for it )

    Can anyone give me idea or list of python libraries that can help ?
    Thank You

    submitted by /u/_I_dont_know_man_
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    Career Change

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    Hi Guys, I have bachelor's degree of CS, I Graduated in 2010, never programmed with all my jobs because the first place I got a job offer and it was a very good money option. Anyway, I regret because I just forgot everything I learned at College, never studied any language while working (and forgot everything now).

    I think I got a pretty solid learning path courses by Michael Hartl:

    Git > HTML > CSS and Layout > JS > Ruby > Ruby on Rails 6

    I know ruby is nowhere near where it was at it's peak now, but from what I've seen about it, I just like it.

    Anyway, I'm looking for recommendations, a different learning path, etc.

    submitted by /u/keysonrails
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    How do I get my web pages to look less bootstrappy?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    Maybe it's because I'm not very good at bootstrap, but I've been told that if you use only vanilla bootstrap css, then your pages can look unpolished (for instance buttons or navbars). How do you guys recommend making page look more unique? Do people design buttons and then put them in websites?

    submitted by /u/snickysnacky1201
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    How does sending data between different languages work?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:56 PM PDT

    If for instance, I want to send an array from one program to another how would I do so? Would I have to manipulate it/turn it into another object first? I was thinking about writing the raw data to a text file and having the path being passed between the programs, but that is a bit of a pain; is there another way to do this? Note this is between javascript and python.

    submitted by /u/snickysnacky1201
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    Question about Data flow Diagrams

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:12 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I was given some homework to do a DFD to round a 4 digit number to it's nearest hundred, I am finding trouble in trying to create this because the only way I can concieve of doing this is by adding a ton of conditionals to inspect every possible outcome of the number, maybe you input the number 3467 so my dfd would manually go from "is this number less than 2000?" "Is this number less than 3000?" Then I thought of substracting it's thousand digit to have only 3 digit numbers and then repeating that process until I can finally tell the program to either round it up or down.

    Basically I have no idea if there is a more efficient way to round numbers, any help?

    submitted by /u/adeodatusIII
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    I've started writing a compiler for the c0 programming language in Rust, and I'm going to start writing up on compiler steps/development on my blog, first post is up (link in body)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 03:17 PM PDT


    Over the past year-ish I've been working on writing a compiler for the c0 programming language using Rust to help me learn Rust. I've recently revitalised this project, and to keep me on track I'm writing blog posts on the compiler steps/development. The first post on the lexer and general introduction is available, hope you enjoy.


    submitted by /u/wannabeproprogrammer
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    Having trouble downloading latest Java SE Development Kit

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am new to this group and want to learn Java. I'm just starting Head First Java 2nd Edition (I was told it's the best book to start even if it's outdated). The books tells me to download Java 2 Standard Edition SDK (SoftwareDevelopment Kit) and after going to the Oracle website I noticed the latest edition is Java SE 13.

    I downloaded the version and it works until I get to the final screen where it tells me to "Take Next Steps" to also get the API Documentation. I clicked on the next steps button and nothing happens. I've uninstalled and downloaded this multiple times and also tried JE 12 and same issue.

    I'm operating Windows 10 x64. If anybody can provide me some insight or tips would be amazing. Thank you so much in advance!!

    submitted by /u/BeejieT
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    The problem of choosing the first programming language

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:40 PM PDT


    The choice of programming language - the problem of the individual. Someone should just decide on the area of activity, and this is an obvious choice. And someone like me, undecided, looking for a versatile option. And don't find ...

    Today I'm writing here with the hope that you give me really good advice on choosing the first programming language. And no, I'm not talking about completely the first programming language, as I touched many. We are talking about choosing a first programming language, which I'll use in real projects.

    Of course, before I write here, I conducted my own research. Here I will make them, so you can give an answer on the basis of this.

    The main objective is:

    Find the programming language for use in real projects and work.

    I mean, I need a language with which I will work with the comfort that is able to develop real projects, and with which, will be able to find a job.

    My research is divided into 2 parts. Interests and opportunities.


    I itself is a versatile personality and programming too.

    I'm interested in:

    Developing applications for Windows, Linux and Android;

    Backend development of Web applications;

    Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics.

    It should be emphasized that I'm not interesting development from scratch, and the possibility of using ready-made tools.

    Options on interests not so much.

    Languages that I can use for Windows, and for Linux, and Android - C++/C#/Java/JS;

    Languages that I can use for developing web applications (Backend) - PHP/C#/Java/JS/Python/Ruby (took only popular in this);

    Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics - C++/Java/Python.

    As a result, the list of the programming languages: C++, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Ruby.

    Discard excess.

    C++. I need to know, but not a good idea to use it on the Web or Android.

    PHP. Due to the limited web.

    Ruby. Because of the low popularity in Ukraine, where I live, a narrow range of applications.

    The final list of the first part of the research of programming languages: C#, Java, JS, Python.


    Here I mean employment opportunities, prospects, etc.

    2 Restrictions:

    The opportunity to become a Junior developer no more than six months;

    It attracts remote work.

    On the first paragraph everything is OK. But looking at the second paragraph, discard Java. Remote work is possible only for Android developers, but here goes Kotlin. Learn Java for Android development, since it is the leader in job openings, in addition to the Enterprise, does it make sense?

    The rest assess the ratings by DOU:




    The ratings on the Ukrainian and Russian languages. There you can find a table. We are interested in the first 4 elements:


    Programming language

    part of the market

    Changes compared to the previous year

    See that JS grows, however, the recent JS growth falls.

    We see that C# has fallen in recent years, but not by much. Considering the active development, there is hope for growth in the future.

    Finally, Python, about which is spoken everywhere. I see a slow but inexorable rise.

    Python would be ideal, if not Android. C# allows you to develop native applications. I don't know about JS, but Python I know that Python cannot.

    I see 2 options:

    Learn C++ with Python;

    Add the third language, and spend it more time than in C++, or replace the Python JS.

    Now only your ideas and advice.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jonikster
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    [C++] I'm having difficulty returning a string value from a string function.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:45 PM PDT


    I'm getting an error at the function call. There aren't really any examples in my book to cover this and I'm unsure of where I went wrong exactly.


    submitted by /u/-Kaneki-
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    How to find the coordinates (diagonally)?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:15 PM PDT

    So I have been creating a word search program in python and I pretty much almost done. One last thing I would need to do is how to basically find the coordinates of the first letter of a word diagonally. So basically this is the section for the diagonals.

    negative_slopes=[[rows[column_length-1-q][p-q] for q in range(min(p, column_length-1), max(0, p-row_length+1)-1, -1)] for p in range(column_length+row_length-1)] positive_slopes=[[rows[p - q][q] for q in range(max(p-column_length+1,0), min(p+1, row_length))] for p in range(column_length + row_length - 1)] for number,word in enumerate(negative_slopes): candidate=''.join(word) for word in words: if word in candidate: solution.update({word:('down-right',(column.find(word),row_number))}) for word in negative_slopes: candidate=''.join(reversed(word)) final_word = next((word for word in words if word in candidate), None) if final_word: solution.update({final_word:'up-left'}) for word in positive_slopes: candidate=''.join(word) final_word = next((word for word in words if word in candidate), None) if final_word: solution.update({final_word:'up-right'}) for word in positive_slopes: candidate=''.join(reversed(word)) final_word = next((word for word in words if word in candidate), None) if final_word: solution.update({final_word:'down-left'}) 

    The coordinates must come from the original grid which is labeled as 'rows':

    rows= ['eahaehh','allehoh','gohloau','rhelloy','iayoyiu','iiaelah','hlhallo'] 

    I can't seem to figure out a way on how find the coordinates since in the first section I am creating individual diagonal rows or artificial rows. How can I check the artificial rows and original rows to give me the coordinates of the first letter. Also, I am not allowed to use any kind of libraries. Any help would be highly appreciated !

    submitted by /u/Monsi_Boy
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    Where to Start for changing jobs

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:15 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I am currently a Junior Architect (buildings). I work mostly using CAD software like AutoCAD, Revit and Rhino. I have grown frustrated with my fields lack of technological adoption and I have been looking to jump ship into some Data Science and/or Machine Learning roles.

    In my search for knowledge about programming I have come across some incredibly interesting programming topics that relate to architectural design.

    Creating plug-ins for drafting automation:



    Implementation of generative models in floor plan planning:



    And other things like virtual reality modeling for architectural design visualization through Unity and Computational Geometry.

    However, I had not been able to see anywhere where these things were being implemented besides companies like Autodesk. So, I was wondering if these concepts would ever be adopted by a dinosaur industry like architecture.

    Until, I started finding jobs like this one:


    This seems like it would be the perfect next step for me as it would be an overlap of what I already know in architecture but I really do not have any experience in any of their requirements besides proficiency in Python.

    Are there any of you here with this type of background? If so, are there any recommended pathways to learn these things?

    Do any of you know in what order I should start learning these technologies?

    I really appreciate your help.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Crisprods
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    [Java] How come this project only passes the test when i >= 63? (code included)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    main thing.java suitcase.java container.java

    Not sure how much of this code is needed for proper programmers to understand what I'm guessing is a simple problem? So essentially the assignment is this:

    Thing class: has a name and a weight

    Suitcase class: has a list containing all Things inside it, as well as a maxWeight.

    Container class: has a list containing all the Suitcases inside it, which in turn hold a list of Things, as well as a maxWeight.

    Now the last part of the assignment (from the Helsinki Java MOOC, Exercise 4) says to create a method in Main that will take the container given in the parameter and to put many Suitcases in it, each containing a Thing that increments in weight (starting at 1, going up hypothetically to equal the maxWeight of the container, but realistically only needs to go up to weight 44 in order to reach the max of the container which is 1000).

    Now if I run everything with line 14 of Main as it is in the pastebin (with i=45), it outputs correctly. It outputs as it does on the Helsinki assignment page. However, it fails the test on TMC on Netbeans. I noticed that if I put in a much higher number for i in the for loop on line 14 on Main, such as 145, the test passes. I narrowed it down, and the sweet spot seems to be 63 or above.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why this could be. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/BulkTill230
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    Why does it seem like server side rendering isn't as popular as client side rendering?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:27 PM PDT

    It seems like a lot of people tend to use client side rendering frameworks such as react or angular over something that's server side like handlebars. Why is that the case? Server side rendering seems like it's so much easier to set up, although I understand that if you have a lot of traffic you would want to offload some of the processing onto the client. When would you want to use client side vs server side? It seems like most websites/developers seem to advocate using angular or react, why don't people reccommend using something like handlebars or nextjs as much? Sorry if this is a bit ignorant, I'm not that great at this stuff yet

    submitted by /u/snickysnacky1201
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    Help with html5

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    Im writing a dummy webpage for a film theatre, i have 4 films displayed as cards. I need to make it so that when a user clicks on one of the film cards, a larger card drops down with a more in-depth description of the movie. Im not sure how to go about this, im very new to html and i dont know how to make sure the right information is displayed

    submitted by /u/itsdangertime6
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    WIFI Scanner

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking to build an app that continuously scans for all available wifi in the vicinity, giving the user details such as SSID etc.

    I was thinking about making an android app, utilising Google API WifiManager, however the scanning methods have been deprecated.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction or give me any advice on how I can achieve making a WIFI Scanning app? Language to use etc?

    Thank you! Have a nice day :)

    submitted by /u/Huzy_Nayn
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