• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 21, 2019

    A year ago I didn't know a lick of code. Now I'm a full stack developer at a really great startup! Here is a list of front-end related resources and tools that have helped me along my journey. Please contribute to it! learn programming

    A year ago I didn't know a lick of code. Now I'm a full stack developer at a really great startup! Here is a list of front-end related resources and tools that have helped me along my journey. Please contribute to it! learn programming

    A year ago I didn't know a lick of code. Now I'm a full stack developer at a really great startup! Here is a list of front-end related resources and tools that have helped me along my journey. Please contribute to it!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    Here's the collection.

    To keep it short.

    Was working insurance and hated the state of my life. Decided last-minute to do a coding bootcamp in September 2018.

    Graduated 20 weeks later and landed a full stack gig a month and a half after (working in Vue.js and Rails, but mainly focusing on the front-end).

    Along the way, I was blessed to have MANY wonderful front-end resources shared with me that really expedited my growth. I've also discovered many cool tools while on the job.

    Whether you're just starting your front-end dev journey or you're a seasoned professional, I hope this collection sparks some creativity in you or provides you with a tool that you've been needing.

    TLDR: My life sucked, went to coding school, and now life doesn't suck. Here's a collection of dev resources that may make your life suck less too.

    EDIT: Since I've been asked multiple times which bootcamp I attended - I went to Prime.

    EDIT #2: No I am not officially associated with Prime. I was just tired of answering the same question fifty times lol. And no, this post isn't me saying coding schools will solve all your problems. It just happened to be what I needed after trying out like four other different paths.

    EDIT #3: I've tried to answer all your questions, but it's time for bed. I'll try to get to more of them over this weekend. Thanks so much for the kind words! And I've really really enjoyed hearing about those of you who are courageously making a career change into software development! Mad respect for all of you.

    submitted by /u/PurpleNippies
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    Ideas for a small project to show at a career fair?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have a STEM career fair coming up in 2-3 weeks at my school. I really want to be able to show off a small project to stand out a little bit, especially since I don't have a lot of classes under my belt. I only have one summer left before I graduate, and with no prior internships I really want to have one on my resume, plus I am just excited to have some real work experience in the field.

    I really only have experience in Java. What are good ideas for things I can talk about that I can get done in two weeks? The most I have done on my own is a text based blackjack game, and a simple Huffman encoder/decoder.


    submitted by /u/CoarseCriminal
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    How exactly does a computer analyze audio?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:38 AM PDT

    I'm learning javascript/html/css and I'm a music producer. I find it really engaging to gear my programming education towards music related stuff.

    As I am getting going, my goal is basically to develop a 'tuner', or an app that can read the hertz of an audio file and determine the 'note' based on a corresponding array (each note has a frequency http://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html).

    Im trying to understand how exactly a computer processes this audio, as well as how I would start a JS program to initiate that process. I have to figure out how to interpret the note scale via hertz to the program, and then have it somehow interpret audio files I input into a hertz value that JS can understand? Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/2young2young
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    I wanted a way to see previews of all my chrome tabs, so I learned how to make a chrome extension then created it

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    The inspiration for this was pretty much, I have a lot of chrome tabs open all of the time and usually I can't recognize the tabs because the titles get squashed so much. Tab managers exist but they don't have the preview image of the tab. (TBF I didn't look that hard) I really like how chrome on android and safari on IpadOS show tabs with preview images so I thought, "I could try to make that for desktop, how hard can it be".

    I followed google's quick developer guide for an extension and pretty much just dived into it. It took a lot of tweaking and I had to give up and use an external library for re-arranging. I probably didn't make it the best possible way but hey it works (most of the time) and I'm loving using it.

    Link to extension


    Any suggestions/improvements on the javascript would be appreciated, I'm honestly amazed it even works, especially with this strange background script to other script message communication.

    submitted by /u/theawesomeLAS
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    Switching Careers, wanted some insight.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    I graduated college with a degree in Finance, however I was looking into switching careers and programming is something I find very interesting. Before diving full force into it, wanted to ask in order to get a job in the industry do I have to have a 4 year college background in computer science, or what I have heard from a friend is programming boot camps seem to have success. Has anyone had a similar experience in the field or if someone has made the career switch can you shed some insight for someone who is looking into it?

    submitted by /u/zIv_53
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    A solid theoretical and practical introduction to web technologies, frontend and backend?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:14 AM PDT

    I'm looking for thorough, methodical introduction to web development and web technologies in general, but only the stuff that actually matters for (both front- and back-end) development. I'm an experienced programmer (embedded C, C++; Python) and somewhat familiar with the basic concepts of web, but I'm trying to see the bigger picture and obtain in-depth knowledge of all aspects of full-stack development.

    Some of the things I want to learn about:

    • basic communication between the client and server (HTTP requests and such, but I don't want to delve much deeper into the network stack if I don't have to)
    • web server basics (path translation, ...), DNS stuff, load balancing, multiple servers for one website - I want to have at least a high-level insight into how all of this stuff works
    • front-end basics: a refresher on HTML5, CSS (I haven't used either for a while), AJAX, modern Javascript + frameworks
    • basics on sharing and updating state between the frontend and backend, strategies, etc
    • backend architecture (what goes into a backend and how it comes together - business logic, database, CDN, ...)
    • writing APIs (REST, webhooks, websockets, etc.) and use cases for different approaches
    • introduction to backend programming (Node.js preferred)

    I'm probably wrong about the importance of some of the stuff listed above, but you get the gist of what I need.

    Please recommend me books / tutorials on these subjects. I'm used to both formal and theoretical CS books and informal tutorials, as long as it's informative - I want to read it. I have a strong preference for written material (and not videos), but even videos may be okay if there isn't any alternative.

    I tried looking myself, but all I seem to find are tutorials on specific technologies (like nginx or vue or express). Sure, I'll learn to use some specific technologies along the way, but I want to understand the concepts first.

    submitted by /u/cue_the_strings
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    Very Confused by Prolog Lists

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:57 PM PDT

    Been staring at this almost all day, 10ish hours with breaks. Cannot get this to return what I want and not 100 percent sure what is not working.

    What I'm trying for: cell_values/3 takes three lists. The first one is a list of coordinates, the second is a matrix, the third is an empty list. Every coordinate in the first list is [X, Y] where X is the row of the matrix, and Y is the element of that row. The empty list, I want to append each value of the matrix the X and Y fish out to this third empty list and return it.


    cell_values([],_,[]). % Base Case cell_values([H|T], S, Values) :- nth0(0, H, X), % X == cell[0] nth0(1, H, Y), % Y == cell[1] nth0(X, S, Row), % Row == S[X] nth0(Y, Row, V), % V == Row[Y] R = [V|Values], cell_values(T, S, R). 


    cell_values( [[0,0],[0,1]], [[2,1],[1,2]], Values). 

    Expected answer: Values = [2, 1]

    Currently returns: true

    I'll put the trace in at the bottom as well. I think the problem is either the base case or R = [V|Values], but any way I change starts giving me errors or false returns. Thanks for any help.

    Call:cell_values([[0, 0], [0, 1]], [[2, 1], [1, 2]], _17824) Call:lists:nth0(0, [0, 0], _18140) Exit:lists:nth0(0, [0, 0], 0) Call:lists:nth0(1, [0, 0], _18140) Exit:lists:nth0(1, [0, 0], 0) Call:lists:nth0(0, [[2, 1], [1, 2]], _18140) Exit:lists:nth0(0, [[2, 1], [1, 2]], [2, 1]) Call:lists:nth0(0, [2, 1], _18140) Exit:lists:nth0(0, [2, 1], 2) Call:_18142=[2|_17824] Exit:[2|_17824]=[2|_17824] Call:cell_values([[0, 1]], [[2, 1], [1, 2]], [2|_17824]) Call:lists:nth0(0, [0, 1], _18146) Exit:lists:nth0(0, [0, 1], 0) Call:lists:nth0(1, [0, 1], _18146) Exit:lists:nth0(1, [0, 1], 1) Call:lists:nth0(0, [[2, 1], [1, 2]], _18146) Exit:lists:nth0(0, [[2, 1], [1, 2]], [2, 1]) Call:lists:nth0(1, [2, 1], _18146) Exit:lists:nth0(1, [2, 1], 1) Call:_18148=[1, 2|_17824] Exit:[1, 2|_17824]=[1, 2|_17824] Call:cell_values([], [[2, 1], [1, 2]], [1, 2|_17824]) Exit:cell_values([], [[2, 1], [1, 2]], [1, 2|_17824]) Exit:cell_values([[0, 1]], [[2, 1], [1, 2]], [2|_17824]) Exit:cell_values([[0, 0], [0, 1]], [[2, 1], [1, 2]], _17824) 
    submitted by /u/ApocalypseToast
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    Master Basics of Java this Sunday - Live Streamed Course

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:37 PM PDT

    Hi folks, I occasionally run free, live programming courses to give back to the community. Tmr I will be offering a live 2-hour Intro to Java bootcamp where you will master concepts such as variables, data types, conditional statements, for/while loops, functions, and arrays. During the session, you will watch the live-streamed class and code to solve practice exercises. You don't have to download anything beforehand because we will use a web-base IDE to code.

    Who is this for? Near/complete beginners. Those who wish to refresh their knowledge of Java will find it helpful.

    When? September 22nd, Sunday, 2:30pm-4:30pm EST

    Interested to know more, please take a look here: https://hackhour.typeform.com/to/vAFR4h

    submitted by /u/g_pal
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    Can I Use It? A great tool for checking cross-browser compatibility for HTML tags, CSS attributes, CSS selectors/psuedo-selector, Javascript functions and more.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    Hello, aspiring programmers.

    I use this resource quite often in my line of work and thought I might make it known to those that haven't heard of it.

    Basically, it will tell you if a function or attribute or class will work.


    • Searching :hover (the pseudo-selector) shows all known support for the selector across many browsers, including mobile. We can see it is mainly supported, some unknown, and only unsupported by early Android Browsers.
    • How about Display: Flex? Looks like it has mixed support, which makes sense as it is a somewhat newer way of arranging elements with CSS.

    It isn't perfect, however. It doesn't always know/have data for what you are looking for and sometimes if it does it is mostly unknown. That said, it is a nice resource with other features (such as date of functionality graphing) that more than make up for its downfalls, in my opinion.

    If people know of other resources similar to this, please link them here!

    submitted by /u/AWildIndependent
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    New to coding, trying to get my career going.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    Hey all! I'm new to coding, really interested and starting to learn some veeeery very basic things, but like a lot of people, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the number of options and paths I can take. I'm just a college dropout who's just trying to get himself to a better place in life.

    I'm CompTIA A+ certified and pretty into tech, I'm really into gaming (It's been my life since I was 3) but I know that data science is a safer career choice.

    My boyfriend is a data analyst but, I really don't wanna bug him to teach me the basics.

    So, I'm really unsure where to start. Do I start with Java, or Python? Which is a better career path? What should I learn first, and what's a good resource/tutorial site/program for learning? I know this is all very broad, but I appreciate any feedback/help.

    submitted by /u/X4N4Rein
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    Newbie wants to learn java

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    I dont know anything about programming, like zero.

    I chose to learn something good instead of waste my time so i have chosen to learn java. Whats t he best spot to learn it? I heard uedemy is good if you got course to suggest please link thank you so much

    submitted by /u/needyuser
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    Thoughts on this story of learning to code?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    Eager to hear what people think of Jason Zedde's story. Relatable, inspiring, or too good to be true?


    submitted by /u/SpecialNegotiation
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    Java or c++ if you dont know shit all.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    So im chossing to learn c++ or java for school cause thats the two they ask you two code in. Which ones better to learn frist?

    submitted by /u/CurryMaster101
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    Are gamedev jobs even much in demand anymore?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    All things being equal I would love being a game developer eventually, but is there much money or demand in that anymore? I dont mind working on other stuff but that is what I always would eventually want to do.

    submitted by /u/EX-FFguy
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    Looking for a partner.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:52 PM PDT

    New to reddit, but a colleague of mine recommended it for my situation. I'm in the ongoing process of a startup, and looking for someone intermediate, or decent at programming. This selected person will acquire a sizable equity position in the company, and other benefits. Will conduct interviews via Skype or FaceTime. Message me privately if interested.

    submitted by /u/-negocio-
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    I've been taught all the pieces but dont know the order: what do I use in what order build an end-to-end user-friendly database and dashboard with UI and visualization? Just "what", not "how".

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 10:45 PM PDT

    I've encountered several situations where I've had a need to create a full product that can come in a few forms and while I've received an education that gave me hands-on projects in each aspect, I have forgotten many of these skills and have, at best, created a shadow of a full project myself.

    I'm not looking fora detailed step-by-step how-to; I'm looking for an outline. For example, I know I'll probably be using pandas at one point, but I don't need to be told how to use pandas. I'm happy looking up tutorials. I just need a bit of direction for an end-to-end project.

    A few things I know I may need: webscraping, data modeling, data visualization, a dashboard, UI for data input, a ui for data querying, maybe a database (would this have to be on a virtual machine?)

    A project I've encountered was creating a patient database that doesn't need to meet 1st world standards. The dashboard would include some visualizations of data metrics, allow the doctor to see patient data quickly, and also input new information from a UI.

    I have encountered many instances where being able to perform such data wrangling and visualization would be of immense help; often hackathons, but I'd like to create these projects in my free time, too. I know how to do the things, I just don't know the things to do and in what order.

    Blog and book suggestions are welcome, too.

    My skills are solely Python and TSQL, but I can branch out a little if needed. This may inform package selection, which is the highest level of detail I'm looking for, unless I'm misunderstanding the requirements of answering my own question.


    submitted by /u/MyWiddleSmushFace
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    I hate Python’s “pythonic” ways of doing things. Does anyone feel the same?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    i have been programming for a few years, mostly using C.

    i have been using Python for a few months because of CS50 and Web Development (Flask).

    i just can't. everything seems like it's memorization instead of logic. there's always a "pythonic" way of doing things that you have to memorize.

    it feels like Python takes away the joy of using logic to do even the simplest things. like "oh, that would take a 100 lines of code in C? well you just have to memorize this trick in Python and you can do the same with one line of code."

    it's really nice that you can achieve the same in Python as in C but with fewer lines of code but, it just feels like I'm "hacking" my way to do so.

    does anyone feel the same? perhaps I was just born to love lower level languages? I just can't see myself using Python because of those reasons (even though I really want to learn Machine Learning and DP).

    submitted by /u/peanutbutterwnutella
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    Difference between asynchronous and synchronous chat.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:37 PM PDT

    Hi, in my distributed systems class we need to program 2 chats one asynchronous and the other synchronous, but I don't get the difference between the two, excuse my ignorance and thank you

    submitted by /u/Elkire321
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    Java. Why does my code break when I enter a z?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 05:40 PM PDT

    So I have a school project (don't worry. I'm not looking for someone to solve the problem for me. The code is largely finished and works in almost every other way, just looking for some debugging help). The assignment wants me to something with two strings (I'm afraid of giving away too much, so I'm not gonna say. However, all you need to know is that I already did this part, and it works almost perfectly. However, something I've been stumped on is when I try to use a string with the letter 'z' in it. It always throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException in this method.

    //This is the method that counts how many letters are in the

    //string and how many times an individual letter is used.

    public static int[] countLetters(String s){

    int[] counts = new int[25];

    String aha = s.toLowerCase();

    char[] letters = aha.toCharArray();

    for(char c: letters){


    case 'a':

    counts[0] = counts[0] + 1;


    case 'b':

    counts[1] = counts[1] + 1;


    case 'c':

    counts[2] = counts[2] + 1;


    case 'd':

    counts[3] = counts[3] + 1;


    case 'e':

    counts[4] = counts[4] + 1;


    case 'f':

    counts[5] = counts[5] + 1;


    case 'g':

    counts[6] = counts[6] + 1;


    case 'h':

    counts[7] = counts[7] + 1;


    case 'i':

    counts[8] = counts[8] + 1;


    case 'j':

    counts[9] = counts[9] + 1;


    case 'k':

    counts[10] = counts[10] + 1;


    case 'l':

    counts[11] = counts[11] + 1;


    case 'm':

    counts[12] = counts[12] + 1;


    case 'n':

    counts[13] = counts[13] + 1;


    case 'o':

    counts[14] = counts[14] + 1;


    case 'p':

    counts[15] = counts[15] + 1;


    case 'q':

    counts[16] = counts[16] + 1;


    case 'r':

    counts[17] = counts[17] + 1;


    case 's':

    counts[18] = counts[18] + 1;


    case 't':

    counts[19] = counts[19] + 1;


    case 'u':

    counts[20] = counts[20] + 1;


    case 'v':

    counts[21] = counts[21] + 1;


    case 'w':

    counts[22] = counts[22] + 1;


    case 'x':

    counts[23] = counts[23] + 1;


    case 'y':

    counts[24] = counts[24] + 1;


    case 'z':

    counts[25] = counts[25] + 1;




    return counts;



    For this method, it is supposed to take in a string, convert it to lowercase, turn the string into an array of characters, and then counts[int] is just counting how many times each letter is used. This is just one of the many methods in the assignment, but considering how everything works smoothly using every other

    Is there a problem with the toCharArray that is making it too short for the letter z? Am I implementing the cases correctly? What?

    Please, if this question goes against rule 10, please let me know and don't help me if it breaks the rule.

    submitted by /u/neoFranzA
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    Whats the catch with this Udemy C++ course? Is it so cheap because it only teaches C++11 and C++14? Should I find something that teaches 17 or 20 as a complete beginner?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    I'm hesitant on this Udemy C++ Course, I've been trying to research, I've read opinion after opinion and from what I find, people are saying avoid learning 11/14, to avoid picking up some bad habits (temporary values?). I am just so lost, should I learn C++20? I can't find much teaching C++20. I'm interested in game development but I am open minded to go in any direction, but not too interested in legacy support.

    Should I learn C++17? 20? 17 and 20? Does it matter much?

    submitted by /u/Idiot-_-Savant
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    Im Stuck! Been stuck on this dumb thing for 3 days now! Pls help, get tkinter to show excel value on a label based on option selected in a list. I am pasting my code below, and the error. The excel file has text0 and numbers 0-9 in col A, and text1-text10 in colb. PLS HELP!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    *note: I dont have a decent way of sharing my files yet and I need help asap (ill set up github or whatever later on)

    ****edit: i had posted a typo below num1 instead of var2, ive fixed it below and replaced the error message

    import os as osimport openpyxl as xlfrom tkinter import *from tkinter import ttk

    os.chdir('F:/projectfolder/subfolder')wb1 = xl.load_workbook('Book1.xlsx', data_only=True)sh1 = wb1['Sheet1']fa1 = sh1.cell(3, 1)

    def run():lb3 = Label(text="selected option: " + var1)lb3.place(x=150, y=95)

    lb4 = Label(text="next option: " + str(var2))lb4.place(x=185, y=68)

    wdw = Tk()wdw.geometry("300x120")wdw.title("GUI title")

    nms = StringVar()opsl = list(range(0, 10))famsl = ttk.Combobox(wdw, values=opsl, textvariable=nms)famsl.set(1)famsl.place(x=150, y=42)

    def chkr1():if 1 == fa1:var2 = sh1.cell(3, 2)return var2


    btn1 = Button(text="click", command=run)btn1.place(x=150, y=68)

    var1 = nms.get()


    "F:\project folder\Python Programming\venv\Scripts\python.exe" "F:/project folder/test3.py"

    Exception in Tkinter callback

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1702, in __call__

    return self.func(*args)

    File "F:/project folder/subfolder/test3.py", line 16, in run

    lb4 = Label(text="next vacant project: " + str(var2))

    NameError: name 'var2' is not defined

    submitted by /u/cadmanchallenge
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    Just landed a job at a startup I am so lost and overwhelmed **need advice/motivation**

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    So I just finished college with a CS degree, and I landed a job a few days ago as a developer doing web based services. I felt nervous as this is my first dev job.

    Anyways fast forward, no training and was giving git repos to go through and some basic documentation. I am reading through the code trying to make sense of it. I am starting to feel like I suck at coding since I dont understand some of the concepts because it was written in such a way that doesn't make sense to me and that I am not use too along using abstraction and so on and there are functions that handle encryption and so on.

    I just feel like I might not add any value because I dont feel like I am comprehending anything and overwhelmed. I feel like I have no guidance and there is only one other developer so I read through the errors/bug log and I am like I dont know where to begin or even how to set this up to begin to test it or fix it.

    I just really feel like I just needed a basic how to for a few days. I had no experience in real projects where the git repo is huge and things are dependencies of other repos and so on a lot of this is new to me as i am fresh.

    I just really am stressed out. I feel like I just want to run away lol they new my background when hired that I was a junior.

    submitted by /u/Isthisanaccount121
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    Is programming just not for me or is discouragement like this normal?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:50 PM PDT

    Hey reddit,

    I've been "programming" if you will for probably about four years now. It's been really on and off. I've never finished anything except a game jam entry. I really love video games and the design behind them, and ever since I was young I wanted to make my own. Yet every time i try to make something, I lose my enthusiasm. I have a really hard time sticking to it to the point where I have to force myself to code if I want to get anything done. And despite all those years the only "accomplishment" I have to show is a MTA in introduction to java, woohoo. Is this normal? How do I stop/get around this? Maybe programmings not for me but I've always wanted to MAKE something. I've enjoyed 3d modeling, but art doesn't make a game. Any writing I do feels dull without a manifested world to keep it alive. I had intended to go to college next year to study computer science yet honestly I don't know whether I enjoy it or not. I like when I solve a problem and overcome a challenge but the rest of it is really discouraging.

    submitted by /u/URNext7634
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    Problem with small python code

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I am sitting on this problem since hours so a little help would be appreciated.

    I am trying to program a small brute forcer. I want to my program to iterate through every possible iteration there is and check if the password matches.

    pwd = "to" ascii = string.ascii_lowercase guess = list() def tryCom(guess, pos): for pos in range(len(guess)): for letter in range(len(ascii)): guess[pos] = ascii[letter] print("Trying:", "".join(guess)) if "".join(guess) == pwd: print("pwd:", guess) exit(0) for pos in range(len(pwd)): guess.append(ascii[0]) tryCom(guess, pos + 1) 

    Basically my output should look something like this:

    a, b, c ...

    aa, ab, ac ...

    ba, bb, bc ...

    aaa, aba, aca ...

    My head hurts from this. Such a small program yet so complicated somehow.

    EDIT: Is this possible without recursion ? I tried it without recursion because I don't know how to solve this only iteratively.

    submitted by /u/JeppNeb
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    How long would it take me to get to a point where I could land a programming job? What are the best ways to teach myself?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    I'm a recent college grad with a business administration degree. I'm about 1 year post grad and I realize getting that degree was a mistake. I don't like the work I am "qualified" for, and the salaries suck (about 50k near dc area).

    During my coursework I took some programming courses in my major, and some outside. I have gotten my feet wet but am far from qualified from landing a programming job. I have taken the following courses:

    In CS department: Intro to CS (Python) Programming and Problem Solving (java)

    In my major: Database management (MySql, html, php) Data Analytics (Python) Financial Modeling (VBA)

    It's been about a year and half since I have touched any of these, so I'm pretty rusty. I don't have any personal projects.

    In order of comfort I would say it goes 1. Mysql 2. java 3. python 4. html 5. php (Don't think VBA is really that valued)

    I don't really have a passion in terms of what I want to do with programming, but I enjoy programming a lot and would like to do it as a career.

    What steps can I take to help teach myself to get myself a job? What kind of jobs should I be looking for? How long will it take to build myself to be a decent applicant?

    Any advice is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/twopercentwholemilk
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