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    Sunday, August 11, 2019

    The best notification I've received from Chrome so far web developers

    The best notification I've received from Chrome so far web developers

    The best notification I've received from Chrome so far

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    Is Google ads delivering these awful pop-over ads?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    The number of legitimate websites that are displaying these pop-over ads of suspicious authenticity (often claiming some crap about Amazon) is growing every day. They are especially annoying on a phone cause when any attempt to click back away from it just re-loads it because it has loaded itself dozens of times to not let you back button to your original page (if you hold down the back button to see page history it has loaded enough times to make sure you can't even see the originating site in the list). I've later studied a few of these sites and have only found normal google ads, but I'm wondering if they have been compromised by a bot and are unknowingly serving up these ads or have scammers found a way to sneak them into Google Ads. Does anybody have experience with this?

    I ask for two reasons, 1) I have clients asking about Google ads and want to know if the likelihood and frequency of this behavior should be part of the consideration and 2) for my own personal use, has anybody found a solution to blocking these on your phone? I use an iPhone.

    submitted by /u/lH8Str0ngPa55words
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    How important is visual design?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    Hi, I started learning JavaScript, html, css about 8 months ago and my current process for a project is to lay out a basic frame for the website and then pile my time into the functionality / backend APIs etc...

    My reasoning so far is based on my expectation that in a professional environment a designer will provide something along the lines of a redline document and I will work to that spec.

    Is this a realistic expectation? I have no real interest in visual design, the thing I love is creating the functionality for things.

    An example of something I made is http://quicksurvey-react.herokuapp.com/ it's a MERN stack app with all functionality made by myself. It's not intended for mobile use and was purely something for me to build / learn from so isn't for production.


    submitted by /u/kingsolos
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    Can you tell me how you would write a unit test for this function?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    Newbie to learning front-end web dev, unsure of where to go pathwise.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 02:47 AM PDT

    I hope this fits the sub rules, but I'm just feeling really anxious and unsure lately. I'm new to learning web development, focusing on front end for now. I'm going through freecodecamp (and finding I enjoy it a bit more than Code Academy). I was looking into starting a online college course for IT, but would that be a waste of money? Should I just continue with freecodecamp, get a grasp of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and just apply to all the places I can after that? I guess I'm just feeling overwhelmed and freaking out a bit.

    submitted by /u/matchabao
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    Is the future of web development bright?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    I am new in web development and i have been studying it for well over 3 month now but every time i see an ad about wix or some other company which show how easy it is to build a website and you dont even need to learn anything that got me wondering is their a future for web developers if yes then how is a website made by a full fledged web developer different from the one these websites allow you to make

    submitted by /u/raghav616
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    Button to stay in place

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    I need my website translation button to stay in one spot as the window is scrolled. Like how facebook messenger stays in one spot when its minimized. How would i be able to do that?

    submitted by /u/mitch1618
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    Cheap storage for media

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    I'm looking for good and cheap solutions for a website storage needs.

    I manage a dedicated server with many websites on it. They're mainly Wordpress websites with 3-4 GB of disk occupied, maximum. For a particular new website I'm going to need many gigs (or even teras) for videos, images, static content, but my cloud plan doesn't allow further disk extensions and it would be too much expensive anyway.

    I was thinking of some external storage (amazon aws?) just for static content but I'm not sure I know where to start. Maybe someone knows something that perfectly fits my needs!

    Thank you.

    *Edit*: Oh, I would add a detail. I'd strongly prefer this storage to be accessible from an FTP client. The uploading of data should be very immediate with public URL immediately available. I don't know how AWS S3 works but I have the feeling it requires writing some web app with Amazon's apis and tokens to upload/retrieve the files. This would not be a good solution for me right now.

    submitted by /u/daliz
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    I've got a newbie question regarding Java Script

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    Hello, was my problem regarding HTML/CSS it would have probably been easier for me however, my knowledge in JavaScript is very limited.

    I made a slider (image slideshow) for my portfolio website. Whenever I add more than one slider (duplicate the code) it somehow delays the second one from starting and also somehow ruins the first one. So my question is, how can I duplicate the slider without ruining them and have them all work properly?


    thank you all :-D

    submitted by /u/Lunatic_GigaByte
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    Which CSS Voodoo Do I Need To Fix This ?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    Query String is messing with my document sizing. Need some help.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Query String is messing with my document sizing. Need some help.

    The title basically explains it. I have no idea what's causing this behavior. Any help would be appreciated.

    page without query string

    page with query string

    submitted by /u/Sweeterman3
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    Looking for (constructive) criticism on my personal website

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    I'm about to create a site on Wordpress with a domain I own from godaddy...couple questions...

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    It gives me the option to "transfer your domain away from your current registrar" (for $18) or "map your domain without moving it from your current registrar" (for $13).

    Can someone help me understand these options and what would be best for me? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/natethegreatt1
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    Manjaro vs. Ubuntu?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    So im looking for a linux version to setup on my dev pc. Im petty new to developping but have used linux in the past (mostly for servers so only from the commmandline). I was wondering what the best recommended distro is for webdevelopping purposes. Other recommendations are welcome too! :)
    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/rexorbrave
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    Covering and Responsive Background Image

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I've been learning HTML & CSS. You could say i'm still a beginner but decided to go on a small project while learning in order to practice and wanted to do that without a framework.

    Anyhow, I wanted to make a landing page with a background image covering the whole screen, you know. But i bumped into some problems.

    First it was white spacing on the bottom or right side, when i got rid of them the problem became scroll bars on the sideways etc. etc.

    I've finally managed to make it work on computer screen even though it's not perfect. But when i checked it out on my mobile, it was not aligned, not even covering the whole screen properly.

    You can check out the code here on CodePen

    I really would appreciate a proper and healthy fix for this issue and a walk-through how to accomplish a cover background image without bumping any of these problems.

    Also feel free to point out and smash it in my face any other mistakes or bad practices that I've possibly and most likely made.

    Thank you very much for your time in advance.

    submitted by /u/wezzwestbrook
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    Going freelance

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    On December 1st 2019 I'm going to be a full time freelancer for the first time in my 6 years web development career. I'm excited to try it out and want to know what are the best places you guys think I should start looking for work as a freelancer.

    Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/Maxevan9
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    Finished FreeCodeCamp's Javascipt Data Structures and Algorithms certification!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 09:03 PM PDT

    I just finished freecodecamp's data structures and algorithms certification and I would say it was worth it. I have been working in JS and it's related frameworks/libraries from the past two years and I would say I got to know so many unknow intricacies of javascript. I am working in ReactJS currently and also worked on NodeJS before. I always believed that before going into any JS frameworks out there you should know the language from which the framework is built on. This course not only taught me the language but also how to think in data structures. Not so deep though like linked lists etc. JS not recommended for these kind of data structures?

    I have skipped the basics section. Started with Intermediate Algorithms and then did the projects.

    Here is the Github repo - https://github.com/ZeeshanTamboli/Javascript-Algorithms-And-Data-Structures-FreeCodeCamp. PR's for clean and better code are welcomed.

    submitted by /u/zeeshan_tamboli
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    Building a request/response website. Any tips?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Hi guys! I am very new into the whole web development and I hope it's okay for me to post my question here! Could use your guys' help :)

    I have this idea for a website/online platform that I want to create and started looking for a Wordpress Theme that could do the trick. So far, no theme worked for me. So I'm now looking into creating the website myself from scratch. But I could use some help: where do I start?

    This is an overview of what I want to build: https://imgur.com/a/sPeKWEB

    I've read https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/wiki/faq and wanted to start from there. They say that you should learn HTML, CSS and Javascript (in that order). Is that the best way? Or do you guys have any other tips which help me reach my goal?

    Maybe there is a good Wordpress theme/plugin (which I missed) or other way for my idea to work? Perhaps you guys know!

    I have a goal (create that website/platform), now I just need to find out how to do it. I don't want to spend an awful lot of money right now. Hoping to learn a lot from you guys! :)

    Thanks in advance!!

    submitted by /u/RoboduckNL
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    A state of panic and despair of being too mediocre, bad luck, or, could it be just the Imposter Syndrome?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm about to change my job again, because of new, inadequate company policies and management not knowing and not caring to know what developers actually do at this company. They are enforcing vDesk on developers, which was never the case. Imagine opening a couple of IDE's in a virtual, remote desktop having like 2GBs of RAM :) And as I hit job boards, I feel like I have no chance. And this happens every time when looking for a job , and every time I get a job, and every time it's disappointing.

    I'm mediocre, maybe this is the reason. But can't really get out of it, because I have no "buffer time" and money to be able to sit at home for a couple of months and take some courses to improve myself.

    A little bit about my skills and doings.

    I am, or I think I am, a Full Stack web developer, I have developed one huge project using Laravel (a BlaBlaCar-like website with even more features). I have also developed an Android app, using Ionic Framework, for this website. Both were done in a mediocre way, but worked perfectly.

    I have developed some government systems, using another PHP Framework (Yii), and also had a chance to play with Docker a little bit. But still mediocre.

    I have created some tools for myself using Nodejs (for example an API that will send desktop notifications to a computer in the local network), but it was still done in a mediocre way.

    I even developed some complex WordPress stuff, aside of themes, for example- a custom framework and page builder. It was incredibly mediocre but it made my boss a fortune of $500,000.

    I have developed a custom SoundCloud player using Angular. I have developed a CRM using Vue. I have developed a couple of games using jQuery.

    I have developed another Android app, a SockFinder, using Ionic Framework once again.

    And that's only what was worth mentioning.

    People always say that I have a lot of experience.

    The reality is different and it's disappointing. I always doubt I can handle every single task. I always end up getting a worse job than the previous one. Maybe for a better pay (but still way below average), but certainly with worse everything.

    Just wanted to say this:

    Just don't be mediocre. Just focus on one thing and be the best at it.

    Or else...

    submitted by /u/baracuda33
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    Newbie Angular Data Management Question

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 10:13 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm new to Angular and I have a quick question about data management. In my application, I have an array of items that I want to be able to:

    1. Store locally on device so that the array can be accessed by a number of different components in the application.
    2. Mutate the array and have the components that access the data dynamically update to any changes.

    How would I go about this? I've done some research and it seems like there is a number of different ways to do so, including:

    • Creating a class and accompanying service and importing the service into the parent application
    • Using Ngrx/Rx js
    • Using Redux

    Is it worth it to learn the last two options to solve my problem? Any advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/TheWuster935
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    Looking for workflow help on dev -> CI -> deploying my front-end site and infrastructure

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    I have several tools set up that I use to code and deploy my site

    Frontend: React Host: GitHub + Netlify CDN (Netlify builds my site on merge to master) CI/CD: Azure Pipelines Infrastructure: AWS managed by Terraform


    Currently my infrastructure is updated on my staging environment when I submit a PR, and my prod is updated when that PR merges to master.


    My frontend uses AWS services like Cognito, Lambda, etc. These ARNs are known to my frontend via a config file. That config file is manually updated and stored in my Github repository with a python script I wrote, anytime terraform output changes.

    My question:

    Is there a way to automate the updating of this config file so my front-end always knows the state of my infrastructure? Without needing to store a config file directly in the repo?

    submitted by /u/fake_namest
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    PWA - offline notifications from background?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2019 02:04 AM PDT

    Hi, I want my web app (PWA in React) to make notifications from offline state of app (it is just saved date + time in app). In native app, I can make this easily with scheduled notifications. Is there any way how to trigger notification in PWA from background in smartphone?

    Push notifications seems like overkill for what I want to do. Thank you

    submitted by /u/hepepnyt
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    Rapid prototyping with docker

    Posted: 10 Aug 2019 11:59 PM PDT

    Hi, I am currently building a social media application as a side project to see how it is better done. I have written by back-end in Go and front-end in Vue. I am using docker for the back-end, front-end, and db (Postgres). I have a docker container for each ie. nginx serves the vue app in one container nginx is a reverse proxy to the back-end for API calls the back-end runs in a separate container. They use docker-compose to talk to each other.

    My current issue is that in order to test things I have to run docker-compose to build then launch the web app (locally) and then see what goes wrong and this has become time consuming to the point where I struggle to get work done on the project (its not currently in a working state anymore). I have tried using unit tests for the back-end but mocking the database hasn't worked out well. Testing the front-end has also been difficult due to it's reliance of the back-end. I am wondering how other people go about creating web apps like this? I really want to get this to a point of completion and I feel like I have hit a wall.

    submitted by /u/bearofjade
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