• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 17, 2019

    Firefox Nightly now has support for debugging WebSocket messages web developers

    Firefox Nightly now has support for debugging WebSocket messages web developers

    Firefox Nightly now has support for debugging WebSocket messages

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    Beware of Ad Blockers when developing

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    I rarely develop on my gaming PC but decided to carry on with a portfolio site I've been working on lately. Loaded everything up and began adding in a social media / contact section. I write the img tags, some basic css styling and hit ctrl+S. I tab over to find the site with nothing I just did rendered. Confused I double check for misspellings etc in my code, save again to find it still not rendered. I spend the next half an hour pulling my hair out, thinking I was going crazy and reflecting on how bad of a react developer I must be to be having trouble with something so minor. Eventually I go through the inspect element to find my missing div. On the styles panel there was a huge wall of text that I definitely hadn't put in there. I scroll down, and there I find it.

    display: none !important

    I had named the div 'socials-container' and my overzealous adblock had snubbed it out. Don't be like me. Disable your adblock. Actually double check what's being rendered.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/Jameslulz
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    In 2000, I Printed Out Some of the Top Websites as Examples of Good Design

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    Rest API returning 200 but it's actually an error

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    How would you deal with this? This person developed a back end with PHP, and it sometimes responds status code 400-500 with JSON but other times it's 200 but with a HTML of error exception on the server.

    How are you suppose to consume this set of APIs? I always wrote mine in node or spring that returns strictly JSON so I never had to deal with this. But now it's sometimes JSON sometimes HTML with error codes not corresponding correctly. This person is overseas, communicating with him is like once a day. basically he gets up after I leave work, so every tiny problem I notice would take at least a day to fix.

    We normally just put patches on top of his work on the client side to avoid this, is that normal? *internal screaming*

    submitted by /u/Slodin
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    Taking Payments for a startup

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 11:27 AM PDT


    Not sure if this is appropriate for this sub admins so feel free to remove if it's not!

    I'm currently working on a project for a friend's personal training business. It's just him but he'd like to have a website for promotion and taking payments for pre-made plans. I've been looking into how it works with taking payments online and trying to decide on a merchant to use for the supply. But was just concerned that there isn't really any information on how it works with paying tax and the law behind online payments and don't want my friend to get caught up if he's meant to be paying tax on these payments. If anyone has any information or advice about this please let me know!

    Also all of this is for the UK so that might make it a bit different!

    submitted by /u/samc21
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    Stupid .htaccess Tricks

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    How does anyone ever decide on a stack?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Hello everyone.

    I am a computer science student working at an internship, and it is my first time doing web development. My question for you all is HOW DOES ANYONE EVER CHOOSE A STACK?!?!?

    My project started out as a flask application with most interfacing being handled through wtforms. After finding out that I probably had too much interface, I decided that vue would probably be a good addition to this project. Because I found sqlalchemy really scary, I decided to use Postgres. However, an issue that I was running into was that "Has some" relationships were everywhere in my schema. This meant that the number of database requests needed in order to respond to a call grew rapidly. Having also been learning javascript, I wanted to know if I could deal with this by using Promise-y type async execution. To my delight, I found that python has async/await syntax. Just one problem. Flask doesn't support async/await. No problem, I just need to decide between the EIGHT available async replacements for flask!

    1. Vibora
    2. Sanic
    3. Quart
    4. AIOHTTP
    5. growler
    6. Starlette
    7. Bocadillo
    8. Responder

    Quart seems like a good choice, except there's no guarantee that my plugins will work. This is so frustrating and I feel like this stuff is making me super unproductive.

    TL;DR: How the fuck do you do your job?

    submitted by /u/w-j-w
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    What are some ways to create this as a PNG from a database? It's for apartments.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 12:05 PM PDT

    Hosting a Static Site and Contact Form with Osgood, a server-side JavaScript platform

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Share your stories! I'm at a wall and need some inspiration

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    TL;DR will be provided for those who don't want the sob story.

    Hey all, I'm 19 years old and I've been interesting in development since I was about 10 but never had the discipline to sit myself down and work on something for anymore than a month. I dunno why, I just assumed everything was pure motivation and discipline had nothing to do with it.

    Throughout all of high school, my brother and I talked about programming frequently as I loved it and he was in college to become a web developer. During his time in school I saw his projects and decided I really liked web development as well but still didn't have discipline.

    Mid 2017 my brother got an offer in another state and he was officially a junior developer and it was awesome. We worked on super easy projects together, talked about his job and yada yada.

    Fast forward to late-mid 2018 and he is promoted to senior and mentions me to his boss who was interested in me since I had necessary skills to start there. This really switched my brain from "motivation" to "discipline" and I started working on my first real project everyday. 6 months go by and I finally hear an update about the job, and they wanted to meet me face to face, so I drove to the state they live in, and met with the CEO, my brother's boss, and a senior developer. We all hit it off pretty well and it was awesome. Best day of my life.

    Fast forward again to April of 2018. My brother came to my home town to visit and hang out and at some point between us hanging out and me waking up, he left and in July 2019, I still have yet to hear anything from him and his fiancee. He hasn't contacted anybody in my family except for my mom, but she doesn't even fully understand wtf happened too. Now I'm not too certain, but I'm gonna go ahead and assume that I don't have that job lined up anymore lol.

    Anyway, that day really shattered me. Not only because my lifetime best friend and development mentor just ghosted me, but I also lost a job I've dreamed of for awhile. Because of that, I've dedicated myself to working every single day on my weather website. Saturday - Wednesday, I work at my job from 9:30-6, home at 630, eat and watch parks n rec until 7, and work on the site until 1 AM. Sleep, repeat. Thursday and Friday is usually noon-8 then I play overwatch and whatnot.

    So the point of this post? I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I feel like the more I learn, the less I know somehow. It's so draining working 8.5 hours at a retail store then go home and work 6 hours on something that I feel isn't getting any better for that amount of time. Yesterday I didnt work on my site because of this feeling and I can tell it's going to cause a problem so I'd like to do everything I can to prevent that.

    So, web developers of Reddit, share your stories! How did you start? What project was your favorite? What do you guys do when you hit the giant wall of insecurity and it just causes pure laziness and dread? I love my projects I have planned and I'm not 4 anymore. I want to do something with my ideas and most of all I want to do what I love.

    Edit: I've only gotten 3 months into this weather site so I don't expect it to be huge, I'd just like some insight into your guys' stories

    TL;DR: I work on my site everyday but lately I feel like I'm getting nowhere which is causing me to work on it less, so share your stories, similar or otherwise!

    submitted by /u/minifiedCode
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    REST Resource Unique Identifier. I want to share some consideration about choosing the best ID - What is your best solution? - Lets discuss about it!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    Hi All. I'm developing a backend REST framework (Gemini https://github.com/h4t0n/gemini) and I made several choices to identity a REST resource that I think good.

    Briefly in the following article (If you want to read) I talk about the most commonly used techniques: https://medium.com/@h4t0n/rest-api-uuid-v3-is-the-right-way-3ca0695610dc

    Finally (if you don't want to read the article) I chose the following two rules for Gemini:

    • REST API should expose named UUID-V3 identifier. UUID should be generated from the resource logical key.
    • BACKEND should use/store numeric (ID) primary keys for its logics

    The two rules allow me to use the logical key (and the UUID) in JSON and Paths during API interaction. While in the backend i store DB primary key (auto-incremented) that allows the framework and the DB to be fast (imagine numeric foreign keys for example).

    But what is your best strategy? Do you use logical keys? UUID? DB Ids? Random one?

    Do you have any real experience that you think it could be useful for my framework?

    submitted by /u/h4t0n
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    styling Iframe on different domain

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Hi is it possible to style this Iframe ebmened on site A

    Iframe : <iframe id= "stylethis"src='[https://www.stackcp.com/login?r=%2F](https://www.stackcp.com/login?r=%2F)' style='border:0'></iframe>

    I want to do internal css e.g. #header {background-color: blue;}

    I tried this but the styling is not passing through.

    <style type="text/css" id="cssID"> .className { background-color: red; } </style> <iframe id="iFrameID"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#iFrameID").contents().find("head")[0].appendChild(cssID); //Or $("#iFrameID").contents().find("head")[0].appendChild($('#cssID')[0]); }); </script>

    Any Ideas on how to do this ?


    submitted by /u/mealexinc
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    Looking for a big angular codebase

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    With best practices - any links?

    submitted by /u/Comyu
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    How Github became the web's largest font piracy site (and how to fix it)

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    Beginner Programmer with learning problems.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    Hello guys , I am new here , first of all sorry for my bad English. Secondly I want some advices for what to do. This year i finished the computer science BCon with very general knowledge. After some conversations and the need of a job I decide to learn front end developing in order to hire a job the September.Never mind spoke with a friend of mine which is a great front end developer and told me that he will help me becoming a front end developer. Well this is my goal from the start so he suggested me two books . The first one is headfirst javascript and the second one is for react. First I read the heads first js and asked him if I should move on to the next book. He said me to build a blogspot from scratch but before that to see html and css. So I began seeing tutorial from scrimba.com (I think this is how is called) a nice site with good explanations etc. I am done with that and started building my own blogspot. First I made an html file with a little code a little css with some flexbox and grid features and some general styling. When I sent it to him he said me not to put my articles in Html (because this is what I was doing I had an <article> tag with the article there) and build a javascript connector which connects with json file. The json file must have the article's and the js script should connect this data with the html file and display them. Well when I reached to this point I lost. I did not know what to do. I told him that I can't do that and I think is for a higher level programmer and not for me. He told me that I should can develop this simple script after reading heads first but I should not. And this is my problem. I don't know what to do I start learning about front end developing 2 months ago and I am grinding on it. But this is a huge lose. Why I can't understand this simple program? What I should do? I don't meant what is should do with the program but what i should do with the whole thing. There is any trick becoming front end developer? I am not good at learning? I spend many time ? Because i don't think i spent many time the last two months i read and learn about the developing at least 1 to 5 hours every day. I don't know what I am doing wrong. There is any advice out there? Sorry for the long post , have a wonderful day , thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/dennoukos
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    FaunaDB version 2.7 released! Featuring Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Browser-Based Querying

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 04:01 PM PDT

    Suspicious of Google’s reCaptcha? Here’s a popular alternative

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    Passing information from client to client?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    What are some of the newest (up-to-date) way to pass info from client to client? Think of a multiplayer game where player can just join a game a be linked with random oponent, play their game and rematch if they want? Can be with the use of a framework (react, Vue, angular) or just with pure Vanilla JS. Thanks

    I would use Firebase or a backend database if asked but, there is probably a better option out there that doesnt call the server for each move !

    submitted by /u/stlows94
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    Working developer looking to get a degree.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I am working at an agency right now, and I want to get my Bachelors in CS over the next couple of years. My company is not supportive of this (yes, I am actively looking for a new company), and won't allow me to miss any work due to classes.

    So my options are nighttime or online. I work remotely and my workday is very flexible, but I absolutely need to be available from 9-5 on Slack for calls. What I do when I'm not taking calls is very fluid from one day to the next.

    I am not nervous about workload, I'm a dog and worked 55 hours, did freelance work and took classes before. I want to get out of my current situation pretty bad, but companies don't like green developers with no degree.

    Can anyone recommend reputable online programs? The community colleges in my area do not have night or online classes for CS. My only option would be UMass, but I don't think I'd be able to get in because of how shit my high school grades were. (Do they still care about those if I graduated in 2012?).

    Any information would be very helpful. Google is saturated with advertisements and old information.

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    Speed is situational: two websites, two orders of magnitude

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    Is it possible to connect a MySQL DB to a website at runtime?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    I'm looking to build a web app that allows users to connect their MySQL DB to a website. This website would then display whatever is in their database. You'd then be able to make CRUD operations to your own MySQL database and possibly add extra tables to the database, through this website.

    Is this somewhat possible, or is it beyond difficult to do on your own?

    submitted by /u/TTrui
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    Internal Business Website with Backend Database - Unsure on where to start?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    My business is looking at setting up a AWS hosted internal only website which allows for us to setup questionnaires for clients to answer, with the data (non personal) going in to a backend database for us to generate some metrics out of.

    I was planning on making it .Net based web app with a backend MySQL database to store the data, but a little unsure on the steps required. The idea is that this can also be used for rudimentary file storage in time also but is a stretch target. Can anyone help? I'll need to generate a plan of what to do and where to go from here, so any help or ideas are really welcome!

    submitted by /u/Danboy360
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    How do you accurately estimate the time it takes to complete a task / project ? ( Planning Fallacy )

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    Hey Reddit,

    So I've been reading about the planning fallacy and how it is a common problem in the IT industry, and was wondering how do you and your team get around that.

    - Do you use any specific tools ?

    - Do you still underestimate / overestimate the time required after years of experience ?

    - What kind of consequences do you or your company usually face when missing your deadlines ?

    Would love to hear more about your experience with the planning fallacy and how you're dealing with it.


    submitted by /u/EOthmane
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    If my company already PAID IN FULL for the website, what things the agency should handover to us?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    First of all, I'm not a technical guy so I'm pretty much clueless about this.

    A year ago, my company signed a contract with an agency to have a website made in Wordpress and let that very same company do SEO for us. Both the CEO and my direct supervisor were very clueless about tech stuff (they know even much less than me) so they basically let that agency did all the works.

    Fast forward two weeks ago, my boss handed over the "all the things related our website" to me and asked me to manage it. However, there were several issues:

    1, They were spammed with weird posts and comments.

    1. Those spams were made by another account whose email was similar to the admin's.

    2. They were linked to other strange sites. (Is this what they call Black hat SEO? I find it's very suspicious since my boss once claimed that our website rank 1 on Google in just a 1-2 weeks)

    3. My account WASN'T THE ADMIN ACCOUNT and was just a shop manager account.

    I wonder if it's because my website was filled with trashes, facebook blocked me from linking to it. After getting some advice from a friend of mine who's an IT guy, I was told that I also need domain ownership and hosting ownership, which weren't included in the handover. He even said that I need to ask for the source code.

    What do you think I should do in this situation?

    submitted by /u/daicalun07
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    Sendgrid lying?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Does Sendgrid offer 100 emails per month or per day on the free account? Online their pricing says it allows 100 emails per day, but recently I got an email saying that I have used their quota of 100 emails per month. It is telling me I have to upgrade this is ridiculous. I'm not sure why this is allowed, they are blatantly lying.

    submitted by /u/Iamthejewnicorn
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