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    Wednesday, July 31, 2019

    Baidu’s ERNIE 2.0 Beats BERT and XLNet on NLP Benchmarks Computer Science

    Baidu’s ERNIE 2.0 Beats BERT and XLNet on NLP Benchmarks Computer Science

    Baidu’s ERNIE 2.0 Beats BERT and XLNet on NLP Benchmarks

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:00 AM PDT

    Non Deterministic Turing Machines VS Quantum Computers

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    Hi. I am taking a class on comp sci and am doing a project on P=NP. I understand that this is also a mathematics problem but I am asking about computer science part of it. I understand that Turing machines and computers are different things but I am specifically asking about quantum computers vs non deterministic Turing machines.

    submitted by /u/nughead69
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    How does a computer work from first principles?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    Can anyone explain, from first principles, how a computer works starting from the transistor level and working up in a linear way all the way to source code?

    You don't have to dumb anything down, because I don't mind doing a little research to understand it better.

    I know this is the perfect place to ask.

    submitted by /u/aydencook03
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    Need advice for my high school child

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    I want to get my kid to learn both coding and math using a game or interactive software. He's in 9th grade, and is in Algebra I.. Are there any programs out there that teaches both courses with the exception of Minecraft? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/TheGrandMandarin
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    Optimizing compression with computers

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    I feel like this idea is common sense yet definitely over complicated. I'll start with a human example, and then I'll connect that to computers, and finally talk about a possible implementation.

    So as humans we have different ways of storing numbers in our short term memory(ram), these numbers would be like 1212, 62526, 1248, etc. Where most people read they become respectively 12 twice, 625 pyramid, doubling numbers 4 digits. These are very effective ways of remembering these unlikely examples.

    Computers could benefit by this type of optimization, because as you all know in 8 but system a byte could store 255 different modes of optimizing. So surely if enough modes were made based on popularity, or approved request of private companies.

    Ps. I'm sorry if this post doesn't really make sense to experts, I'm just a high school graduate who likes to code. I'm sure it does not make sense to have this in most scenarios, but I could see I could see it make a streaming app in particular very competitive. Thank you

    submitted by /u/3nigma42
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    Logarithmic Space Verifiers on NP-complete

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    P versus NP is considered as one of the most important open problems in computer science. This consists in knowing the answer of the following question: Is P equal to NP? A precise statement of the P versus NP problem was introduced independently by Stephen Cook and Leonid Levin. Since that date, all efforts to find a proof for this problem have failed. NP is the complexity class of languages defined by polynomial time verifiers M such that when the input is an element of the language with its certificate, then M outputs a string which belongs to a single language in P. Another major complexity classes are L and NL. The certificate-based definition of NL is based on logarithmic space Turing machine with an additional special read-once input tape: This is called a logarithmic space verifier. NL is the complexity class of languages defined by logarithmic space verifiers M such that when the input is an element of the language with its certificate, then M outputs 1. To attack the P versus NP problem, the NP-completeness is a useful concept. We demonstrate there is an NP-complete language defined by a logarithmic space verifier M such that when the input is an element of the language with its certificate, then M outputs a string which belongs to a single language in L.




    submitted by /u/frankvegadelgado
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    Automatically Serialising Recursive Inner Functions in Python using the Y Combinator

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:31 AM PDT

    Java on Debian

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this is an appropriate question to ask here, but it felt appropriate as while it may have something to do with programming, it's not specifically a programming question in general, but perhaps I see it as a more CS-encompassing question that can be tied back to programming.

    I'm learning Java, and I have to install the JDK. I'm using Debian, and from what I can tell, there's two versions of the JDK: the OpenJDK and Oracle's JDK. Is it possible to have both JDKs installed, or would doing so cause some conflicts and such when programming in Java? I'm asking this because in VScode, the extensions don't seem to recognize OpenJDK, and they ask me to install Oracle's JDK.

    submitted by /u/Jsyschan
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