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    Thursday, June 27, 2019

    Where do you follow industry trends and new technologies? Ask Programming

    Where do you follow industry trends and new technologies? Ask Programming

    Where do you follow industry trends and new technologies?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    Looking to keep up with the latest tech's and trends in the software industry. Things like system architectures and infrastructure. I've browse "hacker news" but it seems to be less and less about tech.

    Hopefully an aggregator of some sort.

    submitted by /u/ramenmeal
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    Desktop App with database on network

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Hey, I'm not very experienced with setting up infrastructure for applications, and primarily work in web development.

    I've been tasked with developing a desktop app that can read and write data in a small database (prob sqlite). The there should be say, 5 pcs running this desktop app.

    They dont want a dedicated server to maintain, or a cloud solution they have to pay for. How would I go about doing this?

    It's only on their internal network. Does each machine make sql statements over the network or something? And just have a random machine host the sqlite file?

    Sorry, I'm more than happy to clear up any info, and I really appreciate any help! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Ecocide113
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    Im studying computer science, but for me to come up with solutions i need like whole day even for easy program. I dont have a balance life because of this

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:29 PM PDT

    Is this mean become a programmer is not for me? First im kind of person that afraid to try , usually try to find solutions manual first to feel secure while programmer has to find solutions for new problem all the time

    Even to understand algorithm, just read a book or tutorial doesnt makes sense for me, i need to try to code it first then i can understand the tutorial talks about what. I mean usually people learn algorithm then try to code it and not like me..

    When im coding some problem, when i stuck at something or find bug that i dont understand, its hard for me to come up with solutions.. im stuck and i need to find answer by asking other people.. i feel my logical thinking is bad, I see some successfull programmer is the one that can explain what they understand to other people. Im not that kind of person, im kind of person that usually cannot retain memory for a long time, if i dont understand some thing then tend to forget what im learning quite fast,,while for programmer has to be fast learner and also have good grasp at thing to code the solutions I feel bad.. it just for me to keep doing programming can lead to have not balance life like dont have enough sleep because want to know answer of problem but cannot find one, stress etc Can someone give me advice..

    submitted by /u/Devinamuljono
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    Do languages do fancy optimizations on built-in data structures or can you implement the same ones yourself that are just as efficient?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    For example, how would sample "how to implement a binary search tree" code from some Stack Overflow answer hold up in performance-critical situations?

    submitted by /u/LessNumbers
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    Is there a way to get a notification when a specific line in the Inspect Element part of Firefox, on a website, appears or disappears?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    A notification or have the time logged onto some document

    submitted by /u/robetrcalifornia
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    What would be the fastest way to check if a string of letters could be made from a list of shorter strings?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:40 AM PDT

    Ex. You have a list of the periodic table (['H', 'He', 'Li', 'Be',...] what would be the fastest way of checking if a string(made out of words) could be assembled from that list (meaning you could add up the string using the strings in the list)? Edit: For this ex. we assume uppercase letters are the same as lowercase ones.

    submitted by /u/ADarkcid
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    Developing a Kahoot-like App

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    Hello Redditors,

    I am trying to develop a web app that is similar to Kahoot, in the sense that there is a single host and multiple players that connect to the host and enter a game PIN to join. I don't really know what I'm doing and I've looked at FireBase and PubNub to see if they had what I was looking for, but the tutorials kind of confused me. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get started, or perhaps recommend tools to use? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/FutureBee29
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    FreeNAS server to be turned off when not in use

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:28 PM PDT


    I've made a post in another sub asking about a RAID 5 FreeNAS build I want to make.

    So, the idea here is that, when not in use, the server (it'll probably be an old repurposed PC) will be powered down. However, when I open the NAS from the windows 10 file explorer it automatically sends a command to the NAS to power up. If it goes unused for X amount of time then it shuts down again.

    Is there a way to do this? Please consider my programming knowledge is rather limited (some Arduino projects and C++ arrays, that's about it). It's also going to be shared with my parents who aren't too tech savvy so if it could be automated that'd be great.

    I've considered using an Arduino with a relay to forcibly disconnect it from outlet power but I don't like the idea very much.

    Thank you for your time, I'm looking forward to your replies!

    submitted by /u/albertogarciasocial
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    How to open and read a XML file in C++

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    The title says it all. I have looked at many tutorials and libraries to do it, but it just seems really confusing to me. I know how to do it using ElementTree in Python, so I was thinking in embedding Python code in C++, but I wasn't being sucessful either (when I tried to do it, it gave me an linker error saying it couldn't open "python37.lib")

    submitted by /u/Skelozard1
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    Adding custom functionality to a streaming website?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:35 PM PDT

    Hey everyone. I use a website to stream movies. However, this website does not have an option to jump forward or backward by 10 seconds. It would be really convenient for me if I mapped my J and L keys to jump backward and forward 10 seconds respectively. Is it possible to do this, and if so how would I start?

    submitted by /u/lebr0n99
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    How much do I need to enjoy Coding?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    Hello, recently I've been interested in going to a state college's boot camp. I've had a couple of meetings with a counselor already, and she gave me some tutorials to work through. I've gone through about half of the "Learn Java" course on Code Academy. I've enjoyed it, and I enjoy the problem solving aspect and understanding the logic of why things are a certain way. But I guess my question is, how much should I enjoy it to attend this boot camp. These tutorials are just scratching the surface and I don't feel like its indicative of what an actual developer job would be like. Perhaps if I were working on an actual project it would feel more apparent to me, but I understand you have to learn how to walk before you can run. So how much should I enjoy coding to justify going to this boot camp? Also, is there anything else besides tutorials I can do to maybe get a better idea? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Zcfox
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    How to create a standalone service for ASP.NET MVC web application?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    I'm a relatively new developer on a very small team asked with moving some of our app's existing functionality into a standalone service we can call.

    I have an ASP.NET MVC web application in which we can make calls to download documents from azure blob storage, and upload them into our S3 buckets.

    Currently this is all just happening on the main app server, which is terrible for performance if someone chooses a giant document.

    I want to make a standalone app that lives on a different server that my main app can call to perform the document download functionality, so our main app server performance is not effected.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of some general tutorials for how I would make this happen? Or give me some hints on what exactly I should google? I'm a little confused on if i should just be moving this functionality into another web app, a windows service, a web api, or something else... I'm still not very experienced. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/9700454
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    GDI/GDI+ font differences?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    I'm writing a replacement for some software which uses Windows GDI and DrawText. I'm using GDI+ and DrawString, instead.

    The older software uses CreateFont(...), which seems to fallback to Courier New. I use FontFamily(...) to determine if a font family exists, default to fallback if it doesn't, then I use Font(...) to create the font itself.

    Now I'm getting confused, because the old software seems to have no problem using the font "Courier" (not "Courier New"), but according to my call to FontFamily(...) it doesn't exist. Is it a "family-less" font, or something? Does that make it deprecated, as far as GDI+ is concerned?

    The other confusing thing is that I can use fonts like Consolas, Segoe UI, Calibri, Arial, and even Comic Sans without a problem, all nicely antialised, but when I try Tahoma, it's rendered without antialiasing. Does anyone know why? Does it lack some kind of hinting, or something?

    submitted by /u/wonkey_monkey
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    Fast-growing SaaS startup - looking to hire our 2nd engineer and 4th team member

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    Our fast-growing SaaS startup is seeking to hire our 4th team member and A+ player. Ideally a full-stack/python dev who has an appetite for risk and being on the ground floor of a SaaS startup with big aspirations. A little bit about us:

    • Went from $0 to $200,000 in ARR SaaS subscriptions from Feb 15th 2019 to today
    • $500k+ in the sales pipeline
    • Raised 300k on a 3.5M valuation to date
    • Founder sold previous company
    • Hard-working team that respects work-life balance, but is very driven and strict when it comes to performance, goals, and our appetite for success
    • Looking for an A-player. What does that mean? A dynamic engineer with good communication skills, an ability to learn/adapt fast, can switch gears on the fly to take care of the most urgent deliverables. Willing to get hands dirty but can settle into a management role as time goes on. A person we can consider a founding team member.
    • Offering 100K+ in Salary/Equity
    • Boston (HQ), NYC, or Remote

    Where are the best places I can post this to find someone? If this sounds like you, please comment connect/learn more about the company and connect.

    submitted by /u/ohjusthiring
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    Is there a way to make on screen motion detection be recorded as time and date data or send me a notification?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:53 AM PDT

    For instance, when a number increments in an interface on some Electronics project I'm working on. These changes may only happen every few hours, and happens while I've looked away for a minute. Is there a program I can download for these changes to be recorded by excel, image, text file etc?

    submitted by /u/lvl3security-outof20
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    Careers involving some programming?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    I took two or three programming classes in high school, and I really enjoyed them. And while I was not a straight-A student, I still managed to finish each class with a decent grade.

    I'm currently in college and thinking about what jobs I would enjoy doing once I'm no longer in school. Recently, it dawned on me that if I could have a career where I would be required to program small applets or automation tasks, I would enjoy it. The only problem is that I'm not sure if that career even exists. I've tried Googling to see if I could get the information I wanted to no avail.

    Do careers exist where you get to do a little Programming or build small projects on the side?

    submitted by /u/captainthrowaway314
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    Accessing static properties from another project in .Net-core

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:37 AM PDT

    This is my set up with projects

    ConsoleApp_A Program (runs Main()) static class Repo static List<string> staticStrings; // This is instantiated when project runs ConsoleApp_B Program (runs Main()) 

    How can i get the values in staticStrings from Console A ? I thought ive done this before but it seems im thinking wrong. I want to be able to access a static property that exists in ConsoleApp_A from ConsoleApp_B.

    I reference Console A in Console B and use Repo.staticStrings but its null in Console A and has value in Console B. I assume it is because each project has its own version of it?

    So how can i solve this?

    submitted by /u/NinRejper
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    Are there any useful tools to transfer coding knowledge from one language to another?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    I've programmed in several different languages and often need to jump between, or learn one just briefly. I'm sure many people are in similar situations where you want to quickly know different syntax aspects and such, but the annoying problem I repeatedly find myself in is that every reference starts at a very beginner level. Are there any good resources for people who have programming experience to learn another language? If not, would anyone be interested in creating something of the sort with me?

    submitted by /u/Nashad
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    Quick way to pass information between projects

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    Protoyping a frontend that polls backend for objects and then shows and animates the objects in the web browser in realtime.

    To do this i have a traditional frontend.

    Since im just trying out stuff i dont want to set up a database. But i want to be able to add objects dynamically to make sure the frontend reacts when there is new data added. So i made a console application that will work like an admin panel.

    Im looking for a easy an quick way to move data between projects. My first idea was to have a class with a static list with objects that the admin console could update. But i realised that its not possible because the two projects wont share the same static class.

    So thought about serialising and saving the objects to a file and the projects can read and write to the same file. That works but i had problems getting the projects to find the same path since they are in different build folders. I solved that by changing their build folders so that they build to the same folder.

    My main question is if there is a simple way to give both projects acess to a create and read from a folder outside the solution, for example c:/ObjectStash. The solution i use now requires the build folder to be changed and i dont want to have to do that in the future if i reuse this when i try prototypes.

    Also id love to hear if you have had the same need and how you solved it.

    submitted by /u/NinRejper
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    Hi!, Having trouble with storing mode in an array and returning it to the main function

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    Hello friends, I'm currently using C program and I'm having trouble finding and storing the mode of an array in an array.

    How do you do this?

    The parameters of my getMode function is the pointer of the array and the number of elements there are in the array.

    I also have a function to find the frequency of each value and store them in an array in an ordered manner.(e.g. if my array is {2,2,4,6) my frequency array is {2,2,1,1}.

    submitted by /u/gwaponezz
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    Way to trigger cntrl-f in and select strings programmically in google chrome

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    Issue - writing a script where I need to open google chrome to a web page (easy, command line interface with chrome) but then I need to get it to "find" a string on the page - basically cntrl-f and then highlight the first instance (so the person doesn't have to copy, control-f, paste, and enter the page over and over). The data is irregular and needs to be checked. Would be great to eliminate some clicking.

    This doable (googling let me down) - if no, other ways of skinning this cat?

    submitted by /u/Conscious_Feature_xp
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    Automating a repetitive task in vscode?

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I was wondering if it was possible to setup some sort of macro in vscode for changing a large set of numbers in a file? I'm doing a task right now in wpf, where all of the xaml Textblocks need to have their row in a grid go down by one. Right now I'm just copying and pasting the code to vscode, then running through it manually before copying/pasting it back into visual studio.


    <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" /> would become <TextBlock Grid.Row="0" />

    <TextBlock Grid.Row="2" /> would become <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" />


    Any and all help is appreciated (:

    submitted by /u/aitbg
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    Question: dynamic barcode for PDF forms

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 03:02 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm looking for some help on how to finish a project. Any tools, suggestions, programming languages/techniques are welcome.

    I need to utilize dynamic QR codes to capture PDF form data on an android tablet.

    For the project, the user will be given a pdf form on a tablet, and once they answer the form questions I would like to generate a QR code. This QR code will be scanned in person by mobile and be used to capture the form data. The tablet will not have a network connection.

    I've looked around and it seems like iText may be able to do this. Before I dive in I wasn't sure if there is another library I should look into?

    Any pointers on how to implement this would be appreciated. Thanks

    submitted by /u/qlznos
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