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    Monday, June 10, 2019

    /r/webdev Community Podcast: An Interview: Gabriel "gmem" Simmer web developers

    /r/webdev Community Podcast: An Interview: Gabriel "gmem" Simmer web developers

    /r/webdev Community Podcast: An Interview: Gabriel "gmem" Simmer

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    I found a bug in Chrome/FF on macOS that allows websites to play sounds at dangerously loud volumes, bypassing the OS volume setting. Heed my warnings.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    Techquickie on why websites load slowly

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:36 AM PDT

    For those solo developers: how do you deal with not having anyone to help when you get stuck?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 04:27 AM PDT

    About a year ago I left a team that I really enjoyed working with (I left due to management practices among other things). We worked really well together and had a good set of complimentary skills . Whenever one of us was stuck on a technical or design problem we'd often be able to work it out together and would use that as a moment to teach everyone involved.

    Now I'm the only developer at my company and have nobody to turn to when I get stuck, which is mostly on design and UX (I'm a developer first and foremost). Nobody else at the company has experience in these matters so turning to them won't help.

    So what do the solo devs so in this case?

    submitted by /u/circuitBurn
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    Pagespeed & Lighthouse Monitoring Tool (Check Lighthouse Improvement Over Time)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    As a complete beginner who did a bootcamp a couple of years ago and then udemy courses over the past six months in HTML/CSS/Javascript, I'm looking for help in drafting my resume

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    As the title says, I have no experience outside of the coding I've done through my online courses, which means I do not have a portfolio to present my skills. That's my next step if you're wondering, in a couple of weeks or so, but I need to send out resumes immediately and am looking to get a good job as soon as possible. Can you please advise me on how best to draft my resume when I have no professional background in this field and have also been out of the work force for the last five years? I'm a hard worker and more than eager to learn, I just need that first opportunity.

    submitted by /u/Iwanttounderstandphy
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    Really confused about responsive design. How does it actually work?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    So I created a website. Was really excited about it. Spent most of the time on SASS (CSS) to make it look good the best possible way. I followed the 'desktop first, mobile next' model and used Chrome dev tools to make it responsive till 470px as I its a personal project and the website is supposed to be available to a few people I know. The common devices are laptops/desktops, Samsung phones, iPhones and iPads. On desktop the website looks just fine. On my Samsung Galaxy S10, which has a width of 1440px, the website behaves awkwardly and shows content as if I am using a device with <450px. Ok! So I went to Chrome dev tools again and fixed it. Then I tried it on my dad's iPhone 8 Plus which has 1080px of resolution and the content is being shown as if its on a device with <380px. What is happening? Why do the pixels don't matter? What's the minimum pixel width I have to go to so that I can make my website as responsive as possible?

    submitted by /u/DaBaDaDee
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    Hosting and domain with Siteground, but building site on Github -- how can I point my domain to Github repo?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Confused as to what I should best do right now. Hell, my title is probably confusing too.

    I have a hosting plan on Siteground which I originally intended to use for portfolio work, but now I'm building a one-pager and using Github for it.

    My domain is currently sitting on Namecheap and I've changed the host records and CNAME on Namecheap to point to Github. Github's repo settings are also pointing to the domain. The issue (seemingly) is that my Siteground information is still trying to use my domain, so whenever I type it in, it still points to SG.

    How can I "disconnect" my domain from SG so it can properly point to Github? Am I even explaining this properly?


    submitted by /u/xtcz
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    Applied to a company, received a code test for the "chance" of being interviewed. Is this unreasonable?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Applied to a company yesterday, and in order to "continue with the application submission process", I need to build a react application with dynamic filtering, a chart library, routing to three pages, and style all three pages responsively.

    I don't mind doing a test, after either a phone interview or an in person interview. But to do all this work for the "chance" of an interview, sounds ridiculous to me.

    Is this a red flag? Or is this something that's common now, to do a test before an interview, without the guarentee of getting an interview?

    submitted by /u/jd0909
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    X-post /r/sysadmin I know this isn't your typical dev post, but I feel we could all enjoy this relic together.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 04:36 AM PDT

    Contractors, how do you enjoy your job?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    So I am 20, working at my second dev job... and tbh I'm kinda bored. I think it has been caused by working on the same project, with the same tech stack the whole time. And for some reason we use angularJS, which I absolutely hate lol.

    Lately I have been considering the contracting option where you can jump on different projects every 3 - 6 months. To me, that sounds like it would me way more fun.. and also a better opportunity to explore other technologies professionally.

    I know there are no benefits for most, but considering I am young and single I don't really need them ATM. Just wanted to see if anyone could share their personal experience contracting. Also, where do you guys find the jobs? I have just been looking at google jobs

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    The CSS Mindset

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    Avoid Burnout By Learning New Things

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    What's the most accurate way to gauge screen size when creating media queries?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    would it be to use chrome dev tools or to make my monitor screen smaller?

    I notice for example that when I just shrink my monitor down everything looks how I want it after adding the media queries, but when I use dev tools, things aren't centered. Or, for example, I have an angled section that takes up the right amount when minimizing my screen down, but when I use dev tools, I can see the edge of the div, which I don't want visible.

    Should I go through and make sure it looks right using dev tools instead? Ideally, should they be the same?

    This is using the responsive dev tools as well as just selecting a specific phone.

    I'm using a 23.8-inch monitor, if that matters.


    submitted by /u/itipiso
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    Question about database storage and performance

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    I've used MySQL extensively for 10+ years now, but wouldn't consider myself an expert at writing queries as 99% of what i've done is just easy SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE etc. None of that crazy join crap people go nuts with.
    What i do to avoid performance bottlenecks is to just cache result sets external to the database and only use the database for searching when possible. That's when i write custom stuff.

    So, what i'm trying to find out is this:
    Is there a free [open source, set it up yourself on a server] or

    relatively cheap [eg. $5/mo] MySQL engine/service

    that can handle scaling for large datasets and complex queries? [even if limited to a 10GB or less would be ok]
    I've used RDS/Aurora with AWS, but that stuff's expensive.
    I've used document databases like MongoDB and DynamoDB, but I'm specifically trying to find one for MySQL, or SQL in general even.

    submitted by /u/Ravavyr
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    Is wordpress viable for a large ecommerce site?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    Was wondering if WordPress would be best for a large e-commerce site with heavy traffic.

    submitted by /u/third_legatron
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    How do you generate URLs for shareable webpages such as a Pastebin post or a wish list?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 03:31 PM PDT


    I'm fairly new to web development. I have experience with CSS, HTML, C# and some C++. Mostly from dabbling in Unity, some tutorials, and Intro Programming classes. I understand the newby stuff but I'm looking to expand my knowledge in web development.

    I've done some research (if Googling things counts as that) and haven't come across what I'm looking for. I don't know if I'm just looking for the wrong thing or not even understanding what it is that I'm looking for.

    I was wanting to experiment around with having a user be able to generate a URL that will load a webpage with specific options, text, etc. based on what was there when the URL was generated. Like the title states, examples of this are a Pastebin post, or maybe typing some text into some boxes to create a "wish list" that you can share with others. So far, I have seen a couple different ways to do this. One looks like queries in the URL itself like how YouTube adds "&t=..." to skip to the specified time within the video, and the other being what I would assume is an algorithm that will generate some string that is linked to a webpage that calls for certain things in a webpage to appear, like Pastebin. I prefer to learn that latter but I'm unsure where to begin with this, both in the aspect of the URL generation itself and with have that URL communicate to the webpage to load the specific parts of the page.

    Also, is this tied to a certain language? I was looking to learn Node, React, & MongoDB.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Donshwah
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    Is there a way to route emails from your cPanel email to your normal email?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    cPanel currently has my website email set up through Horde. However, I don't really like the processing of logging into it all the time to check if new emails have been received. I'm wondering, if there's a method I can do to set up a notification through gmail, (my regular email.)

    I tried email-forwarding, but it didn't seem to work.

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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    How impressive is it to build a web application for a company as an experience?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    I am a new graduate in comp sci who somehow found a freelance job as the sole developer for a web app for an insurance company. They will use this web app to manage customer transactions, print documents, lookup information, and generate reports

    If this is the main experience I have, is it still impressive enough to land a job as a software developer? Or will those artificial "minimum 3 years experience" requirements still relegate me to a minimum entry level position as an intern or something?

    submitted by /u/railsprogrammer94
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    Should I use nginx as a proxy for one server? (asp.net core)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi, my server runs only one http server. One instance of asp.net core. Should I use nginx in front of it? Why or why not? I think I will only because I'm likely going to try to get a domain cert. But that's the only reason I can think of.

    submitted by /u/PrestigiousInterest9
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    Help setting up server with Wordpress backend and React frontend

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 02:08 PM PDT

    I'm currently working on a website for a client which uses Wordpress as a backend for its CMS and a React app to display data by querying the Wordpress REST API.

    I've set this up locally without a hitch but I'm not sure how this will work in production.

    As an example let's say that the Wordpress app is running on an Apache server on port 3000 and the React app is running on a React server on port 3001. The React app will query http://myapp:3000 in order to fetch data from Wordpress. The data will be displayed for users to see is on http://myapp:3001. In this case I will just put both of these servers on the same virtual Linux machine on Heroku and only make the React app visible to the outside world.

    However I still want the Wordpress application exposed to the outside so that my client can log in to the back end and edit the website content. This is where I'm finding it confusing as this approach was supposed to be a straight forward solution but now I'll have to figure out how to run two web servers with different needs on one domain name.

    Essentially I want a way to package these two separate applications into one to make the production server as simple as possible and to be able to choose what Wordpress routes get exposed to Internet.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CriticalImpress
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    The state of GraphQL by Reddit

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    A JavaScript library that lets you connect and use various gaming controllers with browsers that support the Gamepad API.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    Galio - Free and Open Source React Native Framework

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 06:56 AM PDT

    Take Back Your Web: Tantek Çelik’s Call to Action to Join the Independent Web

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 06:50 AM PDT

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