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    Tuesday, June 25, 2019

    Recommendation to publish development articles Ask Programming

    Recommendation to publish development articles Ask Programming

    Recommendation to publish development articles

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    I am looking for popular sites where I can post development articles. I know that code project is popular but are there other quality sites? I am open sourcing my work and want to give back to the community.

    submitted by /u/euclid0472
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    Questions to as a VP of Engineering

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    I am currently working in a Sales position at a startup. I'm thinking of pursuing web application development after graduating (going into Senior year). I have the opportunity to have lunch with my company's VP of Engineering tomorrow. What are some questions i can ask him about what the day to day is like, as well as what I should do to prepare for landing a job.

    Pretty new to web dev, only been learning for about a month now but I'm really enjoying it. Will take any suggestions! Thanks :)

    Edit: ask* lol

    submitted by /u/colinm13
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    How can I protect my purely frontend webapp from theft?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    What do y'all build with python?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    I understand why some like python: robust library, community support, readability, compatibility, and so on, but what do those who use python build?

    I'm a .NET developer who uses C# to write API's at my job, and last year we adopted.NET Core. We're all sufficiently skilled in SQL to handle data persistence. When we find ourselves rewriting aspects of domain logic or data access classes, we write a nuget package and deploy it to our company's nuget repo. What could python help us do that we'd struggle with, or what could it do easier/better?

    submitted by /u/GroshfengSmash
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    Overriding equals for a LinkedHashMap in java

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    Hello r/AskProgramming,

    I am working with a linkedhashmap in java and I am trying to use an object as my hashkey. My object has String a, String b as two instance variables and I want to override the equals inside of my hashkey object. I ran the code and when I called the hashmap.get(hashkey) with a hashkey that I had expected to see in my map it wasn't found. Here is my method for the equals:


    public boolean equals(Object obj)


    if(getClass() != obj.getClass() )


    return false;


    HashKey equality = (HashKey) obj;

    if( equality.a.equals(this.a) && equality.b.equals(this.b) )


    return true;


    return false;


    submitted by /u/Aber2346
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    How should I get started in the "real" software dev world?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    I'm a hobbyist, self-taught programmer and have been developing my own projects for around 9 years now. (I'm Currently 23) I'd really appreciate some advice from those who work in professional software development positions.

    While I can hold my own in software development, I'm extremely intimidated by working in the "real world." I mean, I can code pretty decently, but only through my own projects. I know almost a dozen languages and can pick up new skills in just days. I've even started doing freelance work for game developers I've met online, which has gone really well so far.

    However, in terms of anything professional? Not much. I've only had minimum-wage, warehouse jobs up until now. Never got a college degree, and only recently decided to start going, but for a certificate in Marketing instead of anything software related. The requirements for many jobs are insanely overwhelming, and just looking at the benefits alone is enough to scare me away. (As someone who's only ever made minimum wage, the idea of a $15+/hour wage is mind-boggling.)

    How should I approach moving past this? Should I just stick with freelancing on the side for now? If I should look for a job, how can I be sure that I can meet the expectations of those above me? Is it as difficult as it sounds? With such high-paying positions, I'm terrified I'd be letting a lot of people down if it turns out to be a very different playing field from what I'm used to.

    (Personally, I'd absolutely love a job in game design. It's always been my dream to one day make and sell my own games. Though, I'm just not sure if this is the right step to take. There's virtually no game dev studios in the state I live in, only regular software jobs. That still works too; at least something to grow experience with and learn some new skills from until I move on.)

    submitted by /u/TheDudeFromCI
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    [Question] cloud based repository for images (assets)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:28 PM PDT

    Hey Guys :wave:

    I am a graphic designer over the years I've built my self a huge repository of assets which I loose track of I would like to have some sort of a cloud based service where in I can upload the images with relevant tags for to me search any suggestions?

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/LiAmsplox
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    Hobbyist looking for best way to improve my skills and make a career out of my passion.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:13 PM PDT

    Hi /r/askprogramming. Like the title says, I'm a self-described hobbyist, a geek of no qualifications, if you will. Computers have been my passion since I was eleven. I started programming in QBASIC and Python is my current love. I wanted to major in CompSci but the math kicked my ass. I ended up taking up humanities, but ended up dropping out when real life got in the way (long story).

    I've written programs in every job I've had to make my work easier, and people have always told me that I'm wasting my talents. Now that I'm getting older, I'm starting to think I should give this an honest try while I still can. I have a family friend that is self-taught and now has a business creating websites. He mainly deals in Drupal/jQuery from what I understand, and he has enough work to hire a small team to work for him.

    I feel that working for this acquaintance is my best shot at making a career out of this. What do you all think would be the best book/resource to learn that toolset? Or, do you think it's in my best interest to learn something else and try to work my way some other way?

    I'm sorry the question is kind of broad/personal, but I'm just afraid of jumping into the unknown, and I figure a group of people willing to answer programming questions might be my best bet at this point.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/jaquer
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    are functions assigned to a function considered monkey patching(python)?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:07 PM PDT

    "sorry asking from mobile" is def a(): #some code def b(): #some code

    a() =b() a() #runs b() instead

    is this also a case of monkey patching, why?


    tuple = list tuple(1,2,3)

    raises TypeError list() takes at most 1 argument

    what is happening in this case?

    submitted by /u/yugansh_52
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    A program that takes voice and auto schedules appointments

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:17 PM PDT

    So, I don't know if this is the right place to ask this but I am curious if there's a way to create a program that can automatically take the contents of a recorded phone call and upload key data to a scheduling app. For example, say I schedule a plumber to come to a rental property on Jan 1st 2020 at 3 pm. Plumber Joe quotes $100. His phone # is 333-333-333. I use a scheduling APP called Cozi currently and my calls are recorded using a app called AutomaticCall Recorder. Is there a way to design a program that can pick up on keywords (Name, date, price, time ...etc) and then import that directly into the scheduling app Cozi? I have zero coding experience and asdume this is way more complex than I understand but ...how hard would it be for a proficient programmer to accomplish? Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/77luke
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    Urgent Question: What does this code mean?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    I've been realizing that while on Google Chrome I have been receiving this message " # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected Dict[str, Any] for 2nd param but got # Mapping[str, Any]. " whenever I try to go on Instagram. Is this anything to be concerned about?

    submitted by /u/JuiceGasLean
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    Can every problem be broken down into smaller bits and then be pieced together to find the resulting answer?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    For example if we wanted to find the maximum sub-array product of an array, we could say what's the max subarray at index 0, index 1, ... index N until we finally get to the end

    submitted by /u/osdir202
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    NOT for SEO stuff: but what would I use to search google for 3-5 keywords as they pertain to about 5000 accounts that we have?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    For example, if one of our accounts ends up in the news for a lawsuit, or a new product, etc. I'd like to get something created which searches the internet daily, pulls the info into a package (email, etc) and sends a summary by account to a group of users?

    submitted by /u/press_F_topayrespect
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    Cookbook for LINQ/STL/Ranges/Lodash algorithms?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    Hi there! I'm looking for resources to brush up on ways to inject functional programming into my personal and professional projects. Lodash for javascript, Ranges and <algorithm> for c++, Linq for C#... they're all circling around the same idea, but I feel like I'm missing something about how transcode hand-crafted loops to use standard libraries .

    I'm looking for... cookbooks/koans/examples, whatever you want to call it, so I can build up my library of ways to use these functional algorithms.

    Here's a good example of what I'm talking about, but the examples are too similar, and the composition of functions is pretty linear. I'm looking for something with more complex/expressive ways to combine these sorts of functions.

    Maybe I should just re-read CPPReference?

    submitted by /u/kernalphage
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    Overwhelmed by a project I agreed to take on--what to do?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:36 PM PDT

    CS senior student here. I recently joined a small IT startup as an intern with another student from my uni. The company was clearly understaffed, and the first few days passed without anyone giving us clear work to do.

    The manager did task us with getting familiar with the system, and somehow we ended up describing the faults and limitations in one of the Python scripts the other employees are using. Mr. Manager was delighted, and asked us if we could rewrite it it--and we said yes, not knowing whether we were up to the task. Then he left us to do everything by ourselves--setting up a repo, planning milestones, designing the new API, etc.

    It's been ~10 days (weekends included) since we began, and now I am unsure if we are up to the task. The first milestone--demonstrating a prototype of the new API in action--is in sight with a possible delay of 2-3 days. But I don't think we have the expertise or experience to push beyond that. I'm a rather zealous coder, and I feel I'm spending too much time double-checking PEP 8, PEP 484, and Google Style Guide, and not writing code fast enough.

    I am especially worried because I recently overheard one employee skeptically claim that anyone with experience using the script for a long time is better suited for the task. I know this is true, and that us interns are prolly underequipped. Anyone can see our repo in the company intranet, so I assume the others will figure it out soon enough.

    The Manager has left us alone for a while, and while the company structure is mostly horizontal, I'm afraid of what he would say if he learns about the situation. Should I tell him right away, or push forward to the first milestone (due this Friday)?

    submitted by /u/lifeeraser
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    How to run an application/software script?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    I downloaded an application script I think it's php. How do I use this?

    Obviously a complete noob here, not sure if my terminology is even correct. How do I use the scripts so I can actually use the application/software?

    Edit: Here is an example of what I downloaded. This is not a direct download link. This is a link to the forum post with the download.


    submitted by /u/shgrme32
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    How do you folks test IE on macs?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    I'm using safari's dev tools to change the manager, or whatever it is, but the QA dude is saying IE is turning my code into trash that's trasher than it's already trash #humble.

    submitted by /u/SpiritedInstance9
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    Clicking button

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Hi i don't know if you guys can help me but i have a question. I want to "click" on the button few times before he actually send "request" and i can't click anymore. I managed to bypass this by using africa proxy which make my internet connection slower so i could click it 4/5 times before request sent. How can i do this to click it 10/20 times?

    submitted by /u/specuuuuu
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    Is there an API to get Amazon products?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    I want to search Amazon based on keywords and get a product back in JSON. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?

    submitted by /u/CastleCorp
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    I need an overly simplified explanation for putting multiple pages in the file for a website (html/css) then running it in the browser

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    I've been searching for an explanation for two days now and I feel crazy. I built a website all by myself and I'm super proud of it - I have a homepage, a contact page, and an "adopt" page because it's a dog themed website. I only built it for practice but I'm actually really proud of it since it's my first one.

    I have no idea how to actually link the pages together though. I know how to do this on the homepage:

    <div class="topnav">

    <a class="active" href="#home">Home</a>

    <a href="#info">Info</a>

    <a href="#adopt">Adopt</a>

    <a href="#contact">Contact</a>


    For the other pages would I do something like this (the adopt page, for example)? :

    <div class="topnav">

    <a href="#home">Home</a>

    <a href="#info">Info</a>

    <a class="active" href="#adopt">Adopt</a>

    <a href="#contact">Contact</a>


    And after linking them in the html...what do I do next? Do I literally make a folder on my computer and then just put the html files in the folder together with the css? Like one file with a homepage.html, info.html, adopt.html, and contact.html plus the css file, just sitting together in a regular folder? How do I run it all as a singular item? Do I have to zip the folder or something? After putting it all together, how do I run it in the browser?

    Whenever I google this type of thing I get overly complicated answers I don't understand like this W3 page which just feels like a HUGE info dump. It might as well have been written in another language. I need an ELI5 or "linking pages for dummies" explanation. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you so much!

    edit: I'm using sublime to write the code and testing it in online sandboxes to see if each individual page works

    submitted by /u/DingleMomMcGee13
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    How do I solve this bottleneck in my project?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 03:14 AM PDT

    I am trying to automate production of videos for my youtube channel. I am using python and shell scripting to scrap articles, generate speech through a TTS, scrap images, make slideshow of those images using moviepy, add the audio to the video, synchronise everything.

    The bottleneck that I am facing here is the images that I am scraping off from the google images. I am using pos_tags on the article title for the keywords and downloading images based on those keywords. Most of the time the images are non-related to the article which is not surprising. So I have to set a breakpoint between each article and manually delete the images which are not related. Thereby, making the project not fully automated.

    I am using 10 images per article for the video.

    After coming so far with this project and learning so much, I have not yet been able to come up with a solution for this issue. Don't tell me that I have to use ML/DL to solve this problem 😂😅

    If you've got anything then do reply, any insight would help. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/io_101
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    What is the minimum amount of a programming language that I must learn in order to get a job/ freelance work?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    I've been learning c++ for 3 months now and I am fairly certain I want to pursue a career in programming. I have just passed 12th std and will attend computer science courses in college. Before and during college I want to get some experience through part time jobs or freelanceing. But before I start looking can someone please tell me how much of c++ should I learn?

    submitted by /u/104abhay
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    Poll: what git porcelain do you use?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 12:29 PM PDT

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