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    Saturday, June 29, 2019

    re: Python Books for All Skill Levels Ask Programming

    re: Python Books for All Skill Levels Ask Programming

    re: Python Books for All Skill Levels

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    Can anyone provide a free online program or list of books for python that will help me improve my skills beginner to expert?

    submitted by /u/sseymens
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    If I were to make a facebook-like copy, how many free GB per user should I have set aside in the user base?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm not making a copy of a social network, just curious.

    submitted by /u/tiffambrose
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    OLED burn in possible from code?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 05:20 PM PDT

    This is a really random and probably dumb question but I'm considering buying a laptop with an OLED screen and I'm concerned about the long term effects of burn in. (Deciding between new OLED XPS 15 and old IPS XPS 15). Do you think a lot of text on the screen (in this case, code) for long periods of time will result in burn in?

    The laptop is a work laptop and I'm a full stack web developer. I spend the majority of my day writing/viewing code in vs code. I don't intend on leaving my screen on the same text for long periods of time but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a possibility.

    If anyone has experience working with OLED displays I would appreciate some insight. Even just to calm this probably irrational fear as I look for a new laptop lol!

    submitted by /u/dev2940
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    MacBook Air 2018 base model okay?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm buying the 2018 MacBook Air base model with 8gb ram, 128 gb ssd, tomorrow. I'm not interested in upgrading to 256 gb, or a MacBook pro considering the flaws and risks involved. Plus, I get the Air for $999 and two years of warranty included. Ok, the question is, is the Air enough for programming? I will be doing some programming, app development, and web development. Programming will mostly consist of Python, Java, JS, SQL, PHP, Swift, Linux, all those important languages. Development, I am still getting into it, so that gives you an idea of where I am at. I will also be doing school work and light gaming like Minecraft and League of Legends. I know storage might be an issue, but I think an external SSD accompanied with good file management will do the job. The main question is whether the rest of the computer, like the processors and RAM will do the job.

    submitted by /u/jichu_pichu
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    Password storage. Thread in another subreddit asking about call centres and how they verify passwords.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:10 AM PDT


    I don't know how to add the link to a subthread as the subject here, sorry.

    In another thread it is mentioned that a call centre user can see individual characters of a password for a user to verify. The thread turns to saying it's a bad system. Can anyone here let us know how a password is kept safe in these circumstances?

    submitted by /u/Cheesysocks
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    Transferring data between endpoints

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 07:04 PM PDT

    I was trying to reconstruct something like Globus where I directly transfer data between two endpoints. My website would allow someone to set up the system to directly send the data between those endpoints. I'm not sure how to go about this. I would implement SFTP, but it seems that they would both need to know each other's passwords.

    submitted by /u/orangepaint123
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    Hi, do you know any free debugger for assembly language programs in Windows 10?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    64 bits.

    Besides Visual Studio's one and Windows console's one.


    submitted by /u/acteon29
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    Move items by animation with angular

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    I'm new to angular. I'm doin a Spa with several cards where each card is a user with all their personal info. I need to animate the position of these cards. Sometimes they will match and move up to their match. And then move away to another area. Is it possible to animate the cards by making them the child of another object and have them transition there with an animation?

    I'd love some pointers on how to do this angular style.

    submitted by /u/NinRejper
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    GtiHub pages link returns blank page for React app

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    I've tried the following:

    1. Added homepage to package.json

    2. npm install gh-pages --save-dev

    3. npm run deploy

    When I ran "npm run deploy" it returned the following message:


    $ npm run deploy

    > myportfoliosite@0.1.0 predeploy C:\Users\Ar\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\create-react-app\myportfoliosite\myportfoliosite

    > npm run build

    > myportfoliosite@0.1.0 build C:\Users\Ar\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\create-react-app\myportfoliosite\myportfoliosite

    > react-scripts build

    Creating an optimized production build...

    Compiled with warnings.


    Line 3: 'download' is defined but never used no-unused-vars

    Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.

    To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.

    File sizes after gzip:

    73.02 KB build\static\js\2.f6e5e996.chunk.js

    19.04 KB build\static\css\2.b1979bb4.chunk.css

    797 B build\static\js\runtime~main.4f085a03.js

    152 B build\static\js\main.a0a932a3.chunk.js

    The project was built assuming it is hosted at /InquisitiveDev2016/ReactDeveloperPortfolio/.

    You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.

    The build folder is ready to be deployed.

    Find out more about deployment here:


    I turned on GitHub pages for the "gh pages branch" and it gave me a website link @ https://github.com/InquisitiveDev2016/ReactDeveloperPortfolio

    However, the link is returning a blank page.(It did show the Readme section before but now it is completely blank).

    I'm not sure why it is not giving me a link that displays my react app.

    submitted by /u/throw_a_way_2019_
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    Football websocket API

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    I'm looking for the cheapest websocket API available with the following requirements:

    • Box score for each of the 4 quarters, plus final score if overtime occurs
    • College football
    • NFL football

    Does anyone have suggestions?

    submitted by /u/bunkerdive
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    Can't figure out how to view apache pages on a computer in another network.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    We have apache running in an ubuntu docker container on a raspberry pi. I've connected to the Pi through SSH and can view the pages on the raspberry pi itself from outside the containers they are housed in. But I'm trying to figure out how to access these files through the browser in another computer. I'm trying to type the Pi's public ip address and then the exposed port for ssh which is 2222 like 74.xxx.xxx.xxx:2222 but that doesnt work. On the raspberry pi itself all I type is localhost:8080 and it sends me to the pages I want but I cant figure out what to type in my off-network computer's url to make it connect.

    submitted by /u/dkyguy1995
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    Literate TeX for papers

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    In papers, I often don't know where numbers are coming from. The description is often not formal enough. Even if I'm reading the TeX source.

    This is not true if I'm reading source code. For source code, I can unpeel any definition I want.

    Is there a good way to merge these ideas? To be able to write papers so that for each number shown in a LaTeX document (I guess it'd have to be the latex source) one could see the exact method in which that number was generated, kind of like reading source code?

    Obviously, there'd be some automatic code generation going on, which differs from what most people do, which is just copy paste stuff around.

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    New to Computer Science, any recommendations?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    I just recently graduated High School and looking to go to a local community college. I want to major in Computer Programming. I will be starting my first term in Fall 2019, are there any class recommendations that I should take for my first year? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ashkateer
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    New Reddit has vim-like J-K bindings?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    I mostly use old.reddit.com but I found that using a site blocker for old.reddit.com while keeping reddit.com unblocked lets me access useful programming question threads from DDG search while still blocking my Reddit addiction when working. Today after opening a thread, I hit j and k out of force of habit (RIP vimperator) and discovered by surprise that it jumps the screen to the next comment block or post!? It even works on non-programming subreddits.

    Out of curiosity, can a better web dev than me tell me if it's possible to find the source behind how this JS function works via dev tools somehow? I got as far as searching for "onkeydown" in dev tools, and tracing through the handleKeyDown and updateUsingKeyStatus methods:

    updateUsingKeyStatus(e) { if (0 !== e.location) return; this.state.usingKeys || this.setState({ usingKeys: !0 }); let t = Vt; this.state.settingChange === jt.Settings && (t = 5 * Vt), this.resetControlBarFadeTimer(t) } 

    But I'm not sure which where to go from there or if I'm even looking in the right place.

    submitted by /u/schysm
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    Need help in code spliting !

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    This is my code for App.js built in React


    import {withGoogleMap, withScriptjs, GoogleMap, Marker, InfoWindow} from "react-google-maps";
    import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
    import './App.css';
    import * as Data from "./data/skateboard-parks";
    import { infoWindow } from "./map/geoLocation/geoLocation.js";
    import { markers } from "./map/markers/markers.js";
    var array_for_geolocation = [];
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {

    var lat=position.coords.latitude;
    var lon=position.coords.longitude;
    array_for_geolocation.push(lat, lon);
    function error(msg) {
    alert('Please enable your GPS position feature.');
    {maximumAge: 10000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true});
    } else {
    alert("Geolocation API is not supported in your browser.");

    function Map() {

    return (
    disableDefaultUI: false, // disable default map UI
    draggable: true, // make map draggable
    keyboardShortcuts: false, // disable keyboard shortcuts
    scaleControl: true, // allow scale controle
    scrollwheel: true, // allow scroll wheel

    defaultCenter={{lat: array_for_geolocation[0], lng: array_for_geolocation[1]}}

    <Marker position={{lat: array\_for\_geolocation\[0\], lng: array\_for\_geolocation\[1\]}}/>
    return <marker/>;

    {selectedPark && (
    <InfoWindow onCloseClick={() => {
    lat: selectedPark.geometry.coordinates[0],
    lng: selectedPark.geometry.coordinates[1]


    const MapWrapped = withScriptjs(withGoogleMap(Map));
    export default function App() {

    return (
    <div style={{width: "100vw", height: "100vh"}}>
    <MapWrapped googleMapURL={\`https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=geometry,drawing,places&key=AIzaSyCUUtoAUApYxHvPVCN6SxFtaJSVcplSXNI \`} loadingElement={<div style={{height: \`100%\`}}/>}
    containerElement={<div style={{height: \`100%\`}}/>}
    mapElement={<div style={{height: \`100%\`}}/>}

    const MapWrapped = withScriptjs(withGoogleMap(Map));
    export default function App() {

    return (
    <div style={{width: "100vw", height: "100vh"}}>
    <MapWrapped googleMapURL={\`https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=geometry,drawing,places&key=KEY \`} loadingElement={<div style={{height: \`100%\`}}/>}
    containerElement={<div style={{height: \`100%\`}}/>}
    mapElement={<div style={{height: \`100%\`}}/>}


    import * as Data from "../../data/skateboard-parks";
    import {withGoogleMap, withScriptjs, GoogleMap, Marker, InfoWindow} from "react-google-maps";
    import React,{ Component } from "react";
    class markers extends Component{
    render() {
    const [selectedPark, setSelectedPark] = useState(null);
    useEffect(() => {
    const listener = e => {
    if (e.key === "Escape") {
    window.addEventListener("keydown", listener);
    return () => {
    window.removeEventListener("keydown", listener);
    }, []);
    Data.features.map(park => (
    <Marker position={{ lat: park.geometry.coordinates\[0\], lng: park.geometry.coordinates\[1\] }} onClick={() => {
    export default markers;

    So far i have tired Building marker.js file but it is not working.Can somebody help me in rectifying this.i am very noob at this and have no clue.

    submitted by /u/helpnhelper
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    Populating multiple drop down menus from mySQL tables on the same page

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:35 AM PDT


    So, I have two dropdown menus that I need to be populated from a mySQL table (two different ones)

    If anyone has any pointers on how to fix that would be really helpful!

    The end goal, is to be able to select a name & serial number click submit then it changes a boolean value on each table.

    Here is the code:

    <?php <user info redacted> $connect = mysqli_connect($host_name, $user_name, $password, $database); if (mysqli_errno()) { die('<p>Failed to connect to database: '.mysqli_error().'</p>'); } $query2 = "select serialNumber from devices"; $res2 = mysqli_query($connect, $query2); mysqli_close($connect); $query1 = "select name from requests"; $res1 = mysqli_query($connect, $query1); mysqli_close($connect); ?> <div id="form_container"> <form id="form_71567" class="marginz" method="post" action=""> <div class="form_description"> <h2>Complete Build</h2> <p>Form to complete builds</p> </div> <ul > <li id="li_1" > <label class="description" for="element_1">Device </label> <div> <select class="element select medium" id="element_1" name="element_1"> <?php while ($row2 = $res2->fetch_assoc()) { echo '<option value=" '.$row2['pk2'].' "> '.$row2['serialNumber'].' </option>'; } ?> </select> </div> </li> <li id="li_2" > <label class="description" for="element_2">User </label> <div> <select class="element select medium" id="element_2" name="element_2"> <option value="" selected="selected"></option> <?php while ($row1 = $res1->fetch_assoc()) { echo '<option value=" '.$row1['pk2'].' "> '.$row1['serialNumber'].' </option>'; } ?> </select> </div> </li> <li class="buttons"> <input type="hidden" name="form_id" value="71567" /> <input id="saveForm" class="button_text" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </li> </ul> </form> 

    Thanks in advance!


    mysqli_close($connect); went at the bottom of the two while loops, and it's now fixed! :)

    submitted by /u/UsefulBrick1
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    Need Help in Shopify code

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    I am trying to add a new input field in my create account page.I added the code but it doesn't looks like i wanted it to look.Any help would be appreciated.

    Here's the code i added for adding a date of birth section:

    <label for="Date_Of_Birth class="hidden-label">"{{'customer.register.date_of_birth' | t }}</label> <input type="date" value="" name="customer[Date_of_Birth]" id="Date_of_birth" placeholder="{{ 'customer.register.date_of_birth' | t }}" {% if form.errors contains "date_of_birth" %} class="error"{% endif %} > 

    And Here's How the output looks like:https://imgur.com/a/n51a2zs

    P.S. I do not know Javascript

    submitted by /u/wookeydookey
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    Modelling one time events in front end SPA

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    I'd want some input on how you would solve this.

    I have a web frontend(angular) Mvc web api Backend DataStorage

    I'm doing a simulation in real time of users interacting buying and selling things.

    FE will show interactions in real time BE will calculate then and store them Web Api will serve the data

    The FE always shows data about users. But if a user sells something to another then it should be displayed with an animation. But only once. How would you go about doing it so that transactions are only showed once right after they happen?

    submitted by /u/NinRejper
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    Survey: += or = +

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:38 PM PDT

    Basically the question involves adding something to an existing variable. So for these two code samples:

    variable += value 


    variable = variable + value 

    Assuming your language supports such a construct, which do you prefer?

    P.S. I'm a fairly experienced software developer, I'm just curious what others think.

    submitted by /u/myusernameisokay
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    What’s the most affordable way to quickly find differences between two directories on a Mac?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    The title says the bulk of it. More or less I am planning to update a website lacking version control. I pulled the current directory and my local directory (copies of both) into a folder. But now I'm struggling to see which files are different, and how. I've tried a few apps from around the web but am not achieving what I mentioned. Kaleidoscope looks like what I want but am not sure I want to fork up the 60 or so dollars. Help! Please. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/bnimbla
    [link] [comments]

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