• Breaking News

    Monday, June 24, 2019

    I've been having a lot of fun recreating mechanics from several games so I can practice my game design/development skills!

    I've been having a lot of fun recreating mechanics from several games so I can practice my game design/development skills!

    I've been having a lot of fun recreating mechanics from several games so I can practice my game design/development skills!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    Physics Based Animation + Ikinema Plugin =

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    May help someone.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    I'm a 16 y/o game developer, and after two years I've finally completed my first big project!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUBmNRW7uUc This is a video of the game in action, featuring a 2D to 3D swapping mechanic.

    Links if you're curious:



    I'm incredibly excited. It's always been a dream of mine to be a real game developer, and now that my first real game is out there, that dream feels just a little more possible. This is a fan game based on the now ended Star vs. the Forces of Evil, but you definitely don't have to watch the show to understand the game.

    Even though the game took two years it isn't exactly long, in fact it's maybe an hour or so. The two years went into learning how to program effectively, design stages, and make a game fun. And of course a lot of that time went into drawing all the pixel art and animations.

    Some things I learned for future projects: Plan ahead! Don't make broken game mechanics with the expectation that you'll just finish them later, as that leads to applying band-aid fixes over everything. Also, scope. I remember way back when I was first starting this project, I was expecting it to end as this massive, possibly multi-chapter game, and that obviously is not the case here. Now that I've completed one game, I hope I have a better understanding of scope for my next projects.

    There's a few things that went through massive changes over the course of the game, actually. The game was originally intended to be entirely top-down, like Hyper Light Drifter. But I found that developing top-down levels was extremely time consuming, and to be perfectly honest I had a hard time trying to figure out how to make them fun. Then, I looked at Link's Awakening and thought I could try modifying the engine to have 2D platforming sections, which I'd already had some experience with in some smaller projects. And then, for the level in the video above, I thought I'd try combining the two and having the game swap between 2D and 3D on the fly.

    There was also the two-player aspect. I'm not sure why 14 year old me was so gung-ho about the idea of having two characters always playable at once, as in a platforming game, having an AI follower can end up with the follower just looking stupid. Like, say, Tails in Sonic 2. Still, I stuck through with it even though it drove me insane at some points. The biggest mistake I made here was not generalizing the two player characters; instead of having a player parent object and having both characters stem from it, they were both programmed almost individually, with me just copying and pasting large amounts of code between the two. This was horrible! I'd frequently find discrepancies between the two, and I'd have to scour both objects to find out why. Eventually I learned about object parenting, but it was kinda sorta too late by then.

    The other problem I ran into is that at a certain point I really stopped wanting to finish the game. Most likely because I wanted to do something original, but at the same time I'd already shown the game off and people were waiting for it. It was out of respect for those people that I finished this game, but now I'm ready for something I can completely call my own.

    Even so, I'm really proud of completing this and I'm excited to share it with you all!

    If anyone wants to talk about their experiences with their first project, I'd love to have a conversation with you about it!

    submitted by /u/Katsu_Rian
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    I display my games and my studio's history in my own virtual museum. I wish I wasn't the only one!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    Started learning Unity this year, following tutorials for months, thousands of Google searches, and finally have something that is starting to look like a game

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 10:15 PM PDT

    $1,000 enough cash for a noticeable marketing impact?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:15 AM PDT

    I'm going to start advertising my existing game on Steam since our launch push has finally subsided. We have a little more than $1,000 in the war chest for marketing. Is this enough to make a difference, or are we better off just keeping it and letting the game die down and move onto the next project?

    If it's enough, I'm thinking of using Google banner ads, Instagram, and paying streamers/influencers to check it out. Does this seem like a reasonable approach?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/RangerRasshole
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    Second month in a new dev job and my boss acts cold towards me, what is going on?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I started my first dev job about two months ago as a junior developer. I was assigned a project on my second day in the company that I had to complete on my own without and help from the seniors because I was the only person that knew the tools and the language I used in the project. So a month later I completed the project and impelemented the features that my boss asked me. We released a beta version of my project and right after that my my boss moved me to a new project with a few other developers.

    During the first month while working on my first project my boss was really good to me and would come to my desk and ask me how am I doing, but right after he moved me to a new project, he started acting cold towards me. He basically doesn't look at me anymore when he talks or he doesn't come at my desk and ask me how am I doing like in first month. I don't understand why he suddenly started acting like that. I don't know if it's because of my first project or not, but the only thing that comes to my mind that could make him act like that is, after we released my project, we got different improvement suggestions from the users and it was during the time that I moved to a new project and was learning the codebase, tools and the programming language. So my boss asked me, if I could work on the improvements on the side while working on the second project, but the problem with that was and still is that I spend my office work time learning the codebase, tools and language in the new project and complete small tasks here and there. So it is really hard for me to find time to improve the other project while focusing on the newer project that I'm currently working on. So the other project's development has been stopped since I started working on the second project.

    I'm currently on my probation period (3 months) and I've tried to do my best to complete my tasks and I remember my boss was really happy about my performance and mantiend a few times that I've done a great job. But now, I don't really understand why is he acting cold? I've noticed that he acts cold towards me only in the new project. What do you suggest me to do? Has anyone been in this situation before?

    submitted by /u/Boozer1188
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    How I balanced critical hit builds in my game

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    Where to Begin with IP licensing?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    I have a game prototype that I'm making that would work really well if I had a certain title and theme that belongs to an existing game company. It's one that has been known to license their property out before. I've done a series of Google searches though, and I still have no idea of even a general price range or other requirements for IP licensing. Where would I find the general information I'd need before contacting a game company asking about licensing?

    submitted by /u/GigaRoid
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    Releasing my first mobile game soon - Any tips to get the word out? And a question about FGL.com

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm working on my first mobile game, and I'm going to be releasing it soonish (Hopefully next month). Is there anything I can do to drum up interest, or get people to even be aware of its existence? I'm just curious if anyone has any experience in marketing, specifically for mobile.

    I'm not expecting much out of this, if anything at all, but I would like to at least put some effort in to just getting the word out. I'm not planning on quitting my day job, just hoping to get as many eyes as I can. If there are any good articles I can read, or some personal anecdotes, I'd love to hear them!

    As an additional question, is anyone familiar with using FGL as a way to get your game sponsored? I haven't been on FGL since my time making Flash games, and I was curious how their transition to strictly mobile games has gone.

    submitted by /u/Krimm240
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    Physics Based Character Animation techniques

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 03:47 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am new to this place. I just copy my post on gamedev. Hopefully, I will get more information here.

    I wanted to study the different techniques used in Animation, but the more I read articles and papers, the more I get confused. Do someone have a link to the different techniques used in these games:

    -Grow Home

    -Gang Beasts

    -Shadow Of The Colossus

    -Rain World


    My understanding of animation in games is the following (correct me if I am wrong):

    The most basic animation system would be "Keyframe-based" animation, coupled with state machines. To improve the quality of this animation system, we want to blend the animations nicely. Here comes into play techniques like "Motion matching" or Machine Learning based techniques:



    Now, let's suppose we want the character to interact with the world. We need a way to generate animation. If the character does not react to the physical world surrounding him, we could just use Inverse Kinematics with constraints to add realism. At its core, it is just an optimisation problem, so we can use techniques like Gradient descent... I don't know if we could improve the quality by feeding data and use machine learning techniques:




    Finally, now we want the character to react to the physical world. Something basic would be Ragdoll Physics, that could be improved according to the Wikipedia article. There are techniques relying on PD controller but I can't find a good article about that. There is also Euphoria which seems to rely on neural networks but I couldn't find more information.




    So yeah, I want to look at these three areas, but the last one seems to lack papers or articles. That's why I am asking for articles for these 5 games, because they have characters that react to the environment.

    submitted by /u/ManiaLive
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    First Rap Tracks and Texts Battle Game!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Do you like mini games?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 08:19 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am thinking of putting a mini game to my roguelike project.

    Do you like mini games for things like lockpicking or disarming traps?

    What kind of mini games do you think are successfull or fun to play?

    submitted by /u/RayFreestar
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    I've created my first mailing list, but I really don't know what would be the best way for getting subscribtions for it. Any ideas?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    If you are thinking about being a solo dev to support yourself, or quitting your job for game dev, please for your sake, read this. Also some kickstarter advice/experience

    Posted: 23 Jun 2019 02:01 PM PDT

    This aint an essay so bear with the writing errors.

    If you think you can execute your plan, and you dont have the money to support yourself for at least one year before you realize you need more time, and a second year to re-secure your finances, chill.

    Sometimes things take much longer than you expect, even when you work non stop. And then you burn out. And if you work while burnt out, then you are destroyed.

    Ok well your motivation and efficiency is destroyed. Often times your passion and creativity as well.

    Working on games while missing out on life due to self imposed urgency because you hate working a 9 to 5 and being financially secure, Is very bad for your mental health.

    If you want to risk it, make sure you have friends to hang out with for some down time, and some way to bust a nut because life sucks real bad when you can only work on the video game.

    Say you work non stop at your project, dont do anything else, thinking this is what it takes. You then remember you are making yourself miserable, and desiring social activities, have no extra money to spend, etc. Because you want to make a worthless video game for people to waste their time on.

    Make your video games when you are able to afford it. If you feel like your job is cutting into your time to be productive on your game, unless you work 40 hrs a week, its worth it.

    If you work full time, youll have to come up with a plan to support yourself without working all the time. Like saving up enough to support yourself, and get a job or position with less hours so you have more time. Or in your spare time, work on SMALL apps or games, sell assets, and just try to gain more income with smaller projects.

    Also, NEVER EVER, EVER, rely on a kickstarter as a life plan.

    Dont say: i need this to get funded or im screwed.

    Say: i need this to get funded or this project is screwed or at least delayed.

    Kickstarter is a trap for those who rely on it for life goals.

    Because the amount of work you need done ALREADY, is ALOT to make a good trailer or preview. Everything your project WILL have needs to be functional and polished, and shown off well enough so that your idea is conveyed.

    Its real easy to think you have a solid kickstarter plan, but then it turns out your video that took many hours to prepare, of the concept that took you weeks/MONTHS/YEARS to create is trash and you need to work more on the game, then do a whole new video. And then your going to be discouraged and rethinking your life.

    If people are telling you not to focus on making games, or to wait: For your dignity listen and create a saftey net. Dont risk it all. Risks are thrilling and motivating.

    But you are risking your mental health, your pride, your game ever seeing daylight, your self respect, your sanity, maybe even your life if things go real bad.

    So if you are thinking of risking it all on your game, or devoting major energy to it, just be aware.

    Failure can absolutely ruin you. If you care about yourself than rethink.

    You might not care about video games anymore. You say what am i doing theres an entire world why would someone even play this, im not saving a princess im making pong. Money is now your only goal. Congrats for being in a potentially high profit industry, but you no longer have passion. You are discouraged therefore your failure probability goes up. Rethink.

    You might not have time or money to take care of your human needs/desires. Have no sex life? No money? No friends?

    Good lucking getting that while broke and having no time for anything you need to stay sane, while all you have on your plate is fixing bugs, new solutions blabla. Rethink.

    So if you think a day job is bad, youll be suprised how bad gamedev can be if you become a slave to it.

    You may have a positive experience. But that isnt likely unless you are the most professional, AND the most creative, AND the most artistic, AND know everything there is to know about all aspects of making games.

    If you are just competent enough to make what you need in your game. Just stop. Because realistically, you are going to have to do 1000 things you didnt really think about, and might not yet know how. And time flies way faster than it takes to make a feature.

    The only real way in my opinion for a good chance of success, is the perfect small project idea. But execution is what matters, and you could screw it all up, or making it could be way more complicated.

    submitted by /u/cccvvvoooccc
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    Is disclosing unusually long development times really a good sales tactic?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    I see many indies does this. "Over 5 years in development!". Sometimes it's even 7, or 12. Is this really a good thing to do? In my personal opinion, it only points to mismanagement, laziness or disrupted development, or a project too ambiguous. I wish these was some research on how these statements are understood by gaming communities. Do gamers with no developer background think this makes the game sound appealing? I was wondering if there are any developers/publishers here which has done something on it and can disclose the data or summary on that research.

    Otherwise, might as well just discuss it without real fundation.

    submitted by /u/Ucubetutorials
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    Made a quick clip from a stream of our game. Feels like it shows the spirit of the game better than all our trailers combined.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Where can I find partners for a project?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    I am a writer and amateur concept artist not currently involved in the gaming industry, though I'm an avid gamer (digital, board games, RPG, you name it).I feel I've come up with a really cool concept for a game, but I don't know professionals of the area who could help evaluate the idea or develop it. Is this a place to look for it? If not, where could I take it?

    submitted by /u/JotaTaylor
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    Where can I learn the basics of modern directx

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 10:40 AM PDT

    I am trying to learn directx by making render engine. i managed to make a code work after a struggle but I still do not understand many things.

    I cannot find a well organised tutorial

    some tutorials are importing custom made headers and they do not explain why is it necessary

    some people have functions like OnXXX (OnResize, etc)

    These are supposed to be damn tutorials, yet none of them explain the logic behind the code

    Luna frank book is a good to understand the purpose of some functions but he doesnt explain the logic behind his source code, they are two different things

    I saw a terrible video tutorial as well(paid).

    there will be part where if someone ask me what is function? why it is there?

    my answer will be I dont know, or what i can guess from the name, i.e OnResize it will be executed on resize, I letterly do not understand the meaning or the purpose of the code inside of it. These are not directx functions and i do not know why it is there and I do not think they know either, otherwise they would have said!

    I want a tutorial(free or paid) that explain ONLY the most basic way to initialize directx, where every line in this code is a directx code, i do not want their touch. a tutorial where the instructor is not using external HEADER whether it's made by him or not, a tutorial where the instructor is explaining every line of his workable code

    if the instructor explains how the code look like in directx code then explain how it look like with an important header, this will be okay.

    if you are one of people who will say these headers important, my answer a head is, I do not care. my goal is to learn and understand. I cannot understand if someone tell me insert this header and copy this piece of code

    if the instructor dont have time to explain every line of these headers then they shouldn't make tutorial in the first place, not to mention that i have to buy these shitty tutorials

    These headers may be okay for someone who understand directx, but for a complete beginner it's confusing and distracting

    If you Know a tutorial where these condition met, please share.

    submitted by /u/fido9dido
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    The Magissy - Customizer WIP

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    Contracted Music Inquiry

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    If I wanted to contract a composer to create 15 minutes of orchestral music for a game, does the payment usually cover the recorded music itself or am I usually paying for the sheet music and it's on me to find a musical artist to perform the music.

    Anyone have any expertise with this?

    submitted by /u/Fencing_fenrir
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    Inheritance chain in game object

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    This is a big question so bear with me.

    I'm currently writing a game engine ish and I currently have an ECS that I took from a tutorial online. I don't like it.

    I want to write something like UE4 where there's a big inheritance chain for the game object. That way I could insert my classes anywhere in the chain. Let's say I have this hierarchy:

    class A - class B - class C 

    then if I want my class to be of type B then I just

    class MyClass : public B 

    My problem is when I try to manage all the object. Since they can be of any type, but are all of type A, I don't know what/how to do it.

    Is there something I don't understand about the ECS or what I want is completely different?

    I would just like a starting point, not a full solution as I'm trying to learn how things works.

    submitted by /u/WartedKiller
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    How To Create An Item System - Part 2 - Inventory Logic

    Posted: 24 Jun 2019 09:33 AM PDT

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