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    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    Is video game development considered a field that exploits young, motivated developers or are reports exaggerated? Ask Programming

    Is video game development considered a field that exploits young, motivated developers or are reports exaggerated? Ask Programming

    Is video game development considered a field that exploits young, motivated developers or are reports exaggerated?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    Basically what's in the title. Reports about crunch and bad working conditions aren't exactly rare, with another one hitting today:


    What is the reputation of game development in coding circles?

    submitted by /u/outrageously_smart
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    Is Java widely used in areas other than web development?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    I want to learn Java as my first programming language but I am not not interested in web development.

    Is it used in data science, AI or blockchain? Suggest me some languages for these areas other than Python.

    submitted by /u/Nomoremorningwalks
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    Is it bad to have 6308 items in a WHERE SQL query?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    I just started as the sole tech/dev for a company that has previously outsourced their development work. There are some major performance issues and I am trying to pinpoint some of the causes. I'm currently trying to set up pgbadger and while looking at the postgresql logs, there are quite a few logs that look like this:

    2019-06-26 21:59:14 UTC [1655]: LOG: duration: 142.071 ms statement: SELECT "purchase_order_line".id FROM "purchase_order_line" WHERE (("purchase_order_line"."order_id" in (8180,8179,8178,8177,8176,8175,8174,8173,8172,8171,8170,8169,8168,8167,8166,8165,8164,8163,8162,8161,8160,8159,8158,1266,929,1442,1397,691,1396)) AND ("purchase_order_line"."product_id" in (10278))) ORDER BY "purchase_order_line"."sequence" ,"purchase_order_line"."id" 

    I shortened it up so I don't scare off anyone on mobile, but there's 6308 items in the in()

    I'm quite new to SQL and understand how it works, but have no clue when it comes to best practices.

    For context, this is for Odoo, which abstracts the SQL so the devs don't really have to deal with SQL or the db.

    submitted by /u/Rock-Hawk
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    I’m stuck with a coding problem involving C++ and OpenCV. Is there anywhere I can get one-on-one help?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    Do you guys have a resource you can go to for coding help especially with a language you've never worked with before?

    submitted by /u/tvl92
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    How does the 3D engine in the Portal games handle the separate world inside each portal (sometimes recursively)?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    Is Java widely used in areas other than web development?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    I want to learn Java as my first programming language but I am not not interested in web development.

    Is it used in data science, AI or blockchain? Suggest me some languages for these areas other than Python.

    submitted by /u/Nomoremorningwalks
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    Interview question

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    Just came back from an interview and i had the following problem and maybe you can help me solve it:

    You have a robot and need to find the cake. Picture for better understanding. The algorithm has implemented the following methods: walk() - move forward one space(from b2 to c2) and turn() - the robot turns 90* left from the direction he is facing(from b2 to b1).

    1 - Write a sequence to find the fastest path to the cake.

    2 - Implement other methods to reach the cake faster.

    submitted by /u/Johnny_The_Hobo
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    Good Python courses if you already know another language?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:00 PM PDT

    I want to pick up Python but I've already learned most of the basics of programming learning MATLAB so I feel as though an introductory course would be too elementary. Are there any introduction to Python courses for novice-intermediate programmers who already have experience with another language?

    submitted by /u/dogeathotdog
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    Question about the Document Object Model and Javascript when called from outside the browser using COM

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    So I have a project I've been working on for a little while that automates web browsing for me and automates specific tasks by filling in specific fields. I am able to change the HTML displayed on a page using a hook in Internet Explorer.

    But this got me thinking. Can I call a defined JavaScript method on the web page if I have access to the document object model? If so, what would that look like? Can I access javascript variables too?

    Something I have already done is call a Click() method as follows:


    I am just trying to figure out what kind of powers I really have using the old component object model to interface with a web page.

    Also, side note, I am using AutoHotkey to automate functions using Internet Explorer. I know that it's not "secure to use IE" but it's literally the only way I can read a web page with it's HTML rather than hoping and praying my mouse click doesn't miss the button.

    Bonus Question: Is there another way to access a web page's document object model other than Internet Explorer and COM from the Windows Shell easily?

    submitted by /u/the1corrupted
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    Is this a correct use of a GUID?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 06:46 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    Hoping someone could validate how common this use of GUIDs is for all the other programs out there.

    Some background: We have an application that is branded as "Enterprise" level which has a .NET Desktop Application front end with a SQL Database back end.

    Currently our developer assigns each Customer their own GUID within .NET so that he can execute "custom code" for each Customer. We've always told him to stay away from incorporating custom code (and just make it generalized options) but does it anyways such as hard coding PDF templates. This method is requiring us to always have a newly compiled release just to get a customer started with their own install and it also means our product can never be practically sold at retail. Is this common for other apps out there?

    I have seen other business applications that have the "Customer" identification component separated into some form of License file which often includes some form of active user count restrictions. This is more in line with what we wish our developer would do but we don't know how long it would take him to convert the system over to this.

    As for the existing software, we currently sell by the volume of active users yet there isn't actually any method stopping our customers from using the software with as many users as they want, we just don't tell them that. This loophole is kind of closed by the fact that they can't install the software in the first place unless we are involved and do it for them since we have to update their SQL Database with the newly generated/valid GUID and match it to the latest release.

    TLDR: Should you require a new application release every time you sell your software to a new customer?

    submitted by /u/RateOurDeveloper
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    Help alert on improving Jira Guide for non-tech people

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:21 AM PDT


    In my time, I spent a lot of efforts trying to get used to Jira and get familiar with its basic functionality. For technical specialists, it may seem easy, but for non-tech people, it could be problematic.

    Recently I created a Jira Guide with an explanation of Jira basics for non-technical professionals to ease their lives and I want to make sure everything is clear and easy-to-get. I place a direct link to my Ebook below and I'd appreciate if you checked my work and expressed your opinion.


    Note, it's a direct link. I DON'T ask you to register, leave your email or anything else. Just read it and tell me if there are any uncertainties so I can fix em. Ofc, if you want to share this link with anybody, I wouldn't mind.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/blahhhhh
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    Is this swipe gesture application possible on the web? (vs a native app, where it is common...)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    I am a product designer, working on a web app that has a messaging feature. I want to integrate something similar to Gmail's Swipe on their iOS app (to delete/archive or reply), or how Hide/Delete show in Messages.

    I know I can have a swipe gesture for features like a carousel or multiple cards, just haven't seen it implemented for this type of messaging need...

    submitted by /u/miss-oriented
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    Has anyone used the Polymer Project before? How is the demo so fast?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    I was looking at different JS frameworks and saw that Google was working on something called the Polymer Project. I saw that they had a demo here: https://shop.polymer-project.org/ and I couldn't understand how the app ran so fast.

    Is this a Polymer specific thing? What makes it run so quickly?

    submitted by /u/NoCow1
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    Online Learning Platform for C++

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:54 PM PDT

    Some weeks ago, I was browsing r/askElectronics, and found a site that taught Verilog in a manner that works very well for me.

    So today I wondered: Is there a site similar to that for C++?

    I have already learned the very basic of it, having stopped at the beginning of the "arrays and pointers" general topic, if it matters.

    submitted by /u/FSCicotti
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    Schedule an automation to open a website and click a button daily

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:40 AM PDT


    Just like the title stated, I want to just schedule once for the automation to do its thing daily.

    Maybe create a server and the server will run the automation.

    I dont know how or where to start.

    I have a knowledge in test automation field using Selenium and whatnot, but that will run after I run it using Eclipse.

    Any direction would be very appreciate.

    submitted by /u/zeiyan
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    Creating delay

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:10 PM PDT

    Is there a way to create delay on the random website(not mine) using console in chrome for example everything i do will be delayed by 100ms?

    no, network throthling won't do that becouse all it slows down is just website loading nothing more. I want everything to be delayed, items like buttons etc on the website too.

    submitted by /u/specuuuuu
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    How to save numpy array/matrix in python efficiently,maybe sparse

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    I tried using np.save() but the file size is near 1MB for 512x512 float array, is there a way to do better?

    submitted by /u/Michaeldagr888
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    Parsing a company webpage

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    I work at a company with an online subbing board. Other workers will post whole shifts (4+ hrs), but they will go fast in the summer, often in under a minute. The work is service-based, and if shifts don't get taken whole-sale, they will get picked at / picked up in pieces until quarter hour segments remain, which are a big risk to try to make a whole schedule from. (As a side note, there's plenty of opportunity to get scheduled the shifts you want far in advance via different processes. Picking up subbed shifts is for anyone who wants to add more hours.)

    I want to write a program to parse the page and notify me when there's a shift available that I want. The table with the available shifts has an id in the HTML, and the days, times, and lengths of available shifts are neatly arranged in table rows and columns. It's also behind a login page.

    I did quite a bit of playing around with PHP about ten years ago, some with Javascript, and a little with Python. I could figure out how to parse the page in PHP after I had the raw HTML data of the subbing board page, but I don't know how to authenticate and get in past the login page. And I also wonder if there's another language I haven't written in yet that might be better suited to this task.

    Any suggestions for where to start?

    submitted by /u/mr_pytr
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    [Academic Survey] Do the benefits of software traceability outweigh its costs? ~10 minutes (For practitioners in the software development process).

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    Hi /AskProgramming, not sure if I am allowed to post an academic survey here but I will give it a go.

    We are looking for participants involved with the software development process to help with our research project about traceability, which is being conducted at Utrecht University, by filling in a ~10-minute anonymous online survey that asks you to indicate your level of agreement with a few statements.

    Are you a developer, product manager, software architect, requirements analyst, tester, or play another role in the development process? Make your voice heard and let us know your opinion on software traceability!

    Let us know whether you see any added value in traceability, what the struggles are, and how we can enable more effective practices to support you as a practitioner. Even if you are not conducting traceability practices, your opinion is also very valuable.

    Survey link: https://form.jotformeu.com/91633300544348

    The survey will close on July 7th and feel free to share it with anyone that can help.

    If you would like to receive the results of our research, you can leave an email at the end of the survey. With enough interest, I will make a follow-up post with the results as well.

    Your help is much appreciated!

    Jimmy Hu,

    Dr. Marcela Ruiz,

    Dr. Fabiano Dalpiaz.

    P.S. I also posted the survey in r/SampleSize, but I think this subreddit is better suited considering the target demographic.

    submitted by /u/ThaJimZ
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    How to implement the following

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:40 AM PDT

    Say you have a ASP.NET application or Xamarin. I fully understand the frontend and backend of both in regards database and code however I am stumped at how to solve the following.

    A client has asked me to develop an application that allows them to view locations where their company works. When they select a location from the view, a page appears showing all the health and safety forms filled out at this location. Everything up to here I can do and understand.

    When a user of the application fills out a health and safety form, the client wants them to simply check checkboxes and fill out textboxes in regards to the questions.

    However, each location will obviously have a different health and safety form that the client will need to create. The area I don't understand is, how will the database incorporate this without having to have a different table for each form?

    My first idea was to simply have a master table in the database with questions and values for checkboxes however with each form, the questions/ checkboxes will most likely be different.

    What would be the best way to tackle this situation?

    submitted by /u/Swannyj95
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