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    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    I'm going back to school ! learn programming

    I'm going back to school ! learn programming

    I'm going back to school !

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    I've started learning programming (mostly C++) last year and been browsing this sub since then, and I am very happy to say that I received yesterday my admission letter for a degree in computer science ! I am sooooo happy and excited to start this new chapter of my life and see what's waiting ahead, so I thought I'd share with you 😁

    submitted by /u/matmatomate
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    Audio game development. What programming language should I choose?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:26 AM PDT


    I'm blind.

    There are audio games for the blind.

    I should briefly describe this for your understanding.

    Let's take, for example, such popular video games as Grand Theft Auto, Call Of Duty, Mafia, etc. But as I said above, this is video games.

    If you remove the video from these games. Leave only the sound. What will we get?

    I can play these games using 3D sound.

    I can understand where the enemy is with 3D sound.

    I can aim at the enemy. In video games there is one drawback, the sight has a height parameter.

    This is how audio games work.

    We have a playing field, a game maps. We can navigate this map. We can shoot at enemies, aiming at 3D sound.

    Such games are developed with the help of the BGT sound games engine. But this is not ideal, and now developers are switching to other programming languages.

    What programming language can I use for my tasks?

    C++ seems like the perfect option. But if I want to develop applications with C++, even using libraries, I'll spend a lot of time learning C++ before I can start developing simple applications.

    Python. Among the blind developers at this time Python is very popular. Most blind developers advise using Python. But I saw only a few games that we got in the end.

    Python pushes me off first of all by the speed of code execution.

    You can say: "If you are not satisfied with the speed of Python code execution, optimize it with cython", etc.

    But I'll answer: "I don't want to waste time optimizing the performance of my applications."

    C#. Very good language. I like the C# syntax.

    But I cannot use Unity, it's not accessible to the blind. I can use monogame only.

    For this reason, I'll need to use libraries such as OpenTK.

    What should I choose? Does it make sense to use C#? Maybe it makes sense to learn C++ and use C++ and Python in conjunction?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jonikster
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    When can I say I "know" a language?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    I know OOP rather than Java is what I'd like to say to people who ask me my languages. Because all OOP languages are similar in their OOPness. So if someone were to ask if I knew python I can figure it out pretty easily and start coding because I have an understanding of java but could I actually say I KNOW python? When I was using Python to build a script for my boss (summer job) all I did was get the syntax, find relevant modules and build the script.

    submitted by /u/C0wseed
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    Feeling I can't code without the answer

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:27 PM PDT

    So for a while now I've been learning C on Udemy, it's honestly a great course but what's been bothering me is the assignments or the labs (problems to solve). I can't really do these problems without relying on the answer sheet and it worries me because if I'm in a real world situation im not gonna know the answer because I won't have one.

    Is there a way to stop feeling like this or has anyone ever felt like this and fixed it?

    submitted by /u/FewFly7
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    I feel like I'm not a good programmer

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    I love programming and computer science, but I feel as if I'm not as good as I want to be. I took my first CS course in high school and I did pretty good in it (finished it with a 95) and we had these assignments called labs (a bunch of problems that you had to solve pertaining to a topic we learned) and lets say for example we have about 15 problems for a lab. I would breeze through 9 of them and 3 I would finish, but it would take some time and the rest I would get stuck on and usually just ask for help or ask for the code to the last three (there were some labs that I would finish the whole thing without any help though). I just graduated HS and my teacher gave me all the labs and slideshows for everything in AP Comp Sci and android so I can teach myself this stuff over the summer before I start college and I'm running into the same problem again. I'm nervous that I'm a bad programmer and not fit to pursue a career in CS even though I love it. So my question is, it possible to improve my problem solving/logic skills in programming, and where I'm at am I fit to major in CS? If yes to the first question what should I do (I feel like playing games like chess and go would be a good idea) I've been using HackerRank and I've been able to solve some problems (I'm at 53 points currently), but now I'm on problems that I can't figure out the solution to.

    submitted by /u/gfh415
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    Fun with Python - Make a wordcloud from all the comments in a Reddit thread

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    I enjoy data visualization stuff so I made a program to generate wordclouds for reddit threads a while back.

    I've also built a frontend for it so you can check it out here as well, all you have to do is paste in the 6 digit thread ID


    If you want to customize your own you can watch the tutorial I recently made here and experiment with the backend code and just run it locally


    submitted by /u/renaissancetroll
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    Best way to create iOS Apps on Windows?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:12 PM PDT

    I've been sitting on an app idea for a while and want to get started, but the problem is I own a PC and iPhone. I've been looking around, trying to find the best way to get started, but I think I've reached over choice. So far it seems like my best options are Xamarin, downloading a virtual Mac environment, or possibly buying a cheap Mac. I figured Reddit would know best.

    submitted by /u/Please_Help_I_Suck
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    A Beginner Looking To Create A Parsing Bot.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:35 AM PDT

    So, I am an SEO/blogger and the main thing I usually do is make content post them on my website and try and outrank my competition.

    Part of that involves analyzing the competition and hopefully doing better than them. I want to create a bot, that searches google for a specific keyword, then finds the top 10 websites for that matching keyword and then highlighting whether the websites have the keyword in their URL, title, metadata, etc.

    How many words are written on the topic on the website?

    What kind of tools will I need, I haven't done programming ever in my life but I figured if I really want to learn, I tackle something that I can actually be motivated to finish.

    Languages, APIs, anything of help will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/sageqwerty60
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    [C++] reading byte buffer piece by piece

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:24 AM PDT

    I have data packed together inside a std::vector<std::byte>. Say I want to read the bytes as different types (read this many bytes as string, read this many bytes as an integer, read this many bytes as a float), how do you do it?

    So something like BitConvert from c# and Windows ISequentialStream::Read

    submitted by /u/silentcon
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    Finding the size of an integer array without using inbuilt functions

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:22 AM PDT

    So I was trying figure out how can we find the length of an array when it is passed to function without passing it's length as a parameter in c++.

    I know that in case of char array you can run a for loop from 0 to null terminator.

    Can this somehow work with int?

    submitted by /u/DazBoy11
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    [Help] [React] Pass value of dropdown menu to form state

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    I'm building a component that allows a user to select items from a dropdown menu that appears when they navigate to an input field of a form. The user is also able to type in the field instead if they choose. The dropdown displays previously entered items that have been stored to the db.

    I'm trying to figure out how to:

    • allow user to use arrow keys and enter key to select item
    • store the selected item to state
    • pass this component's state up to the form state so that it can then be stored in the db that the form is storing to OR
    • populate the form field with the selected item, since that field is already wired to state

    The form is fully functional. This is an additional feature.

    Also, I'm having trouble figuring out if I should use onClick or onFocus. onFocus doesn't work for clicks, and onClick doesn't work if user tabs to the field.

    edit: Here's a repl.it. It's not compiling due to missing pieces, but the two components I'm working with are there at least.

    submitted by /u/CafeRoaster
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    New to C++ and need some help in classes and objects..

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:03 AM PDT

    So the code I wrote is supposed to take input from user of length and breadth in the class itself,calculate area and return area to main which then should print it out but i am getting an error saying that length,breadth are not declared in scope (in main);


    using namespace std;

    class area


    public :

    int length,breadth;

    area(int Alength,int Abreadth)


    length = Alength;

    breadth = Abreadth;


    int cal(int length,int breadth)


    cout << "Enter length and breadth\n";

    cin >> length >> breadth;

    return (length*breadth);



    int main()

    { int r;

    area a1();

    r = a1.cal(length,breadth);

    cout << "The area is " << r <<endl;


    submitted by /u/WipmyKid
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    What is the value of freecodecamp certificate?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:00 AM PDT

    Hello, I am starting to learn JavaScript from online resources and books and I recently heard about freecodecamp website and that it provides free certificates after completing. Is getting a certificate from FCC worth the hassle?. How valuable is it if we add it to our resume? Do companies even consider it?

    submitted by /u/prajcs
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    Help with learning JavaScript resources

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    So I am trying to learn JavaScript,as I usually do with a new language I firstly do the introductory course on codecademy,

    I have been able to take my first steps at HTML,CSS,Python and Ruby that way but with JS it just seems..off... I don't know why but nothing I learned by doing the course twice(!) seems to stick with me, I still find myself being quite lost when it comes to functions,loops etc.Usually I am a fast learner,in the past I have been able to retain what I learned during the introductory courses for other languages quite easily but with JS it just seems impossible. Don't know if the course or myself is at fault here. Due to that I have been looking for another way to learn JS ( maybe something that goes more in depth instead of just showing you a concept once and then forgetting it exists?) ,have been thinking about trying to learn a language from a book instead of tutorials/courses for a change.

    Thoughts? Recommendations on learning material?

    Thank you all for your time!

    submitted by /u/Trollpotkin
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    What courses/books would you guys recommend to help me learn C?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    I have been beginning to learn C but still feel like I'm not retaining a lot of the information along the way. I would like a course where I make little programs along the way to help. Anything really helps, any books or courses.

    submitted by /u/luiscov123
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    Coding motovation?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    How do you guys get yourself to code? Assuming you reach the point where you feel it is pointless? I am a front end developer and I feel like I've lost passion for programming, I feel like it is a waste of time to code since I live in a remote area and there's no places for me to apply for jobs. I have no real world work experience after all my years studying code inside and outside of school. Sadly, I have multiple years of experience coding personal projects such as websites, mobile apps, and even games with Phaser 2. Granted, they aren't anything special, just personal projects for my portfolio. Either way, I can no longer bring myself to learn anything new such as backend nor can I force myself to make any new projects even if just for fun. Ultimately, I am suffering from procrastination for various reasons. Mostly because I know that I cannot get a job locally or online (freelancing).

    On a side note, I am thankful for one of my websites bringing in $100/mo just from affiliate links (not including the revenue from adsense).

    submitted by /u/EpicKingdom_
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    Feeling Overwhelmed

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    I've wanted to learn Python for awhile now. I've started, stopped and started again several times over the years because it just feels so overwhelming to learn. Did you feel this way when you first began and how did you convince yourself to stick with it and work through the overwhelming learning curve to progress to where you are now?

    submitted by /u/frocketgaming
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    My wife wants me to build her an app. Should I go React Native? (Not a beginner)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:53 PM PDT

    So I'm a full-time Java/Spring developer with some React/Javascript experience (side projects).

    My wife is a yoga teacher and would like me to build a mobile app. I haven't fully grasper her requirements yet but she would ideally like to have three main features: teaching schedule, yoga postures (pictures), and video (youtube links).

    This type of stuff can be done with React Native, right? I have no experience with mobile development and I don't really follow React/React Native. I think Native (iOs and Android) is generally preferable but I figured that I can get by with React Native since I won't be using any platform-specific features.

    submitted by /u/gnatbeetle
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    Some invaluable Tips for Programmers

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    Last week I watched some videos and read article from experts in computer science academia and software industry. I have skimmed some great programming wisdom and aggregated them in this article.


    submitted by /u/hardasspunk
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    How does a program know what to keep in RAM?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:12 PM PDT

    Is there a method that you can use to specify what should be kept in RAM?

    submitted by /u/LuckyCharmsNSoyMilk
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    Which is the best development life cycle model to follow?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    We are just a team of a handful of developers at a startup and collaborating is getting difficult to us as the project is increasing and the needs change every now and then. So what is the best development life cycle model to follow?

    submitted by /u/kernelslayer
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    Are there any tools or methods that use Python to make a mobile app?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:59 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm new to this community, but I have been programming for two years now. I have taken the Introduction to Digital Tech class as well as AP Computer Science Principles (CS50), but now I want to take my programming to the next step! Python was something we learned in CS50 for majority of the year and I have created/designed some apps that I would like to integrate into the mobile arena (one of these apps I have actually created and it works, the other is just an idea that I am soon to code). I was looking for a tool or a method that I could use for making these programs into mobile apps that anyone could use (like eventually on the AppStore or Google play store).

    It might be important to note that I have learned C and Python and prefer that the tool is in Python.

    Also, one of the apps I have designed utilizes a qr scanner which I know isn't common in app tools.


    submitted by /u/Blazefeast
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    need to learn C for linux development. Any tips that could save me time?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    In my case I need to Learn C for various reasons that include but limited to: writing an ALSA driver, writing Firmware, wanting to play with Rasberry-pi in the future(don't have one yet)

    To thoroughly explain why I need write an ALSA driver, it's because I use a chromebook with no support with a number of things, so if I solve the audio problem, I contact the devs of r/GalliumOS, they patch it, and I fix the problem for a number of people that run linux on chromebooks. It also means if a new generation of chromebooks have broken audio I can try to fix it, just the same. Some particular issues are restricted to certain CPU family such the audio.

    Now, the Firmware. I need to write a firmware based on coreboot. Due to the chromebook unable to sleep without wiping the linux system (so it'll resume thinking chrome OS was in use).

    I want to play with Rasberry-pi, ardunio, and maybe some other similar borads. But again some time in the future. (I vaguely know how R-pi works but not aruino. that it's a microcontroller)

    submitted by /u/killawattgamer
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    Getting started with my first project (E Commerce site)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    Hi guys I'm looking to start working on my first ever project! Exciting times I know. But I need help. What tools and languages would I need to make a fully interactive site with the ability to scale onto mobile devices? So far I understand how to use HTML, CSS and a bit of JS, so I guess my front end inventory is loaded.


    submitted by /u/Kobe_Richardson
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