• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 20, 2019

    I made the equivalent of .slideToggle()'s jQuery into pure CSS with animation. web developers

    I made the equivalent of .slideToggle()'s jQuery into pure CSS with animation. web developers

    I made the equivalent of .slideToggle()'s jQuery into pure CSS with animation.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:11 AM PDT

    Social aniexty, want to attend meetups?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    I've been applying for around 2-3 weeks with no callbacks. Could be my resume or portfolio, I wish they would at least contact me and tell me why so I can't fix it haha. But hey what can ya do. So I've heard meetups are like almost guaranteeing a job if you actually network with others.

    I have pretty bad social aniexty and no one will go with me. It's in Boston, so the competition here is tough too. I was wondering how to handle this type of thing, never been to any type of meetup before? Is it ok to talk and ask people there about jobs or how to get jobs? Or is it usually strictly just tech talk?

    Should I bring a copy of my resume? My portfolio is live.

    As you can see this is new and nerve wracking for me... So I just want to try and make good first impressions.

    Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Jayboii478
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    Is it possible to buy a domain to own?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 12:27 PM PDT

    I really dont want to be annoyed with a yearly subscription

    submitted by /u/CaDoran
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    What's the best documentation you've ever seen?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    Hey party people,

    I'm looking for examples of projects with amazing documentation.

    Being able to pull up the docs & immediately be productive is a great feeling.

    Please share the best docs you've seen!

    Examples (no particular order)

    submitted by /u/30thnight
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    I'm down on my luck, and need some work/advice/suggestions

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    I would have liked to avoid making this post, but I'm running out of options.

    I'm a junior web dev with about 1 year experience (I'm happy to provide my resume), and after some unfortunate personal life events, I'm unemployed. I'm running out of money and I have no job prospects or interviews lined up, although I put in a lot of applications I seem qualified for everyday. This dry spell has lasted longer than even my longest estimate, and I'm worried I won't meet my monthly bills soon.

    I need work immediately, and I'm pretty much willing to take any job for any amount at this point (employment, contract, temporary, freelance, anything). I prefer backend/fullstack, but I can do frontend as well. I really enjoy Python/Django, but PHP/Laravel is good too. If you know of any leads, please let me know. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/Surprise_Inquisition
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    When should one use SQL, and when should one use NoSQL.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    Essentially as the title says. What are the use cases for a relational db over a non-relational db etc.

    Edit: For my current project, the data models I have are Orders, Users, Posts and Products. Where the only common relationship will be Users x Orders and the Admin user x all other models.

    submitted by /u/Bpofficial
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    Triggering float collapse

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    Hi I'm reviewing responsive layouts and am going over floats. Does anyone know how to trigger a float collapse? Inspired from reading




    <div class="floatMe"></div>

    <div class="floatMe"></div>

    <div class="floatMe"></div>

    <div class="floatMe"></div>



    section {

    width: 100%;

    height: 50px;

    background-color: blue;


    .floatMe {

    background-color: red;

    width: 25%;

    height: 40px;

    margin: 10px;

    float: left;

    clear: left;


    How do I set the css so that `section` gets a height of 0px due to float collapse? If I do not set the height, `sections`'s height is already 0px. Wondering what I am missing logically?

    submitted by /u/freneticpony21
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    Front end developer: is it worth learning Backend?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 12:41 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so I have been been doing front end dev for the last couple of years. Now that I am about to graduate I am starting to seriously look into the job market. I see most companies have dedicated backend and front end teams, which makes me question wether it's really worth learning backend as a front end dev when it seems most companies want you to specialize in one or the other. Is this perception accurate?

    In the long run, I'd like to become a full stack JS developer, but perhaps I should focus on those front end jobs to start with? Instead of spending the rest of the year learning backend.

    Your input would be appreciated. Especially from professionals in the field.


    submitted by /u/DeltaFireBlues
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    Pure CSS realistic's Portrait, animated with moving eyes

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Does VS Code have a feature like this?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    Why do you choose Visual Studio Code over Webstorm/PhpStorm? Let's discuss.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    I wanted to open a little discussion about why you choose vscode over webstorm/phpstorm? Is it the "heavy" feeling of phpstorm? Or the pricing?

    What features do Visual Studio Code have, that PhpStorm doesn't have?

    submitted by /u/faly
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    Analyze the impact of a browser extension on web performance.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    How To JSON:API - Tutorials for using JSON:API with lots of frontends and backends

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    Are there prebuilt UI's out there for pure HTML or React.js to save time in development?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    Hi all, I have been working with a client who keeps insisting I use a pre-built template like Fuse React. I downloaded and took a look and it's way more in-depth than just pretty UI, which means I need to scrap and re-write all of their functionality. Is there any way to get some pre-built UI that doesn't have much functionality attached to it? Or am I relegated to making my own?

    submitted by /u/durantt0
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    Front-End trying to turn back-end

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Howdy everyone! I'm a skid front end developer that wants to become more experienced in back end development. How should I learn this?

    submitted by /u/WillMargs
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    Webpage that updates from singular data source?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    Quick backstory of information: I am working on a project for my company to create a guide for employees to use while they do their daily tasks. The task information will change based on the state and the contract that the employee is working on. I created an Excel document as a database that holds all of the information for all of the contracts.

    I also made individual Excel files by state, which pulls the information off of the Excel database. I then created html documents for viewing. Each time the Excel database is updated, the individual files by state update, which in turn updated the HTML document. I have to use a macro for all updating it, but it's still very quick.

    Okay, so onto the web related question. My boss does not want this to be a permanent solution. He wants this information to be uploaded onto the intranet as a webpage and not a file. And his only requirement is that he only wants one data source. When they data source is updated, he wants the website to update. (Essentially, he wants the employee to select the state and the contract and the information will pull up from that database).

    I did some research on webpages and spoke to our technology team. They indicated that they could do everything but have that one data source. If I needed to make a change, I would have to go to the individual page and make the change. I do not have a problem with this, but my boss' only requirement is the easily updated database. I looked up SQL, too, but I'm not positive if that's the solution I need.

    As I obviously do not know much about webpages. My boss said he will buy me software, or classes if I need, but I honestly don't know if what he is asking is possible, and if it i,s I don't know what's the best way for me to do it. Any information or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/kitzunenotsuki
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    Netlify cms is possible without that Gatsby or nextjs shit.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Just wanted to say that.

    submitted by /u/alvarlagerlof
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    When to stop learning and start practicing?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2019 06:50 PM PDT

    So, I have started to study web development at something like 1 year ago! I am a begginer, and I have been learning a lot along this time, in which my main trade skill, for now, is front-end (I am learning ReactJS), even though I already have some experience dealing with NodeJS + Express + MongoDB (could I say that I have some experience with basic back-end?).

    One thing that I have been asking myself after each lesson, is:
    How fast should I go? Every class/lesson that I have presents me with a new feature, and I always try to implement what I learned in some personal app (on the last months, I have been working on a to-do-list), which takes some hours (even days) to adapt those features in my app. But, sometimes, I feel like: "Damn, why I am wasting my time doing it? I should be keep going with the lessons to learn more"; But the other side of my mind says: " Do it, you have to mature what you are learning!". I have to say that it is really satisfying for me when I am able to implement what I learn on my online lessons on my personal apps.

    This indecision compounds even more with these facts:

    • I am taking bachelor in electrical engineering in which I am at the end of the program, and I am doing both things: studying web development and handling my school stuff, which also takes my time, it means, my time for both learn and practice web development is severely limited, but I am managing to do both, at the expense of my performance at school (I do not feel bad for it, though). I have some ideas to implement what I learn in web development into some university work, but this is not something to go deep into in this post. It almost makes me sick that I cant dedicate all of my time with learning web development, but, I am managing to deal with this feeling, which looks like I have no option. I did not have to take loans to this program, since where I live, the university is public and it is free!
    • I want to work with web development, for sure! But It causes me anxiety because I have no idea of when I am gonna be ready to contribute to open-source community, or to apply to jobs , even though I am constantly looking at the web to see the jobs requirements and in which area I would fall.
    • I already have some courses waiting for me in Udemy, but the question remains: Should I build a portfolio of websites / web-apps with the techniques that I already know, or should I go to learn more stuff? I never feel that I need to learn more stuff until I start to browse through facebook groups and see people talking about library and framework trends, it always cause me to think "damn, I have to learn more!". I tottally accept that it might be something that I should not give much importance, though
    • I feel extremely bad when I receive those "Quora Digest" emails with people asking and answering things related with things like "Web devepment is a flooded market" or "Is web development something that is still worth studying for?". Damn, I feel like trash, because I cant imagine how bad would be to study all of this (even though I love it) for nothing, specially when I am abdicating from going more deep in my university stuff just because I want to follow my dream of working with web development from home!

    Yes, it looks like a rant, but, well, I think it is, for now, the best that I can do to explain my current situation. I don't think that i am at bad shape at all, but honestly, I think that there is a feeling inside of me that says "You must RUSH, no time to lose", and sometimes it does good to me, but sometimes it does bad, and I don't think that it is good to cultivate such a feeling because it can become the seed for a future burnout...

    Thank you guys for reading... Any advice would be good, I wrote this post with my heart, and sorry for any english mistakes; I am fluent at it but it is not my native language, since I am Brazilian!

    Much Love and success for you all!

    submitted by /u/SEXYBRUISER
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    I want to start free lancing web development, but don't know where to start.

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 03:04 PM PDT

    I'm 16 and for the past 5 years have been teaching myself numerous programming languages. I feel like I'm ready to build websites for money. I'm working on my own website and I found some small businesses that I am doing for free to add to my collection of projects. I need to know if I'm missing any languages. I have HTML, CSS, python, javascript, php, and my my mortal enemy, c++. I also don't know what to charge for my work. Do I clock myself and go hourly, or do I charge for the overall project. I'm also really not sure what a simple advertising website is worth. I feel kind embarrassed to ask for anything over a hundred since I'm not very experienced.

    submitted by /u/ZooberNaught
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    Best Method To Use For A Rebuild Job?

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    Hello devs,

    I landed a job doing a rebuild for a car dealership that offers warranties on Chrysler vehicles. The people who hired me don't know anything about creating websites, and are leaving their previous developer (who they claimed to be "money hungry" and "difficult with edits/maintenance").

    The biggest part of this job, to them, is that they can go in (after I leave) and make changes to the website themselves. Not knowing HTML5/CSS(not so much the CSS)/JS, they essentially want the "drag 'n drop" functionality of Wix. Changing prices, adding/replacing images/text, etc.

    Do I just make the site in Wix then? I could if need be. I'm worried they won't be able to make edits on their own & I will lose this job. Any advice/similar situations would be more than helpful.

    p.s. I have access to the source code for the original site. If I could somehow upload that to Wix or another site, they would probably lose their minds. Or fire me. Either way, this job kinda sucks.


    submitted by /u/jkgvsu31
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    Implementing DTOs, Mappers & the Repository Pattern using the Sequelize ORM [with Examples] - DDD w/ TypeScript

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Need help with CSS for a responsive "masonry" gallery style layout that doesn't auto-adjust the column count (Squarespace site).

    Posted: 20 Jun 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    (Was told to post here from r/css.)

    Right now the gallery pages (not gallery blocks) auto adjust the number of columns displayed in the gallery depending on the size of the browser. However I would like it to stay at 3 columns at all times.

    My website is www.jasonmenova.com. As you can see when resizing the browser window, it will reduce the gallery to two or one column if the window is smaller. This makes it so the website when viewed on a smaller laptop would be two or even one column. I would like it to behave similar to sites like www.jerryghionisphotography.com and www.keithcephus.com. With those sites they retain their columns while auto adjusting the size of each thumbnail.

    I've messed around with the CSS (I'm not very well versed in CSS) to limit the max width or min width, but they're not quite producing what I'm after. Limiting the max width does help retain 3 columns as the browser window expands though, but it doesn't increase the thumbnail size beyond the max width. I've also tried using the gallery block wall layout, but it also behaves similarly. Anyone know if and how I can accomplish this?

    I've also tried what this site is doing https://css-tricks.com/seamless-responsive-photo-grid/ but it seems to really mess up the layout (photos end up overlapping when resizing window smaller).

    This is how my CSS starts:


    #slideshowWrapper { max-width: 1800px;


    The max width along with the set thumbnail width at 400px ensures the gallery retains 3 columns at max browser window size. It's great, but it would be nice if the thumbnails (and therefore the grid) continued to enlarge beyond 400px.

    submitted by /u/Arvaci
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