• Breaking News

    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    I created microStudio, a free game dev environment online

    I created microStudio, a free game dev environment online

    I created microStudio, a free game dev environment online

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    I have been thinking about creating this for years and now it is becoming real. The environment is online as a MVP, yet already packed with cool features:

    • sprite editor
    • map/level editor
    • code editor to program in microScript (a simple yet powerful language)
    • 100% online operation
    • change anything (code, sprites, maps) while playing your game and see the results instantly
    • projects immediately available as self-updating PWA apps, means you can already install and test them on mobile / tablet still while working on them
    • work with team mates on the same project with instant synchronization
    • community sharing: explore others' projects, learn and reuse anything you want for your own project.
    • games work on any PC / Mac, tablet or smartphone
    • supported inputs: keyboard, mouse, touch screen and gamepad

    The environment is available at https://microstudio.dev

    The original idea was to provide an online environment for young coders willing to learn programming and make games. I still hope it can be used and be useful this way. However as it turned out, I believe it is also a neat tool for prototyping, jamming or even to easily produce simple games for mobile / web.

    It is free like in 100% free and will remain so. At some stage I may start a Patreon and provide beta access or specific additional features (like more export features) reserved for backers.

    Here are some of the things I have been inspired by:

    • pico 8 and pixel vision 8, fantasy consoles / game dev systems
    • Bret Victor talks, (from whom I essentially borrowed the direct feedback when updating code and the GUI tools for playing live with values and colors)
    • Starblast modding: an online tool I helped creating, allowing to create mods for the game Starblast.
    • Piskelapp: A free online sprite editor
    • LUA / MiniScript: both inspired me to create microScript

    microStudio should be fairly usable in its current state. There are a lot of improvements and additions already planned. I would really like to read your suggestions for improvements, additions or fixes if you give it a try! The documentation was completed only yesterday and I will keep improving it in the coming days.

    Here is a roadmap summary for the future (mostly ideas for now, nothing guaranteed!):

    • improvements to the sprite editor (like maybe features to ease creating animated sprites)
    • improvements to maps (layers, custom cell properties)
    • sounds tab: I am planning to add a sound synthesizer for sound fx
    • music tab: allowing to create synthetic music tracks using the sounds created
    • export features: HTML export (e.g. for publishing on itch.io), export for Cordova, Gamedistribution, Unity / Monogame (?), APK, IPA...
    • console mode: navigate through the best published games and play all from gamepad as you would on a console
    • support for mode advanced 2D libs ; support for 3D libs?
    • support for more programming languages
    • server code, server instancing ; easily create online multiplayer games

    TLDR; microStudio is a nice free integrated game dev environment for you to try online and provide feedback if you will: https://microstudio.dev

    Edit: typo

    Edit 2: Platinum Award! Wow thank you anonymous Redditor :-)

    submitted by /u/pmgl_io
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    I’ve updated Unfolding Engine to now export its real-time 2.5D parallax placement so you can now use it into your games.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    Getting that input feel nailed down.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    Its how a scaling bug became a feature! (a cancelled project)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    I worked in AAA for 13 years and indie for about 2. Here is a high level breakdown of AAA vs Indie.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Post mortem for Coregrounds after shutdown, lessons learned in 5yrs of gamedev

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    Did the easing in and out of these stone tablets by hand and I think it turned out pretty good!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    DIYDoom: Week 003 - Adding SDL

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    I improved my title graphic. Thanks for the help!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:33 AM PDT

    Krinkels (creator of Madness Combat) and The-Swain discuss their 6 year long game project, "Madness: Project Nexus 2" and the gamedev process in this hour long podcast

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Phaser Editor v2.1.1 released!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    Animations Editor


    Phaser Editor v2.1.1 is here! This is a one-month-development version, but there is a lot of new stuff about to improve the user experience and productivity. Especial mention to the new toolbar, the TypeScript support, the new Text object in the Scene Editor, the integration with external editors and the adoption of the latest version of Phaser (3.18.2) and Eclipse IDE (4.12).

    Download Phaser Editor 2D v2.1.1

    submitted by /u/PhaserEditor2D
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    A Simple Entity Component System (ECS) in C++

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    Source control, deployments pipelines, dev nightmares!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    I'm having problems with GLT LFS, and could use a hand optimising our dev experience.

    Unlike "traditional" game dev, our unity app is constantly getting updated with new assets etc, these go up to a remote server via a build pipeline, verifying the quality, running tests, checking poly-counts etc. These are downloaded by clients and all is well.

    We have a fairly well optimised Git LFS setup in GitLab, and a largish number of assets (100bg+), no getting around that. The big problem comes from our rate of change. We add about 5gb a week of assets and will keep doing so for a very long time (forever 🤞).

    Every time one of our team does a `git pull` they get 5bg of assets trundling down the pipe, which even on a blistering fast network (which we aren't blessed with) would still take a not insignificant amount of time. Is there some way to improve this experience? Ideally I'd love to have the option to only pull the binaries they actually care about, this is especially tough for the artists who want it to just work. So any solution needs to be easy to pick up, which is where I've come totally unstuck.

    We have talked about moving to Perforce, which won't speed up the network but might allow users to pull assets one at a time more easily, but our research makes it look like using Perforce we will have a hard time doing our automated builds.

    TL/DR: my question is; can I make it easy for artists/devs to fetch assets one at a time from git lfs; and if not can I automate builds from my assets out of Perforce?

    submitted by /u/amtcannon
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    Mobile games, ads and not killing the fun

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    So after working as a contractor and in the background on multiple indie projects and for a few AAA studios as a highly overpaid "Fix it now" developer I've decided to try and give making a game the go myself. I have artists that are working with me and have a few stock assets that I'm using as well. I've run into a bit of a problem though as I'd like to make back what I've invested and have some cash to upkeep the servers I'm going to be using. I don't want to sell my game outright because most users aren't willing to shell out the cash for mobile games and I'd like people to play what I've made.

    So I've looked at the alternate route which is in-game ads. I've done my research and have played some of the (mostly awful) mobile games on the playstore now to see what I'd be putting other players through and I fucking hate it. The "Play a level, waste 10 seconds on 'ONLY PROS GET TO LEVEL 10' with frustratingly incompetent gameplay" repetition was a little too much for my tastes. I did notice that some games will give you the option to watch an ad for an in-game boost for x amount of time which wasn't THAT awful.

    So that being said, has anyone found a decent way to implement ads in a mobile game without ruining the user's experience?

    submitted by /u/MisterBlackCat
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    Any advice for managing a long term project?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    Hi, in a few weeks I will be starting production on my final uni project. It will be a year long project with about 5-6 devs contributing, the games theme has not been chosen yet but it will probably release on Steam and hopefully the Switch. Until now I've only worked on smaller scale games. Does anyone have any tips for the management of longer term projects?

    submitted by /u/ThePlebianKing
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    An idea for animating ground cracks with simple mesh and material offset (Blender + Unity).

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Python in games

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    So I was looking at Job listing, and the a 3D designer, they were asking for python and MEL.

    Now I know why MEL is used for, but what is python used for in a 3D designer/modeller aspect?

    submitted by /u/Kibbles26
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    Teeworlds - Web edition: C++ game compiled to WebAssembly with Cheerp

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:06 AM PDT

    Hi r/gamedev!

    I'd like to show you Teeworlds - Web edition.

    It is a port of the classic open source game Teeworlds to the browser.

    It is mainly meant as a demo for the C++ to JavaScript/WebAssembly compiler Cheerp.

    This is a multiplayer game with a client/server architecture.

    In our port both sides run in the browser and communicate using WebRTC (a p2p protocol implemented in web browsers).

    There is no backend component (save for a database with the list of active servers).

    Feel free to ask questions if you are curious!

    submitted by /u/vilgefortz91
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    Games Preservation Issues!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:14 AM PDT

    I am currently studying Archival Administration at Aberystwyth University. As part of my course, I am undertaking a research project under the supervision of Dr Sarah Higgins. This project aims to explore possible alternative methods of preservation for online multiplayer video games, before our videogame history is lost forever. The aim of the questionnaire is to measure the opinions multiplayer games developers on the subject.

    This questionnaire is targeted at those of you who are multiplayer games developers or have knowledge and have worked with multiplayer games.

    I would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete my questionnaire. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers. The link to my questionnaire is below.


    submitted by /u/P1EBOY77
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    Building a Fluid Mechanics pipeline game - Not sure where to start

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I'm an engineering student doing research under a Chemical Engineering professor. This professors specializes in fluids, specifically pipelines and teaches the intro Fluid Mechanics course. My personal project for the research term is revamping the course. One of the projects I am working on is building a pipeline design game.

    I am not too sure where to start, and the only progress I have is playing around a bit with Godot and drawing sprites for the parts. I'm having trouble finding reference material or open source code that would help me with this project.

    The game will be as follows:

    > Students will be given a scenario in which they need to transport water from one location to another

    > Students will be given an array of parts to build their system with

    > I'd like to use a tilemap grid with drag and drop components

    > Pipes should recognize when they are beside other pipes or machines and their sprites should change accordingly to connected pipes

    > The game will calculate the flow behavior such as losses and flow rate - so the game must be able to recognize all of the connected pieces and how many of each are being used

    > The game should detect when the system is not complete or has a major flaw that would cause failure

    > I'd like to begin with 2D for simplicity sake, but adding another axis will allow for elevation and potential energy changes to become pertinent

    Is Godot a good engine for this project? Is there any games I could take inspiration from or learn from? Any general guidance of how to accomplish this?

    Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/oil-boy
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    Redo of my game trailer - Could use any critique and feedback

    Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    How to attract team members to join a project?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:26 AM PDT

    I have started the development of a title for a while now with a friend, and have enough to start showing around. However, we do need further help before we can start to market and launch the final product. I do not have any connection in the game dev world, and am curious to what methods people have been using to get additional team members?

    Edit: Am willing to pay or revenue share. But am more interested in team members who wants to be in the creative process as well. Independent of how they wish to be compensated. I suppose what I am asking if where can I connect with more like minded developers?

    submitted by /u/BobDoesBestFriend
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    Game Development as a Carreer

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    To Mods: After checking Sub guidelines, i didn't see anything against this but if this isn't allowed then im sorry and feel free to delete.

    I'm currently considering a career in Game development but i am unsure of whether it is a area of work i want to get into when compared to regular software development. The reason im unsure is because i hear a lot of negative things about that part of the industry (harsh/unfair working hours, no real regulation, Low job security, lower pay than comparable software development and even age limits are some of what I've heard) and if these are true then no matter how much i enjoy game development by myself, i don't think i would ever be happy like that.

    I'm sure this is all dependent on the company you work for and also region dependent but i would like to ask for some people experience of what its like working as a game developer in a company. Is it actually that bad. What are some ups and downs when compared to normal software development?

    Thank you in advance to everyone willing to share their experiences, positive or negative.

    submitted by /u/DomDom3333
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    Fake news ‘vaccine’ works, suggests a large new study (n=15,000), which shows a simple online game works like a “vaccine”, increasing skepticism of fake news by giving people a “weak dose” of the methods behind disinformation, a version of what psychologists call ‘inoculation theory’.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 10:55 AM PDT

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