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    Sunday, June 2, 2019

    Found an unexpected comment on Newgrounds web developers

    Found an unexpected comment on Newgrounds web developers

    Found an unexpected comment on Newgrounds

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    Is Netlify a good choice for hosting a personal site?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I have been working on my personal site and am currently looking for a free hosting provider. Since I'd like to run a contact form at the bottom that sends me the message, I found Netlify to be a fitting option. Any opinions on using its free plan as a portfolio site host?

    submitted by /u/icyfoxlol
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    Are dB services like dynamoDB (AWS) a bad idea?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Wouldn't having a local dB on your server be a better alternative? Queries over a network would be a couple magnitudes of speed slower, atleast. I've worked with dynamoDB and the queries are for the most part, just APIs. Having a local mongo is better speed and security-wise I'd assume. To make it clear I'm not talking about any particular software but the whole idea of making queries over a network. Don't hesitate in letting me know if I'm being a noob.

    submitted by /u/sagox
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    SSL Certificates, what do you prefer?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    Assuming money is not a factor in this decision, what would you see as the preference for a SAAS' choice for SSL certificates? In the past I've used nothing but EV certs issued by one of the big houses. Given the application is run in AWS and the AWS CM is available providing free, easy to manage certs.. what is your preference? Does EV mean anything to you as either a developer or a user?

    submitted by /u/notdedicated
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    What should Junior PHP Developer know to apply for a job in 2019?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:34 PM PDT


    I made the decision to raise my level to Junior PHP Developer in a month and a half. The level of motivation is very high, ready to spend the whole day on the study and practice.

    What I know now:

    HTML / CSS basics;

    Basics of PHP + OOP;

    Basics of SQL;

    Approximate ideas about MVC;

    Basic knowledge of working with git

    I have never worked with PHP frameworks at all, always wrote everything clean from scratch, or on CMS systems.

    I'm not familiar with JS, as I have always focused on Backend, but I learned that now it's better to have the basics of JS and libraries like jQuery for working

    My question is:

    What should Junior PHP Developer know to apply for a job in 2019?

    I have compiled a sample list of what I will need to study. Perhaps something forgot, something extra, etc.

    Please tell me the right path.

    First of all I think it should be more in-depth to deal with MVC;

    To know about the standards PSR-2, PSR-12;

    Composer. Do I need?

    Start exploring Laravel;

    Learn the basics of JS, jQuery;

    Create 2 small projects, more like a portfolio for work:

    The first, with a self-written engine, an online text game. I have a similarity on github https://github.com/Jonikster/NESS

    Second, using the framework, I want to create a kind of Reddit.

    What can you advise? Maybe what to remove or add a general direction?

    In addition, I would like to know your opinion, is it possible to achieve what I want, with diligence, in a month and a half?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jonikster
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    I am building a medium sized SPA without Webpack. I could use some advice regarding structure

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    We are using Firebase for the backend and Vue for the frontend, and we are not using webpack/node/npm

    My main concern is load times for the application. For example, if I have a bunch of web pages built out and have smooth transitions between them using something like swup.js, does that mean I have to import firebase into every single page? That seems inefficient and like it will lead to long load times.

    My other idea is to build my app from a bunch of Vue components, but I don't know how to divide my files up. For example, if I make a login form component, and I need that on some other page which I've separated into files, do I need to copy the entire component over into the other file? This also seems inefficient.

    We have designs ready to go, but I just want to strike the right balance between structure, developing quickly, and making it easy to work on and I don't know how to go about doing this. I feel like if I separate things out into different html files, I can't use vue-router effectively for transitions which is another problem.

    Any advice? I have ideas that work but I want this to be maintainable by the people I'm working with after I graduate

    Edit: can't avoid node ig :(

    submitted by /u/throwawayinthefire
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    How does Dropbox dynamically change their text and logo colour on their site?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    As you scroll through their site, the text (and hamburger menu if you're on mobile) at the top changes from black to white depending on the background colour behind it. At a guess, they're using css' mix-blend-mode, but there's no way to limit that to certain colours. As an example, if you have a green background and black text with mix-blend-mode set on let's say difference, then the text colour would be the opposite of green; not white.

    Yet Dropbox manages this, how do they do this? Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/psychedelic_rain
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    Assistant in finding a certain type of program

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:50 PM PDT


    I make wiring diagrams for my company. I currently use Microsoft Visio exporting to PDF files.

    We are wanting to move to a more interactive diagram.. I found some decent Visio Addin's that do a pretty good job of this but am exploring more options.

    What kind of program/tool is used to create the diagrams in the video below:


    The most important factor about our diagrams are the clicking each wire to highlight its path as well as clicking components to show certain parts... The diagrams in the video above have to be made with some soft of software since there are SO MANY of these.. I highly doubt each one was separately coded.

    Does anyone have any ideas??


    submitted by /u/wax1H
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    Would be anyone still interested to learn to build startups like Code4Startup? Is there still a demand?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about to develop an VOD platform like code4startup. The concept would still be the same, but with more content, more frequency and probably a better user experience.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/squeak6666yw
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    Confused on how the frontend and backend interact with one another

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    I'm currently working with Ember.js and RoR. My main question is do models and routes on both the backend and frontend have to match in terms of their naming scheme/pattern?

    For instance, If I was to make book store app on the frontend, I would have a store and book model. The store would have a has many books relationship. Routing would just be standard CRUD pattern. Would my backend(RoR in this instance) be required to also have the exact same routing pattern, exact same model naming? Is that the standard way of how backend and frontends communicate, minus name spacing and customization of adapters and serializers?

    submitted by /u/ljheartless
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    What should I create if I want to practice my flexbox skills?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    I recently learned flexbox and then completed flexbox froggy. Now, I want to practice with making real things but I'm out of ideas. What should I create that would help me solidify my skills and help then grow?

    It would be great if you could provide any examples.

    submitted by /u/Phenox22
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    I want to level up my back-end skills from the beginner-intermediate level, any good resources?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    Hey all.

    My websites look consistently pretty and feel good to use, and I'm not quite an amateur when it comes to back-end work (preferring node.js and mongo), but I feel like I've kind of hit a wall with my conceptual understandings in that arena. Is there a place, site, or any good books that focuses on more backend-specific problems?

    Getting some extra devops experience would be a plus as well, but that can wait for three to six months.

    submitted by /u/Packeselt
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    Backing up a database with sensitive information - How should I do this?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:38 AM PDT

    I'm new to having a 'large' customer base - there are over 120 people playing a game that I'm designing right now. My code is closed source, and coded defensively, but I still want to ensure that security is top notch.

    Sensitive data includes 1 email, 1 username, 1 salt and 1 hashed password for each customer. I also issue a numerical token (between 1 and 100000) on login that acts as a key to the rest of the game and persists until they log out. Each logged in device gets its own token, and the tokens are stored in the database in a separate table.

    I've noticed probing attempts with malformed API requests (i.e. not from my front-end) in my game logs. I log almost everything (but of course made a special note not to log passwords).

    As for the code, it's stored on the same machine by a user called git, and on my laptop. I just checked, and realized that the git user has access to the live repository! Only one other person has the git password, whom I trust, but I can change it if need be. I'd rather let them keep the password, since a project we worked on together is also accessible via git. Still, this is likely the proverbial 'chink' in the armour. Thankfully, the database password is different from the git user password.

    I'm running CentOS 7, and the url for the game is https://kingdombattles.net/

    P.S. All of this information would be available to malicious attackers, I think.

    submitted by /u/Ratstail91
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    As a beginner in backend Which language I should learn

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    As a beginner in backend, which language should I learn and what is the best sources to learn it I see some tutorials on node js but it sucks

    submitted by /u/mohammedatef555
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    How to create a Website where I can provide my online services in some sort of GUI?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Hello there my redditor.

    I've recently created a python script that is aweosome getting new folowers on social media and other stuff and occured to my that I should monetize it.

    I know python and I know how to mess aroung with wordpress but now I have the chalange of creating a website that provided a GUI for the users to control my python bot, at least the users that are log in and payed for the service of course.

    The script would need to be active 24/7 so I provide the computing power in my VPS and also is where the future website should be located.

    I need help in the creation of this website since I have 0 experience with php, js, django, etc. I have no idea how to control the python script via the web or either to show statistics of it.

    Some other redditors back on /r/learnpython recomended to me to lern Django or Flask. I've watched tutorials about Django but even then, I'm lost.

    Do you guys know any tool or something that could help me out?

    submitted by /u/Acujl
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    100% not being what I imagined.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    My first question here, please be gentle.

    I am trying to make a website responsive.

    I want my navbar to take up 100% of the screen. when I zoom in and zoom out, it works like a charm. But whenever I use the device toolbar thing in chrome that essentially makes your site phone size so you can test (control+shift+M on pc) it gets really small (not 100% trust me).

    I know 100% reffers to the size of parent element, but I scaled body and html (body is the parent) to 100% and 100vw gives me the same result.

    EDIT: code here https://pastebin.com/dxW0RQtB (note: I've included this using php) and here https://pastebin.com/K9tyfCYf

    submitted by /u/technikfe
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    Aren't there standalone web components anymore?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 03:50 AM PDT

    I wanted to get started with Web Components today, however, already the introduction with its first example shows a Polymer web component. As I understand it, Polymer is a super set for web components. But why is the introduction starting with it? It feels as if a JavaScript tutorial shows me a TypeScript code snippet. Even if it is better to be used with Polymer, why is it biased against other solutions such as Stencil or Slim.js?

    1. Can anyone recommend non outdated resources on how to set up Web Components (if necessary with Polymer) with Webpack? I wouldn't want to buy into a whole other ecosystem with Polymer CLI etc but simply bundle my application with Webpack.
    2. If you are already working with Web Components, which of the super sets (Web Components Standalone (?), Polymer, Stencil, LitElement, Hybrids, Slim) are you using?
    submitted by /u/rwieruch
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    Solution that lets users store their own data

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:53 AM PDT

    I have an engineering platform that sort of works as both a project management tool and a "github for engineering".

    While I have gotten good feedback, the field moves very slowly and I consistently get feedback that companies are hesitant to place the future of projects into the hands of new platforms.

    One solution to this that I am looking at is to find a way to let users either store their data on their own servers or to let users download my code and install the entire thing on their own servers.

    I am using Laravel on the back and and AngularJS on the front. I deploy on heroku using psql databases.

    Does anyone have a solution or even a direction they can point me to?

    submitted by /u/jfoxworth
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    Uni student working on a personal project, unsure weather to use framework or code from scratch.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a university student working on my own website for a personal project to display skills post graduation. Specifically something to talk about in job interviews. My question is what is better to do when it comes to designing my website. Should I use frameworks for css? Or should I create all my own code, do my own css?

    Does it look better for an interviewer that I know frameworks and how to use them? Or better that I truly understand the css and did everything myself? Mind you I'm not doing anything crazy for this website but just learning as I go.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/olet14
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