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    Wednesday, June 26, 2019

    Are your dev jobs 95% maintenance ? web developers

    Are your dev jobs 95% maintenance ? web developers

    Are your dev jobs 95% maintenance ?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    I'm a young dev in my first my year and currently working at my first "real" dev job. The first 2 months I got here I was actually building out new pages and adding logic etc.

    Since month 2 to now ( about 6 months ) I have been pretty much straight maintenance. For some reason they took out the 2 senior developers who were on my team, which literally left me to finish up everything up before our release.

    And since then, my whole existence has been going through their code and fixing it. They were on a deadline so their code is pretty bad and all over the place. So for months and months I have just been fixing all their stuff, and not adding any new contributions.

    I do a lot of side and open source projects, so I kind of gained this attitude of all my real learning will come from outside projects... and the work I do here is just whatever. I feel like that should be reversed lol.

    I feel like I've just leveled off after month 3, mainly because I am working in the same thing every single day. Not to mention we use AngularJS... so I almost feel like I'm going in reverse. Outside I use Angular 7, Vue and react.

    The problem is I don't have anything to compare to, so I wanted to see how yalls work typically is. I would start looking for other places, but I'm not even past the 1 year mark here.

    submitted by /u/mrich6347
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    How was your first year on WebDev? (professionally)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:19 AM PDT

    Proven Carousel component used by "30 million" people everyday. It's ready for React, Angular, Vue right now.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    Why you should make sure your DNS records are kept up to date when using cloud providers

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    I have learnt HTML, CSS & JavaScript. I want to create a website that can be displayed to the public (with URL and all). What steps should I take from here to get to my website public?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:15 AM PDT

    Elegant Error Handling With The JavaScript "Either" Monad

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    What are some skills that can make you stand out / more needed as a Web dev?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    It is quite easy to pick a certain path in web development (front-end, back-end or full-stack), to follow it and to improve on, but are there any other skills, or combination of skills we rarely or never see in these paths that could make you a very unique an interesting candidate?

    This is a hard question, I myself cannot really come up with examples other than I currently have to work with some Qt. That could be an interesting skill if a company was looking to standardize multiple applications (web, desktop or embedded).

    Any other skills that aren't on the main path?

    submitted by /u/s-hammerhai
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    Advanced Webpack Setup: Step by Step from Scratch

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    Finding a first (front-end) web developer job

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:53 AM PDT

    I'm 1.5 years into learning front-end web development. I have considerable knowledge of JavaScript (ES6, 7, 8), jQuery, Bootstrap 4, React, a little Redux, CSS (inluding experience with CSS Grid and Flexbox), some unit testing, git/GitHub with many repos and extensive commit history in my account, and ARIA. (Also some Python and SQL but I forgot what I learned after a while.) I have a very sharp looking portfolio website (10+ projects up). I am continuing to improve on my knowledge daily, but it seems like it's been long enough that I can start applying for jobs to begin putting my skills to at least some use.

    I've been browsing jobs on Indeed, Dice, LinkedIn, and Glass Door in hopes of finding a front end developer job in Seattle and it has been really disheartening! Pretty much every one of them asks for at least a few years of professional experience, asks for experience in things I'm not familiar with like PHP, Agile (not even sure what that is) or more backend type technologies, and often has "senior" in the title. How are you supposed to get started as a junior front-end (not back end, not senior!) web developer? Honestly I don't mind if I'm not making that much -- the pay at my current job that's totally unrelated to web development is $19 an hour, so anything higher than that would be a win. Some advice I've heard is to just disregard the "requirements" in job postings, to lie about your experience, and to be careful to not say you're a junior-level position... I don't want to lie or misrepresent myself.Any advice? Is the job market really so hostile to newcomers?

    submitted by /u/plethorabay
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    Updating part of a header across site

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Say I wanted to have a part of my header for a website display the number of vacancies for the business I'm creating it for, and I want the proprietors to very easily update this across the site without manually changing it across each page. How could I do this?

    I've looked into using javascript to pull it from a file but that has so far panned out to be quite convoluted and seemingly unnecessarily so. This would only constitute changing a single number. Any easy or workable ways to do this? Thanks

    submitted by /u/SlickShadyyy
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    Automated tests for Visual Layout

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Does someone have an idea or technology that can be used to check the layout of a webpage? For example, i want to make sure that a header with id or class „header" is above a div with the id/class „beneathHeader". I started to work on a project for university. The idea is to analyse the layout of a page in order to grade webpages from students, and check if they fulfilled certain tasks. Every answer is appreciated !

    submitted by /u/JohannesNba
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    Anyone know how to get rid of this type of adware? (Outside browser)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    Anyone know how to get rid of this type of adware? (Outside browser)

    I've been unsuccessful in trying to get rid of this. It seems to be outside the browser adware and plays the windows 10 notification sound each times something displays..


    submitted by /u/Knoobnation
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    Promoting Perceived Performance with Prefetching

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    question about making portfolios?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    hey guys, learning web dev to be front end dev and I have a question regarding portfolio.

    As I'm not really a design type of guy, I'm having hard time grasping how to make website good and what colors go together well which lead me to researching and "copying" the designs here and there. Is this how I'm supposed to make portfolios? What about when I get a real job? Am I expected to know how to do designs?

    submitted by /u/yjy3
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    Guys, first time web dev here. If I buy a custom domain elsewhere, and then add it into Netlify as my custom domain, will the whole site be on that domain or will it just constantly redirect to it?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    This is the first time, be gentle!

    So if I do this: https://www.netlify.com/docs/custom-domains/

    Will my Netlify site be on that domain or just constantly point towards it through redirects? Thank you

    submitted by /u/WolfofAnarchy
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    Started learning React-Native to develop an application idea I had in mind and now I don't know what my next step should be

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:30 AM PDT

    So I'm a CS student who's about to begin my final year from August. I have a lot of experience in coding but never took any web development courses (I know very basic HTML, PHP, and javascript) in university because they were electives and opted towards ML/Data science instead.

    I've recently been very inclined to develop several ideas I've had and after looking at various online sources and taking advice from people, It's clear that I need a MERN solution. My application will essentially be a catalog (that gets updated monthly) that gets its data from a database. Another feature will be a marketplace where users can only post advertisements to buy and sell. The website itself won't support any transactions. I'm looking for a DB solution that would allow me to contain many user accounts IF there is rapid growth.

    I plan to launch an Android app first and might transition to a website later on. This is why I decided to learn React-Native first. Now that I know how to work with it, I intend to start working on the database very soon but this is where I can't seem to find very concrete answers. What I need answers to are:

    1. If I make my database in MongoDB, can it easily work with React-Native?
    2. What possible problems will I have when transitioning to a website?
    3. When transitioning, should I work with React-Native-Web? I've heard about it but don't really know if it fits my needs.
    4. Is the technology I'm looking at completely wrong for my needs?
    submitted by /u/i160069
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    Trying to create an application with React and Node js using visual studio - is it worth it?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    So i'm really new to React and Node but have lots of experience with Visual Studio and other languages such as C#, HTML and Javascript.

    Every lesson I find on react and node have me using different editors than visual studio and after following this guide from Microsoft (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/javascript/tutorial-nodejs-with-react-and-jsx?view=vs-2019) I recieved lots of errors and am now wondering... is it worth using visual studio for a project like this? or am I thinking about this all wrong? or should I just look for another guide?

    submitted by /u/Kickass_Mgee
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    Lets play... "ROAST MY PORTFOLIO"

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Hi reddit, and knights of reddit,

    Ive been making and remaking this off and on for a year. I'm about to put myself into some tech temp agencies in my area and want to make sure I don't get laughed at more than an appropriate amount.

    Here it is. www.DaneFrost.com/home

    As an introvert and self critic, there is probably nothing you can say that is worse than what I have already told myself. So please, let free, and pass on any honest critiques.

    edit: changed link because I managed to bugger it up the first time.

    submitted by /u/IAmSumOne
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    Someone please point direct me to a good tutorial on how to setup Visual Studio with Gitlab?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    I have looked and looked and can't seem to find anything. There doesnt seem to be any official docs on it. I've found some videos that are not in English which I will follow to my best if I cannot get anything else.

    I need the usual, the repository should be hosted on git lab so I can push and pull to it.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Knoobnation
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    Seeking Developer Opinions for Intro Course

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 11:23 AM PDT


    I'm just reworking an introductory course on full stack web development using PHP, JavaScript (including Ajax and jQuery) and MySQL. It's for a community college 3-year software development diploma. This is a short course (42 hours including exams) and the audience is 3rd semester students who have completed an intro programming course in Python, an intro to HTML and CSS, and an intro to OOP in Java. They take a database course concurrently with this one.

    Needless to say, it is very difficult to do full justice to all the languages and technologies in such a short course, but I am trying to streamline things and leverage the students' prior learning to get them up and running and creating simple Ajax apps with a database by the end of the first half, with further topics (sessions, jQuery, security, and regular expressions) coming later as they work on a culminating project.

    This is a small issue, but I'm currently in two minds about var, let, and const in JavaScript, so I thought I'd ask the group's opinion. Which of these would you introduce in the first class on JavaScript? Just var? Just let? All three? My initial instinct was to just go with var, since it still dominates most of the code examples and even production level code you find on line, so it looks like that's what they're most likely to see in the wild. They can easily pick up let and const later - it's not rocket science, and they understand constants and block level scope from Java. But there are some strong opinions in the department pushing in the other direction. What do you think?

    And more broadly, for those who have the time and interest, what would you consider high priorities for inclusion or exclusion in a course like this, given the time constraints and the scope? I'm interested in your ideas for any of the technologies currently in the course.

    Thanks in advance!


    submitted by /u/zxqwj
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    How to step up from small apps to medium scale apps

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 06:01 AM PDT

    Guys ive finished 5 years of uni and in the meantime i did some freelancing and quite a few crud projects and websites to gain hands on experience with a multitude of frameworks and syntaxes.

    I think ive found myself not confident enough to accept work that requires more than a simple admin panel with crud options. I did photo upload and something like a messaging service, but i still didnt try somehing like real time notifications that are in sync on multiple devices, real time messaging, graph integration on admin panel etc. I believe these arent that hard but i never tried any of them. I never made an online store app for example.

    Do you have some advice on how i can ease into it or gain the confidence for it?

    submitted by /u/croxcrocodile
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    RxJS: what debounce and throttle really do

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    Found a reCAPTCHA alternative - hCaptcha with a plugin for WordPress allowing you to earn for visitors solving Captcha on your site

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    Blocking custom .php files in WordPress robot.txt

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm using WordPress with some custom files in my site which is for my custom functionalities. If I block .php files extensions will it affect my google console or SEO?

    submitted by /u/deverlever
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