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    Saturday, June 29, 2019

    A silly contraption using a JavaScript physics engine web developers

    A silly contraption using a JavaScript physics engine web developers

    A silly contraption using a JavaScript physics engine

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Please give me some feedback on my new personal website!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:19 AM PDT


    Hi! I am a full-stack developer and I have created my personal website to showcase my ability to create interactive experience. I was thinking their isn't enough content on the page for now. Is there anything I can do to improve it? I am ready to take any criticism!

    submitted by /u/lisahearts
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    [Showoff Saturday] I made a javascript tips ans tricks repository outlining a lot of the most helpful aspects of the language I've found

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Cat App

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:04 AM PDT


    Here is a little app I made that uses TheCatApi to generate some cat pictures. I'm still learning web development so I appreciate any feedback.

    submitted by /u/Dasaru
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    What is a better way to store JSON config files between environments without committing to Git?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    I'm using NodeJs and TypeORM for a project and it has a JSON config file (ormconfig.json) containing the database password and username. I don't commit this file to my github repo for security reasons but this will mean I don't have a copy of this config file on the repo when I pull the source.

    Currently, what I do is I keep 2 copies of the config file on my local development computer, ormconfig-dev.json and ormconfig-prod.json. This is because the database user and password are different between my development and production environment. Whenever I want to run the project on my dev computer, I rename the ormconfig-dev.json to ormconfig.json to run it. And when I want to build the project into a docker container, I rename the ormconfig-prod.json to ormconfig.json.

    My current way of handling the ormconfig.json file is extremely inefficient. It's troublesome and I'm basically having duplicated configurations in the files because the database user/password and a few paths are probably the only differences. I also risk losing my local copy of the config file and have to rewrite all the configurations again.

    Since the config file is not committed to its project repo, what would be a better way to store and switch between such configuration files in different environments?

    submitted by /u/decorumic
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    Better TypeScript with Application Layer Use Cases | Enterprise Node.js + TypeScript

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    I've created a pie chart maker — it lets you embed animated charts in your website – built with chart.js

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 05:13 AM PDT

    I've created a pie chart maker — it lets you embed animated charts in your website – built with chart.js

    It's the first in a series of these chart generators — It's the first time I've built an embeddable web component. Built with chart.js and vue.


    Here's an example of what can be done:


    Note – One challenge I've been facing is using the canvas createPattern() method – to get crisp patterns on retina displays I've had to do a bit of a css hack. If anyone knows a better way than please let me know!

    .chart { width:200%; height:200%; transform-origin:top left; transform:scale(0.5); } 
    submitted by /u/RespectableCafe
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    I'm planning to recreate a WordPress website with Node.js. What are the things I should keep in mind?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Some advice on the CMS, database and other stuffs would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Katsuga50
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    I want to start learning how to make websites? Should I learn Wordpress/wix or html/css?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    I want to learn web design because Im really interested in this area and also because I want to start making some money with something I like soon.

    I've been wondering if i should learn html/css/js or wix and wordpress. What would you recommend me to learn?

    submitted by /u/gueinibba
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    How do I call a function from another java script in html?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    How do I call a function from another java script in html?

    My goal is to write a google web extension that automatically closes any tabs in the browser whether it be from sites or your own mouse opening a new tab. All new tab creation would be disabled when the extension is enabled.


    My problem is that I don't even know how to print out a message to the console saying that my button has been pressed! Figuring out how to print to the console as a debug would allow me to progress and call google function to close any new tabs.

    Code that open stacks says works like

     <button onclick="myFunction()"></button> <script> function myFunction(){ console.log("working"); } </script> 

    causes the error in the image below.



    However, does not cause errors but doesn't seem like its doing anything to call the other script or show that the button has been pressed.


    { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "Redirect Blocker", "version": "0.0.1", "description": "Automatically close new tab popups!", "permissions": [ "tabs" ], "background": { "scripts": ["js/tabcloser.js"], "persistent": true }, "browser_action": { "default_popup": "popup.html", "default_icon": { "16": "images/derpcat16.png", "32": "images/derpcat32.png", "48": "images/derpcat48.png", "128": "images/derpcat128.png" } }, "icons": { "16": "images/derpcat16.png", "32": "images/derpcat32.png", "48": "images/derpcat48.png", "128": "images/derpcat128.png" } } 


    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> button { height: 150px; width: 200px; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body> <p align= "center"> Press when ready to disable all redirects or popups. </p> <p align= "center"> (You will not be able to create a new tab with this enabled!) </p> <button> <script src="js/tabcloser.js"></script> <img src="images/clubs2.gif"> <p align="center"> Disable Popups! </p> </button> </body> </html> 


     function fired(){ console.log("YEET"); } 


    I don't know how to make a google extension html button print out a message in the console from another script.

    submitted by /u/ReversibleLag
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    Monitoring new urls?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    Assuming websites are created as such, ex. EVENTNAME.eventfarm.com, is there a way to monitor when NEWEVENTNAME.eventfarm.com's are created?

    submitted by /u/btewb
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    Can figure out why my sticky mobile header won't allow the toggle menu to drop past the headers margin... Please help

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:28 PM PDT


    Using elementor --- btw, just got out of prison, trying to make money, please let me live for using it.

    But forreal, I need this fixed. Help a second hand citizen out porfavor.

    submitted by /u/NiversaCo
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    React Dashboards - Open-Source Apps ( MIT License )

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Can I use Wordpress as a database and CMS only?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 06:41 AM PDT

    I'm looking to getting into freelance and I am a software engineer and full stack developer. For freelance projects my typical stack of everything custom and using many AWS services seems like overkill. So I would like to create my own backend, my own frontend, and have Wordpress host a database that allows clients to change the data (the CMS).

    I've been unable to find a good article or explanation of this stack online, as it seems like usually Wordpress is both the database/CMS and the backend/API. I still would like to create my own API and backend and host my own server separate from the database.

    Has anybody done this, would you recommend this or a different solution for a simple CMS with a custom backend, and do you have any reference material you can share with me.


    EDIT: I will provide a use case to clear things up. I am creating a web app with a lot of custom functionality. My client must manage his services he sells - this would be a table in the database. So things like "name", "time", "cost", etc. I want him to be able to edit through a wordpress CMS. Then I can query the database to see all his services he put in on his own time and use them in my custom backend and frontend to show these services to users. There's a lot of custom functionality I am doing on the backend such as emailing and texting users, handling scheduling, etc. So really I just want my client to be able to edit his services with me having to create the CMS for him to input service names and times and costs and all that work.

    DOUBLE EDIT: So it totally sounds like "headless CMS" is what i'm looking for, not necessarily wordpress. I've been looking at strapi - it handles the simple content editing I need for my client, I can host it wherever I want, and it hooks into whatever database I need. Perfect.

    submitted by /u/1alex1131
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    Are there any kind of benchmarks for bundle size?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    So I recently started a new job (second full time gig in the development world), and I'm now in a more senior position, so I'm trying to find more ways to contribute. One of the things I checked is the size of the bundle, and it's massive. The app is enormous, so I was expecting it to be big, but it was originally 15mb. At my old company, we were freaking out at about 4mb, which seems to be the higher end of what I'm seeing on discussions. I've cut it down to 13 with a little bit of side work reducing node module import sizes, and I'm planning to implement code splitting and all that kind of stuff soon, but right now I'm just going for "better," and I don't necessarily know how much I should be aiming to cut.

    My question is: is there any way to benchmark bundle size? A number I could be aiming for? I know guidelines about first meaningful paint and things like that, but I haven't found anything about what I should be shooting for here.

    To clarify: I'm not asking how to reduce the bundle size, just if there's a general guideline for how big it should be, or if that's too dependent on the size of the app to create any meaningful guide.

    submitted by /u/SirCatharine
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    Looking to start a project with another learning developer.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Hello all. I am looking to get experience with working on a project with another developer. I have about 2+years on and off experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Node, some MongoDB, and some SCSS. I work 40+ hours a week, so I may only be able to dedicate only a couple of hours a day at best. Not looking to invent the next Facebook or next big innovation in web technology, just something for fun.

    submitted by /u/splattered_ram
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    Mentoring in programming

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    Hi, if you're interested in long-term mentoring, feedback on code, exercises requests, helping others, making fun & coding together, join us :D We are very pleased to welcome you in our discord. We cover all popular languages and we also encourage possible mentors to join.


    submitted by /u/ratataprogrammers
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    [Showoff Saturday] My first published react component

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Check JSON for a value and send a notification.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:54 PM PDT

    I'm trying to figure out how to validate if a value exists in a JSON file (after it is generated) and then send an email based on what was found. Does anyone have any experience with this?

    submitted by /u/jwburkhard
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    Feedback on my Resume / Portfolio Site?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a recent graduate who's having trouble getting interviews for web development/software engineering and was wondering if anyone can see what needs to be adjusted. I've applied to over 60 jobs over the last 3 months and have only heard back from 4 companies (1 technical and 3 HR interviews).

    I recently got feedback from reddit and updated my resume and I wanted to get some more before I send the new one out to companies. I am currently living in Phoenix, AZ and I think it's a tech friendly city so I'm not sure why I'm having trouble securing a junior position.

    Any suggested projects I should add on my resume that hasn't been done by 100+ devs? (I've recently been playing around with the Spotify API but besides an album searcher, I haven't done anything "useful" with the information.

    [Old Resume](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ho1bxDYrQJ1eyJIdS6J4-LGKZ1ObjJs6)

    [New Resume](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HiTnMhwiQ_gd8ul8SIivYarX1e8__6iw)

    Portfolio: https://tshana.github.io

    submitted by /u/shanaTS
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    [SHOWOFF SATURDAY] URL shortener without any trackers, not even your IP is logged! - Update

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    Repost since a bug occured. A couple of days ago i posted my website (remic.co - URL-shortener and privacy-enhanced alternative to bitly) to this sub. You guys came with some good feedback, and i listened. Remic.cohas improved because of the people in this sub.

    New features:

    - Custom URLs (numbers only)

    - Removed www. - now a shortened link can be visited without having www. in front of it

    - Tool added to trace the ending destination of a URL

    - Font-family changed to Aleo

    - "Track" (the page to see the amount of clicks a certain link has gotten), has been renamed to "statistics".

    - Text has a bigger width on the front page

    - Spelling mistakes

    - Some backend stuff

    Thanks for helping me out! If you have more ideas or criticism, you are more than welcome to tell me. For future updates, you can add me on twitter @RehmanAbraham

    submitted by /u/RehmanAbraham
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    Do any web projects actually use text files?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    I'm following a rather complete feeling course on JavaScript, and it teaches how to interact with a lot of the common data types (JSON, XML, text files etc). The one that surprised me, was text. JSON and XML I understand because JSON is everywhere now, and XML is still around too. But text? When would I ever store data in text files?

    submitted by /u/mymar101
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    MySQL time-out when trying to connect.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Once again, I'm not sure I can get proper help here with java considering this is not necessarily a Webdev project, but I had a little help from some people here before concerning MySQL, so I'm hoping someone can lend a hand.

    I am trying to connect to a database that is being hosted on FreeMySQLHosting.net and I wrote a small piece of java code to connect to that database and print out everything in a table. Running the code is fine, the problem arises when it throws a ConnectionException Error. I read on a stack overflow post to try and connect to the server through telnet or nc command, though I am unable to see any success in connecting at all. Is there anyone that can help me debug the issue? Any help appreciated. Thanks!

    Pastebin - Code and Error

    submitted by /u/itsdevkay
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