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    Friday, June 28, 2019

    A quick intro to Git - for absolute beginners learn programming

    A quick intro to Git - for absolute beginners learn programming

    A quick intro to Git - for absolute beginners

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    I wrote this tutorial/intro a while ago due to lack of resources written in layman's terms, explaining what git is and why you should use it.

    I took years to get around to learning it, for this reason, but I shouldn't have - it's an incredibly simple tool which you can learn the basics of by reading this post.

    Hopefully, it helps some of you!

    Post:- https://webtuu.com/blog/04/a-laymans-introduction-to-git

    submitted by /u/imnos
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    Would you be interested in a free live Stream for absolute beginners in iOS Development?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 04:05 AM PDT


    I am a software developer with years of experience with a steady job. I'd like to help people who are interested in learning the art of programming. Obviously, previous experience in any programming language would help, but it's NOT required.

    I'll be giving an introduction to the tools, simple explanation of very basic elements and make a simple one page application. The sole purpose is to hold your hand and show you that this programming stuff isn't as daunting as it sounds.

    You should be planning to spare at least 30-40 minutes. That's it.

    Context: When I used to tutor university students, I've had the reviews like: "learned more in a couple of hours than they did in a vast period of time at university". You can read the reviews yourself here

    Please let me know if this is something some people would be interested in so we can figure out when to do this, together.


    submitted by /u/hajibava
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    Jumping the gap between learning programming and actually being proficient!!! Anyone have ideas, stories or techniques?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Alright so I don't know how many people face this problem (I'm pretty sure many of you do) but I have been learning programming for 4 years now. I started on codecademy and worked through tutorials and some basic books. But the problem I am facing is I have known the basics of programming (variables, loops, arrays, etc) for quite some time now but I have been unable to jump from that beginner level to being proficient. This past month I finally adopted an approach where I just took up a random topic in python (GUI to start with) and started reading a book and making a small rock, paper, scissors GUI game in python. My next step would be to learn networking in python and build a multiplayer rock, paper, scissors game. I hope this works. Any of you have any ideas, experiences, stories or techniques they find helpful? People who are facing this problem what have you done to get over this so far?

    I hope this post can help motivate people and help them figure out a way to improve themselves.

    submitted by /u/abdullahaquarius
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    As someone who sees many people wanting to break into this field, I have a few words of advice

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    I am by no means an experienced programmer. I learned Java and Cpp in college, a bit of Python on the side and only got serious about it about 2 years ago. That's one of the points I will try to talk about. Because of my position, I see a lot of newbie or wanna be programmers. People who have never written a single line of code, and don't know where they should write this code everyone talks about. I'm talking very limited computer science knowledge. I showed a group of them an image that had the words "ML" and "AI" in it. One of them emailed me privately to ask what "ML" and "AI" stand for. Literally, an entire email to ask that when she could've googled for the answer. In fact, if you just type in the word "ML" in google, one of the suggestions is Machine Learning - Field of Study.

    Here's my point: Learn how to google things.

    You've seen the memes, programming is associated with becoming a master googler. It's true, and you need to develop this and you will if you rely on yourself to get ahead with this. But please don't be lazy with it, and questions like the ones I get "how do I become a X" are all too common, and can be done with a simple google search. If you're not even going to put in the effort to research how to become the type of programmer you want to be; I've got news for you: You'll never be a programmer.

    The second point is to not expect to become a master ninja programmer after taking a 30 hours long Udemy course. FFS, I know people (more than 5) who have CS degrees and literally went to programming classes for the first few semesters of their college career but only learned true programming and started calling themselves programmers after years. The only ones who were truly programmers when the ones who started at 11. No, you don't have to start that young - but you also can't expect it to happen in 3 months, after one course, or 1 year after 3 courses. You also definitely shouldn't expect to be a programmer after 100 courses.

    Because it's not about watching videos, it's about doing things. And this is a common advice given, but very few listen to this. I didn't listen to this, until I needed to do a project and during that time, it all clicked for me.

    That's it:

    1. Google
    2. Don't expect anything

    Edit to explain point 2 a bit more:

    So I showed up to my C++ class which was during my 3rd semester after taking Java in 1st semester. The thing I did with my C++ class was just go to lectures, do the minimum on homework for half the semester and then fail to stick with it, and then stopped going to lectures. I was lost and confused about pointers. Our midterm project was to develop a game, and looking back it wasn't that hard but I couldn't do it based on just what I knew. I thought I'd just pass the class with a D, but my professor said I needed to do the final project AND the midterm if I wanted to pass and gave me an extra two weeks for them. So, I was done with exams and decided to do the projects in two weeks. What I did was read an entire monster text book, high lighted stuff, watched videos on youtube, etc. Nothing was working. I was nowhere near close to finishing.

    Until I had only a few days left to get things done, and decided to just google for how to do stuff... and then things started clicking once I was actually writing code, reading code, and asking the right questions. "How do you print a grid" was where I started with! I did the midterm project, with only a small error (it was running, but if you made three certain moves back to back it would crash. Which is still very good, because my professor didn't make those moves, but he knew! lol ) and the final project as well as I could. I passed the class, but that didn't even matter. I had finally made something with code, and it didn't require me reading an entire text book. I still knew the basics, which is why I understood the code explained by various posts online. So, that's what happened for me.

    submitted by /u/TulaLuLaLeeey
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    Python Study Group on Slack

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    We are a group on Slack, studying Python, we give each other feedback on projects and help to solve problems.

    We are already 2 years old, you can check some of our older projects here https://github.com/py-study-group

    At the moment most of us are beginners, we want to get experience working on larger projects and collaboration, but everyone is welcome. If you are interested you can get an invite here https://pystudygroup.herokuapp.com

    submitted by /u/iakovosbelonias
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    Resources to learn Data Structures

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    I just finished learning basic Java. I wanted to expand on my knowledge and learn more about data structures. What are some good resources, particularly something similar to the Java MOOC with exercises?

    submitted by /u/Zelzal7
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    I'm in the process of learning JavaScript and HTML5. What is another important, widely used language I can start learning?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:16 PM PDT

    Python, C++, C#, Java etc.

    submitted by /u/Wahhhhhhh44
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    I'm trying to practice python and I don't know where to look

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    Having been a math major before I started computer science, I feel like a lot of the sources that teach program languages teach a lot of theories and some examples, but not enough. It's like discussing integration and taking derivatives but rarely gives examples compare to typical math textbooks in my opinion. I'm looking for a source to practice python so I can get better at it as I am teaching myself that language as of now. Is there like a college course website where there are assignments in python that I can practice off of?

    submitted by /u/basementmath
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    Wanna Build a website that allows a user to play with Encryption algorithms and perform Stenography

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:02 PM PDT

    Newbie here. The idea of the project is a website. Where they will sign up to play spy. Allowing them to encrypt and hid data in different ways. Features l want available are allowing users to upload any kind of image file or moving image and text to encrypt using Stenography. Plan on using Python as it has great libraries for this. Javascript,html and css for the website layout plus node.js. Just need a good grasp of direction and what to do step by step. And Know what
    other necessary components I need to do to make this project successfully. This is the my biggest project so far. I have 2 weeks to do this.

    submitted by /u/ProfessionalStretch3
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    Build something in 2 days

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    Hey all. Long story short, I'm a newer developer professionally but have been coding on and off for several years and went to school for something akin to software engineering.

    However, my job doesn't have me build anything from the ground up at all and I'd like to practice that. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on projects that can be built over a weekend? I want to brush up but I don't have too much time for the next few weeks.

    I also need to practice algorithms/ds/big o, architecture, etc, but that's at a later time...

    I have experience with c#/java/html/css/very little exp. with JavaScript and python

    Thank you all.

    submitted by /u/BecauseImAwesomeDuh
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    I have been stuck on the same Python problem for 3 weeks.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:52 PM PDT

    I just can't figure it out. I'm new to programming, and am currently taking a logic of software development course at my local community college. We have an extra credit assignment, nested i f statement in Python. The problem is they give me a partially completed program that figure's out an employee's productivity score and therefore their bonus in dollars. And for the life of me I cannot wrap my head around it.

    Any suggestions for resources on the subject to help me?

    submitted by /u/dontgrabtheknob
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    I have to take an XML document and write JavaScript code that will read it and output it to an HTML table. I am UTTERLY lost.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:15 PM PDT

    As stated in title, I have an XML document and I need to write JavaScript code that outputs this data into a table.

    I'm completely lost and have been scouring the internet for hours. Can someone point me in the right direction? I don't even know how to get the data in the XML document over to the HTML document. So far what I have is:

     <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function loadXMLDoc(dname) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xhttp.open("GET", dname, false); xhttp.send(); return xhttp.responseXML; } </script> 

    Apparently this is supposed to load the XML document into the HTML document?


    To test if I can even access the elements of my XML doc, I wrote this stub function:

     function test(dname) { var make = dname.getElementsByTagName("make"); document.writeln(make); } 

    And then I wrote this in the body of the HTML page:

    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> cars = loadXMLDoc("cars.xml"); test(cars); </script> 

    If I open the HTML page all I get is:

    [object HTMLCollection]

    submitted by /u/Ndemco
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    Is Google's Professional Cloud Developer certificate really worth it?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 04:59 PM PDT

    I'm considering working toward getting some 'relevant' certification on my resume. Google's Professional Cloud Developer certificate looks interesting but my goal is to become a Go/python developer. If anyone knows any widely acclaimed certification bodies that I can look into to bolster my CV please send me your recommendations!

    submitted by /u/Kobe_Richardson
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    I took a C learning class last semester but I still don't know what you can do with the language. What are some uses for the language?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    I know it is a fundamental language that is the basic block for all the languages. I learned about arrays, pointers, etc. I know you can make sorting algorithms and randomizers but what can you actually do with the language? Would be great if you can give some examples of some applications.

    submitted by /u/secretsecretive
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    Would it be wise to learn a bit of design?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    Im familiar with css and when I was asked to build a website to act as a gallary for several albums of images it was pretty trivial programming. I could get the css correct so it's navigable. But to be quite honest the site looks like utter sh**. I'm wondering if I should read up on design trends and brush upy css.

    submitted by /u/C0wseed
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    Does a competent full-stack developer need to understand network engineering?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:44 PM PDT

    How critical is it to learn about network engineering (to the point on par with the CCNA, CCNP, CCIE certifications)?

    submitted by /u/Past_Sir
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    How doI create database for my project in MATLAB?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:34 PM PDT

    I am currently working on 'hand gesture recognition' on MATLAB. I have the code but don't have the databases to compare the captured images. I'm confused. Please help!

    submitted by /u/thatlowkey
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    MacBook Surveillance using Built in Webcam

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Looking for some help on where to start. I've got a decent background when it comes to programming, but not any experience with making a program for MacBooks, I want to make a program that uses my built in webcam as a surveillance camera to basically start recording when it detects motion and to send a notification to my phone either through email or text. If anyone has any helpful links or suggestions that would be great!

    submitted by /u/browndude4
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    [C#] Detecting if a game is running

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I'm making a program to which gives information on the games the user plays, I'm not sure how to check which game is running and I need a way to track how long said game is/was running.

    I do know steam stores certain values in the registry (under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam\Apps), such as the name of the game, if it's running or updating, and if it's installed in the first place, so I tried using this but have no idea how to search for those specific registry keys.

    The expected outcome is a way to detect if a game is running and how long that game has been running for, also able to know when the game is no longer running.

    Thank You.

    submitted by /u/loneoption
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    Semantics problem on chord ambiguity while organizing it

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:13 PM PDT

    Maybe this is the wrong subreddt for it but here it is:

    I'm building a program that helps the composer build a chord in a progression and one of the parts of the program is to identify the voices in the chord (while building it).

    So, there will be amiguity since the range of the voices have common notes, organizing in B, B & T, B & T & C, B & T & C & S, T & C & S, C & S and S.

    I organized a chord in a list containing lists of possibilities for each of the 4 voices:

    chord = [[poss_B], [poss_T], [poss_C], [poss_S]]

    The input will be of 1 to 4 notes ( yes, 1 note can form a very weird chord in my program between C4 and D4).

    There can be voices that are the same note, but there will aways be 4 voices.

    For each note added it checks:

    if there are empty lists: if are there it needs note input

    if all notes are different between each other: if tthey are not then it enables note input.

    To each note added it checks its range and adds it to all voices within the range

    After it takes off the amiguities: ############( this is the part that I don't know if is logicaly correct)##############

    chord[0] = [min(chord[0])]

    chord[3] = [max(chord[3])]

    for i in chord[1]:

    if i not in chord[0] and i not in chord[2]:

    chord[1] = [i]

    for i in chord[2]:

    if i not in chord[1] and i not in chord[3]:

    chord[2] = [i]

    Edit: One more rule I seem to have forgotten: B <= T <= C <= S

    submitted by /u/logusbin
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    [c#/c++] WPF Program and c++ unreal engine 4 game interactions

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:53 PM PDT

    So I decided to try making a game after having spent a good while with c#/wpf programs/applications and was wondering, my primary wpf program is a overlay which can be used with games so would it be possible to have my game and overlay exchange information? (for those who have used discord it's like discord's game sdk which shows you the game the user is playing, the amount of time they've been playing, and other details such as the level/map)

    Thank You.

    submitted by /u/loneoption
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    How do you program peripherals?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    I'm an extremely new programmer, and I don't know what I'm talking about, so bare with me while I try and make sense.

    Basically I'm wondering what it takes for you to make programs that can be effected by, let's say, an Xbox controller.

    I'm taking a Python course on Udemy, and I've looked over all the modules, but I haven't seen any reference to programming peripherals. This makes me think it's not common coding knowledge, which is why I'm asking here.

    It's not imperative that I know right now, as I don't even know the difference between a List and a Tuple at the moment!

    I just wondered if there was some special name for the field dedicated to making devices that control program inputs,

    and vice-versa. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/freemrshkreli
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    What is the proper way to test code that you are still developing?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:12 PM PDT

    I'm developing a server with Node.JS and Express which will connect one application with another one. I am, however, still a beginner with web development, and I am often writing unit tests to test every single piece of code I am developing, as I am not confident enough that the code I create will work right away.

    Let's say I'm writing a piece of code that will send a request to a RESTful API using Axios. During the development of that, I would create unit tests to help me check whether my code was working properly or not.

    Those tests take awhile, and I searched online and found out that external calls should not be united tested, so I scrapped most of those tests away as they were taking too long to complete.

    This leads to my question - what is the proper way to test what you are still developing if you want to maximize productivity?

    submitted by /u/nevirus
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    Death Battle game (Superman vs Batman) with Javascript

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    I have completed this simple death battle game with Javascript. Basically, Superman vs Batman until one dies. That's it. Just wondering, how can I refactor my code further to reduce the code repetition in this program or any comment to improve coding style?

    var superman = { life: 10, isAlive: true, attack: 0 // attack() { // return getAttackDamage(); // } }; var batman = { life: 10, isAlive: true, attack: 0 // attack() { // return getAttackDamage(); // } }; const getAttackDamage = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); }; const playGame = () => { init(); // recurssive is used instead of while loop for the setTimeout to work fight(); function fight() { setTimeout(function() { $("#heroBatman").removeClass("attacked"); $("#heroSuperman").removeClass("attacked"); // while both still alive, figth each other. // recurssive is used instead of while loop for the setTimeout to work //while (superman.isAlive && batman.isAlive) { var whoAttack = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (whoAttack === 0) { // superman attack batman // Random attack will be generated from 0-2 // if attack is zero, enemy avoided attack. superman.attack = getAttackDamage(); if (superman.attack === 0) { $("#gameResult").text("Superman attacked Batman but Batman avoided."); } else { batman.life = batman.life - superman.attack; $("#gameResult").text("Superman punched Batman."); $("#heroBatman").addClass("attacked"); } if (batman.life <= 0) { batman.life = 0; batman.isAlive = false; } showHeroLife(); } else { // batman attack superman // Random attack will be generated from 0-2 // if attack is zero, enemy avoided attack. batman.attack = getAttackDamage(); if (batman.attack === 0) { $("#gameResult").text("Superman dodged from Batmans trap."); } else { //superman.life = superman.life - 1; superman.life = superman.life - batman.attack; $("#gameResult").text( "Batman uses remote activated guns that fire and expels Kryptonite mist at Superman." ); $("#heroSuperman").addClass("attacked"); } if (superman.life <= 0) { superman.life = 0; superman.isAlive = false; } showHeroLife(); } checkEndGame(); //} // recurssive is used instead of while loop for the setTimeout to work if (superman.isAlive && batman.isAlive) fight(); }, 1500); } }; const showHeroLife = () => { $("#supermanLife").text(superman.life); $("#batmanLife").text(batman.life); }; const checkEndGame = () => { if (superman.isAlive === false || batman.isAlive === false) { console.log("Game Over"); if (superman.isAlive) { $("#gameResult").text("Superman killed Batman with X-Ray laser vision."); console.log("Superman win"); $("#heroBatman").fadeTo(1000, 0.2); // fadeOut } else { $("#gameResult").text("Batman killed Superman with Kryptonite spear."); console.log("Batman win"); $("#heroSuperman").fadeTo(1000, 0.2); // fadeOut } } }; const init = () => { $("#gameResult").text(""); superman.life = 10; superman.isAlive = true; $("#heroSuperman").fadeTo(2000, 1); batman.life = 10; batman.isAlive = true; $("#heroBatman").fadeTo(2000, 1); showHeroLife(); }; 

    Try out at https://ngaisteve1.github.io/DeathBattleGameJS/

    Source at https://github.com/ngaisteve1/DeathBattleGameJS

    Sample program output at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aag9LzhSPQ8

    submitted by /u/ngaisteve1
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