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    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    +8000 Work Hours, solo dev C++ Engine project & indie game project

    +8000 Work Hours, solo dev C++ Engine project & indie game project

    +8000 Work Hours, solo dev C++ Engine project & indie game project

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    Are there any reputable mobile game promotion services that aren't buying reviews from review farms?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    I'd like to promote my game and I have some money set aside for a marketing budget. I'm am not the best people person, don't use social media, and really have no internet game so I really need help and I am always happy to pay people who have skills I don't have so I'm looking for some service I can hire to help. However, everything I found when searching looked like it is all paying for 5 star reviews and that seems unethical to me. Are there any legit services that help with things like social media marketing and maybe ad placement or cross promotion or anything? And of course I'm talking about stuff a nobody with a couple hundred bucks could afford. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/property_and_method
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    Game Dev Life Hack: Get a Decision Journal and Use It!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 02:14 AM PDT

    Even solo developers should consider this, but its usefulness grows in larger groups.

    Someday you'll look back in a post-mortem and wonder why you made some strange decision. In fact, you've probably seen weird decisions from your favorite developer's published post-mortems already, or from books like Schreier's Blood, Sweat, and Pixels.

    Trick is, we all suffer hindsight bias. After we finish a project, hindsight bias blinds us to the possibilities that did not occur, and highlights those that did. Thus, we don't perceive the original conditions around the decision. Usually, we instead confabulate an after-the-fact story, which substitutes simple, inaccurate explanations for what really happened.

    Get a notebook, file, GoogleDoc, whatever, and keep a decision history! The key is, don't just record the decision — although that is useful in itself — write down the assumptions about the world that justified that choice. Also, how strongly these beliefs were held. Write assuming someday someone (maybe yourself) will be asking why you did this. Maybe you thought Battle Royale was forever. Or that you had to ship in six months no matter what, when you ended up shipping two years later. Maybe some decisions are too trivial to track; find a good balance between spending too much time on this versus providing something useful. This could be combined with your risk logs.

    As your team scales, this becomes important for other reasons. You'll encounter people who make up reality as they go. If there's no record, these bullshiteers tend to advance over the value-producing employees. Immutable histories are poison to political wigglers.

    If this is of interest, I did write a book on this topic called Deep Management: Game and Software Development (by John Bible). It's pretty new, so no reviews yet, but the Amazon version has the first 10% as a preview. Also, Ray Dalio (founder of Bridgewater Associates) wrote a great book called Principles: Work and Life, which focuses on how you should think when building a decision-making culture. For why decision histories can matter so much in post-mortems, look into Diane Vaughan's book The Challenger Launch Decision, about the real underlying causes of that disaster.

    Hope you all found this interesting!

    submitted by /u/JohnJadeBible
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    Handmade Doom - Week 002 (Tutorial)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    This is the second installment of the tutorial series on how to create a DOOM software renderer from scratch with C++ and SDL, driven by /u/AngryCPPCoder and with myself as guest contributor.

    This tutorial focuses on the WAD file format, how to read it, and how to begin using the data to create and begin rendering DOOM Missions (levels).


    ​Topics Covered

    • Mission (Map structure) Anatomy

    • Lump, VERTEXES and LINEDEF formats

    • Creation of a Map class to manage the Mission data

    • Tips on how to best debug while loading

    • How to visually plot the VERTEXES and LINEDEF data

    Over ten more tutorials have already been created and are in the process of being reviewed. We will be posting a new tutorial each and every week until the renderer is complete, so stay tuned!

    submitted by /u/DOOMReboot
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    Hello everyone! I am KB and I created a gamejam for both streamers and gamedevs called ScoreSpace. Our next jam is in 3 days!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    Everything has something to say in the world of Lala, even the walls...

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    openage, a genie engine (e.g. Age of Empires) remake written primary in C++ and nuances of python

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:33 PM PDT

    openage is a volunteer project to create a free engine remake of the Genie Engine used by Age of Empires (DE), Age of Empires II (HD/DE) and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. At the moment we focus our efforts on the integration of Age of Empires II, while being primarily aimed at POSIX platforms such as GNU/Linux, nevertheless, we've also got an windows installer (win10_x64).

    openage v0.3.0

    Technology Component
    C++17 Engine core
    Python3 Scripting, media conversion, in-game console, code generation
    Qt5 Graphical user interface
    Cython Glue code
    CMake Build System
    OpenGL3.3 Rendering, shaders
    SDL2 Cross-platform Audio/Input/Window handling
    Opus Audio codec
    nyan stores hierarchical objects with key-value pairs in a database, content configuration and modding

    There will be many fundamental changes in the upcoming future. For example we are working on the Modding API (nyan) and the converter for all of the game titles released for Genie Engine (mentioned in introduction).

    Also we are implementing huge gamestate changes with an completely tickless, event-based game engine that will also give us the opportunity to implement nice features like kind of a ChronoCam from Planetary Annihilation but also the possibility of separating rendering and simulation which will be the basis for networking and server-based multiplayer.

    Furthermore we want to implement better pathfinding based on a variety of different techniques from basic level A* to flow-field algorithms, you could think of like here.

    Also we are setting up our windows CI (KevinCI) to also throw out more frequent Windows releases, that will also make small progress more visible in the future for all of us. There is much to come!

    If you are interested in helping to open AGE with this great project, take a look at the following links.

    Status: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GujF6YGSBY

    Website: https://openage.sft.mx/

    Github: https://github.com/SFTtech/openage

    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/openage/

    submitted by /u/simonsanone
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    Otter fish slapping simulator! We've been working on our mid map objectives and a brand new character.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    Given there is a combo system how do you incentivize players to use different combos?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    (I am talking more in terms of action/character action instead of fighting game genre)

    Simple question really but I am having a hard time figuring out many ways other than something equivalent to DMC's "style points" I suppose.

    Even then people who don't really care about a "combo meter" as such, what are some ways to avoid mashing one single button (+ dodge/jump or any other defensive mechanic) and try to nudge players towards using a combination of attack buttons.

    submitted by /u/chemx32
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    Sanders defends game developers

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Here’s a free song I put up on my bandcamp. It’s kind of a mix between video game music and film score. Would probably work best broken up into cutscenes. Let me know what you think :)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Discontinue developer diaries on YouTube

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:47 AM PDT


    During development of Discontinue (a VR game) we took some screen recordings, images, phone videos and have recently published them on youtube. Some are extremely short but the complete list does give a nice overview of how the game came about.

    Discontinue developer videos

    Ps. The game itself you can find on Steam

    submitted by /u/GamerRGB
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    Devs deserve the benefits of a union, says US presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    gamedev.world starts in 3 days and speakers were announced today. Are you guys interested in any of the talks?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    How can I get my feet wet in this career?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I'm having a huge crisis in career choices at the moment. I'm 24 going on 25, and have 0 experience in game design/development. I have a love for video games as much as the next person, I tend to play them with a very critical eye, I love the idea of myself making a video game, from stories, level design, character design, etc. Primarily, my biggest interest would be in writing, but I again, have little to no experience in writing a story. With that being said, I would like to begin to at least know the basics and what it takes to be part of game design, but have NO idea where to start, if the job market in that field is stable, of even if I'd like it at the end of the day.

    So I was looking for some advice from people who might be in the same shoes as me. What is your experience starting from nothing, and bringing you to where you are now? What are the pros and cons? Experiences? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/APalmere
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    UE4 : Optimizing lighting and the post process in your project

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    Becoming a game designer

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Hello gamedevs!

    I will keep this short as possible, and apologies if these post flood this subreddit, It's just the only outlet I think to ask about this. I've always loved games, and have always thought at one point I would love to design them. With the advent of VR, particularly the Quest my desire has been burning even brighter.

    I've recently began designing a 2v2 location based VR game and have been working with a developer to prototype the game (which we found was actually fun) and now is moving into the harder part of developing the networking infrastructure. We are also looking at developing an at home version of the game with a 1v1 multiplayer mode. All is going good except one thing, I can't really do anything. I have zero game development experience, no idea how to code and my art skills are barely passible. The only thing I think I'm good at is designing games and their mechanics. I have good understanding what feels good, risk v rewards in gameplay and can identity when something is becoming too complex or unintuitive. With this current venture I have "designed" the game with the help of a single developer who I am paying for his time, and when it reaches further stages I will do the same with the 3d modeler, environment artist and animator.

    My question is, is this sustainable? Obviously this is how game development companies work but usually indie dev teams, especially in the niche field of VR, consist of one or two devs who are multifaceted and can wear many hats to keep costs low. Is it stupid for me to even venture into this field as a "designer" with no coding ability or experience? The location based VR makes a little sense as I can assist in the logistical aspects and any marketing that is required.

    For clarity my background is in film-making and marketing, so I do know how to reach audiences and sell online, lead crew towards a vision and create entertaining content for consumers however I worry at this level those skills are kind of redundant. Sorry for the wall of text, I'm just super excited about the VR gaming world and brimming with ideas but don't want to blow all my cash on failure. Any advice on what I could do to help my team better would be appricated.

    submitted by /u/McZootyFace
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    SDL2 book C++

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    hello, i'm looking for a book on SDL2, does someone know a good book?

    submitted by /u/CatSauce66
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    How to enable my game achievments pop-up notifications?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    I published my game on steam.

    During play, the achievments pop-up notifications not appear. but they are all jumping up in game's exit.

    There's an option to enable it?

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/galhajaj
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    Entity-Component-System (ECS) back and forth: the talk

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    These are the slides of a talk I gave at the Italian C++ Conference 2019 in Milan.

    The goal of the talk was to present the three best known and apparently most used models for the implementation of a software (either a game or whatever) based on the entity-component-system architectural pattern.

    In particular:

    • The Big Array: used by entityx among the others, probably one of the first ECS libraries in C++.
    • Archetypes: used in the Unity engine, but also by decs if you're looking for an open-source implementation in C++.
    • Sparse Set: used by EnTT, an ECS library in modern C++ and of which I'm also the author.

    Of course, there are also many other implementations of these models, but it was still a C++ conference, so I had to turn to the C++ world!In just 50 minutes I tried to go through the pros and cons of these approaches (probably failing in the attempt, but I did my best), hoping to give a grasp of the topic to those interested.

    I think it's worth sharing with anyone who wants to go a bit more in details, since the topic seems to interest many nowadays. I hope you find them interesting and I will listen to your feedback (if any) to improve these slides with a view to a future talk on the same topic (if there will be any).

    As a side note, the talk was recorded and should be made available soon as far as I know.If you're interested, keep an eye to this post for further updates.

    submitted by /u/skypjack
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    UE4 Menu Tutorial Part 2! How to make a basic level selection screen and quit game option!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Theomachy - A Greek Styled Dark Souls

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    Hello r/gamedev members! I and a discord group of 15 people who are decently skilled have decided to start a new game, after testing several engines, we've decided that either Unreal or Roblox studio is the easiest and well built program to use.

    We've currently built several concepts of what the game will be, how it's built, and the lore behind it. Currently, we're looking for feedback on our game for mainly lore and models.


    The link above is our concept in Roblox Studio, it is all completely original. Please leave feedback in the description of this post.

    Lore wise, we plan to make something like God of War with the same dreary essence in the Souls Series. Below you'll find our basic plan for the lore and concept.

    First managing to find your way out of a dungeon in the underworld, you are there for tricking the gods, managing your way out by fighting guards and maddened souls/spirits, you reach Cerberus which you slay and manage to escape the Underworld. After slaying several key bosses, giants, powerful revenants, several minor gods, and several unique bosses, you stumble your way to Aphrodite who helps guide your path through more major gods. After finishing what seems to be most of the gods, you reach a terrifying and gigantic Zues, but once you fight him he simply shrinks and turns into smaller human form where he'll be no match with his decaying and weaken body and you finish him off setting several different ending concepts.

    Please leave any feedback as my team and I would surely appreciate it, any ideas and help would also be welcome.

    submitted by /u/IntoxicatedYam
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    One man band lacking creativity

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    In my free time, I've been developing a game in Unreal Engine and I've gotten to the point where I have a lot of the basic game mechanics down and now need to choose which direction to take my game (whether it's strictly a competitive shooter, or a sandbox type game, RPG, etc).

    The very short explanation of my game is that technology has advanced so much that it is hard to distinguish from magic, so the player would be a mixture of a hacker/wizard type person.

    What I want the game to be like is similar to the Destiny games, where you have a story line and you can free roam but also the ability to do PvP and group PvM. I can't seem to think of a good setting to build my game world in as I don't feel like having it in just a futuristic city would be very fun and I certainly can't make it some medieval setting like every other magic-based RPG game.

    I guess what I'm asking for it some creative advice, because I'm currently lacking.

    submitted by /u/DrArtimos
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