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    Wednesday, May 29, 2019

    You guys ever feel like you pretty have no in depth knowledge about anything, constantly Google stuff (which maybe contributes to a lack of memorization), and yet somehow you're able to solve programmatic problems, push stuff to production, and stay employed? web developers

    You guys ever feel like you pretty have no in depth knowledge about anything, constantly Google stuff (which maybe contributes to a lack of memorization), and yet somehow you're able to solve programmatic problems, push stuff to production, and stay employed? web developers

    You guys ever feel like you pretty have no in depth knowledge about anything, constantly Google stuff (which maybe contributes to a lack of memorization), and yet somehow you're able to solve programmatic problems, push stuff to production, and stay employed?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    or maybe it's just a mix of imposter syndrome and being a shitty developer ;)

    submitted by /u/malvin77
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    Hosting many websites

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:19 AM PDT

    I want to expand my offer from logo design and branding to web design. Already have 2 business owners lined up for the website setup. I'll do websites and maintenance through Wordpress themes as small businesses usually don't need crazy custom development.

    My plan is to charge one time fee for the setup and monthly payments for maintenance.

    If anyone here do this, what's the best way to host all those websites? I see sites like Hostgator and GoDaddy offer plans where you can get UNLIMITED domains under one hosting (Shared Web Hosting Plans).

    Is that the best way to do it? I guess shared hosting has probably some negative sides too.

    Please let me know if anyone has more experience in this.

    Thank you!

    p.s. I've done websites already for clients but they take care of them by themselves.

    EDIT: My clients will be small construction (or similar) businesses who just want a presence on the web (Home, About, Contact and Gallery) . Nothing crazy.

    submitted by /u/netdom
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    Passive income as a web developer?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    are any of you getting passive income from a side project or anything as a web developer?

    submitted by /u/Mugen1220
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    Permanent URL Hijack Through 301 HTTP Redirect Cache Poisoning

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:37 AM PDT

    Create a split, faux-container layout with CSS Grid and Flexbox

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    Does real web dev exist? Like the stuff they write all those articles about?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 05:04 PM PDT

    Been doing this for 25 years. My first site launched on IIS with a SQL Server DB. I wrote the whole thing in ASP using Macromedia's Drumbeat. I've worked at agencies a bit, with agencies a lot, and generally as the "web guy" in large corporations and stuff. I've launched hundreds of sites. I've made the logo bigger. I've laid out email templates using spacer.gif.

    Throughout all of this - at no point have I ever seen:

    • A/B testing
    • A test plan
    • A code review
    • Automated testing (beyond linting)

    And many other things that seems to be take for granted in much of the literature and podcasts I consume. Not even - like this happens occasionally or on the really sharp and large teams - like apparently everyone but me has been writing unit tests since cgi-bins went out of style?

    Anyone else feeling this way a bit? Like - how many people are just sort of building websites? Perhaps I have lost out by working mostly solo my career up until now? I dunno - feeling a bit like I do the job the old way or something. I still make sure to optimize my pages down to the smallest package I can make, the fewest calls, etc.

    I should go to a meetup...

    submitted by /u/abeuscher
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    Would any current devs be willing to share their resume/portfolio that got them their current job?

    Posted: 28 May 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get a position as a jr. web dev, but I have no idea how I stack up against other people.

    Would anyone be willing to share their resumes/portfolios? Anyone is welcome to show off! I'd really like to see jr resumes/portfolios the most.

    submitted by /u/browat
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    Useful cheat sheet for Laravel Eloquent ORM

    Posted: 29 May 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    In a pickle - Anyone else have experience with being ghosted by hosting providers? Unable to access domain control?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Any advice would be very much appreciated!

    I recently took over the management for a Not-for-profit organization's website. There were a few issues that I wanted to ask the hosting provider about, but they have totally disappeared. Now the client is so angry with the provider for not being responsive at all (understandably so) that they want to move to another hosting company. BUT the domain name registration was done by this hosting company on behalf of my client, and without being about to contact them, I'm not sure how to regain control of the domain name and move everything to another provider.

    Any ideas on how to move forward? I've contacted the registrar, to ask but have not heard anything back yet (sigh), I suppose there is a lot of fraud in this regard.

    submitted by /u/hiboujibou
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    Does anyone feel that you can't "win" when choosing web/mobile frameworks to learn?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    I noticed that there seems to be "developer niches" in various different programming languages fighting with other niches to determine which is the best to learn, even for a very specific use case.

    It feels like you simply can't win when it comes to these discussions.

    C# people want everything to be done in C#. ASP.NET. Check. Xamarin. Check. Blazor w/ WebAssembly. Check. Everything is done in C#. They think that JavaScript sucks. Java sucks. C# is great.

    JavaScript people too with Node.js, React Native and React.

    And now Dart/Flutter wants to do both mobile, hybrid mobile, web, and desktop. They think that React Native sucks. Dart/Flutter is the thing to learn.

    Don't even get me started on Kotlin and Kotlin Native, which might be redundant due to Dart/Flutter.

    For other programming languages, there at least seems to at least be a "central consensus" on what is good for what:

    • Objective-C / Swift is good for Native iOS Development
    • Java / Kotlin is good for Native Android Development
    • Python is good for AI/ML

    But everything in web is now a jumbled mess. You can't win. How do we sift through all this madness?

    submitted by /u/OverMatch4
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    What do you experience while coding?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    They say a lot about the "flow" and feeling of empowerment. What do you experience/feel while coding & developing?

    submitted by /u/xevolito
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    Is there a way to "opt-out" of being tracked by search engines?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    It's not a huge deal, but given the option I'd like my site to not show up with Google/DDG/Whatever search engine. Is there some way to signal to these web crawlers that my site desires not to be logged/tracked?

    submitted by /u/Rpgwaiter
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    Scene.js is an JavaScript & CSS timeline-based animation library

    Posted: 29 May 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    PHP or Python for social network development and work. What to choose?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:29 PM PDT


    I graduated from school a few days ago, and I'd like to start working.

    Due to the fact that I'm interested in programming, I'd like to become a programmer.

    I chose WEB for this, because it's easier to start there, and I have ideas.

    I'd like to develop a social network for the blind!

    In addition to the site, I'm going to create clients of this social network for Windows, Android and IOS. Although, maybe I'll hire a programmer to develop my social networking app for iOS.

    But I was late on choosing between PHP and Python.

    I worked with both programming languages, but I can't decide. Both programming languages have pros and cons for me.


    1. It's believed that PHP is faster.

    2. PHP is more popular all over the world and in my country. It will be easier to find a job, but more competition.

    3. I like PHP syntax more than Python syntax.

    4. PHP is web programming!

    5. PHP seems simpler.


    1. Python allows you to develop not only WEB applications.

    2. I'm interested in artificial intelligence and robotics. For this reason, perhaps in the future, I'll learn Python anyway.

    3. I can't create WEB applications without frameworks, but on the other hand, as I know, Python is more productive!

    4. Instagram and other things have been developed on Django. It stimulates.

    5. I'm blind. For this reason, I'm not interested in Frontend, I can't become a fullstack developer physically. Backend only. As I know, Django programmers work less on Frontend than PHP programmers.

    What should I choose to create a social network and work? What can you advise, focusing on the above?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Jonikster
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    How are you able to retain so much information?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    I have spent some time learning Node, and it makes sense and I feel as though I'm making progress. I'll jump on to learning something like React, and in as little time as a week, I've forgotten the Node stuff. I'll need to brush up on my HTML/CSS skills so I'll spend time doing that, and I've forgotten the things I learned in React.

    What's the secret to making progress but retaining the knowledge?

    submitted by /u/RetroSpock
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    Should I be worried?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    So I was hired 4 months ago as a Jr Web Developer/Programmer for a marketing agency. I worked mostly on a custom CMS built with Laravel and I've done a few tasks here and there for 2 clients mostly fixing bugs and making small modifications. Recently, 1 of our Senior Developer is leaving and we are looking for new people. The Senior Dev that I report to and has kind of mentored me the whole time I've been there asked the Development Manager for a Front End Developer (Bc me and him both do PHP and suck at Front End) and a Project manager. They ended up interviewing the guy with more experience than me to come in and do Full Stack Development. And I heard that they might hire 2 PHP devs instead of just 1. 60% of their clients still use a old programming language called Cold Fusion. Which they have talked about teaching it to me in the past but have recently suggested to teach it to the new developer in our last meeting. So I have a feeeling that my job is on the line. But I don't understand why bc I've been able to do my work and my experience is in PHP but some of them act like I don't do anything bc My Senior Developer feeds me work I don't talk to clients directly. Idk if I'm over thinking it or if I need to step up some how. Would you be worried if you were me? Should I start looking for another job? I already have a key to the office and they ordered me a company shirt and My name is on the website. But idk I feel like they are trying to replace me with someone that can do my job and more. But on the other hand I was hired for a reason and everyone started out as a Jr Dev at some point. My Manager mentioned giving me HMTL emails to code which I don't mind doing but that kind of pisses me off bc they hired me as a programmer.

    submitted by /u/UntouchedDruid4
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    Help Improve Website for mobile

    Posted: 29 May 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    URL: http://vanetooth.xvxagaming.com/

    Purpose: Advertising for my channels and social media

    Technologies Used: Dreamweaver? not too sure what to put here. HTML and CSS?

    Feedback Requested: I'm having trouble getting the resizing right, Usability and just general feedback


    This is my first website and I'm fairly new to HTML and CSS. Been learning it for the last week or so and was just wondering how the site can improve.

    submitted by /u/Vanetooth
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    Is it really possible to get a WebDev job without any type of degree?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    My backstory, I'm 30 and I've known HTML and CSS since I was 13 and had a silly website up with a buddy writing video game and PC hardware reviews during high school, i was planning on getting a CS degree after school, tho my family is pretty blue collar and did a good job of talking me out of it saying how expensive college was and that programming was gonna go the way of (laughibly) TV/VCR repair jobs in the future. They persuaded me to go to work at my uncle's body shop, after 5 years there he went under, now I'm stuck bouncing around in a dying, low paying industry that Ive never even been interested in. I've been doing freecodecamp and the Harvard edx program now for about 2 months, I kept hearing the whole if you can code you can get hired you don't need the degree so I completely jumped in headfirst, but after talking with my friend who I learned coding with (who has a CS degree) and is now a dept manager for a bank software company, I'm wondering if this is actually possible. He admitted they get flooded with resumes from "self taught devs" and they go straight to the trash, he said it's not nearly as hard to find entry level devs with a CS degree as it was just 3-5 years ago. And keep seeing on Reddit about how online certs don't mean much really, and a lot of those who turned it into a career change already had a degree in a different field. I'm having second thoughts. I'm gonna finish the program cuz I love being back into what I'm actually interested in, but the thing is my fiance and I agreed that I should quit my 2nd job to have a decent amount of time to pursue this but we're really starting to feel the income loss, so I'm wondering if this can really be a path to career change in 2019 or if I should just treat it as a hobby in my free time and go back to my 2nd job if the whole "if you can code you can get hired" thing isn't as true as it used to be.

    submitted by /u/AmswPizza1
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    Zdog · Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas and SVG

    Posted: 28 May 2019 07:34 PM PDT

    If website consists of different apps, should they be in same or separate git repos ?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:48 AM PDT

    Guys hi,

    As the title says i wonder if website consists of different apps, should they be in same or separate git repos.

    And if possible please explain why.

    submitted by /u/1f1nas
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    How is this swiper made?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:58 AM PDT


    The smooth transition between image+text, I see images with background fixed, ok, but how to control the text along with the image? Calculate the elements size, track the scroll and keep changing accordingly?

    submitted by /u/cajusky
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    Is there a way to include the username and password in the url so it will auto login?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    Want to dropout out of college.. Asking for advice

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I am in my first semester, pursuing a computer science related program in South America. I haven't found anything useful yet related to my desired career in web development and it is stressing me out, a lot. It's not about computer science itself but about the location – the teaching quality for CS is pretty low where I live and I think I would do much better with online courses and teaching myself (I have learned much more self-taught than in college) I think college is important, but my opinion is that if in my college I am not learning anything to work with, and it is not a good school, why not instead just learn from the best materials online?

    My plan is to work in the US and go by a marriage visa with my girlfriend from the US – I wonder if going the self-taught way would affect significantly my job opportunities.

    Would greatly appreciate your advice!

    submitted by /u/TheKaizenWolf
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    I’m messing around with the Intersection Observer API and decided to write about it

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Frontend devs: How many monitors?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    I'm going to buy a new laptop for freelance work and I'm torn between the Macbook Pro 13" (max two monitors) and a 15" (3+).

    Do I need 3? I kind of want 3... but then maybe I sacrifice portability? And there's the jump in cost. How about ultrawide?

    Aaargh. What's been your experience?

    submitted by /u/stoatbroker
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